The Obstetrics & Gynecology Department at USF is committed to delivering the highest quality and most compassionate patient care, training highly competent and caring clinicians, and generating the most innovative research. More
242593 tn?1313864321
Hi, In addition to Sherrie's excellent comments. you need to make sure of the following - you do have a bulging of the vaginal tissues, that you c...
242593 tn?1313864321
Sounds like you need to be evaluated by a qualified pelvic floor specialist. Someone with experience evaluating prolapse and incontinence. Urine le...
242593 tn?1313864321
As long as your prolapse is not unsafe, you are probably ok for you to put ofc the surgery. Some of the things that make prolspse unsafe include pr...
242593 tn?1313864321
I am assuming that sex and urinating were not a problem before your surgery. If this is the case, urination problems and pain with sex are known to...
242593 tn?1313864321
No need to feel embarrased. Many womeb do not know about their pelvic anatomy. No one ever taught them about it. Think of the vagina as a long, ...
Doctor Profiles
242593 tn?1313864321
Specialties: Urogynecology, pelvic reconstructive ...
270443 tn?1314898349
Specialties: Fertility Preservation, Reproductive ...
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Tampa, FL 33620
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