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i made the finishing touches to my brother's House costume too!
i made the finishing touches to my brother's House costume too!
Comment (1)
768044 tn?1294223436
marileew, Mar 17, 2009
my brother asked me to make him some fake vicodin for his House costume... which turned out to be a really easy costume, he just grabbed one of his sports jackets, a t-shirt, jeans, and skate shoes/running shoes (whatever you want to call them). he borrowed my mom's cane (his original inspiration for the costume). i gave him a quick "walking with a limp" lesson and then he asked me to make him some vicodin to finish off the costume.

i returned in about 5 minutes with what you see above. my brother was rather impressed and surprised! i think he was expecting me to get around to it much later and thought that it would probably take longer and a bit of creative thinking or something.

but, i just grabbed an empty prescription bottle, ripped the label off, went to my computer and typed up what you see (i unfortunately know what prescriptions look like off the top of my head being on so many for so long now) and put in the Oct 31st date as part of the joke... oh, and i put the prescribing doctor (which you can't see but is just on the other side of the bottle) as Dr. Wilson as a reference to earlier seasons because I thought that would be funny too.

then i printed that up on sticky paper which we just happened to have lying around and i cut it out and stuck it on the bottle. and, since it was halloween we had the halloween candy already out, i grabbed a roll of those sugar candies and tossed them into the bottle. then i ran back down stairs with the bottle and tossed my brother his "vicodin".

yes. i DO make the best halloween costumes ever.