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8 Common Fertility Myths Busted

MYTH: Orgasms Help You to Conceive

MYTH: Orgasms Help You to Conceive

It sounds like it could be plausible — when a woman has an orgasm, her uterus contracts, creating a vacuum-type effect that could help usher the sperm into the uterus. But research doesn't bear this idea out. In fact, a recent study of more than 8,000 women found a weak correlation between orgasm rate and the number of children women had — but when other factors were included, the correlation disappeared. In other words, while orgasms make sex more fun, they won't help your conception hopes. A better bet? Timing sex with your fertile window to increase your odds of conception. 

Attribution: Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Thinkstock
By Nicole Ferring Holovach, MS, RD. Published on June 26, 2012. Updated on November 23, 2015. Nicole is a Washington, DC-based nutrition communications professional, writer, and health and wellness educator. She blogs about holistic health at
Reviewed by Shira R. Goldenholz, MD, MPH on August 12, 2015.