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opiate withdrawal relief

what can i do to ease the PAIN and overall creepy crawling feeling of opiate withdrawals? i am going to attempt to go cold turkey. i have been taking just about any kind of opiate i can get my hands on. my 1st choice: oxycodone, oxycontin, hydrocodone; 2nd choice: morphine. have been regularly taking 140-180 mg. of opiates a day. what can i do for the withdrawls? i am a 48 YO woman and have high blood pressure and have panic attacks if i don't get the opiates into my system on a regular basis. i still have to work; can't take time off work but still need to be able to function.
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saboxin it really works
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15898092 tn?1443801134
Hi, Yeah I would recommend that you go to the doctor, you need put on suboxone or need to be weened off of the pills..... I was addicted bad, taking 5 80mil oxy's a day and came off of them cold turkey and it was real bad, when I was almost through it I could barely walk I was so weak, its going to take you longer than just 3 days depending on what your taking every day..... at least a week to get through the worst.
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Someone needs to kill this thread!
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take some klonopin           they help
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Hi there folks,

I'm commenting because I got off of prescription of 270mg a day of oxycontin 7 months ago - at home. I used a 30-year old Vietnamese product that's new to the States called Heantos. I still had some minor withdrawals, but only about 25% of what it's been like going cold turkey in the past. I mean, it was like a mild flu, not too bad at all. My dad helped me out for the first few days because the Heantos made me super sleepy, which was also great - I slept for the first 3 days, almost entirely. I also had a support person named Mary in San Francisco who I talked with on the phone every day. She was so kind and easy to talk to. I don't work for heantos....or anyone right now, actually. Lol. I'm still putting my life back together.  I just wanted people to know that this stuff worked for me, and nobody seems to know about it. I'm grateful to be free from that oxy poison, and I just want to tell people about it. May we all be free!
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1430620 tn?1283212080
I'm not an addict but I want to chime in because I have experience with an addict.  I've watched my son's addiction progress for about 6 years now; we found out right before his H.S. graduation.  He's wasted all these years since abusing medication; I'm sad that we waited so long before putting him in rehab.  We tried what we thought was the right way to do things, we went through our family doctor who referred him to a pain specialist.  He took Suboxone for awhile but developed an allergy and full body break out twice from it so we gave up on that medication but It does help incredibly well for allieving  withdrawls... Besides the physical addiction, if you have been abusing pain meds or using street drugs such as heroin for more than a year, you will also have to heal your brain because it's depleted of dopamine; it will feel like nothing makes you "happy" or "feel good".  This is why addicts return to their drug of choice.  It will take over a year for your dopamine levels to replenish to feel normal again.  You will likely feel depressed and empty but know that this is a side effect and temporary due to the drug use.  During this time many addicts return to using.  You should attend a NA program and find a sponsor to help.   I really hope my son returns to rehab, he is currently using and I feel his life is wasting away.  In his group of friends who graduated and those who were using: One is in jail for murder, one is dead from a fatal gun-shot to the head (they claim accidental death) and one is off opiates but using other illicit drugs so not sure I'd say he's ok and there are others still fighting the same battle... I don't want to give you no hope!  There is hope and there are many support groups but you have to be willing to go!..  Find your higher power and fight for your life because this is life or death... Yes,  It will be hard but it will also be worth it!  
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u are not alone be strong u can beat this
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You can do it! I am wrestling the same problem. I have used for 10 years on and off after a pair of heart surgeries. I am 30 years old and want to reclaim my life. Stay strong, look at the little ones and know they are worth it.
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I so understand how you feel. Why do I keep doing this to myself, and family. Me, and my hubby plan on getting back on suboxone after Xmas. Right now we can't afford it due to our children. We want them to have a good xmas. But if you think about all the money we spend...Yeah we could of paid for our meds! I wish everyone on here good luck, and best wishes.... This is day one for me, and I'm scared. I'm going to try my best to fight it, and beat it.
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Nothing about this world we lead is easy. I've gotten myself off and back on so many times I can't even count anymore. My body hurts, my mind is a mess...I can't even think straight. I feel so hopeless, why do I continue to do this to myself? Now I'm trying my ******* hardest this time to do it right. I'm only on day three, I haven't slept, can barely eat and I'm completely alone. So alone that I feel like I'm loosing my mind. I'll be 23 later this month and I feel like I wasted my youth. I have nothing to show for all of my hard work....except the addiction and the pain.
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I'm on day seven of self detoxing and still breathin' and just wanna encourage all out there and wish the best with this battle we've been having so much fun with. (sorry but i'm a bit sarcastic this week) i started taking percs about 15 yrs ago, eventually i got up to 4- 80mg oxy's a day. i started taking them because of lower back pain but found out right away that the biggest benefit for myself was an ability to be comfortable talking to other people. i've been to a coupla headshrinks over depression over the years but anxiety has never been brought up. Anyway, i went from the 4 -80mg oxy's  a day to taking a half by tapering down over just one week. The w/d's were insane just like the half dozen times i kicked it cold turkey before. I had some clonazapam to help me sleep and some gabapentin to help with the crawling skin and muscle pain. I also tried weed for the first time in many years, to help me sleep as well. immodium helped the digestive system a bit, but still had a lot of cramping. Day five i finally felt a little better but no strength. I didn't eat or drink much thru w/d's, just tried to sleep it off with netflix running 24/7 to help pass the time. Started drinking boost and ensure to get some vitamins in me but thats mostly what i'm living on until stomach settles a little more
I'm not sure if i'm gonna manage to stay off them or not. The back pain has returned with a vengance. Because i have issues with talking to groups or really anybody i don't know ,AA or NA  meetings are beyond my reach. I live alone, have very few friends and nobody knows of my slowly self destructive habit except the family relation that i've been buying them from. Besides meetings, does anybody have any ideas to help a person just stay off oxy's? The little round buggers are just a short drive away, way too close and I will see on a regular basis, the person that supply's them. I also wonder how long it takes to feel at least close to normal. I've kicked for a few months before but went back to them because i just couldn't take the anxiety, pain or depression. Anti-depressants have never worked for me and i've tried a lot of them. I've never taken anything for anxiety. W/d's are hell but you will get thru them,
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hi is this ost or is people stil on here ? i got 30's and etting shots in the back, all that    ,that comes with pain mgmt. thng is i am having w/d every 3 hours i been taking 8 roxi's a day , i took suboxone last month , but was put back on the roxi;s , why am i having to use so much , is the subxone playing a role in this? i figure  i got 62 left , when i run out 2 weks early this time , i'me thru , going to dtox a 10 day program, they use phenebarbatol and clonodine and one more med i think, anyway either that or right now i gotta cut back to 3 a day to make  it to next refil, i really want off , so really what is best way? c/t or taper? my wife will help or wait on me to do detox , ime disabled, i got bad back and leg problems, but this medicene dont help much anymore, i taking 800 ibuprophen with it and it helps more,i stay in bed i dont wanna do nothing , ime keep having muscle spasm's all over legs ,is it from laying around for weeks or the medicine? i lost , i also take 3 - 1mg klonopin a day , and i cut them back already to 1 in the morning and 1 at night , 5;th day doing this , i trying to figure out whats causing the skin crawling ,cold sweat evet 3 hours or so , i never took more than 5 or 6 in a day until i tried  the suboxone . sorry for all  the type errors i just have 000000000000 patience right now, also scarred and worried, anyone that got any advise  i would  be very thankful for , oh yea i get 120 of the 30 roxi,s every month , so with that said should i just suffer thru a tapper plan with wife and kids helping, my kids are 17 and 21 , yhey no this all started from a bad 18 wheeler wreck, i never even drank , nothing until these pain pills , dr sent me to pain management 6 years ago after reading mri. so been doing opiates 6 years, the 30;s about 4 years the klonopin about 8 months, am i bad addicted to the klon by now? would i be in danger of a seizure quitting or only taking one at night, not been on them real long, didnt even no they were so addictive and dangerous to stop, i just want my life back, to do stuf again , i just so depressed    help anyone
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Hey Anthony, I was on 3 to 4 MS Contin per day, my dr dropped me to 7 kadians twice per day and is planing on putting me on suboxone after I have tapered down some what, how much should I tapper off the kadians before going on the subs and last of all will I go through deadly wd after a week of suboxone? As you say not to stay on them for more than a week? Right? Please help I'm scard as ****! Have a great family which are all supportive but they don't deserve this hell!
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I'm right there with you, hopefully you're doing better now. You might have to bite the bullet and tell your parents, and go to an intensive outpatient treatment which is what I am doing where you go to doctors specializing in addiction and have group meetings. I relapsed and got worse for 3 weeks and promptly put myself back in the program, and my insurance is paying for it. My parent's while worried are happy that I am doing something to stop it.

  After that and you have been clean I would recommend shopping around for AA meetings until you find one that suits you, with people that you like. AA is better than NA usually because in NA you get a lot of forever junkies that may be clean (but probly aren't) who just like to talk nostalgically about their drug days as if it was something to be proud of. For example they'll be like "I was ODing on bathsalts and shooting speedballs every day selling ounces of dope" like it was cool and they miss it.

  In AA you get spiritual people (I am not religious, and I don't mean religious nutjobs but I mean truly nice, caring, clean people) who truly respect sobriety, and have achieved it. I think that this is necessary to staying clean to have these people that you can look up to who are struggling like you, but have managed to achieve sobriety for longer times than I. I stopped going to meetings and got really relaxed, and went to a music festival thinking "well I'll just do a little x, a little acid, no big deal, smoke some weed, just like the good old days" While I did have fun and turned down dope at the festival, 4 days later after being home I had already found dope and was shooting it up again.

  I now realize that I have been an addict forever (smoking weed everyday since 14, I'm 24 now) and to stay clean I need to be fully sober, and I need good role models to do that. Go to meetings, go to a doctor who will prescribe you colonadine (not colonopin) and some 800 Ibuprofins for w/d. Last resort weed and benzos, but then you have to kick them after you withdrawel I'd rather do it all at once.  You can do this. The group meetings are what will allow you really wrap your mind around the benefits of sobriety, and how to keep a positive, non destructive mindstate. Without the meetings your mind will just try to cope the only way it knows how, which is to get high.
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I'm right there with you, hopefully you're doing better now. You might have to bite the bullet and tell your parents, and go to an intensive outpatient treatment which is what I am doing where you go to doctors specializing in addiction and have group meetings. I relapsed and got worse for 3 weeks and promptly put myself back in the program, and my insurance is paying for it. My parent's while worried are happy that I am doing something to stop it.

  After that and you have been clean I would recommend shopping around for AA meetings until you find one that suits you, with people that you like. AA is better than NA usually because in NA you get a lot of forever junkies that may be clean (but probly aren't) who just like to talk nostalgically about their drug days as if it was something to be proud of. For example they'll be like "I was ODing on bathsalts and shooting speedballs every day selling ounces of dope" like it was cool and they miss it.

  In AA you get spiritual people (I am not religious, and I don't mean religious nutjobs but I mean truly nice, caring, clean people) who truly respect sobriety, and have achieved it. I think that this is necessary to staying clean to have these people that you can look up to who are struggling like you, but have managed to achieve sobriety for longer times than I. I stopped going to meetings and got really relaxed, and went to a music festival thinking "well I'll just do a little x, a little acid, no big deal, smoke some weed, just like the good old days" While I did have fun and turned down dope at the festival, 4 days later after being home I had already found dope and was shooting it up again.

  I now realize that I have been an addict forever (smoking weed everyday since 14, I'm 24 now) and to stay clean I need to be fully sober, and I need good role models to do that. Go to meetings, go to a doctor who will prescribe you colonadine (not colonopin) and some 800 Ibuprofins for w/d. Last resort weed and benzos, but then you have to kick them after you withdrawel I'd rather do it all at once.  You can do this. The group meetings are what will allow you really wrap your mind around the benefits of sobriety, and how to keep a positive, non destructive mindstate. Without the meetings your mind will just try to cope the only way it knows how, which is to get high.
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I have been on large amounts of oxycontin for two years and I am currently reducing the mgs until I don't take them anymore.  You must be under a doctor's care to slowly withdrawal from these opiate based drugs.The doctor gave me Clonidine to help with the icky flu like symptoms..it takes a while but is finally starting to help, although he reduced it to 1 per day instead of two as it is a blood pressure medicine and my blood pressure got way to low. All I can tell you is the information above to discuss with a doctor; it's hard emotional work and you will have to fight it with everything you've got, but stick to it..eat healthy and try to get some kind of exercise and most important...drink lots of water..get minerals and elctrolytes in your system. Don't give up..eventually you will be free of this horrible addiction and get your life back.
If you want to talk, feel free to email me..it's a rollercoaster to be honest with you, but never give up.
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I couldn't have said it better u explain this wicked life lesson to a Tee. It is one of the hardest things a person will ever have  to go threw. I know all to will i detox for 31 days it's a very long road you think will never end. I can't have explained it better than you. Thank god for people like you out there. Best Wishes and God Bless you.
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5491657 tn?1368741890
what a lovely and helpful post, it's given me renewed hope for a better future, thank-you :)
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Have any of you guys tried the suboxone strips or they come in capsules. it takes away all of your withdrawl symptoms and your doctor should be able to tapper you off those. it attacks the recepter in your brain that makes you addicted.
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i can totally agree with you on this withdrawl. i have been on pain meds since 1999 and i have been in and out of rehab and detox and now of that helped. i got clean and now im still battleing this crap. i have been thru all these withdrawls way to many times and i should know how i was going to feel after i detox. my life was so much better and everything i lost was finally coming back and then i went back out again and forgot about all the stuff that i got bad. i keep getting worse and worse and cant live like this anymore. i was taken 450mg of oxyocode and 80mg of dudlide and i started to use the needle and it has destroyed me. im on my 3rd day again and my opinion is keep going and dont look back. these pills will kill you. indise and out and EVERYONE is way BETTER then them. keep your mind focus cause anyone can go thru cold turkey. you just need to want it and not have to do it cause if thats the case you will never stay clean if someone fources you to do it. keep up the good work!!!
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tylenol or asprin to manage blood pressure, drink minimum of gallon of water every day...find a complete multi-vitamin and double-up on the dosage(opiates leach important vitamins and minerals from your system)  develop a strick sleep schedule, ideally you should take 4 melatonin tablets each night before bedtime. you should schedule 8 hrs of sleep each night..no more no less. when you wake immediately drink 2 five hr energy drinks. these last  2 are very important, once you wake up immediately begin an exercise routine, an hour of something..and really break a sweat(your body will respond and begin producing the feel good chemicals the drugs were providing ie.seratonin) finally and most importantly, your body will respond and you can recover completely and in a reasonable amount of time...it's true and if you choose to buy-in and believe this your body will follow your mind out of the misery you find yourself in...I promise you it will work and your body will repsond, all you have to do is be honest enough with yourself to believe and to give a 100% to this process, do not lie to yourself and you will recover to a point much happier than you ever were before or during your drug addiction. physically you will feel less than great for approx a week, but the harder you exercise the quicker your recovery, emotionally your gonna need to fight for as long as a month(less time if you have access to and anti-depressant) Anti-depressant simply prevent your body from discarding the feel good chemicals your trying to replace.
You are stronger than you know right now, but when you break thru to the happy and healthy side...no drug will be able to replace that kind of joy.  
I was a 20 year opiate addict, believe me its not magic and every one can beat it...even you.  Now go get your life BACK!!!!!

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I've quit opiates and subs. In order to finally quit, I used about 4-8mg of Xanax a day (at first), Gatorade/Powerade/Vitamin Water, Tylenol/Advil, Protein Shakes like Muscle Milk, Loperamide, & benadryl. The liquids that I listed kept you hydrated. You need to slowly begin to eat and exercise, even if it's just a little at a time. Loperamide (Immodium AD) is an OTC opiate used for diarrhea that doesn't cross the BBB, so it won't get you high but it'll stop the sh*ts and RLS and stomach pains. The tylenol/advil for any headaches or body pain. The benadryl for help with the sneezing, running nose, watery eyes, & restlessness. The most important factor in a quitting supply kit is Xanax. Be cautious because these are somewhat addictive if overused or used improperly. These completely eliminate all anxiety, muscle cramps, insomnia, & put you in a good mood. It's almost impossible to OD on Xanax, so don't mess around with tiny doses, take enough so that you feel it. 1.5-3mgs per dose should make you feel MUCH better.  Keep in mind, they are addictive,  so proceed with caution. Xanax will also give you the munchies, which is good during withdrawal. Suboxone WD doesn't start for 2-3 days until after your last dose, and heroin/oxy withdrawal begins 12-24 hous after your last dose so you shouldn't start this regime until then. Having something to occupy your time like DVD box sets, books, magazines, ANYTHING. The withdrawal will last 3-5 weeks with subs and 2-4 weeks with oxy/heroin/vicodin, ect, so it'll cost some dollars to buy all these supplies, but your sobriety is worth it so stick to it, you can/you NEED, to do this. Cut down on your Xanax and loperamide use by 25% each week. Also, never take more than 3,000 mgs of tylenol a day, it's awful for your liver. I've helped 44 people stay clean from subs & opiates with this plan and I have a day by day instructional guide to follow and I also provide all the meds that I listed. I'm also available for 24/7 telephone or email support. Your party is over. It's time for you to get your life back!!! My email address is ***@****. Try it my way and set your life free. Your old life is waiting for you. Take care.
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4584658 tn?1356824115
Where did you get the suboxone?
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I'm on day five of not taking em norco 10/325.  The sleep part has been hell.  
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