Lois' Open Journal Journals
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Screaming in Pain

Jun 25, 2010 - 3 comments

Today started out OK but began spiraling downward for some reason.  The last couple of days had been fairly good but I felt very weak today.  

I had a frightening and very painful experience today and don't know what to think of it.  

I was sitting with my laptop (as usual) when my arms became really tired, like bricks were tying them down.  This started happening about 2 weeks ago with the brief double vision at night and has only been intermittent.  I put my laptop away becuase I was too weak.  I have spasms, the MS Hug etc,  they are bad----very very bad.  This felt different.  My arms felt on fire and at the same time like they were being pulled---I mean really hard.  Then suddenly, it was like both of my arms from elbow down were being crushed,  I mean really crushed.  I screamed out and kept screaming until it stopped which was about 20 seconds.  It was really scary and I don't know what to think.

Anyone ever experience something like this?  

Double Vision

Jun 22, 2010 - 0 comments

I forgot to mention that at night I am having double vision before I go to sleep.  It seems to happen when I am really tired and laying down.  Don't know what that means.  This actually started on June 20, 2010

Neurologists and their lies!

Jun 22, 2010 - 5 comments

Yesterday, June 21, 2010 I got a call from my new neurologist's office.  The person (whoever she was) told me they had made a mistake and that the doctor had wanted me to be scheduled for last week.  The office person "..had no idea how that happened".  So we made an appointment for July  6 because the doctor is on vacation.  My test results are in but the person refused to give me any information.

I drove to Jackson to get another copy of my MRI and reports.  It appears that the slices were 5mm and 6mm.  I also went and picked my 'records' at the first neurologist's office---all one in a half pages.  It was at least amusing.  She attributed a  number of things to my weight.  She said I was too old to have any demyelaning problem.  HA! Lies!  

She also fudged on clinical tests that I don't remember her doing.  She said I had a history of Migraines through 2008, had COPD (funny no one told me), "..tingling under my nipples..".  Thanks alot, I never said that?

Making Old Mistates over and over

Jun 18, 2010 - 0 comments








This week has been mixed in it's intensity and new symptoms.  I began having more eye symptoms again, now my right eye doesn't track with my left.  That has been fairly consistent throughout the week.  On the other hand Monday and Tuesday were the first days in 2 weekds where I felt like I had been able to get on top of the pain.  It was reduced so my 'weakness' wasn't as low as usual.

My sensorial symptoms were of course the same.  I chose to drive for the first time in 10days and it was a big mistake.  Next time I can't tell where I am on the road I will come back home.  

Yesterday I made another grave error.  I cleaned my bedroom, vacuuming, sorting crawling, and taking large boxes filled with trash out to the trash bin.  I also had to deliver something, drove for nearly an hour, did one load of laundry.  I start feeling better and go into denial

So today I am unable to move====right back where I started from