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Strattera 10mg causing intense anxiety?

Hi, I've been on strattera for 6 days now and when I take it in the morning, about 2-3 hours after taking it I get pretty intense anxiety (heart beats fast, chest feels heavy, my whole body gets tense, my breathing feels shallow) I'd say this anxiety fully subsides in around an hour. It's the same reaction I've had to stimulants, which is why I'm trying strattera. My doctor gave me 0.25mg of xanax for this reaction and it takes it away COMPLETELY. The problem is, I do not want to take xanax at all and certainly don't want to become addicted to it. Why is strattera causing a stimulant-like reaction and why does xanax take the reaction away? Will this side effect of strattera go away?

I'm 21, 105lbs, and female if this helps.
19 Responses
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189897 tn?1441126518
     I don't want to overwhelm you with links.  So here are just two.  The first one is pretty short.  Its 6 steps for kids to use to get homework done.  And guess what, it works real well with adults too.  Point being that there are techniques that can be really helpful.  So here is just one example -
   The next link is full of tons of information.  I basically want you to know that what you are going through, and what you are feeling is not that unusual.  You will find lots of examples in this link that shows that.  One way to get rid of anxiety is to realize that there is something that you can do to deal with the situation or that you understand the situation.  This link is to an adult ADD site.  It is written by a guy with pretty severe ADD and the sites organization kinda of reflects that.  Its easy to get lost in the topics, so set an alarm clock or something so that you don't spend too much time here.  The site is -
   Finally a short link to something that is extremely important - sleep
  Let me know how this links talk to you.  
  Another real important part is going to be to make sure that your meds are working for you so that you can achieve whatever it is that you wish.  But that is a whole other stream of thoughts/posts - one thing at a time.
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189897 tn?1441126518
   Talk to the doctor who prescribed the pantoprazole and tell him that you want to taper off and get his recommendations.
    What I would do (based on my experience) is to also get some of the 20 mg pills (another reason to talk to your doc).  Then start alternating the pills for at least a week.  Then go to just 20mgs each day for at least a week.  Then go to 20 mgs every other day for a week.   That may be enough to stop on or go to a pill every 3 days and then stop.
    Make sure you have Tums or something like that around once you are down to every other day.   And having Pepcid handy for if you see a really stressful event coming up.
   I would also highly recommend starting some probiotics.  You need to build the good bacteria back up in your stomach.  Lots of pills out there to do that with.  I use Trader Joes - but they may not be in your state.  Also the yougarts are a good way to go.
   I took it really slow because you can get a relapse condition if you stop these meds too fast.  But I was on a lot of the acid reducers.
   Working on some good sites with info on dealing with your ADD.  What you are going through as you will find out is kind of normal (unfortunately).  Anyway, will be getting back to you.
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40mg once a day for the antacid. Anxiety wise, I've only taken random classes at community college because I haven't been confident in my ability to actually complete a degree. I want to change all of this and work my way to a university. I get anxious when I think about how behind I am compared to my friends, that I don't know what I want to do degree/career wise, and other things mostly related to self-confidence. Most things I try end up never being completed, which really bothers me. One thing that's a big issue is that when I try to study, I get frustrated by my lack of focus and then quickly become anxious, fidgety, and restless until I give up and nothing gets done. My heart will literally start to pound and my muscles will get so tight that they hurt, all over reading a textbook. I'm not trying to sound like I have an ego or anything, but I'm very smart and feel cheated by my own brain. I feel like I have so much more potential than this.
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189897 tn?1441126518
  I will definitely get back to you on your questions.  
    What dose of the acid reducer are you on? And once or twice a day?
    Anxiety wise -  in collage, job or ? That seems to cause the most anxiety?
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You're being so helpful, you have no idea. I'm beginning to accept my anxiety issues - definitely stress related. My doctor even said that the heartburn was from stress. Now it's time for me to bombard you with questions. :) How did you taper off of your antacid? I've thought about doing it before, specifically taking one every other day for a few months. How did you get your anxiety under control? Please, what ever info you have on dealing with ADD, I would love to hear it. I haven't been managing it at all, which I know is causing 100% of my stress. That's why I went to my doctor and got strattera. I thought it would be a start.
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189897 tn?1441126518
   By the way, I forgot to mention (sorry), when I was having anxiety problems - I felt like I was going to faint.  Turned out I was unknowingly hyperventilating.  Sounds a lot like what you are going though with the shortness of breath.  
   Try this next time - grab a paper bag and breath into and out of it for a min. or so.
Or if no bag is handy take a deep breath of air and hold it, and then repeat.  I would do this when driving - usually within about 5 breath holds I was fine.
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189897 tn?1441126518
   Good point.  I am really beginning to wonder if this reaction is related to the acid reducer.
    first - "Long-term treatment with pantoprazole may also make it harder for your body to absorb vitamin B-12, resulting in a deficiency of this vitamin. Symptoms of a vitamin B-12 deficiency may develop slowly and include pale skin, weakness, tired feeling, shortness of breath, and a fast heart rate."  Sound familiar?  But this would be easy to check with B-12 lab test.
  Second, the normal dose length is "Initial treatment is generally of eight weeks' duration, after which another eight week course of treatment may be considered if necessary."
   So you are near the end of the treatment.  By the way, you have to taper off this med to avoid a rebound effect.
    My other thought is that this really is related to anxiety - not the stim meds.   About 10 years ago I had pretty sever anxiety.  It screwed up my stomach major.  Not to mention hyperventilating and feeling like I was going to pass out.  Anyway,  I was on 80 mgs of Prilosec a day.   After  a while I began to have problems from the Prilosec.  Then I started reading all the consumer reports that said to get off of it.  It took me about 2 months to slowly do so.  But, by then I had learned how to deal with my anxiety and have been great ever since.  Well, I do take the occasional antacid as needed.
   Point being - you need to have a serious talk with your doctor.  The acid reducer is not solving the problem for your stomach problems.  It just deals with the after effect.  There are acid reducers like Pepcid that can be used on a as needed basis - if the stomach problems are anxiety related and are being dealt with.  One thing to keep in mind is that a co-disorder of ADD/ADHD is anxiety.  I see lots of that, which makes me think that maybe that could be part of the problem.
    I think I am rambling here - but, I would highly recommend that if possible you get off the acid reducer (very slowly).  
    But you really need to sit down with your doctor and talk about all of this.  Yes, the reaction to stratttera is weird.  I think that it is either caused by the acid reducer or anxiety - which is why a long time ago I asked you want was going on two hours or so after you took your meds.
    Anyway, a lot to digest here.  Do some research.  Definitely talk with your doctor about all of this.  Hopefully he/she has the expertise to deal with this.  The fact that you were on Vyvanse for over a year and then started having random reactions would be a very weird reaction to V.  How were the anxiety levels then?  In fact, google anxiety and read about the symptoms.  
   Ok,  I hope I haven't given way too much info.  Let me know what you think.   And, I do have some very good resources on dealing with AD/HD that might help.  Best wishes.
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No, I was not on any acid reducers then. In fact, I was on adderall xr for 4 months and then vyvanse for over a year. A couple months before I quit vyvanse was when I randomly started having this reaction. Strange, but something chemically must be going on with me. My tolerance for both caffeine and alcohol has also decreased pretty dramatically since I quit vyvanse. I think it's really weird that I react to strattera like this since 10mg is typically the dose given to little kids.
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189897 tn?1441126518
Were you on it when you had the same reaction to the stimulants?
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Wow, that is interesting. I've been on it for about 3 1/2 months. The pharmacist said it was ok to take these medications together, I wonder now…
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189897 tn?1441126518
   Interesting, I need to do some more research.  But your heartburn med  might be part of the problem.  "Some products need stomach acid so that the body can absorb them properly. Pantoprazole decreases stomach acid, so it may change how well these products work. Some affected products include amphetamines, (etc)."  Wondering if it slows down the absorption of Strattera?  The half life of pantoprazole is 2.8 hours.  Its possible it could slow down the absorbtion and then the strattera hits you all at once.  I'll see what I can find on that.
  How long have you been taking pantoprazole?
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Just pantoprazole for heartburn. Nothing else.
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189897 tn?1441126518
   Are there any other meds you are on?
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Thanks for the info. While I am stressed out about life, I doubt this is why I'm experiencing this problem since it comes at the exact same time and has a very… drugged feeling to it. I'll give my doctor a call as I've also been dealing with shortness of breath in general on these medications, especially when I'm drowsy or about to fall asleep.
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Thanks for your reply. The Xanax I was given is in .50mg form and can be broken in half for 0.25mg so I'll probably just try it out by cutting the pill into fourths.
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757137 tn?1347196453
I see you mention that it takes an hour for your symptoms to subside after taking Xanax. I don't swallow the Xanax. I chew it and let it be absorbed in my mouth. That speeds up the process greatly.
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189897 tn?1441126518
Good points !
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757137 tn?1347196453
I have taken Xanax, on an as-needed basis for about three years. I was given, like you, the lowest dose - 0.25 mg - and told to take one in the event of a panic attack and, if that were not sufficient, to take a second. (I was suffering panic attacks due to cortisol that spiked erratically.)  It worked like magic and I never needed the second dose. Then I had a thought. Maybe 1/2 a pill would work just as well. So I tried it, and it did. Rarely did I have to take the second half. Like you, I wanted no part of addiction. I should mention that some people claim that even a small dose can result in addiction. I guess it is possible, but if I am off it for a few days, after using it several days in a row, I do not suffer withdrawal.

Ask your doctor if you can try the half pill. It works for me and it might work for you. But I would not stop taking it. It quickly removes a blight from your life and there are no side effects that I have noticed.

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189897 tn?1441126518
   Well, strattera "increases norepinephrine (NRI) stimulant-like action but lasts all day. Not a controlled substance. No direct dopamine effect so may be better tolerated."  So it does have a stimulant effect.  However, it "Takes 2 to 4 weeks for maximum effects."   And you are no where near the point of it working the way it should.  
   I really have no idea how Xanax works, but in reading about it - I think that if you are only taking one dose a day (instead of the recommended 3) and you are on the smallest dose your chances of being addicted to it are very slim.  If you start needing more and more of it then that does change things.
   Another thought is that Strattera takes about 60 min to work.  I am wondering if there is something else going on in your life that causes this anxiety several hours after taking the med?   Like a job, or a class?
   Unfortunately, for all of these meds, it is really kind of a trial and error approach as everyone is different.  But, the main thing is to be in communication with your doctor.  I have no clue if the effect of strattera on you will go away.  It seems like your doctor must have had some experience with this and that is the person you need to ask.
  You are taking the lowest possible dose of Stattera - outside of the anxiety, etc.  - do you feel like it is working for you?  It still may be too early to tell, but do you feel differences?
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