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Things I have acomplished. Journals
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A new granbaby........

Aug 06, 2009 - 0 comments




Well today my son told me that he and his girl friend are pregnant,  I was so happy.  Now I will have three and can not wait for the next two beautiful angels to get here, I am really blessed.  My second grandchild will be here on the 28th oc this month and the third one will be here about April 2.  Life is good for me right now.

What is wrong with hospitals and their employees???

Jul 26, 2009 - 1 comments

What is wrong with the people today who work in hospitals.  I have had to take my daughter 3 time to the labor and delivery floor in the past week and a half due to contractions and very sever pain.  They have her on meds to stop the contractions but they aren't working.  They can't get the due date right, can't tell if it is a boy or girl.  She saw her doctor on Thursday (because she is scheduled for a c-section on 8-28), she said everything was prefect with the baby, and if she should go into labor again and the contractions were 5-3 minutes apart I was to take her to the hopital immdeitly.  Well it happened last nihgt, and off to the hopital we went.  The next thing I knew, they started pumping her full of meds to stop the labor, said that the baby would have to wait a little longer, when I asked why, I was told that the doctor didn't feel like doing a c-section tonight, because she had plans.  I was so pissed that I filed a formal complaint against the lazy nurse who was to busy playing and flirting with the male interns, to care wether or not my daughter and grandchild were ok, and for warned them that should anything happen to either one of them because of the incompatence, that I WOULD BE BACK, AND THAT WHEN I GOT DONE THEY WOULDN'T BE HAPPY LITTLE CAMPERS. Then I told my daughter that I would be going to the next doctors appointment with her and that they would know me on a first name bases.  I do not tolerate that kind of behavior from anyone, espeacially the doctor, how dare she act in such an inappropreate manner when it comes to someones life.

Woke up in a good mood....then..............

Jul 24, 2009 - 5 comments

I woke up this morning, I was in and good mood, drinking my coffee and thinking *I will have another stress free day because husband has to work*, then spit my coffee up through my nose because I remembered he has the next three days off.......So much for the stress free day..................

A new writing project....I hope

Jul 23, 2009 - 2 comments






Well to fill my time I am going to attempt to write another new story, this time about Lycans(Werewolves).  Now with my evenings free, I will have time to sit down and write something I enjoy.  With any luck I hope to have a rough draft of the first chapter in about 2-3 weeks.  So wish me luck.