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Formal studies on Ultram and Addiction

I'm a recovering addict (garbage can type) who has been clean and sober in 12-step programs for 5 years now.  I had a very ugly relapse 5 years ago over chronic pain -- had been clean and sober for 7 years before that.  Due to my realpse I participate in a professional diversion program.

I've been taking Ultram for chronic pain (along with Neurontin and wellbutrin) for about 3 years now.  I've done well.  Have never had "that" feeling with any of my meds, and have not had a desire to take them other than as prescribed.

Unfortunately, my diversion program is now insisting I stop Ultram because it is addicting.  Have any formal studies been done?  I honestly don't believe I can stop taking it without relapse -- pain's too bad.  Pain management doc states the only other way to go is to take other "true" opioids -- I KNOW I won't be able to do that for very long without relapse...

Got any ideas?  I'm really stuck here.
42 Responses
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You cannot take suboxone or subutex for opiate withdrawls....unless you are in 36 to 48 hours into full blown withdrawl symptoms. I  know, because I quit methadone pills and started on subutex (buprenorphine) after only about 28 hours of taking my last methadone pill.

I ended up at the ER completely out of my mind, screaming and agonizing. I was scaring everyone in the ER. If I had owned a gun, I would have shot myself in the head to escape the twisting and squeezing of my nervous system.

Because buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist, it immediately knocks all the opiate out out of your system and puts you into full-blown withdrawls! Please wait at least 2 or 3 days before you try taking subutex or suboxone! You will be sorry if you don't. On the upside, buprenorphine is a good pain med... I have been on it for 7 years and have not built a tolerance to it. I started on 8mg, twice a day, and now I am on 2mg twice a day, with great pain relief!
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the reason you blacked out was because you had a seizure trust me i know what im taking about
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hey mike i was a pain killer addict for seven years i was taking anything and everything and oxycodone is the worst let me tell you and Ultram AKA Tramadol was the first thing i got started on (i blew out my knee when i was 13) and it is very addicting but yes not like oxys but anyway 8 months ago i had an overdose on ultram if you have never taken it before or if you have not taken it in a very long time your body does not have a tolorence to it and just because it acts,like an opiate its NOT i was going threw withdraws took 15 of the 50 mg had a grand mall seizure and stopped breathing for 2 and a half minutes (I did not know that Ultram lowered your seizure threshold) so what ever you do do not take more than a few other then that bubrenex AKA SUBOXONE or SUBUTEX is a pain medication like methadone but less habit forming and way stronger you can only get a script if you go to a (suboxone clinic) AKA an addiction specialist because they use it to wean people off opioids/opiates and you may find the occasional doctor that has a regular practice and is licensed to prescribe it but it works wounders for pain and withdraws (if you dont abuse it) so what i would do is i would find a clinic make an appointment wean yourself off then get on ultram for chronic pain but thats just me glad if i could help :)
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I was on ultram for a short period. I was in a motorcycle accident back in '86 my left side is shot. My ankle, knee, back (bad), hip, and now my shoulder. I went from tylenol 3 to lortab (20 years now). Never abused them, never got "high" but am dependent on them just to take the edge off so I can function since my pain never, never goes away. I do have a weird system. Thru the years my dr let me try a variety of drugs to see if they would help. So here comes the ultram and as usual nothing. Now years later a friend of mine told me she loves ultram but has to take 10 at a time to get high. OK, my weird system I told her to give me 15 and like an idiot I took them and guess what...NOTHING! Not high, no headache, didn't pass out, didn't get sick. Tried it one more time with my friend and as she was having a great time under the influence, I was not. Want no more ultram, high dose or low. Either way, NOTHING. Some people do get high, some it helps with pain well, some people (ME) get no benefit what so ever. It all depends on how you are wired in the brain I guess. Best of luck to all! DEE088
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ive been taking ultram for 4 years and if i dont have it i withdrawl really bad ..i need it though for my pain..its a really good pain reliever ..ultram binds to the opioid receptor in the brain and central nervous system just like oxy's do and morphine and herion..its nat a euphuric high but it takes all ur pain away and makes u work really good!!!
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Hi!  This is a super duper old post!  Hit "post a question" and you can post your situation and any questions, and you will get lots and lots of support!!!!

I've been off of tramadol for almost 8 months (? I THINK!) and I agree it's a killer!!!!
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I'm currently detoxing from Ultrams and let me tell you this is harder than regular pain meds. Can't stop shaking... Hot flashes and can't sleep! This is day 2 and this *****!
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199177 tn?1490498534
This is a ten year old post I would start a new thread ....
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Has anyone heard of the "Opiate imunization shots" that they are starting to produce?  It is supposed to make it so that you can't get high from opiates however they still produce reliefe from pain, also they have a alcohol one comeing out for alcoholics.   saw this on a news channel.. reliable source
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I'm on ultram and it doesn't make me high or feel anything; nor does it do much for pain.  Is it supposed to be a good painkiller? Thanks.
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I agree with the "changed life" brought on by taking Tramadol.  I've never used drugs, not even tried pot.  I don't drink either.  I'm not a religious freak (I don't go to church) it's just that I like my mind to be clear to enjoy life.  Two years ago I developed interstitial cystitis. It got to the point that I could eat only about five foods that wouldn't make my bladder feel like someone scrubbed it with steel wool and then poured rubbing alcohol over it.  I'd stop 2-3 times on the way to work to pee.  I was up 5-6 times a night peeing boiling water.   I was finally prescribed 50 mg. tramadol three times a day.  I too have my life back.  I'm to the point now that I only take tramadol when I eat spicy or acidic foods.  It's a godsend to me.  It doesn't seem  to affect me in anyway except take away my bladder pain.  

I feel sympathy for all of you struggling out there with addictions.  I wish there was a magic pill you could all take that would take the cravings away.  After reading several topics about tramadol on this site, I was  afraid, but Skeebo, I was glad to read your post because it sounds just like me.  

Peace and happiness be on all of you.
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Thank you for a very moving post, jim.  I pray every single day for the strength to go through w/d and to beg for forgiveness from God for being a screw-up, a horrible person, a disappointment, etc.  When I pray my rosary, I beg the Lord to hear my prayer despite the fact that I am a user, an addict, as I pray for my family and friends and for my spouse and myself.  I believe He is listening, but is He disgusted with me?  I'm sure of that!  I am ashamed to call myself a Catholic, go to church, and look at others around me with jealousy b/c THEY aren't weak and spineless, like I am.  I've been on trams for 14 mos. 8-9 50mg. a day; am going to try to take only 2 instead of 3 at noon and go from there.  I have colitis pain and after my script ran out, I bought off the Internet b/c I can afford it.  Now, look what I've done to myself!  

I beg my God to love me and forgive me, though I don't love and forgive myself.  Since I am terrified of w/d, I cannot address that pain, which makes me feel even more pathetic.  Maybe many people think "those stupid religious fanatics"~~~I am not a fanatic; I just love the Creator and am horrified that I have done this to myself and abused the gift of life.  I'm such a fool.  God's blessings and my love to you all.
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Ive been taking Ultram 50mg. 2tabs very 4 hrs or as need for pain for about 2-3 mos. now Ive never really noticed any "high"
from it although I use to be very addicted to Vico ES and they would get me high but the Ultram has only helped with the pain in my neck from swollen disc. If I am wanting to buzz Ill drink maybe only on weekends either Fri night or Sat night.But my Dr gave me Prozac for my Depression from withdrawls of the Vicos...Ive been Clean ofer 6 mos now.....Still I have Depr. and anxiety....but its much better than it was 3/4 mos ago......M
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As someone who has taken any and all oral pain meds (started on this track due to several MAJOR surgeries) - Ultram is as addictive if not moreso than the the "true" opiods.  I tend to get more of a "high" from Ultram (granted, in very high doses) than anything else I taken over the past few years(Dilaudid, morphine, vicodin, darvocet, oxycontin, etc.)  Anyone (any addict)who is fooling themselves that is a "safe" alternative is wrong.  It is actually more dangerous, but doctors prescribe it without reservation due to it's non-narcotic classification.  Sure, Ultram is safe for those who are not addicts.  But then, so are morphine, dilaudid, vicodin, and oxycontin!
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I have been taking ultram for about 3 years now. I don't see how anybody can get relief with one or to tabs. I have reached a point that I usually take 7 50mg. two to three times daily. And, still, no longer even geet a buzz. I know it's probably dangerous to be taking such heavy doses. But, that's what it takes to do my pain any good. Also, withrawal affects me heavy on the mental side. Very depressed, very heavy leg and arm spasms, even to the point of drawing up in knots. Even to the point of suicidal thoughts. I do believe I can control those thoughts though, but it really gets that bad. Yes, Ultram is very addictive, and it can be bought across the counter in Mexico under the name of Tradol 50 mg. Also I've read a lot about some of the guys "going to hell" over this. Just remember, God is not juding you for your addiction. You don't go to heaven for being perfect, or Jesus would have waisted his time on the cross. God's grace is a gift. All you have to do is accept this, and put your faith in his Son, Jesus Christ. Your habit is way down the list in God's eyes. If you're afraid of going to hell, just ask God to put you under the blood of Jesus, and put your faith in Him, then it's a done deal! He knows our hearts. He knows we're trying. Just keep trying. You and I will make it someday.
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I have been taking ultram for about 3 years now. I don't see how anybody can get relief with one or to tabs. I have reached a point that I usually take 7 50mg. two to three times daily. And, still, no longer even get a buzz. I know it's probably dangerous to be taking such heavy doses. But, that's what it takes to do my pain any good. Also, withrawal affects me heavy on the mental side. Very depressed, very heavy leg and arm spasms, even to the point of drawing up in knots. Even to the point of suicidal thoughts. I do believe I can control those thoughts though, but it really gets that bad. Yes, Ultram is very addictive, and it can be bought across the counter in Mexico under the name of Tradol 50 mg. Also I've read a lot about some of the guys "going to hell" over this. Just remember, God is not judging you for your addiction. You don't go to heaven for being perfect, or Jesus would have waisted his time on the cross. God's grace is a gift. All you have to do is accept this, and put your faith in his Son, Jesus Christ. Your habit is way down the list in God's eyes. If you're afraid of going to hell, just ask God to put you under the blood of Jesus, and put your faith in Him, then it's a done deal! He knows our hearts. He knows we're trying. Just keep trying. You and I will make it someday.
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I have been taking ultram for about 3 years now. I don't see how anybody can get relief with one or to tabs. I have reached a point that I usually take 7 50mg. two to three times daily. And, still, no longer even geet a buzz. I know it's probably dangerous to be taking such heavy doses. But, that's what it takes to do my pain any good. Also, withrawal affects me heavy on the mental side. Very depressed, very heavy leg and arm spasms, even to the point of drawing up in knots. Even to the point of suicidal thoughts. I do believe I can control those thoughts though, but it really gets that bad. Yes, Ultram is very addictive, and it can be bought across the counter in Mexico under the name of Tradol 50 mg. Also I've read a lot about some of the guys "going to hell" over this. Just remember, God is not juding you for your addiction. You don't go to heaven for being perfect, or Jesus would have waisted his time on the cross. God's grace is a gift. All you have to do is accept this, and put your faith in his Son, Jesus Christ. Your habit is way down the list in God's eyes. If you're afraid of going to hell, just ask God to put you under the blood of Jesus, and put your faith in Him, then it's a done deal! He knows our hearts. He knows we're trying. Just keep trying. You and I will make it someday.
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I have been taking ultram for about 3 years now. I don't see how anybody can get relief with one or to tabs. I have reached a point that I usually take 7 50mg. two to three times daily. And, still, no longer even get a buzz. I know it's probably dangerous to be taking such heavy doses. But, that's what it takes to do my pain any good. Also, withrawal affects me heavy on the mental side. Very depressed, very heavy leg and arm spasms, even to the point of drawing up in knots. Even to the point of suicidal thoughts. I do believe I can control those thoughts though, but it really gets that bad. Yes, Ultram is very addictive, and it can be bought across the counter in Mexico under the name of Tradol 50 mg. Also I've read a lot about some of the guys "going to hell" over this. Just remember, God is not judging you for your addiction. You don't go to heaven for being perfect, or Jesus would have waisted his time on the cross. God's grace is a gift. All you have to do is accept this, and put your faith in his Son, Jesus Christ. Your habit is way down the list in God's eyes. If you're afraid of going to hell, just ask God to put you under the blood of Jesus, and put your faith in Him, then it's a done deal! He knows our hearts. He knows we're trying. Just keep trying. You and I will make it someday.
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I hurt my back at work years ago, and quickly went through my vicodins.  I was going through withdrawals when my back doctor then put me on ultram.  I looked it up in the PDR and was disapointed to see it was non narcotic.  However, I took one anyway.  Much to my surprise, my w/d symptoms were gone!!!! I thought it was a cure.  Only later, when I started coming to this board did I discover what the gig was.  Apparantly, ultram attaches to the same opiate receptors as vicodin, et al and your brain thinks it is is on them again.  However, to my dismay, my withdrawals were back in a HUGE way when I stopped.  I don't know if the vicodin withdrawal was still lurking, or I was withdrawing from the ultram.  Be careful, any mood altering drug is addictive.  The withdrawals are a motherfucker.
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This stuff will get you high. If you quit drinking because of it's help you bet it's getting you high because i'd rather take it than alcohol and i've come from a long line of alcoholics.anyway thank god i don't have an abundant supply. my hubby regulates it during my menstrual cycle. take care you all. do any of you break out from it? candy.
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I have chronic pain (I'm 28 now) and when I started taking Ultram, I only needed 1 tab (50mg). Now, 5 years later (five YEARS) :( I now need 3 tabs of 50mg to lower my pain, which it doesn't do now as much now.. I remember when I first started I did feel that high, but I wasn't OD'ing to GET high, thats what I was prescribed to take.. then it went to 1 and a half (cut one pill) then 2, and now I am prescribed to take 3.

I HAVE taken 4 at once when I was in such bad pain though, but rarely.. I tried Ty /w Cod. and it didn't to anything, same with 5mg Vicoden.. nothing..

Anyone have any ideas on what I should ask my doc to try me on next? I am suffering daily now pretty much, my breakthrough pain starts about 3 HOURS after I take 3 Ultram (150mg total).

In pain, Dan
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I have been taking Ultram, about 1 a day (sometimes 2 or 3, depending on the pain) for Anklyosing Spondylitis, a form of arthritis.  It's like a godsend.  It really works on the pain.  I can sit, sleep, and work without aching, and getting out of the chair is no longer a nightmare.

I have noticed a subtle sense of euphoria when I take ultram.  If the pain is bad, I take 2 at a time, and I'll be in that "happy" place that many drug users undoubtedly look for.  I also get quite "chatty", and enjoy the company of people more when I'm on ultram.

My doctor prescribes ultram with no hesitation, but I always feel guilty just asking for it.  I know that many people must use the drug just to get high.

Basically, I look on ultram as a wonder-drug.  It stops the pain, so I'm happier, plus the drug makes you happier.  I've gone days at a time without having pain/using ultram, and the only withdrawl I have noticed is a bit of uneasyness, fatigue, and tension.  Hey, life's a *****.  Some people in Africa are dying of hunger... I'm not gonna ***** about a small side effect when the benefit is almost unmeasurably good.

Unless I'm really missing something, ultram is all good.  It has made my life livable again.
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I have been taking Ultram, about 1 a day (sometimes 2 or 3, depending on the pain) for Anklyosing Spondylitis, a form of arthritis.  It's like a godsend.  It really works on the pain.  I can sit, sleep, and work without aching, and getting out of the chair is no longer a nightmare.

I have noticed a subtle sense of euphoria when I take ultram.  If the pain is bad, I take 2 at a time, and I'll be in that "happy" place that many drug users undoubtedly look for.  I also get quite "chatty", and enjoy the company of people more when I'm on ultram.

My doctor prescribes ultram with no hesitation, but I always feel guilty just asking for it.  I know that many people must use the drug just to get high.

Basically, I look on ultram as a wonder-drug.  It stops the pain, so I'm happier, plus the drug makes you happier.  I've gone days at a time without having pain/using ultram, and the only withdrawl I have noticed is a bit of uneasyness, fatigue, and tension.  Hey, life's a *****.  Some people in Africa are dying of hunger... I'm not gonna ***** about a small side effect when the benefit is almost unmeasurably good.

Unless I'm really missing something, ultram is all good.  It has made my life livable again.
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