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N.E. Wildflowers Albums
The "Northern Bog Violet"
The "Northern Bog Violet"
The delicate "Downy Yellow Violet"
The delicate "Downy Yellow Violet"
The "Wood Anenmone"
The "Wood Anenmone"
The "Long-spurred Violet", as the long spur in the back of the flower suggests.
The "Long-spurred Violet", as the long spur in the back of the flower suggests.
A woodland dandelion of a sort unknown to me.
A woodland dandelion of a sort unknown to me.
"Trillium's" are among the 1st Spring wildflower. It's why I like it so much I guess. Sweet Spring!
"Trillium's" are among the 1st Spring wildflower. It's why I like it so much I guess. Sweet Spring!
The "Prairie Sunflower" taken last early summer
The "Prairie Sunflower" taken last early summer
My all time favorite the "Trillium"! I love this flower and have dozens of pics, each different.
My all time favorite the "Trillium"! I love this flower and have dozens of pics, each different.
The "Wood Sorrel". Notice the.... NACRE!! like texture!! Ha Ha !! (Inside joke)
The "Wood Sorrel". Notice the.... NACRE!! like texture!! Ha Ha !! (Inside joke)
I found this  "Harvestbell" or "Soapwort" growing by a woodland creek last summer.
I found this  "Harvestbell" or "Soapwort" growing by a woodland creek last summer.
The "Black Morel" mushroom is IMHO the tastiest variety with a nutty/beefy flavor.
The "Black Morel" mushroom is IMHO the tastiest variety with a nutty/beefy flavor.
The "Wild Leak" has a strong but sweet onion/garlic
flavor. I dug these up with my fingers. lol !!
The "Wild Leak" has a strong but sweet onion/garlic
flavor. I dug these up with my fingers. lol !!
A spring gourmet treat, the "Morel Mushroom".
A spring gourmet treat, the "Morel Mushroom".
The "Northern Wood Sorrel". The tiny, dainty flower is another favorite of mine.
The "Northern Wood Sorrel". The tiny, dainty flower is another favorite of mine.
A cluster of "Indian Paintbrushes"
A cluster of "Indian Paintbrushes"
This "Violet Clover" may have escaped a flower garden, for it is not indigenous to our area.
This "Violet Clover" may have escaped a flower garden, for it is not indigenous to our area.