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Anesthesia and Oxy Problems

Hello all, I'm a first time poster here but I've gleaned a lot of valuable info just lurking. I had shoulder surgery on Jan. 21 of this year and was readmitted to the hospital a month later for a remanipulation. On both occassions I was given a general anesthetic and was placed on oxycontin after the second visit. After a 6 week tapering off session I've been clean of oxy (contin and codone) for 6 weeks now. I'm still experiencing depression and lethargy unlike anything I've ever known before. My question is, is it the oxy withdrawl or the anesthesia that's got me like this (assuming it's not something else)? A friend of mine who is fairly knowledgable on medical matters tells me that general anesthesia can leave you out of sorts for as much as 6 months and she thinks this might be the problem. Any opinions or experiences to share? Thanks, vl

PS I've been using the detox recipe found here from the first week of withdrawl.
42 Responses
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I'm no expert either. However, I had four operations within an eight day period and didn't experience what you're describing. I did have to cut back on the oxy once and experienced exactly what you're talking about.

We're all different in the way we react to drugs, but what you describe could very well be due to cutting off the oxy. If you have gone for six weeks without any oxy, you can go the whole route. Take it from someone who has been there. You don't want to go back on the oxy to relieve your symptoms. You risk being on it for the rest of your life. And you damn sure don't want that.

How is the recipe working for you BTW?

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I am a nurse without a license.  i lost them due to my drug use; however, I was a good nurse.  i won nurse of the year on the oncololgy floor in 1995.   I've only seen anesthesia lag for a two or maybe three week period on the older group of people-65 & up.  Withdrawal from the oxycodone in whatever form, especially the contin with a longer half life, could be causing depression and lethargy.  Another important issue is dealing with the amputation.  You are left with an altered self-image with little preparation.  You might do as well to see a psychologist with a phD versus a medical doctor.  Most psychologist, if they see need for medication, will contact a doctor and have you go in.
They can offer far more insight into depression than a psychiatrist, an MD with a 2 year residency.   Hopefully you will
have many more people to share their experience, strengh, and hope.   Hang in there, the answer will come.   Good luck and
Blessings, Ava
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I reread your post, and i saw there was no amputation.  It is still a good idea to see a scientist of psychology to find what is depressing and keeping you down.  I've found the psychiatrist
like to throw pills at problems versus working out the real issue.  Maybe some oxy users or ones that have quit can help you better.  i used a different drug.  Good luck
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i took vkes and dabbled in oxy's
any time i tried to get off them i suffered severe depression,
it was not untill i found this site and started taking thomas's
L-tyrosine 500 mg 8 caps a day  week 1
4 caps week 2.
b-6 100 mg 2 a day
vit c, vit a, vit e.

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how does the person that lives withsome that has been of drugs handle their feeling or being mad and untrusting
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it would help me to answer the question, if you went ito more detail,. i sort of did not fully understand the question.

peace/  michael
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sounds like the person  just getting off the drugs is untrusting, and mad.
most people who are untrusting, are thta way because they are dishonest, if they are the useing addict.
a spouse who is untrusting to a partner just getting clean,
has good reason to leary.  since they have been lied to for so long.
as far as anger , a addict just getting clean suffers a whole range of emotions, as far as them being angry, that is just them blameing thier spouse for thier predicament.
of course this is just them being  a big baby. as addicts stay clean and get better, they should begin to realize that they
are the source of most of thier problems, and not others.

maturity is when we stop blaming other people.
and blame is just a form of denile.
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yo g how are you doing today,
post so i can read whats up.
did you see thta 911 show on HBO.
just wondering how you were/
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Hi Everyone.....its Kristen from a LONG time ago....I keep falling off and back on the wagon and I had been doing so well, but this time I really have gotten addicted.....I've been detoxing for the past 2 days and feel like total ****....I keep thinking what is life like without my mind being altered.  My ex-husband is even worse and I feel he's going to die very soon....his best friend just died of a heart attack and he's only 35 and that was due to heavy drug use.....what is it going to take for us to stop this insane behavior....I'm so down right now and know this forum is what helped me so much last time I was detoxing.....thanks for being here....kristen
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Thanks for the responses. Angst, I will take your advice if I need to see a professional but I think things are getting a bit better each day. Francoise, I don't have the inclination to get back on the oxy and regarding the recipe I tried skipping it a couple of times a few weeks back and just making do with a multi-vitamin and by noon on both occasions I was dragging ass. It's definitely been a big help. Again, thanks and take good care of yourselves. And Hippy, thanks for posting the recipe again. vl
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Thank you all for your responses, you are truely a blessing and help me so much!

Kristen, What helped me the last three weeks is thinking that the time will go by, first 3 days, then 1 week, now its been over three weeks and I am doing so much better, the time will go by for you too.  I read this forum several times a day, go to na meetings, talk to my sponsor and joined a dual diagnosis support group (I have an anxiety depression diagnosis), I also go my anti-depressents increased by my DR.  I also read meditations and take kava kava and other supplements.  I try not to dwell on the past and problem but live in the solution.  When I get desperate I post.
Hang in there, Love, Jen
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You see the drugs killing those around you.  That happened to me
as well.  That is why when the first chance happened, I ran back
to the methadone clinic.  I do not recommend methadone for most
addicts.  I have been on it before, and it is difficult to w/d.  
The half life is like 36 hours.  After being on for a year or two, you will find other coping skills.  I stayed clean for 6 mo.
the first time I detoxed by going to NA-90mts in 90days.  I got
involved in NA service.  My home group still welcomes me on methadone.  They know I am off the street.  To stay clean, you  
have to change people, places and things.  You have to get mean and strong about using drugs.  If anyone offers you drugs, they
are not your friend.  You can reinvent yourself into a recovering
addict.  It is doable.  So many people I know have died off of oxy's.  They shoot them, but many are looking for the rush of dilaudid.  Some of the oxy is time released oxycontin.  So you get more than if taken as prescribed, by mouth.  I hope you go
back to detoxing, get away from other drug users, and find that
new life for yourself.  You deserve it.  Good luck and Blessings,
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Kristen!!!! Hi there girl! Man, I'm glad you wrote. I've often wondered how you were doing and what's happened with you.
Last time you posted, which was many months ago, you were doing well, had broken up with the boyfriend from hell, were working out at the gym and sounded so up.

I'm sorry to hear that you've gotten addicted again, but you know you won't hear any judgement about that from me or anyone else here..just warm open, loving arms.  I'm so happy you've reached out to us again, and hope that we can offer you the same support that helped you last time. Please stay in touch!

I'm doing really well. Still clean. I'm coming up on a year in a few months, something I never thought would ever be possible.  I still have chronic back pain, but take buprenorphine occasionally for it, and it takes the edge off and doesn't trigger cravings for anything stronger.  I've had to give up performing dance, but am still able to teach. My marriage has had its ups and downs, but right now we are on an up phase and things are pretty good.

Again, I'm so glad to hear from you. I've really missed you and worried about you when you stopped posting.

Take care sweetie!
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I have nothing to add to this thread other than... I'm happy for you, WW!  If only I could stay clean long enough to be as enlightening as you, it would be a miracle. Sadly, I have had another bout with morphine and it all but killed me this time. The seizures and halucinations were almost fatal for me. I will try once again to be "normal" and quit this awful insanity. God, please....

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witchywoman, hi. i saw that you experienced somehearing problems as the result of your addiction. i was wondering i if you could give me a little more info on that situation. i just got clean from a hydro addiction and am experiencing popping and crackling in my ears when i swallow and chew. i have no hearing loss yet, i had a test yesterday, but my ent didn't seem to have heard about the correlation between the overuse of those meds and hearing problems. any info would be appreciated. thanks,
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I read but dont post much, SO sorry to hear you had a relapse.
Last time I heard you were clean for 6?? months?? rite.
Hang in there----we are here, try to get to a meeting when you are up to it. And remember relapses are part of recovery. When you have had enough you wil say THIS IS THE LAST TIME.
I think many of us are not giving outselves the pampering we need to get though the awful depression---depend on the ones who love you to help. Find friends in meetings and make peace with your spritual self. I only paray I will be totaly free one day.
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JB my friend, I'm so sorry to hear that the morphine got so deep a hold on you. I don't have the magic answer, no one does, but just know that no matter what, at least here you have a place to come and be heard, loved, and accepted.  How are you doing today?

earlygrace, yes, I did and still do have some measurable hearing loss from the hydro abuse. At the time my doc had no info on this, but since seeing me he has researched it and is catching it others as well.  It seems to show up for a while for some folks right after they stop the hydro, as the opiate receptors on the tiny inner ear fibers get used to not being fed.  For some people the hearing problems are reversable. Others have permanent damage. Basically once the tiny fibers in the ear are damanged, they can't repair themselves, so it all depends on how far the damage goes.
This usually happens more with people who take very high doses at a time, for a long period of time. Just like I used to. Doh!
I wish I had known, but I'm not sure it would have gotten me ready to quit any time sooner than I did.  Fortunately it doesn't seem that my hearing loss will get any worse, and i don't need a hearing aid or anything. I just notice I need the tv up a bit louder than most, and I say "huh?" and "what?" a lot..it drives my hubbie nuts! lol  
I'm just glad I didn't do worse damage to myself than that. The false euphoria was not worth all the damage the abuse caused.  I'm just glad I didn't destroy my marriage, though I did come close, thankfully we've mostly restored the damage I did.  He's no angel, and we're still working on some painful issues unrelated to my use, but we're generally doing well.

I can honestly say that it is possible to be a happy, non-using addict. It takes time and work to get there, but it is possible. I recognize relapse is always a possibility and try my best to keep on top of that, one day at a time, that's all I can do.  

JB..again, my prayers and thoughts are with you. How's Marty?
You were the first to reach out to me here, though you may get tired of me reminding you of that, I'll always remember your kindness.

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thank you for your reply and your honesty. i really appreciate it in these difficult times. just two quick follow-up questions.
1)did you have any symptoms before or as you were experienceing he hearing loss, and what were they?
2)how long do you think, in terms of weeks or months, before i can expect to be clear of any damage if none has begun as of yet and that status stays the same? (i know you are not a doctor just your best guess, cause i want to have an idea of when i can stop worrying) thank you again so very much and i hope and pray for you and everyone else who is/was caught in this terrible cycle of abuse like i was.
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Hi again grayce,
I started to have hearing problems mostly after I went off the vicodin.  Suddenly I started getting ringing in my ear, and a feeling of stuffinness in my ear, and noticed that I was not able to hear as well as usual.  That is when I went to get a hearing tesst and found I had measurable hearing loss.

I still deal with ringing in the ear. My Doc said it is not likely that my hearing loss will get better, but it is not likely to get any worse.

I really don't know what to say in answer to your second question. There is no way to predict if your hearing problems will get better, stay the same, or get worse. Not to alarm you, but the research I found says that sometimes it can get worse even after you stop abusing the meds. I haven't found anything that says it can get better.

Maybe your hearing problems are not related to the opiate abuse, and it will get better.  Have you asked your Doc what the prognosis is?
Most Docs have not heard about opiate hearing damage. I had to do a search on "vicodin and hearing loss" on the web, and print it out to show to my doc for him to believe me.
Try doing a web search on it. You'll learn a lot. It might scare you a bit though, sorry to say.

good luck and I hope your hearing gets better.
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thanks for the concern, I didn't watch the HBO special, I had watched the original when they showed the footage, the "americas bravest/ 9-11 special, and that absolutely crushed me, it made me think way too much, it just wasn't right, especially because I know he (pete) was either right above where the plane hit or right in the middle. I actually went to my counselor a couple of times after that, but I guess only time can heal what I can't handle right now. I know its a part of life and that I"m not by any stretch, the first person to lose a best friend and I'm certainly not the last but it doesn't make it any easier.... How have you been.

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thank you very much for the info. take care of yourself.
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im good , iwent back to work in the painters union,
i am now runnimn a nice job with 5 guys at temple U, down in
philly. me and my wife just bought a new home out side of
plilly in the subburbs in warrington pa. to say the least it is very exciting. the fact that we found something real nice in the present housing market, we have been looking for 6 months and all we have seen has been junk for the prices they have been asking. everything is 50,000 more than it was just a year ago.

so how are you making out, i hope things are going well for you.
i know you have the answers to most of our problems , it's just putting them into action. the only day we can start that is always today.
today is always the answer.
i spent a lot f my life , saying i'll start that diet this sunday, or start getting in shape next month. seems like tomorrow never came in those sityation.
even writeing letters to addicts i know in jail. the only way i write them is to just do it when it comes to mind,
well i do write them so i must be doing somthing right.
seem s like the guy's in jail have a better outlook on life
than i do , on most days. when i write to them i have to let them knoew who died this month  or who over dosed ect.
talkt to you soon.

peace!!!!!!!!!!! michael h
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you need to re-evaluate your situation, it sounds to me your doing everything right, stay positive, I firmly believe you can "will" yourself to do anything. You just bought a new home with your wife, your not in jail, your not on the street, I don't know if your using, but your still alive and are very articulate, don't kid yourself, your doing everything to the best of your ability. If you need to talk I will be here.

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Hi everyone, I am back. I went through the rapid detox which basically cleans out your system and breaks off the drug that is attached to your receptors in your brain and stomach etc... They put you under and when you wake up the hardest part is over. Its like a bell curve and they take you to the top of the bell and the rest is up to you. Iam in deep debt but that is better than dieing.

But anyway I felt like **** real bad lethargy and the runs for 1 week and now its been two weeks and my strength is coming back. I know it is not from the general anesthesia they give you, no way. Its the Oxy abuse because when I tried on my own I felt the lethargy and it was bad. I am still dragging, and my sleep is way off but Iam up to 4-5 hours now.

The main thing they tell you(they provide a lot of support and I have a lot of info if anyone is interested)is walk, get up and move around, take a shower, drink a lot of water and eat light the first week, no dairy! crackers, oatmeal, banana, pleanty of vitamines. But get out and walk even if it hurts so bad, because that is what I did and this is the 14th day, and I finally feel a turning point. The problem is that you dont wake up one day and your better, its like 3% each day so you really dont feel yourself getting better but you have to know that you are, just the little things in life like taking a normal ka ka was a big accomplishment after 10 days. Listening to music helps too and it actually is starting to sound great. When your on drugs nothing matters, not even music and thats sad.

You also need to re-build your endophins that is where the recipe helps, I think and renting a funny movie, try to laugh, laugh at yourself if nothing else.

My feet are killing me and my legs but the lethargy is going away each day. This oxycotin is bad news, it really takes over and starts to kill you slowly.


Lots of Courage to all.
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