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Been through the Oxy and working on Vicoden withdrawals

Hi Folks. I have a 3 page documentation on my Oxycontin withdrawals. It happened last April. I lived through it. If you would like a copy, see my email address at the bottom. I am also on vicoden and have 4 pills left. Im trying to slowly wean myself off using these 4 pills. I broke those 4 in half. Right now I have some nervousness and think I can pull this off without losing time out of my life. I've been taking Vicoden for about 2 1/2 years. I went clean last year for only about 2 weeks. I got back into them pretty heavy. I even found a place on-line to get scripts. Nothing was planned. I again cut myself down in Feb of this month. Determined to stop. When I do cut down, they work again for chronic pain. We all know about that. It seems I can feel the toxins build up inside my body. My feet swell if taken too many in succession. This will be my second go at stopping. My first for just Vicodens. I guess I just want to say that this all Sucks! Narcotics work, but all information should be given before starting. Oxycontin is bad as far as I'm concerned. It ruined my life. All I wanted to do was take pills. I DO have my 'wants and likes' back. Now to stop the vics and look for an alternative route.  If you can help me through this or I you, here's my email address: ***@****
74 Responses
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How did you get caught?
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Glad to have you aboard. Who ever though I'd be saying that?
Anyway Hippy has it listed. Its on the third thread about the
20th post down. Good luck and keep us informed.
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Can someone list the recipe that is talked about?
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I cracked and got my script refilled Wednesday, it is now Saturday.  I take two vics a day sometimes four.  Also bought the vitamins and started taking them hoping that when I stop this time the recipe will help. Sick huh?
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Thanks,this will help me stay out of trouble for at least a little while,
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As you said Jesse, I did get some soma on line. It is the same exact composition but it does the "trick"... I am having a really bad day and would do just about anything to calm me down or get me high.. Yes, I said it! Oh well, at least I am honest! Unfortunately, I do not have anything to take or to call since I was caugh doc hopping! that should really teach me a lesson.. and yes, I had to detox, with no help whatsoever. But i made it! from 12 vicodin es / day  with soma and duragesic patch! I cant beleive how loaded I must have been! It is amazing to think that I could actually function under all these drugs. Anyway... I better go. Talk later.... Thanks for listening...
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There ARE legitimate online drugstores out there, and you can find them easily. BUT (and that is the big BUT). NO ONLINE DRUGSTORE that is legitimate will sell ANYTHING containing ANY opiate dirivate. The most powerful drugs you can buy legitimately are SOMA, FLEXERIL and Ultram/Ultracet. But it is JUST not worth it anyway. These drugstores that look like they sell just about anything have NOTHING to lose. they just collect your money, and see if anyone will try again. What are you going to do if they screw you out of a bunch of money -- Call the police, write the Better Business associations? If you contact anyone, YOU will end up in jail for soliciting an illegal drugs. Hell, if I lived in another country, I'd sell Heroine, morphine, crack, exstasy and POT all online. I'd probably make 100's of thousands of dollars before anyone caught on and spread the word.

Well, ANYWAY, guys- Listen to Frenchee & me.... DON'T buy online!
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MEDICUSA.COM does not send their products and do not return calls. For those of you that might want to order on line, this is a joke! I feel like a fool but that will teach me a lesson : )
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hey m  Her,s 3 really , really good books.

One beleivable  horror  is CALEB CARR  
(THE ALIENIST ) set in newyork in the 1890's
I really enjoyed it.

( the butchers theater).  by jonathan kellerman.
about a seriel killer in israel.

(THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW)  by allan folsom
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ME TOO i am looking for a great big fat book,have you read robert walker,john grisham or john sanford sudden prey? all are thrillers, if you have any great suggestions i will take them, i hate mushy love/sift porn but im am so desprait that i just read a harliquin love novel( kill me now)  I love horror but it has to be believable,thrillers, history    laura
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So I sat down at the PC this morning and wanted to see just what would come out in a Free-association type writing.... the text that follows is the results.

Why is the Feeling SO REAL!

Lonely desolation brings lack of love and no meaning to existence. However, good feelings bring exultation and hunger for power
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Thanks for your post. I know... I was stupid for ordering that stuff.. God, I have been clean for a while! I like your "poem"... Hope you are doing good.
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sassy 8  I was getting migraines 2 years ago and was self medicating myself with vikes, I finally went to the doctor ,because i could not even be in the same room witha tv on . the pain was so intense. Well the doctor ran test and it turned out i had a thyroid problem.  So i started taking synthroid as prescribed, and the migrains went away.
I know all problems do  not resolve so easy. It might be worth looking into tho. good luck.
I am comming up on 2 weeks clean ,using just the  recripe.
my biggest problem is i need to find another good , big fat book to read.
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"We seek him here, we seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in heaven?--Is he in hell?
That demmed, elusive Pimpernel"

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Tisk tisk!

Those foreign websites are only going to do ONE thing for you: Take away your money, and you will not get anything. If you DID order from them 3 weeks ago, expect to recieve a letter from the Food and Drug Administration and the US Customs service in 1 - 2 weeks from now. The letter will say that your shipment has been confiscated, and "Your name has been added to our list of suspicious drug activity.." (Whatever that's supposed to mean?!)

Sorry about that... It's what will happen though, It happened to me.

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Hi there... I was reading the board. I have not posted anything in a while. I too, have horrible migraines and headaches on a daily basis. I was taking Vicodin for 2 years but my doc. cut me off... It is probably for the best but it has been tough mentally after dealing with the physical side of it.... I have been clean since Feb 4th and there is not a day that passes by where I do not think about a D--- pill! Anyway, I am also from WA state.  Where are you from?

I am thinking about everyone on this site. I understand the feelings going around. I wish it was easier.

PS: Has anyone heard about MedicUSA? Is it legit? I ordered something about 3 weeks ago and have not received anything. They have not responded to my emails or voicemails.. .be aware!
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Six days off vicodin. It's all mental now. What do I do next?
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Started off today spending hours searching for Vicodin sources.  I am so "P.O.'d"at myself for letting this happen.  I started taking Vicodin 6 years ago. I have had terrible migraines, and nothing else worked.  I remember the first time I took a pill when I didn't need it.  I felt so comfortable and relaxed.  It didn't seem to hurt anything or anyone.  Now 6 years later, I'm up to 10-20 a day.  It's like I have two personalities that are fighting each other.  One side is begging the other to get help and get my life back.  The other side says, "just take the pills and don't worry about it."  I can't talk to anyone about it.  My doctor acts like it's not a big deal.  Keeps prescribing more, and now I can't stop.  I don't want to be an addict, and I don't want to die.  I think of my two wonderful children and want so badly to just be normal.  I've tried to "detox" myself, and I can't even go 24 hours.  I am so happy for you who have had the will to go longer without it.  I don't even know why I'm writing this.  I started reading these testimonies, and realized I'm not the only one in the world suffering with this addiction.  Thank you all for stopping me from searching for more Vicodin, even if it is just for today.
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hello, Im from fla and I can relate to everyone of you in this resect Im 33 and have been taking pain meds sense 21 per,wic,oxy,diliudid all of them and I cant break the cycle I need to get weened off anyone know of a dr her in orlando that id=s symothetic to this and can help
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hello, Im from fla and I can relate to everyone of you in this resect Im 33 and have been taking pain meds sense 21 per,wic,oxy,diliudid all of them and I cant break the cycle I need to get weened off anyone know of a dr her in orlando that id=s symothetic to this and can help
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I've come off of hydro several times.  After a few days of it, a week or few weeks, after a month or several months.  This time is almost a year.  I *do* get a funny feeling at the base of my throat, but no sore throat per say.  Also no difficulty swallowing.
The anxiety - yes. The breathing difficulty could be because of the anxiety.
I'm glad you're sharing all of this with a physician.

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Can anyone answer my post about the sore throat feeling, little diffuculty swallowing and breathing difficulty/panic attack from coming off of vicodin.  It's been a week now and still feeling it.  Also no alcohol or pot and just a little Xanax as prescribed to calm the jitters.  Is the throat feeling normal?  I have visited the doctor and he knows the story.
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Darlin' there's a difference between taking *medication* and abusing drugs.  It sounds as if you have a medical condition which requires this medication.  
Addiction is a point reached wherein the drug use affects your life, and that of family and friends.  The thought of your drug of choice is all consuming and takes priority over everything and everyone else in your mind.
I have posted on another thread about my husband and my brother, both of whom need strong pain medication, but take it exactly as directed, and if they don't have any medicine, they only have pain, no withdrawal whatsoever.
*MY* body on the other hand, latches onto the first pill I take and says, "*YES*!!".  The amount I take needs to be increased to handle the pain and .... well, it's on the other thread.
Get your medical condition handled first, it sounds severe.  Then, when your life has that issue resolved, look at the drug use.  You may be anticipating a problem that will never be there.

Blessed Be,
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I don't know if I'm doing this right.  I just found this forum and need some insight.

I have autoimmune hepatitis - same category, more or less, as Lupus, MS, RA, etc.  Have recovered from end stage liver disease and I'm in remission.  However, I've had some other kind of problem that's never been diagnosed, though sometimes the result is severe pain and all of the time there's some level of leg and back pain.  Until it became almost intolerable, I'd never taken anything to relieve the pain.  (No diagnosis, so no meds).

So, after almost 20 years of episodes that were usually short term, I reached the point where I could barely function during an episode of whatever it is.  I saw a Rheumatologist at Scripps Clinic in LaJolla California and she prescribed Hydrocodone.

I don't drink (it's always made me ill - probably my liver has been diseased for years) and I've never used drugs - not interested.  I don't have an addictive personality but I don't judge anyone who does.  

Anyhow, whatever this condition I have is, it's gotten worse.  I'm now living in Phoenix and am being evaluated at Mayo Clinic.  I have appointments with their Rheumatology and Neurology departments soon.  In the past I've had brain MRIs, CT scans, all kinds of tests, and all anyone can conclude is that I have some kind of neuro-muscular condition, but what???

On "bad" days, I have what feels like severe muscle spasms down both legs and in my lower back.  The pain isn't intense, butit's constant and throbbing and incapacitates me so I can barely lift my feet off the floor to walk.  Yesterday was one of those days and they're becoming more and more frequent.

I've been taking Hydrocodone for about 2 years.  The prescribed dosage is 1 to 2 ten mg. tabs four times daily.  I've never taken two at a time and generally I take 3 or 4 daily.  I've never felt the need to increase the dosage and on a "good" day I don't think about pain relief, but I always take Hydrocodone, every day.

This may sound dumb, but I didn't know the stuff is supposedly addictive.

If it's addictive and I keep taking exactly the amount I'm taking now, what is the result?  In other words, how am I harming myself by taking this drug every day?  It apparently doesn't cause additional liver damage since I asked a Mayo liver specialist that question yesterday and he's not concerned with that, but he IS concerned that it's addictive.  But if it is, what harm am I doing to myself by taking it?

I hope I don't sound like I'm being an idiot, but I need to know why I should not continue to take it.  I'm not worried about "withdrawal" since it doesn't bother me not to take the stuff except that the pain is almost intolerable and I might as well hang it up and spend the rest of my life in bed.  The pain preceeded the Hydrocodone by 18 years, so if I stop taking it now, will increased pain be blamed on Hydrocodone withdrawal?

On a bad day like yesterday, after my second Hydrocodone I usually am able to get around.  As the evening progresses, I eventually can be as active as anyone who doesn't have a problem.  But, that's more related to the nature of the problem than to the Hydrocodone - I think. Or am I convincing myself that I need it to be functional?

My question is, why should I stop taking it?

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

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