NovaSure to Hysterectomy Journals
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7-22-10 Postop Day #2

Jul 22, 2010 - 0 comments

PAIN - Abt the same Pain scale - 5/10 (Taking mostly Advil for cramping- took 1/2 Vicodin this AM)

PRESSURE - Abt the same - Actually a little worse! Still have the sensation of early pregnancy! I've moved my bowels (I know graphic!) so I can't contribute it to constipation from pain medication and I've been having adequate fluid intake. No gas.

CRAMPING - Abt the same.

BLEEDING - Light flow, light pink tinged. No odor.

MOOD - Fine, not irritable or sad. Went back to work today. Still kind of fatigued. Slept all day yesterday and through the night which is not like me. Wanted to started walking again today, but dont think I'm up to that.

7-21-10 1st Postop day

Jul 21, 2010 - 0 comments

My abdominal muscles feel like I've done about 50 situps yesterday! The strangest sensation!

PAIN - I was up for a couple hours during the night - I woke up in pain directly on the hour when my pain meds were due.  Then once the pain meds kicked in I could fall back to sleep.

Throughout the day, I took 1 Vicodin in the morning and took Advil throughout the day, until nighttime - then I took a 1/2 Vicodin to cover.

BLEEDING - I have been bleeding since the procedure.  Not heavy or moderate but more than spotting.

PRESSURE - I have this wierd pressure in my uterus.  It feels like when I'm in the beg. of one of my pregnancies.

7-20-10 Day of NovaSure Endometrial Ablation.

Jul 21, 2010 - 0 comments

endometrial ablation



Time of Arrival: 8:30am

Got in the OR approx: 10:00 am

Left Hospital approx:  1:30 pm

Had severe cramping and moderate bleeding.  Changed pad twice while at the hospital.  
Bled through the pad onto the bed - ALTHOUGH the nurse claims that the bleeding was just SCANT.  How nice.

Had to take Vicodin & Advil simultaneously throughout the day and night to control pain/cramping.  

As I was waking up from my procedure, my GYN had informed me that he got 80% of the endometrial lining; however, I have significant uterine prolapse and need a hysterectomy anyway.
There will be more journal entries YET!


Jul 21, 2010 - 0 comments

Went and had my PATs (pre-admission testing) done today.

Woohoo! Got tested for MRSA (methacillin-resistant staph aureus) b/c I work in the health care field! It was only a nasal swab - OH wait! It was two! Because the first swab was expired!


Got in an arguement with hubby....he basically implied that I was only getting this surgery done on an elective basis b/c I didnt want periods anymore.  Not b/c my endometrial lining MIGHT be thick!  Not b/c I hate bleeding for 7-10 days and passing clots the size of baseballs, I'm sick of being tired all week...WHATEVER!
MEN!  I've made him look at the clots, because he didnt believe me - on one hand he sticks up for me, but then he says this crap?!