Health Chats
Eye Care: LASIK Surgery
Tuesday Jun 16, 2009, 03:00PM - 04:00PM (EST)
Dr. Omar Awad is a Board-Certified Ophthalmologist who is certified in VISX, Bausch & Lomb, Alcon LADARVision, VISX CustomVue, Bausch Zyoptix and Alcon Custom Cornea.<br><br> At Lasik<b><i>Plus</b></i> we know your vision changes throughout your life. But the importance of caring for your eyes and maintaining your sight never goes away. With constant advances in technology, more people can now be considered excellent candidates for laser vision correction than ever before. Whether it’s the hassle and expense of glasses or contacts, health issues, or the desire to focus on what’s most important to you, you have your own unique reasons for considering laser vision correction. <br><br> Everyone’s eyes are different, and not every procedure is appropriate for everyone. Having helped a million people nationwide through this process, we at Lasik<b><i>Plus</b></i> have a lot of information to share with you. <br><br> If you are considering LASIK surgery, or just want to learn more about the procedure, join Omar E. Awad, MD as he answers your questions regarding laser eye surgery. You can also call one of our Lasik<b><i>Plus</b></i> specialists anytime at 1-866-921-2179 or visit us on the web at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. We look forward to hearing from you! <form name="signup_form2" method="post" action="/health_chats/register/16"><br/> <div class="actions float_fix"> <a onclick="return false;" id="signup_form2_submit" class="big_gr_btn" href="#"><img src="/RoR/images/blank.gif" class="btn_l_img pos_rel"/><span style="padding-top: 2px;" class="btn_r_txt pos_rel"><span class="btn_r_txt_w">Register</span></span></a> <span><input type="submit" value="signup_form_h_submit" name="commit" class="hidden_submit"/></span> <script> Event.observe(document.signup_form2, 'submit', function(e) { if (true) { $('signup_form2_submit').replace('<b>Submitting</b> <img src="/RoR/images/wait_arrows.gif">'); } else { Event.stop(e); } } ); Event.observe($('signup_form2_submit'), 'click', function(e) { if (true) { document.signup_form2.submit();$('signup_form2_submit').replace('<b>Submitting</b> <img src="/RoR/images/wait_arrows.gif">'); } }); </script> </div> </form> <br/>
Hello and welcome to today's health chat discussing LASIK eye surgery. The chat is scheduled to begin at 3 pm Eastern / 12 pm Pacific, but please feel free to submit questions early.
The chat will begin in 10 minutes. Keep those questions coming!
Welcome everyone! Dr. Awad will be joining us in a few minutes and we'll be getting started.
Omar E. Awad, MD:
Hello!  Is it time to talk about one of my favorite subjects again?  LASIK Laser vision correction.
Welcome, Dr. Awad!
We're very happy to have you back today after the popular chat last month.
Today's chat is a moderated chat on the topic of LASIK eye surgery. Only questions about LASIK will be accepted by the moderator.
Omar E. Awad, MD:
I'm back - minor technical issue.  Sorry
Hello Dr. Omar, I've suffered from an infection to the retina, suspected as toxoplasmosis, 5 years back and it recurred around 7 months back it was treated with steroids and was cured. However it left scars on my retina. My vision now is affected a little because of these scars. I have a power of -2.5 for the right eye and -2.25 for the left eye. Would it be safe for me to undergo LASIK??
Hi. My sister had lasik and had to go back the next day for a problem with the corneal flap.  Is that common? It was quickly resolved and her vision is great!
Omar E. Awad, MD:
My connection may be a little slow.  I don't see the questions that I just accepted.
Omar E. Awad, MD:
Regarding the toxoplasmosis - it should not affect your ability to have LASIK.
Omar E. Awad, MD:
I would ask your retina doctor for a blessing first, but I would expect that you should be able to have LASIK provided your cornea is normal.
Omar E. Awad, MD:
Sister who had LASIK - it is standard to be checked the day after LASIK to make sure the flap has not shifted overnight.  It is very uncommon to have a problem with the flap, but it is absolutely best to have it fixed right away.  GLad she got it taken care of.
How easy is it to dislocate a LASIK flap?
Omar E. Awad, MD:
In the first few hours after LASIK, you could dislocate the flap somewhat easily.  This is why we advise you to not rub the eye and keep it closed.  
Omar E. Awad, MD:
The flap edges begin to heal very quickly - it is one of the fastest healing parts of the body.  
Omar E. Awad, MD:
Within about 2-3 days, it is pretty unlikely that you would be able to dislocate the flap by rubbing the eye.  
I am 54 and wear trifocals.  I am nearsighted with an astigmatism.  Am I a candidate for Lasik surgery and, if so, would I have to wear glasses for either near or far vision?
Omar E. Awad, MD:
If you have a bifocal or trifocal, you might consider monovision - correcting the dominant eye for distance and the non-dominant eye for near.
Omar E. Awad, MD:
OK I'm back!
Omar E. Awad, MD:
If you are not a good candidate for monovision, then we would correct both eyes for distance and you would likely need reading glasses for near work.  I recommend getting checked at your local LASIK center to find out what is best for you!
Hello Doctor,  Is there any pain at all with this surgery?
Omar E. Awad, MD:
With LASIK surgery there should not be any pain.
Omar E. Awad, MD:
If your eyelids are small, sometimes you can feel the eyelid holder, and this can be uncomfortable if you squeeze your eye.  Also, some people feel some pressure from the instrument that creates the flap, but this should not be painful.
Does Lasik last for a certain number of years and then have to be redone?
Omar E. Awad, MD:
LASIK permanently changes the curvature of the cornea - the front part of the eye.  It should not need to be repeated normally.  However, some people can get "regression" or loss of effect over the first year, and this can be treated with a "touch up" surgery.  
Omar E. Awad, MD:
Also, your eyes can sometimes change normally over time due to other reasons, and this could cause your vision to change as well.
What is the success rate for LASIK?
Omar E. Awad, MD:
LASIK is one of the most successful surgeries around.  Tha said, it is still a surgery and any procedure has it's risks.  
Omar E. Awad, MD:
Some people measure the success by the percent of people that need a retreatment to get the best vision.  The lower the "enhancement rate" the higher the success.
Omar E. Awad, MD:
Other than enhancements, which can be anywhere from 3% - 10%, the risks are very small.  The risk of other serious issues is far less than 1%, making it a highly successful surgery.