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Crack Cocaine

My boyfriend has a crack cocaine addiction. He will go about one or two moths clean then binge for days. He has been using on and off for 10 years. He says he wants to stop but he wont initiate going to NA. He talks and talks about what he should do but never DOES IT. Can my aggressiveness help? If I pick him up and take him, or stay on top of him constantly, will I be helping him? Also, can an at home treatment work if he cant afford expensive programs? Is there a book out there that can help a family detox an abuser themselves? He is not working now and I feel these next three months could be solely devoted to getting him clean, (if he is willing). Can we do it? Anyone who has detoxed themselves, or another crack user, I would appreciate your input.
Thank You
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hi im with my husband for eight years now and he is addited to ice. it use to be crack cocain or whatever they call it. and it was stressful but now that he is using ice it has gone very bad. we argue everyday. but yesterday he say thing that hurt me. saying that im so negative on him. and im always talk down to him. well it made me woke up and think wow is he telling me the truth. i do complaint alot but hat beccause i was tire to see him tweeking all the time. but what im trying to say is could he be right about me maybe is me the problem not him?
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OMG help!!! I have recently started a relationship (6 months)with someone who up until recently thought was the man of my dreams. Only to find out he's addicted to coke. Now I know he doesnt do thid on a regular basis, however when he is using, it's in large quantities. I mean BIG HUGE. For examle, the first time that I know about he spent 800$$$.
I dont know what to do, I love him dearly but I did not sign up for this. I want to help but don't know where to start. To make matters worse, when he "crashes" he gets so depressed and feels so bad for hurting me, he starts to cry. So then, naturally I feel guilty for reacting and tend to tone my feelings down. He says he can quit on his own, I dont believe that for a second. He promised me he would never touch the sh** again. I didn't believe him, when a week later he was doing it again.  I am so confused and feel so alone, I dont want to tell my side of the family cause they will just tell me to leave him, which I don't want to do. His family is well aware of his addiction, so I can go to them but I'm relunctant cause I have only known them a little while.
Please someone, what are my options and is it possible for him to do this on his own.  I know he can go months without touching the stuff.  
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Where in the hell did this thread come from?  I think I just answered my own question.  Uh...I'll just turn around and walk right out of this one.  Click click click.....kurplop!
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I happened upon this thread, while searching for info on something else.   I have had a recent very negative experience with Narconon. My dear friend and Sister-in-Law is /was a crack binger.
I chose this place to get her help after reading all Narconon's propaganda which flooded my amatuer internet search for rehab centers. I was also the one that yanked her out of there after she suffered a Niacin overdose in the sauna treatment phase while under their care, and was hospitolized for severe dehydration, and heat exhaustion, (in January).
IMHO, This is not a place for anyones loved one.
This is what we know after our experience with them and after digging below the surface of "their" websites (of which there are many),
It is a front for the Church of Scientology. There are many many references to this fact, including court and goverment records  when you dig deep for info.
The treatment cost is $21,000. For your $21,000 you get to live in deplorable conditions. (I had to send blankets, she was only given a sheet.)  It is located on a former Indian school reservation. They put no money into the care of their "Students".
The "students" are the janitors, the cooks, etc. All the "Staff" are "former students" who were former drug addicts. A high percentage of those that would  "graduate" on any given week, would stay on as "staff".
The TR's (training routines) are identical to those used in the Church of Sci., ie: bullbaiting.
There are no MD's  or RN'S at the facility. (At least my SIS was never saw one or was never treated by one.)
The sauna treatment is a dangerous joke.  It could have been disastrous for my SIS. The bottom line is that they are not medically trained to administer to these "students". The "students"  are not medically  monitored, and they rely on the premise that  "We'll just know when you are ready" One of the "staff" drove my SIS to the hospitol after her Niacin overdose in the sauna, and it was later learned that no abulances will respond at the facility. The "staff" member would not accompany her into the ER, and it was later learned that they are not welcome there.  Actually, They are not welcome anywhere in the Oklahoma area.  They are in fact, moving from this facility as they are being kicked out by the Indian tribes because they have not paid them per their agreement for use of their land.
Getting my SIS out of there was hair-raising.  She was detained for 6 hours while they attempted to pusuade her to stay. It was during this period that Scientology was first mentioned. She was also ordered not to bad-mouth Narconon.  ( I was not)  The driver that was sent for her was threated with having his limo impounded if he set one tire on the property.  I could go on and on amd on. These are just tidbits, that I hope will induce anyone considering this program to look elsewhere. IMHO this may be a fine place for someone who has nowhere else to go, has no family to return to, and has tried everything else.   They can join "staff" after graduation, and live happily ever after.
I am happy to say, that SiS has been clean since returning from there.  She is adamant that she was scared strait, and that no high would ever be worth going through something like that again.
Meanwhile, we keep a reputable rehab center's phone number taped to the wall as a constant reminder for her.

I have no doubt, that this post will probably reach "them",  I beleive they have tenacles that reach far and wide. So, just for the record....
This was just our experience with them, and it is strictly an opinion.

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your gay *****
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your gay *****
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My husband has been doing crank behind my back for atleast 2 years.  I had confronted him before and even gave him a drug test that he failed but he still swore he was not doing anything.  On Thanksgiving Day at my parents house I actually caught him doing it I never thought I could be so disappointed in someone.  Needless to say we split up the next day.  But I just don't know what to do now he has never cared really if we stayed together or not until like a month after we split up I met somebody now he calls all the time shows up at my house at 2am to say goodbye.  We both work for my dad and he has taken off work several times just to be with me all day at work.  I believe it is the drugs causing him to react this way because up until like a week ago he was still doing them.  He thinks he can kick the habit on his own but I don't and I don't know if I should tell him to stay away or be nice so he doesn't do anything stupid.  Any input would be nice thanks!
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This is a reply to Andrea. I read your question and I could swear it was me talking. I am in the exact same position. My boyfriend is an alcoholic, and addicted to cocaine. He was addicted to crack, and he says he is off of it, but I know better. I have been to hell and back trying to help him and I've been hurt many times in the process. He has lost his job because he failed three drug tests, and now he borrows money from his 80 year old grandmother to support his habit. She is wrong for giving the money to him if you ask me, because she knows what it is for. He is very depressed now, because he went from a high paying job to no money at all, and his bills are high, because he used to be able to afford them, and everything is behind. He is practically anti-social, even with me, cause all he does is sleep, but I guess that is better than doing drugs. So, I just wanted to let you know you aren't alone. I really do feel bad for you cause I know how hard it is. People think it is easy and you should just leave, but you don't leave when you love someone. They need us, and I believe someday we will be rewarded. I am only 20 years old and I've learned a lot from a drug addict. Keep your head up and stay strong.

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Gee Vickey, I'm not so qualified to answer your question !! I do have my opinions if your ear is there :-))

I agree about the hemp issue... it is a valuable resource for consumer products. I recently got a catalog will all cotton products.. this also included flax and hemp. There were hemp handbags and lots of other neat things. The problem is they were so costly. I guess this is because the supply is small. I have no idea how large the hemp industry actually is and why it is not expanded... as you say to protect trees and so on... perhaps it is a viable substitute. I think a spare time net search on hemp may be interesting. As far as the marijuana issue... that seems to be the problem.... the way I see it, we have something similar now to prohibition... people for centuries, in all cultures have had recipes and sizeable brewing industries.... beer and wine are known in every traceable culture... when the government instituted prohibition all that happened is that the crime element escalated.... you simply cannot legislate alcohol out of a society.... the same seems to be true of marijuana... we have a prohibition in spite of the fact that people all over the world are choosing to use it. Again, marijuana is a globally mega profit industry... and it's illegality is continually making criminals out of people who are not criminals...  usually the consumers. The judicial system is a big profiteer of the marijuana prohibition. I don't have the answers... I think drugs should be de-criminalized. And I also think marijuana should be legalized. I guess there will be lots of throat cutting over who will profit if this were to happen. Just my opinion... since you asked. Love, Brighty
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You have a very astute opinion.  I also wanted to comment on your view of marijuana.  I agree 100% about the government staying out of the chemical creation of it.  I believe it is only effective in its natural state.  God put it on our earth along with many other healing herbs that are used in their NATURAL STATE.  Like the comment about Hearst and the Hemp competition, the public does not understand where the controversy over this drug first arose.  Hemp had a very important role in the making of rope and other products.  If hemp was grown, trees would not need to be cut down.  Why is alcohol condoned and marijuana treated as a crime.  Why, Brighty, Why???????????  Thanks for all the understanding, Love, Vicky
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Thanks Vicky for the site information.... sounds like a philosophy rather than a religion... but I suppose it helps for the non-profit aspect to front as one!! Thank you so much for your information. Love, Brighty
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Brighty:  A brief passage from www.scientology.org which is billed on netscape as the official site of the group. I urge everyone to go to this site to get the facts, from the organization themselves. Again, their message seems to be more about the power of the inner self, and does not believe in God AS A SAVIOR.  In fact, in the description of the "religion" as started below, God is not mentioned. I found that site to be very informative and verified what I had believed scientology to be.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.  You are a gift.

Man is an immortal spiritual being.
His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime.
His capabilities are unlimited, even if not presently realized.
Scientology further holds man to be basically good, and that his spiritual salvation depends upon himself and his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe. In that regard, Scientology is a religious philosophy in the most profound sense of the word, for it is concerned with no less than the full rehabilitation of man's innate spiritual self -- his capabilities, his awareness and his certainty of his own immortality. Furthermore, as religion deals with the spirit in relationship to itself, the universe and other life, and is essentially the belief in spiritual beings, Scientology follows a religious tradition that is at least as old as mankind. Yet what Scientology ultimately represents is new. Its religious technology is new, its ecclesiastical organization is new, and what it means to 20th-century man is entirely new.

At the heart of Scientology lie its axioms that precisely define the fundamental laws and truths of life, including who we are, what we are capable of, and most importantly, how we might realize our native spiritual abilities. These axioms form the foundation of a vast body of wisdom that applies to the entirety of all life. From this wisdom has come a great number of fundamental principles people can use to improve their immediate lives, as well as to achieve spiritual immortality. In fact, there is no aspect of life that cannot be improved through the application of Scientology principles.

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Thank you for a very intelligent and informed post ! I referred to Scientology as a religion because I have believed it is a "religion" to it's followers.. they refer to their membership as the Chruch of Scientology. It may indeed NOT be a religion in the mainstream sense of the word. Lack of a Higher Being is a very empty sort of spirituality. I am in agreement as I do not consider wicca and voodoo or similar practices anything other than dark forms of non-worship... empty substitutes for a God. It has not occurred to me that scientologists do not believe in God.. is this in fact true ??? I am very open to forms of positive thinking, principles of mind training that assist us in alleviating negative or defeating programing from early childhood... however I would not consider that a substitute for development of a sound spirituality. Your information is enlightening and I am happy to receive it. I have found their treatment information to be very intruiging as it pertains to detox  for the physical addiction and deep psychological therapy to treat underlying problems. Perhaps the spiritually based programs can add some of these components to their current treatment methods. I agree with you about spirituality... I personally belive that all healing comes from God as a divine gift that is our spiritual birthright. By the way, I recently learned that Bill W. did not write all the 12 steps... that 8 of the steps were a monastic rule of order he read about and then he added more steps to his now famous program to help alcoholics. Maybe someone can add to this. Thanks again for supplying me with information I did not know. Love, Brighty
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Dear Brighty, i hope you had a great holiday season.  My husband is catholic and while I was raised southern baptist(yikes) I have enjoyed going to the beautiful masses at his cathedral.  All who believe in Christ are welcome in any God fearing church.  However, this is where scientology differs. It is not a Judeo-Christian religion.  It does not accept Jesus or anyone as a savior or higher power.  From what I have gathered, it is at best a new age religion or cult, if you will, that believes all you need in life is what is within your own mind and body, not any kind of superior being, which is my Lord Jesus Christ.  Also, Scientologists, while not actively pursuing members may be more effective with their treatment BECAUSE it is combined with the scientology training, however subtle or overt.  Having said this, I do not believe that aspect is any different from the 12 step program that believes that by following the specific guidelines established by Bill W. you will be successful.  While I don't condone C.A or N.A , I have met wonderful people in A.A.  The point is, as you yourself have mentioned, by not knowing enough about Scientology, you do not understand what Tom, the anonymous posters and myself worry about.  They are cloaked in secrecy.  Why is that?  I shout my spiritualness anywhere I can, but one cannot even find a definition about Scientology.  Please research it, Brighty, before believing that any religion is good.  Believing Scientology is a religion with merit is similar to saying wicca and voodoo has its good points.  Love, Vicky
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Hi Andrea!
What a thread your question has turned into!  I wanted to tell you that I recently bought two books:

1) Willpower's not Enough Recovering from Addictions of Every   Kind.
  On the back cover it says that "This book will show you how to change your life-style and to recover from your addiction".  It also has different Praises about the book:  "Willpower is a comprehensive book that helps us understand addictions.  The section on relapse is the best I have ever read"  Patricia Gorman Author of Breaking the Cycle of Addiction.
  Another is "Willpower's Not Enough could be THE book on overcoming addictions... the best part of the book is the concrete steps it offers to recover from them..." Judy Tatelbaum author of You Dont have to Suffer.

2) How to Quit Drugs for Good. Written by Jerry Dorsman BAC

   Contains over 100 proven techniques to help you free yourself from chemical dependency and get on with your life.  It is a step by step guide that shows you:
   How to completely stop your cravings for Addictive Drugs
   How to undo the damage caused by drugs and regain control of your life.
   How to make Key changes in your life that will improve the way you feel.

   It also says that You CAN live your life free of Addiction.
   You CAN get to the other side
   This book will show you the way.

ANDREA, on the back of this book it says that you can learn to
  Decide when and how you want to quit
  Choose the techniques that will work for you
  Create your own Success.
This book is a series of self discovery exercises, worksheets, checklists.

Andrea I hope these books will maybe help you.  They looked really good to me.  I ordered them through Amazon.  The second book I got for a third of the price because through AMAZON some bookstore was selling a used one through the site.  I hope this helps. Please keep us posted.


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Kate.. believe me... there are no apologies necessary !! I am not upset. I was not too thrilled about anonymous posts, however. I am very aware that the scientologists are viewed with a jaded eye by many. I also realize they are pushy and tend to be somewhat self serving... but that also is an ear mark of many religious groups. Honestly, I suppose I don't know what it is that has so many people up in arms though. They seem to be offering a good treatment program... I don't know anyone who has been through it... I do know alot of people who do the traditional ones... over and over and over... so you know... they may have something that is cutting edge and maybe they have helped people. The premise that the metabolites of drugs stay in the body for years is very correct and medically accurate... lots of stuff stays lodged in our fatty tissue including heavy metals and pollutants.  They use this deep cleansing method and sweats to help remove these toxins which are believed to be one reason why cravings for durgs continue for years sometimes. if the moonies are offering it I may not want to be a moonie but I sure would like to have the treatment... I think you all get my drift. Love to you Kate and I hope you find ways to help your boyfriend at this painful time in your lives. Love, Brighty
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Tom.... I did not actually think you wrote them but you made a comment about "typing in alarm" and I possibly misread that to mean you wrote those... please accept my apologies !!!! Hey, have you been to bed yet, my friend??? Please do not say those things about sitting at my feet and listening... it's silly !!! I have learned here from you and JB and soooooo many others. We all have our own brand of communicating. I do tend to be diplomatic but I do not for a minute believe I offer any more than anyone else. You have every right to your opinions on Scientology and may in fact be correct in your beliefs. I just wanted to make it clear to whomever posted those comments that they should provide some concrete reasons why this would be a bad treatment option. I suggest that anyone who is wondering check out the sites and see what they have to offer. It's free to do that. www.alternative-sentencing.com   or www.narconon.com and you will see that they are very up to date, and provide more information than nearly any other treatment program I have researched. I am not clear though if there is some reason to believe that they may do something like try to convert their patients or brainwash them... I am not an alarmist so I did not consider if this may be the case.  I realize that I don't know what I don't know. Love, Brighty
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I guess I am looking for the "miracle" cure. I will never close my mind to any suggestions that anyone makes. I will research it and form my own opinions. If Ronco made a product to cure addiction and did late night informercials for it would I buy it, No of course not, but I would watch it to learn what I could.
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Whoa! Everybody calm down I only referred to the Narconon site for information about the disease. It does tell many FACTS about cocaine/crack addiction. In no way was I endorsing any type of religious beliefs. Also it is quite unfair to be jumping on Brighty, she has been so kind to me, to all of us. This is all a learning process to me and I guess I just learned a lesson on privacy and jumping to conclusions. Brighty my deepest apologies. Kate
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no, no, no .. Brighty, I never post anonamously!!! Please don't think that was me. I would never speak to you that way. I was really just spouting a bit about my take on Scientology. Nothing else to do while waiting for news on Brian, I guess.

if you must know ... I revere you ... you are an old soul with much to teach. I sit at your feet and listen ...
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Tom... did you write those posts ????????????????? If you did I am surprised !! I did not think you would post something anonymous. And from your comment it does not appear that you read my reply.... I am not at all involved with scientology nor do I espouse their beliefs.. I don't even know for sure what they are.... I hope you and everyone will read my post above. However, I do not apologize in the least for sending Kate a private e-mail and suggesting she investigate them as a treatment option. What in heaven's name am I on the hot seat for anyway ???? Am I supposed to believe that the 12 step programs are the only paths to healing ?? I would have no clue that Scientology is as you say, "a shadowy cult wrapped in layers of pseudo intellectual nonsense".... maybe that's true but then again maybe it's just what those who do not fully understand it think. Maybe it makes sense and works for certain people. It's a good thing you were not a jew during the inquisition. My point is that we need to move on here... so what if their program is affiliated with Scientology.... does that mean it is not a good program? I sent my daughter to 9 rehabs most of which had very poor understanding of treating her underlying problems.. they were totally ineffective. The relapse rate in 12 step programs is frighteningly high also. In fact my daughter is working a 12 step program and I support that. But by the same token I have a big problem with a philosophy that says that relapse is a normal part of recovery or that recovery is a series of relapses... what a negative and self defeating philosophy people buy into. This is simply not the case for everyone. So there are flaws all around the treatment communities as we know them. Best wishes, Brighty
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god am I jumpy ... never thought you had anything to do with those people ... but just the suggestion was enough to start me typing in alarm. got to calm down. so worried about Brian, Brighty. What do you think has befallen our friend? I'm just sick about it.
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I don't know with any specificity what narconon is. I know that AA and NA are based on the principles developed by Bill W. and his fellow founders of AA. If Narconon has anything to do with Scientology, I say run far and run fast. Stick to the simplicity, openness and time-proven legitimacy of Alcoholics Anononomous and Narcotics Anononomous. Scientology is a shadowy cult wrapped in layers of pseudo-intellectual nonesense. I sincerely hope Brighty has not been drawn into this shameless bastardization of the great Bill W's thought and work.
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Dear Friends.... Whoa !!! It is generally respectful to identify oneself, especially if one is going to be a so called expert on any given topic. You have sent 3 anonymous posts, 2 of which  which border on hysteria. However, you do not offer what you do feel is an appropriate and valid method of treatment.  
The first thing you all need to realize is that I NEVER posted here about Narconon. I did however hear of the program and investigated to the extent that any one person can try to learn about a treatment option. They have been on the net a long time and since no one treatment program can guarantee a cure they are in the same category as anyone else at this point. Phoenix house is a very famous therapeutic community that boasts a 75 % success rate. They never tell you that they only have a 15% graduation rate at best !! Their methods are so traumatic and confrontational that only a slim number of people can tolerate their program.
Kate appropriately mentioned in her post to Andrea that I had recommended Narconon or used some similar words. I did this in a personal e-mail to her.. not on this board. She confided in me and I listed it as one of the programs I know of that has an ALTERNATIVE SENTENCING program, as her boyfriend is in jail. Not all judges and not all jurisdictions offer or mandate treatment for drug offenders. While I have no personal experience with Narconon, I would not arbitrarily rule it out as a treatment option, especially if someone is in jail and they offer an opportunity for treatment. Jail is NEVER treatment.. PERIOD.

No, I am not in any way affiliated with scientology and know little about them. I am a practicing Roman Catholic and have been all my life.  I have no interest in changing either. The particular detox methods they use at Narconon are a sauna and herbal cleansing formula that L.Ron Hubbard prescribed LONG before anyone started a church based on his dianetics teachings and LONG before Narconon existed. Frankly, I hope to find the formula... anyone can do it at home I'm sure. I do not know anything about celebrities although I read that Kirstie Alley went there for her alcohol addiction... she has many years clean for what ever it's worth. Lots of celebrities attend Betty Ford and Hazeldon programs and they are some of the costliest treatments out there... so now what... do you wish to denounce those programs also.... ????? Seems to me that you are coming from a fear based belief.... don't you think that the Christian type "Jesus" rehabs try to convert people also ?? You have to decide where your information came from and if it is accurate or not. Maybe you should do some RATIONAL research and try to deal with facts... whatever they may be.

I have no clue what it is about the scientologists that raises all the hair on everyone's heads. Maybe they are kooks .... I know alot of people think that my religion is the wrong one also. I know the mormons have some rehabs too.... and wow... they are very dogmatic..... so get a grip and try to decide what it is you are really reacting to here. EArly christians were considered a cult as were the extreme and ascetic jews. Some modern Jews consider Messianic Jews to be a cult... christians refer to them as Jews for Jesus... so whoever you are, mr. or ms. anonymous I think you should state what your agenda really is.

To the last anonymous poster... so what if the unconventional methods are not endorsed by doctors and scientists... since when are doctors and scientists experts on drug rehabilitation anyway ??? Who do you know that has an addiction got healed by a doctor ??  I would also challenge you to post here to us just what IS a genuine drug rehabilitation program. You seem to have beliefs about what it isn't ... so kindly affirm your post by signing your name and providing us with your information.

My daughter has been in 9 rehabs... the only one that worked was the one she allowed to work.... and the one that provided 95% mental health treatment and 5 % relapse prevention... there is more to healing than the paradigms that you seem to cling to so vigorously. If scientology is a bad group or bad church then that may very well be... but I would also need to know if the Narconon program is selling it's patients their religion. If you can provide that here it may be helpful. I do wish to repeat that I never once posted a preference on this board for any one particular treatment program.... I don't know what has upset you so.... I am secure in my life and my beliefs. I simply gave Kate their web site address as an option for her to seek.

I do expect for any one who is upset to speak rationally and identify themselves.... if you are able to that is. To the second person above who posted, I have no personal information about anyone who attended the Narconon program... I have researched MANY programs and only can tell you that at some point when nothing else works we all need to reach for an alternative option. Narconon is not a 12 step program... so perhaps they are worth learning about. Maybe if we use facts and reason instead of hysteria and misinformation we will open ourselves up to more possibilities.. this is true of everything in life.. not just this topic. Best wishes to all , Brighty
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