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A good friend of mine has got hold of some Anphetamin's and has asked me to try them out with him.

I have taken most other kinds of illegal drugs, and am well experianced in self control and awareness whilst under influence of chemicals.

All I really want to know is what side effects can I expect and are there any major things that I should know before takeing this, as I am unsure I want to try it.

All I do know is that it should be taken with "Speed" and that afterwards you get severe muscular ache.

Any help on this would be of great use.

59 Responses
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ooohhh this is old. Never mind. LOL
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I have so many friends and aquatances that have died due to drug abuse, but I still did them until now its never going to be me. RIght!! Well I hope you got your answer MATT see ya.. MIke
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This post is old and started in 2001 so I guess most of these people aren't here anymore and the one's that are advocating a "good buzz" well, I am glad they are gone and agree with you.

BUT, since people do dig up these old posts through google or however they bring them up, I will say that amphetamines and methamphetamines only lead to destruction IMO.  

Let me tell you all two true horror stories.  The first one is about my aunt's husband who started taking speed when he was working graveyard shifts to stay awake.  It didn't take long for him to get strung out and then of course need pills to come down on too.  He continually got worse in this addiction and in the end got wired out one day, got his shotgun and come looking for my aunt who was divorcing him and was planning on killing her.  Luckily she went into hiding that day and he didn't find her so he went to his new girlfriend's house and blew her head off.  He was found guilty of murder and sent to prison.  

Second story, me and my husband were married in '94, I thought life was wonderful, I couldn't have been more naive and stupid.  Come to find out that my dear husband had started using crank/crystal meth and I didn't really even know what that was at the time.  On one occasion he even talked me into doing a few lines and that was a nightmare for me since I wasn't able to sleep for 4 days and even hallucinated.  So, never again for me and he also told me not to worry, he just used "occasionally for energy."  WRONG!   Long story short, he did every day, all day, all night, was mean to me because I was no fun anymore and he cheated on me regularly with his geeked out girlfriends.  

Finally, I had had enough one night and said that I was filing for divorce and was leaving and he runs out of the house after me like a crazy person and tackles me to the ground and starts beating and beating my face in and then he started strangling me to the point of I really thought I was going to die.  I remember I was losing conciousness and in my mind I was crying out to God to please save me and I promised God that if he would, I would leave my husband and never go back.  Miraculously, he finally let up and I jumped up and started screaming as loud as I could, (we had been staying at his parents since he couldn't hold a job) and his mama came running out and got him off of me.  She took me to my mother's and I remember her in the car begging me not to call the police.  When I got to my mother's I looked in the mirror and my face was unrecognizable with bruises and black eyes, busted lip, found out later that he broke my ribs and also what was so weird when I woke up the next morning and looked in the mirror, I had two big black and blue handprints on my neck.

I divorced him, went on with my life but did see him some months later and at the time he had been up for 11 days on crank.  I remember telling him if he didn't get help he would be dead in 10 yrs.  

Almost 10 years later, he died at the age of 30.  He had been out partying and coming home was driving (from what the police reports said) at over a100mph and hit a tree and it killed him instantly.

So, IMO there is nothing good about any kind of speed.  I sure if my exhusband was here he would agree.
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425962 tn?1285086458
Uhhh. Why are people encouraging someone to take drugs?@! Seems awefully um STUPID to me!?!
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ugh....sorry, I accidentally double posted.
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Just no.

This is something I do know a lot about. But my words aren't coming out right.
If you would like to know more, let me know and I will answer any questions.

I just don't feel like going on a rant right about now.
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Just no.

This is something I do know a lot about. But my words aren't coming out right.
If you would like to know more, let me know and I will answer any questions.

I just don't feel like going on a rant right about now.
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hi my name is kat, so ur wantin to take whizz, thers nuffin to be scared about honest its a good buzz, it makes u do everythin fast u can feel achy after your come down which u can learn to controll, its the best drug ever especially for losin wieght, u still no wot ur doin off the stuff, try it ul like it jus 1nce a month coz u dont wanna get addicted
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what follows is a  response that i just  posted to another one in seek of the truth-   i just copied it here- since again- when postings here are made so close to the bottom- they are very likely to get overlooked:  quite possibley the link provided will take you to a    place where you can hopefully receive some meaningful advice- after all that is all we search for in the final analysis= anyway- my last response is as follows"

first let me suggest that when you wish to post- especially when you are in need of a more quickly response- let me suggest posting much much more closely to the top of the page- unfortuntaly, posts towards towards the bottom tend to get lost and thus overlooked- honestly, i would bet that probably at least 50%, if not not of the bottom post never ever get seen. since audience attentiton span tend to be geared toward the first few posts on a page
secondly- experience tells me that you are likelly to get a relatively rapid response to questions you might have from another another web site- that is "http://pub37.ez.board.com/bthenewaddictionmedicineforum
this site is replete with many invaluably medical source like practicing nurses, theraphists, and scads of docs of life- who have been there and done that- in addition to med help- i would honestly recommend taking a look at it.
if i had the knowlege about your question xanax specifically- i would be more than glad to help- but that is not something i know too much about- but i guarantee there are several folks there who are very knowlegebale about xanax who will be more than happy to answer any quesions you have- you will need to register first- no biggee tough-
good luck!!
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ok I know this is a comments only board but the questions board is full so here gos...a friends daughter has been using speed for some time (shes in her mid-twentys so we only just found out) and its scareing the hell out of her mom...the reason for the extra worry (besides her daughter having young children ) is simple ...her daughter is a diabetic, any medical info would be a help ...especially on the mental side (long term use etc) as she has been showing increasing signs of violent behaviour.                                                       Info/advice from anyone whos been through this sort of thing (from either side )would also be helpful...I hope
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Thank you all so much for your encouragement and thoughtful advice!!! :)  It really means a lot to me, because this is something I am very need to face since my job is such shakey!  I've been there for 5-years now, and my job has had zero rewards.  It's been nice in some ways because of the flexibility, being able to bring my baby to work with me for 18-months, and also bringing sick children into work.  But like i said before, it was very hard on me for a long time, being alone; i HATE beung alone.  Plus, no rewards whatsoever, i need some satisfaction from a job.  5-years ago i would have been thrilled, but now, with my addiction, i'm scared to death.  But, maybe like you said beth (i think it was you, beth, i apologize if i've confused the advice), but this might be just what i need to help get my act together, and get this addiction past me once and for all; anything's possible!
Beth:  You picture looks fantastic.  I absoluately LOVE the sunshine behind you bouncing off your beautiful red head.  You picture just looks like one of peace and inner happiness!!!  Good luck to you girl, you've made it to the other side!
Shotsy:  I don't feel you where too hard on your post to the guy with the speed question.  He needs to understand that the rules change sometimes.  He is young, and i was young once too, and thought if i played by the 'rules' all would be ok.  I was actually fine during my 20's, but something happened over these last 5-years, something i never ever thought would happen to 'me'.  The 'rules' changed, and i wasn't able to stop it at the time!  Now here i am, an addict, and in hell!  So he needs to rethink his choices, that's for sure!!!!
So I do thank you guys, and i will keep you posted!!! :)
Definately need to send my resume (which is all prepared, and actually has been, and it's a wonderful resume I might add -- i've been told time and time again), then hope to get an interview, and check it out for myself; feel the place out and follow my 'gut and heart'!!!
Love Jenny
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Jenny- I have been watching you post for months and months. You are a woman of strength and integrity. I sincerely hope your addiction doesn't scare you careerwise, because if you've kept a job for 6 years being an addict, you obviously don't have ALL the traits of an addict since the first to go is usually the ability to keep a steady job.

I would just weigh the plusses and minuses of each. With your current job things are familiar and the pay is good, and I'm guessing you can bring your baby to work when you want/need to. With the new one, pay would be a little better and you'd be able to socialize more, but you'd also have way more responsibility. Now myself, I *flourished* as an addict with a lot of responsibility. Once I figured that out I took a job where I KNEW I would have to be on my toes and in control every minute to help me get clean and it worked. So I see benefits for you either way. I'll pray for you!

Liz- diet pills don't work. I used to weigh over 200 lbs and now I weigh a maintained 117 lbs (Right now I weigh 113 but I'm sick so that's a little low) I have battled wieght ALL my life and coming from two obese parents who moved me from formula to mcdonald's at the age of 5 months didn't help. I know the drill- middle school was miserable, high school was torture, and if you're like me, college just <i>wasn't</i>. At the beginning of this year I started <a href="http://zoneperfect.com" target="_new">The Zone</a> and added MANY of my own modifications. I am working on a webpage detailing my weight loss experience which I will post the link to as soon as I am done. I tried all the gimmicks, diets, and pills and they never, ever worked- only made me feel like more of a failure than ever. If you're REALLY gonna do it, do it the right way and don't just diet but find a whole new healthy lifestyle. Trsut me, if I can do it, ANYONE can. I was 197 lbs on Jan 1st and today I am 113 lbs and YEAH BABY it feels great! I lost the bulk of that when I got clean so THANK YOU THOMAS for helping me achieve the "Flatbelly" status I have so desired for years! ;-)

In all seriousness Liz, please don't chase diet pills...just put all your determination, will, and drive in a bag and RUN with it! I know you can do it, and even if I don't post I read here every day so if you need help or encouragement, just holler- I'll be here. God bless you.
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Jules,,thanks for your comforting words,...i hate being sick  I really hate it  and DO YOU THINK I AM ALLOWED TO BE SICK FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS?    lol    dOUG PROMISED HE'D HELP ME CLEAN UP THE HOUSE  seems when i get sick everything around me falls apart,,oh he helped ok  He sat on the couch and had jenna and alec clean the living room,,,he did and only because I threatened his life helped me make dinner  he chopped up 6 potatoes, 4 stalks of celery and threw them in the crock pot,,,I am making beef stew,,,,WOW   and like I said i threatened his life and I also threatened to take one of his last 5 oxy's  LOL  feeling a bit better today but i am going back to the couch and guess what  I think I'm gonna have to fight for my right to the couch...oh yeah  he got me a glass of ice water and going to buy me cough medicine...Robitussin   whoop de do...so if i take 2 vic es's with robitussin DM then it is pretty much comparable to vicodin tuss..that's what we had to do at the hospital when the pharmacy didn't carry the good stuff..now it is all settling in my chest which only means this will be my first bout of pneumonia in the past 6 months......no doc..not yet anyway so once again  it is Nurse  heal thyself.......love you all  cin
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Jenny - Interviewing is always good for practice.  Since you are worried about your job you may have to find another one soon so go for the interview go in with an air of confidence like they need you you don't need them.  Just project tons of confidence!!!!  My best jobs have been when I went in to interview to just kind of feel things out.  If you feel you need the job that can come through to show desperation.  I have confidence in you you are an amazing woman and your huuby is right you are running a small company in your homelife BY YOURSELF!!!!  lOTS OF LOVE JULES

Liz - Just be careful taking any diet pill they scare me so much.  I have never heard of the one you are talking about but even OTC pills have caused death in otherwise healthy young women.

CINDI - Hope you are feeling better sweetie!!!  I just hurt when I think about you losing your Mom I just feel so much for you Lots of love - Jules

Leigh - I wrote you a huge post that was deleted so I just wanted you to know you have a friend in me and keep up the good work - Jules  OK it is in the 70's here in NJ today I am going to go play and enjoy the weather  HUGS TO EVERYONE
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Liz  yes I have taken every "diet pill" under then sun  even when i didn't need to..i did it for the buzz..adipex, fastin  they are phentermine hydrochloride and i was pretty much dependant on them for the energy...after years of being on them they didn't do it for me anymore..and the days that i didn't have them i could barely function..they are for short term weight loss therapy and i didn't get mine legally  a pharmacist who happened to be a friend of mine gave them to me....and many other  he ended up a federal prison for 42 months...believe me those are the mildest I have taken..i am not really sure that docs really even prescribe them that much anymore......hey  when you get a chance if you sitll have my email addy  send me some mail cuz i lost yours                love to all  cin
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Hi everyone!  Could anyone tell me if they have had any experience with a diet pill called Adipex-P?  I have been searching all over the net for information about this, but I need to hear some personal experiences from anyone out there.  Is it safe to use?  I'm very much overweight and hear that it can help me lose some weight.  Please anyone!  I'll be checking in constantly for some responses.  Thanks in advance folks! Liz
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hey , I understand how you feel about your daughter reacting that way. But really in one sense feel teacher should have known those kids would personally want to mail their own letters. Maybe if you say something to the teacher about how much it upset your child they can smooth it over. Then your daughter can always learn that life has unexpected happenings. My daughter can be the same way.I've seen hear cry about her hair, her clothes ,just stuff that baffles me at this age. But I guess girls are more sensitive? Then she'll be laughing the next. A couple of times I wondered if this was serious.I don't know. But the fact that you held her and loved her is the biggest thing. YOU gave her the comfort that she needed. Bye                                        P.S. Did I go over board on Duke? He's same age as my oldest and I just want to reach out and shake Thanks.
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Wow, maybe if we'd all been as smart as you we wouldn't have ended up here. Maybe we just didn't know "The Rules". Boy maybe, you can publish that and save so many people. Enough of being snide, I apologize. Re-think your options.
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You picture me as someone who has not had releveant experiance dealing with such Speed freaks, and dealers.
Even I was once became a major seller of MaryJ
(made over
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P.S. Had a thought. When you get this job. You can hire me as your research consultant. Contact Shea for reference. And I would only require a modest salary, Ah hell, as long as we're fantasizing, let's make it liberal.LOL. See it's contagious! Have a great day! Shotsy
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" You create your thoughts, and your thoughts create your life. Do you like what you have created? Contemlate yourself each day and you will unravel the mystery of not only what you are but who you are." This is something I read and gives me pause. Come on jenny, I can read your mind. You see yourself doing this. I see you doing this. Your imagining all the tasks and responsibities you might have. It seems your not real pleased with your current job, and there maybe some unstability there. What are we talking about the first step, the resume. That can't be that bad, you've probaly done it before. And if they want to hire you, that surely would make you feel great. And if for some reason you rethink your options all you have do do is say now's not the right time.I think it's the boost you need. My opinion is GO FOR IT! Good luck and let us know. Your friend, Shotsy
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Thanks sweetie!  Geez, i need to get my butt to bed, it's 2 am, this board is addictive, LOL!
You give good advice and made some excellent points!
I think it would be good for my self-esteem, unless it turns out to be the job from heckers!
I've always been afraid of change, something that i think has always held me back.  Sometimes i have to make myself do something to change because if i never take any chances, i'll just end up watching the world go by as i stay safe and warm in the nice cozy spot.  Thing is, that nice cozy spot has a way of vanishing over time just because the world keeps on moving and things are always changing!
I will submit my resume, and i think i have a very good chance of at least getting an interview; it couldn't hurt to at least check it out.  
This could be just what i need to help me get out of this rut, the rut that helped put me in this darn addiction in the first place.  I need people around me, and sitting there alone day after day (or with my boss whose going through a divorce - ugh, a whole different story), doesn't exactly lift my spirits!
Thanks sweetie!
Have a great weekend, K?
Lv Jenny
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Thank you for the smile tonight!  It's late, the baby was up as usual, i'm beat, and i just wanted to let you know that you made me smile!
I'm glad that i'm back too, i missed everyone very very much!
I wasn't far, i was still around watching all of you, and posting occasionally.  Sometimes i just don't know what to say, so i just keep alittle distance, but i'm never very far away.
I always feel better when I get back into the mindset to keep posting here.  I just feel like such a fool sometimes, and i know that i shouldn't, but sometimes i still do.  You all are very special people, and very special to me, so i should NEVER feel that way I know!
I hope your back continues to heal, although i would imagine you will have your good days and your bad.  Just remember, when you are having a bad pain day, tomorrow will most likely bring a better day!!!! You are definately on the 'right side now', this side is a place where you don't ever want to go back to, and i think you truly know that deep enough in your heart to stay away!
This forum confirms that, so this is a great place for you, plus, we all need you here as an inspiration of what the 'other side' is like, plus your constant encouraging words to everyone is priceless!!!!
Keep being you!
Lv Jenny
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Wow, well first of all, congratulations on even having the opportunity!

I'd suggest one thing...what does your gut tell you to do?

Don't make the decision out of a need to hold on to the safe and secure...growth happens when we take risks, but just be sure that it is a risk worth taking.  Would this new job help raise your self esteem? Would it maybe give you an added boost in knowing that you can take good care of yourself and your family?

I hate to give direct advice, 'cause I don't know all the circumstances, but I do think that they way you presented it, it sure sounds like a hell of a good opportunity.  It sure can't hurt to at least submit your resume and check the place out, see how it feels.

:-)  smiling for you!
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