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periodontal disease

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on periodontal disease (107717)
My friend has three teeth with abscesses(as in, infections) - all front bottom right next t...
Since I haven't had dental insurance in many years, I've neglected my dental health. I do b...
I was recently diagonosed with periodontal disease in the back half of my lower jaw. I have...
I understand that periodontal disease can be transmitted through saliva. I have a friend th...
Hi, I am a 36 years old. I have recently been diagnosed with 90% bone loss in every tooth...
One morning I woke to find that my tongue was smeared in black. It has occured several tim...
Journals about periodontal disease(1)
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A: Four out of five people have periodontal disease and don’t know it! Most people ar...