
Healthy living

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The New Rules for Healthy Eating

What the New Dietary Guidelines Mean to You

What the New Dietary Guidelines Mean to You

Most Americans are not eating healthfully — and the government knows it. At the end of January 2011, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, the official government recommendations that shape nutrition policy.

You'll likely be hearing a lot about these guidelines on the news and from your doctor. To help you understand what they mean, we called on our resident nutritionist, Rachel Meltzer, MS, RD. She waded through the 112 pages of recommendations and put together this cheat sheet on the government's latest advice along with tips on how to put their guidance into practice.

By Rachel Meltzer, MS, RD. Rachel is a New York City-based nutrition writer, educator and counselor. Published February 8, 2011.