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31 Days to a Healthier You

Watch 1 Hour Less TV Daily

Watch 1 Hour Less TV Daily

If you spend most of your workday sitting and then plop yourself on the couch in front of the TV when you get home, you're not doing yourself any favors. A study conducted by the American Cancer Society found an association between sitting for extended periods (more than 6 hours a day) and increased risk for death.

Moreover, too much TV watching has been linked to unhealthy snacking, anxiety about personal health, increased risk for diabetes and less hours of sleep. Most of us could stand to reduce our tube time: the average American spends 13 hours a week watching TV (and 8 ½ hours a day in front of a screen!).

Not sure what to do to relax instead of parking yourself in front of the boob tube? Give your brain a workout by hitting the books, go for a walk outside or make plans with a friend!

By MedHelp Editors. Published January 3, 2012.