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Am I having a cocaine overdose?

I was in this forum a few months ago with questions about cocaine and alcohol.  Well I am back with another question concerning cocaine.  Memorial Day.... Did a few backs of cocaine with a friend and felt great! Went home around 2:30am and layed in bed and thats when it all began.  My eyes were rolling in the sockets... my heart began to race... I began to sweat... I couldnt breathe very well.  I was breathing but it felt like i could not get enough air! I took a hot bath and felt like i was going to faint... took a cold bath...i was freezing.  Anyways, I tryed so many things to feel better up until 6:30 am when i finally began to calm down.  It is now 12:17 and i slept about 4 hours.  My heart was racing so fast I was about to call an ambulance but my mom would kill me before the cocaine would!  I was having these weird convulsions.  My arms were shaking and my fingers haven been shaking for months. I really felt like i was dying.... I can't explain how horrible I felt.  My question: Was I having an overdose??? or was I just going through something that everybody goes through when they do too much cocaine?  Couls I have died??? my EXTREME question... I am a 20 female in Miami, Florida.... I dont have a drug habit but i do tend to use cocaine about once a month and i always over do it... I am leaving into the Navy in October so I hope that will help me alot... if I use cocaine again and i feel my heart racing and etc.etc.etc.... can you PLEASE reccomend something to help when im experiencing this?  Is there a special remedy?  ANYTHING... please name a few things. Thank you so much.  
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You are so young with so much ahead of you. How much do you love life? With those symptoms I would care less what my mom thought. Read some of our other posts darling. I for one would like to see you around for a long long time. If you react like that I would waste NO time see an emergency room. I certainly wouldn't make that my drug of choice again. You already stated you over do it. AND YES IT COULD KILL YOU! Get checked out dear and make sure your heart can take it. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. In my opinion this is serious. God be with you,
Also you say you are going into the Navy? I don't think you are ready to serve in a defense position till you sort this out. I tell you this from my heart with nothing but good intentions only.
Magick & Power 2 U,
Peace and Light on U,
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Ok,,, here's the deal...you were here before with the same symptoms,,,,then you thought it may have been a panic attack,,,,maybe it's time you really seriously thought about you r situation and take our advice in your first post and take wiz's advice this time..it sounds to me like you do have some kind of problem even though you deny having a drug problem...you are so young,,,,and if you think the Navy may help your problem you may want to think again...while I'm sure they do random drugs did you ever hear of the infamous geographical cure?  it doesn't work..if there's a will there's a way...come clean with your mom, go to some support groups  12 step groups  get a handle on this no one can really say if you were od'ing on coke who knows whats going on  maybe siezures,,you need to get checked out by a physician before you my dear check out for good..it does happen to people your age,,,hon, you are not immortal  who's to say next time you go on a binge that it won't be much worse if not fatal....we say this stuff to you out of concern not anger,,,but binging and having the symptoms then posting here will not help you...you have got to help yourself,,as long as you come here with what you are doing we, will continue to say the same thing....please,,,take our advice..do yourself a favor,  you say your mom would kill you...well, my dear you must think about what would kill your mom...to see her child die?  these are the facts...good luck and God bless.....love to all    cin
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I don't know much about this except a classmate of my youngest brother died a few years ago in his bed after doing exactly what you did. He was so young and had his whole life ahead of him. I never drank or used drugs until I was 30 years old and I still don't drink. I remember that I had a great time without the drugs. I am now 38 and trying to get off of them for good. I wish I could go back and not start, but I can't. Find out why you need drugs to have fun and feel good. Please don't wind up like me. It is a whole lot easier to start than to stop.
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i'm going to be blunt:  don't be dumb.

cocaine speeds you up. that's what it does. i don't know where the line is marked for a technical overdose, but the fact that you were scared (and about to call an ambulance) says something, and shouldn't be covered up by 'remedies'.

you did too much that night.  i've experienced the same thing only a few times. but those few times made me realize i was messing with something i didn't want to mess with - my life.  

nobody's perfect, and i'm certainly no angel, but go easy on yourself. a heart can age pretty quickly on that ****.     the cat
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Who knows what is in these street drugs?  Maybe strycnine or something even worse. It's pure insanity to put this poison into your young body. Unless you really have a death wish?  J.B.
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I rest my case,,,,,need I or anyone say more?
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Listen,,,take a look around.,,,,Thomas  30 year addiction, Jb, Wizard, Me, Jenny,,,look at us...how we either have struggled or are still struggling....you are 20   if I had someone when I was 20 to tell me what a living hell my life would be like in ten years....I probably would have thought twice...I dunno, maybe not,,maybe we have to endure sooo much before we finally come to our senses....you have the ability to quit now while your are ahead but if I remember right you do drink heavily am I correct in saying this  if not, please forgive  me...I am a mom albeit of a 7 and 3 year old...but I still have to look at what may be in store for my kids....I  know from this forum what my mom went through with me.....give it up, think hon, get help....I hate to preach but man, this is what gets to me,,,,God,  I want to just stop one person from going down that path....my goal  just one...please  let it be you....love to all  cin
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You're about to enter the Navy, if I'm not mistaken. How long do you think it's going to take them to catch on to your alcoholism and toss you out? The icing on the cake will be if they test you at the right time and find cocaine and/or methamphetamine in your system. ckivlan, and I mean this with the kindest of intentions, you're an alcoholic. Period. Not a kid who occasionally likes to party. YOU ARE AN ALCOHOLIC. YOU NEED HELP. All this, "am I going to have a heart attack" stuff is just peripheral to the main issue. You're an alcoholic and you need to get help before you enter the navy or you'll just be another washout.

Tell me, what is it that makes you suddenly decide to do cocaine once a month? Is it a friend you only see once in a while? Please believe me when I tell you that coke is death. Coke is death. Coke is death. Get it? It's the most evil, addictive and destructive substance ever made and should be eradicated from the Earth. It addicts from the very first exposure and gradually destroys the part of your brain responsible for allowing you to feel pleasure. It plain burns it out. It is a man-made horror.

I'm convinced that if you get help with your alcoholism, and I would suggest at least an outpatient rehab to go with 90 AA meetings in 90 days, you're coke episodes will end and you just might have a chance at a distinguished career in the Navy. Not too shabby an achievement! Think about what I've said, please.
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Really, sweetie, listen to these wonderful people, they tell you no lies!
You are far too young to risk loosing the rest of your life for an occasional thrill; it's just not worth it!
When i was 20, ha, i thought i was invincable, it's hard to think that you can actually die at such a young age, but it can and will happen if you don't take steps to help yourself.
I've felt the same thing you experienced, and it scared the **** out of me.  A few times with coke a long time ago, and with crack a few years back!  
Coke is especially dangerous because it stays with you forever in your mind once you do it enough.  It attaches in the brain in some way, and even five-years later, something as little as a 100 dollar bill or something along those lines will trigger a craving.  Please get out before it is too late.  Do you want to get married someday, do you want children, well if you do, think ahead and know that it will all be a dream if you continue this path, believe me, it will only get worse.  You will be surprised at the support your mom will give you if you just fess up and tell her what you are going through.  I live in fear that one day my child or children will end up addicts like their mom and dad.  They have a strong genetic force against them, and believe me, i'm going to watch them like a hawk.  If they were ever to be in the trouble you are in, i would only hope to god that they would confide in me so i could help them get help they need.  It would rip a hole in my mom's soul if ever something were to happen to you.  It's hard realizing this without being a mother yourself, but a mother's love is like no other.  A big part of her would die if you were to die!!!  Do you want this for her?  
You need to find the root of your destructive behavior, it's there or else you wouldn't even be messing with that stuff.  We all have our problems, and as your life continues and you get older, they only become worse.  If you can't deal with life now at your age, then you are going to get into some big messes down the line and destroy others in your path.  I was so different at the age of 20 than i am now.  I know enough to understand the destruction, there's no fun in it!  Quit while you're ahead, don't get to the point where a drug takes ownership of your soul!  Please seek some help somewhere.  I know Miami is full of treatment centers, outpatient, inpatient, counselors, anything and everything is available there for you!  
You can't continue to play around with this, because it will take hold of you quicker than you realize!  Get help before it's too late!!!!  Prayers for you!
Lv Jenny
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If you are on this forum, and asking yourself questions about your habit, then you probably have a drinking/drug problem. One of the clinical screening questions for alcoholism and drug addiction asks if you ever get concerned about partying too much. In recovery, the stages of change begin with awareness. Awareness, acceptance and then action. And lucky for you, you're beginning to question yourself--so you are becomming aware. A third of the battle is done. Congrats! Now it's time to move on to acceptance and action. Acceptance means taking responsibility for your problem. In other words, don't deny what your mind and body are trying to tell you. You are fortunate enough to still be here after having a possible bad reaction or near-fatal overdose...and you're smart enough to be concerned for yourself. Both your body and your mind are trying to tell you something--trust yourself and pay attention to these warning signs, before it's too late. I know that sounds dramatic, but people die everyday from street drugs, prescription drugs and alcohol. And as everyone has mentioned in their posts, addiction is no day at the beach. If you try to do some soul-searching and get to the bottom of this problem now (ie, the action stage), you will save yourself many years of heartache. Not to mention, it's hypothesized that cocaine can permanently alter the pleasure receptors in your brain. In other words, if you use habitually, you could do permanent damage to your brain and never be able to experience pleasure as you once knew it before cocaine. Scary stuff, huh?

Also keep in mind that the Navy is not a solution to a potential addiction. Remember the movie "The Wizard of Oz?" There's no place like home--meaning, the answer to your problems are in your own backyard. You can move away from home, you can join the Navy, you can change your group of friends or switch jobs--but the underlying problems will always be there. Until you get to the root of your unhappiness, and discover what is compelling you to use drugs, then you will always be chasing that high. Even if you're in the Navy, if you really want drugs--you'll find them. I'm not saying that you shouldn't join the Navy or remove some of the triggers in your life, like friends who use or being around a big club scene (ie, Miami). But recovery involves the use of many strategies. You need to look inward and find out what is making you use. Now this is no easy task. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't recommend attempting to do this yourself. Enlist the help of others, both professional and personal. Do you have a family doctor who you could confide in? Maybe get a referral for a counselor or a psychiatrist? And how about your mom, or another family member who could provide some support for you. Not just confessing that you use drugs, but someone who could honestly help you explore the reasons why you feel unhappy sometimes and go on drug binges. Because let's face it--that's what you're doing. You're not using alcohol socially or casually. Something is compelling you to keep going past the normal limit--something is making you drink and snort to the point where your body and your mind freak out and send messages to you that you're in danger. Depression? Anxiety? Who knows...but you can find out.

Remember those three stages--awareness, acceptance and action. You're aware. And as everyone is saying, now is the time to accept and act. Before you get in any deeper, and before something awful happens. Get some help, be brave--and you will get some answers.

And for goodness sake, forget about this remedy to reverse the effects of too much coke. It doesn't exist, unless you're in the emergency room at 2am with a team of doctors desperately trying to revive you. Not to mention, if you mix too many substances, you could wind up dead or a vegetable. It's dangerous enough to mix cocaine and alcohol...if you toss another substance into that mixture, at worst you could be in one hell of a mess. And at best, you'll be dealing with yet another addiction. Ouch.
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A friend of mine went through pure hell because her husband did coke (crack). He went through a short treatment program at a facility that's considered one of the best in the country. Yet he returned to the drug because its lure was so strong. Counselors told his wife that it might be years (!) before his brain returned to normal & he was able to feel pleasure again. I say this not to discourage you in any way, but to encourage you as all the others here have to stop, and get whatever treatment is necessary. I agree with Thomas that this is one of, if not the most destructive drug out there. At 20, you're young & strong enough to make a great comeback from this problem. Please let us know how you're doing. Milo
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I'm 24 and have been in your place before.  Seriously, coke does stay with you.  I haven't done it in about two years and I still will sometimes dream about it.  Good luck, remember always love yourself more than a feeling.
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The dangers of coke are very real, something to take seriously, but, please, *don't lose hope!* My best friend's brother reached a personal low point when he went through withdrawal -- on a bus! Can you imagine? Today he is healthy & successful. So take the warnings seriously, but don't feel discouraged. You can & will be OK!
Sincerely, Milo
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Someone please help I am new to this site and have wanted to get help but for a couple of days I have not been allowed to post a question so maybe someone will read this and help!  I am addicted to Ultram and want to get help however when I have called rehab centers and addiction specialist they do not know of this medication and they have not been sure how to help me.  Does anyone know of anyone ever being addicted to this and how they got help?  Thank you all!!!
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Hi there and welcome to the forum,,,I think there have been a few people here that had problems with ultram including myself and my sister...both of us had difficulty with withdrawals  even after taking only the prescribed doseage   the problem with ultram is that at first it was supposed to be NON addictiong...soon afterward many people  innocent people fell victim to it...DO NOT QUIT TAKING IT ABRUPTLY   a few people I know have done so and suffered seizures....Number 1....taper your doseage very very gradually,,,never worked for me,,,,I got a prescription for darvocet or vicodin..and used those instead of the ultram but you must be very cautious as not to become addicted to the other meds....it really is not too good to substitute one drug for another but obviously no one in your area has any knowledge of ultram so you probably will have to do it yourself..my sister did it cold turkey and it was worse than she ever imagined..lucky for her no seizures...but 2 friends of mine did in fact seize.....how much are you taking and for how long have you been taking it....    Like to hear more from you    good luck   love to all    cin
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how about the doctor that's prescribing the Ultram? Have you told your doc about your predicament? I understand a lot of docs are not the kind of people you really want to confide in. Perhaps you're worried you'll be cut off from all pain relief. (there's always another MD, though, if that happens). I don't know you're situation so I can't say. Taking a substitute like codeine would probably ease the withdrawal symptoms, but you could still, apparently, have a seizure. I simply don't know.

What I can tell you is that I have personally talked to many, many doctors about Ultram and they ARE aware that Ultram is addictive even though it technically is not a narcotic. Some have called it a synthetic codeine. I know there are rehabs out there that are aware of ultram. Remember, rehabs take in people who usually take any kind of high they can get. Believe me, the rehab docs and councelors, etc. are aware of Ultram. If you've been calling rehabs and they don't have a clue about Ultram, you're calling some pretty lame rehabs. Keep trying. In the meantime, don't go off the Ultram cold turkey. That's a very dangerous way to handle this problem.

Hang in there and let us know what happens. I know there is help out there.
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To the rescue again my dear wise friend      have a good day   Love ya   cin
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......Hey lady!!! Take a break.  You've been working to hard, haven't ya.  LOL  Talk to yall, later.......lol
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You said it girlfriend.....worked today   I was in charge...so guess what I did?   you got it,,,delegated and left early and went and got my nails done..LOL   then took Jen to the skating party  ran into my husband's ex girlfriend    I met her before, she if really nice...LOL  she really is  they were very very young...anyway I'll email eithr later or tomorrow and tell ya all about it....give you the dish on her...LOL  later tater   love cin
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Did you happen to see "testing"?   ROFLMAO
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Thank you for your help about Ultram.  Believe it or not I live in the NYC area and didn't find help yet but I will keep calling if you think of anything else that could help please write back!  God bless
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Hi jenn,  I lost your e-mail address..would you mind re-sending it to me...mine is ***@**** or ***@**** thanks hon  love cin
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...Do you think that's the Phil from medhelp??? LOL What's up w/ that remark.....
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Girlfriend,,,,  your guess is as good as mine....could be phil...but I smell something a little bit spooky.....anything is possible  just ask wizard...sometimes I don't think we're in Kansas anymore  LOL    love ya    cin
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