triple drug tx Journals
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first day of trial 9:00 am

Aug 24, 2011 - 8 comments

at the hospital took my first riba dose at 7:30 as well as first shot,already had 2 blood draws only 9 more to go today and then it's over. I was a little nervous about getting started but that has gone away, now just waiting to see how the sides from first shot are going to be.1:00 still no sides to speak of but these guys must be vampires they like the blood oh well it is for the best as that is how they see how my body absorbs a distributes the riba over time. I feel very fortunate to be in this trial and thank god everyday for putting it there for me to take advantage of. Time to give up more blood.3:30 starting to have slight sides aches from the hips down and low fever so far but easily tolerable only a few more draws then I can go home.