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Has anyone taken Stadol Nose Spray for Pain Relief?

Has anyone taken Stadol Nose Spray for pain relief?  I used it for 3 years and became totally addicted even though the drug manufacturers claimed (at first) that it was a non addictive drug.  I had to be hospitalized for withdrawal. I was wondering if anyone had any side effects after the use was discontinued.  I find my memory is shot and I am only 45.
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No, Fentanyl is up to 100 times more potent than morphines. TAke care with them.
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Hey I don't' think this is typical. but Oxycontin works as an antidepressant on me (I read that it can in some people on a drug information site) and also for my ADD. Whereas I'd normally just look at my house and feel overwhelmed and, as always, unable to focus or organize anything. On that I can take 10 -20 mg and clean and organize my entire house in a couple hours, singing the whole time. I feel very clear headed - and I am clear headed, I do a fantastic job with normally extremely difficult (for me) tasks and even graphic design -  and in a great mood, not high really, but feeling very good. It also has another crazy effect, it makes me highly sexual, very responsive and able to climax in a couple minutes. I wish I could find out why this seems to be an instant fix for some of my issues. The only other drug that I have experienced this with is with amphetamines once or twice and a couple times from Ketamine after a surgery. In that case it lasted 1 - 2 weeks and it was just an awesome aftereffect.
Morphine makes me very altered, foggy, drifty and drugged feeling, along with in an evil mood and inclined to hallucinate on higher doses and be paranoid, as I'm nodding out.
Maybe your aunt is having similar effects to mine, really a major improvement in mood and functioning with the Oxy and a major downgrade with the Morphine. Oh the Oxycontin dose is much higher, so could even be some withdrawal there I would think.
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While the OxyContin and Morphine both may be very strong, I have heard that Opana is the strongest pain killer you can get, and it is the closest thing to heroin that you can find.
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I have taken it... but realized that what I thought was a side-effect (my nose and sinuses itching) was actually an allergy :(.
   Something to think about
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I have been in chronic pain for years ( I have a very large cyst on my brain and have and ruptured disk in my neck).  I have taken just about every painkiller known to man and I tried stadol nose spray for the first time 3 days ago...  It was the worst night of my life.  After using it, it took about 15 minutes and at first it seemed like is was going to work.  I then started seeing things everytime I closed my eyes and it scared me to death.  It didn't get rid of my migraine, it made it worse and then my vomiting got extremely bad and I threw up for about 7 hours. I flushed the stuff down the toilet the next day.  Please be careful with this stuff, I believe it to be extremely dangerous.  I am feeling better back on a small dose of pain meds rather than go through that again.  If you have any questions feel free to contact me at ***@****.  I feel so sorry for anyone that is in this circumstance.  Pain can be such an awful thing, it can take over your life.  I have 4 kids that I have to support.
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It is most likely Nubain.
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Hello everyone,

Im a newbie to this forum, but not a newbie to chronic pain.

My question is this, Ive taken lots of pain meds over the years for 5 neck surgeries and I have had the best luck with Hydrocodone. Ive had Oxycontin...Ms Continin....all of the strong medicines. On my last visit to my Dr, I was in terrible pain and my doctor gave me a shot...It worked so damn good, he is going to prescribe it to me.
I asked him what it was, but I cannot remember, just it started with the letter N. He also told me it was a form of synthedic morphine and it was non adictive, and I can take it for breakthrough pain and dump my oxy IR,s and Percocets, and keep my Lortab 10mg for pain control..any ideas on what this injection was, would love to research it and see what I can find out.If its non adictive and work so good/ this is for me.................any ideas on what this was, I do appreciate any and all input.......thanx SkidRow.
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Hi groovy..don't be too hard on yourself, and be proud of yourself that you are able to talk about it here.  At least here people understand and won't judge you. And keeping it a secret just feeds the shame that sustains the addiction even more.

I've read other people's posting saying they got addicted to buprenex, so you're not the only one.  I don't ever feel any buzz from it at all, but maybe that is because I take a very low dose, and only once in a while.  

Just never give up..never, ever give up.

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I read most of your posts.  You always sound so together.  If you are having trouble with buprenex, think about me on the methadone.  If the boost starts weaning on me, I can just tell my counseller.  He will put me in for a 10mg per day increase.  I have to watch that.  I do not want the detox to be that bad.  The more methadone my body gets used to, the harder the detox will be.  It has such a long half life, 36 hours.  So it really builds up in my system.  Detoxing is really difficult.
This forum is safe for us to discuss our issues with the medications.  You are safe to admit anything.  It feels better to get things off your chest.
So here it goes.  I run out of my Xanax 1 or 2 days early.  I have, in the not so far past, taken 2mg 6 times a day, prescribed.  My doc had a talk with me.  I settled down to a heathier 2mg qid.  I get real anxious, can't breath with my asthma, and feel like I have to take that pill after I use my albuterol inhaler.
I know I have many reasons to be on the xanax, but I'm pretty sure that I am addicted also.
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sorry to hear about the hernia situation...what happens next with that?

when you said "one more shot at injections," did you mean buprenex?  have you tried the buprenex before?  i am having a terrible time weaning off it - i find it to be almost as addicting as vics.  i must be in the minority tho, because everyone else seems to find it to be a wonder drug.  i like it - they say it makes you feel "normal," but i don't remember feeling this good normally when i wasn't an addict.

i need to admit this to someone, so i guess here is as good a place as any.  here goes....i ran out of buprenex early as usual yesterday.  i wasn't supposed to get more until monday, and i couldn't bear the thought of going thru the weekend without any.  my dr. had given me a script which just said on it, patient uses buprenex which needs syringes, etc.  it was so i wouldn't be questioned on the plane.  i took it to a pharmacy, and told them i ran out and needed enough to get me thru a couple days.  they gave me ten.  they did say that it wasn't a real script, so they may have to contact the dr.  at that point i couldn't turn back.  the dr. is supposed to send my order out today, but i've been so afraid all day that the pharmacy has called him.  ****!  this is the second time i have done this.  i'm so afraid i'm going to get in trouble...

how can i be this addicted to buprenex?  i feel like i am the only one in the world....what a loser huh?
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your not a loser, just an addict.
The thought of with drawls is a scary thought , remember we sometimes make it out to be worse than it is.
I read all your post ,you seem to be like me in the area of tapering, that is i always had a hard time tappering and that is an understatement. I just had no sucess with tapering.
I had some sucess when i would give the meds to my wife , that always worked good. But then i would find a secret connection
and screw it up and be back to square one, that was my story for about 3 years, untill i found this fourm.
I think we just have to keep trying untill we get to a point of
of willingness and luck, everybody here understands and has been through it many times. hang in there it will get better.
I was always told everything happens for a reason?
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thanks to all for the response. it is great to have friends you never met and are able to pour out to. i got a second opinion from a new surgeon and he claims i have nerve damage due to the hernia surgery. one more shot at injections. if that fails they are going back in. in any case it should be over soon and then i start weening off the buprenex. thanks again to all you guys are great. singer.
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oh...duh.  i guess i'm not up on law enforcement lingo.  thank:)
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I work in a department that uses abbreviations for EVERYTHING.
With confidence, I can tell you the "SO" = Sheriff's Office
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what is SO?  it sounds like a pretty tough city that you work in with 3 or 4 homicides (or traffic deaths) every week...i would think that kind of stress would drive many to drinking or drugs.  if you don't mind my asking, where do you live?
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Thanks for that post. You're right about everything. When I left the newspaper (I was fulltime but the pay sucked) to work for the police department (PR) I was really bummed. I loved working for the PD but was driving 1 1/2 each way as the traffic SUCKED. I was on call 2 weeks a month and went to crime scenes probably 3-4 times a week -- these were almost always homicides or traffic fatalities, which got to be a real downer. But I thrived on it and I was really good at my job. Extremely high stress though, which probably contributed to my rapid decline with the hydro. For a lot of reasons things got really bad, and I quit to save my marriage and my sanity. I had an offer from the sheriff's office, and the drive was only 10 mins, so I took it. I became the sheriff's right-hand person. I was, however, on call 24-7. Stayed for 2 years, left for many reasons not long after my husband and I seperated. We are back together, but he doesn't want me to ever work with cops again. As I don't want to do PR for a big corporation, my options are limited. We're making it but I hate being broke, and I really need insurance for my kids. Even so, I'm going to work my butt off this summer, freelancing and working on my book, and maybe I will make enough to stay home even after the kids go back to school. We're thinking of moving to a different city, south of here. I have mixed feelings about that, but things in this town got really bad for me when I quit the SO. Long story.
Anyway thanks for the post. I feel for you, working under those conditions at the hospital. I don't think I could do that. I hope you're enjoying the new career. You sound like you will be successful in any venture you choose. tracy
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once i took a job my ex-husband----let's see we married in 1988 and divorced in 1998----yeah, he was my exhusband, forced me to take.  i would be nursing at a private, poor hospital.  i worked on the oncology and med/surg floor.  i had 7-9 patients for 12 hours, as soon as we had a discharge, another came in and if it was your turn, you got it.  i always tried to take 8 to start with, i had a better chance that way.  the stress of working under doctors who always had to take patients back to surgery for bleeding or infection, stressed me out.  soon the wastages looked too good to flush down the sink.  i was back to using in no time.  take the job your heart and soul tell you to take.  it will keep you safer.
i do not blame my ex for the relapses.  i blame not being able to make na meetings as i was before i started working 12 hour days.  4 on 2 off, 3 on 4 off, but i was so exhausted that i slept for a day then took care of business and cooked for my family.
so i say follow your heart.  you my have to keep freelancing for the paper, but that would leave you time to write the book.  if you do not write the book, you might regret it a lot.
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Hi Singer,
I've been in recovery from hydro, clean since last August.  I did it cold turkey, didn't know about bup at the time.

I found out about bup as an alternate pain reliever a while back, and I take it occassionally for pain. I take one sublingual .2mg tab and get decent pain relief for a full day and partially into the next. Maybe I'm just more sensitive than most folks.

It is an opiate, though I never feel a buzz from it, I still use a lot of caution, since I never want to get physically dependant on anything every again. I don't take it very often but when the pain gets too intense it is good to have around.

If you have been on it for a while, I've heard that if you want to get off it is not too hard of a withdrawal, and almost painless if you taper it slowly. There may be others here who can tell you more about it.

nice to meet you and I hope you are doing ok!

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i am currently on buprenex - tapering off it very gradually.  it works great for w/d and mood...no depression.  however, it is addicting and needs to be treated as carefully as any other opiate.  i use it in the injection form, and my goal is to get down to 1/4 amp per day before i stop altogether.  actually, i may not completely stop - my doc has recommended i stay on it for migraines or at least take it as needed.  heroinetimes.com has some info on it, and many other articles can be found online that can explain its properties better.  healthcarepharma, an online/overseas pharmacy carries the tabs (called temgesic i think) - very cheap. i'm not sure if i'm supposed to post that, but so many have asked about it.  my advice is to get it from a dr. and be monitored by a dr. it is supposed to be approved soon for detox - supposedly doctors will be able to prescribe it.  right now, you have to get it prescribed for pain or "off label".  when it finally comes out, it will be combined with naltrexone (sp) - i don't know much about that either, so you'd have to look it up.

anyway, my experience is that it is hard to completely give up buprenex - just like any other opiate.  many will argue that point with me, but i'm telling you how it is for me.  i tell people i go thru w/d from it, and they tell me that's not possible...go figure.

anyhow, good luck - if you have any more questions about buprenex, let me know...i'll try to answer them.
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Singer -- I took the bup for quite awhile for chronic pain, and it was a lifesaver for me. It is a partial agonist/antagonist. I'm writing an article about it and have done quite a bit of research on it. Email me if you want additional information (***@****).

Groovy -- I'm a journalist by trade and schooling too, although I crossed over to the other side and went into PR, which I did for the past 5 years. I want to write a book, too, and will probably never have another chance, as I will have to go back to work this fall if I don't start bringing in some money. My husband does well but we've had to give up a lot without my income, and we have no insurance (the big kicker). I'm doing some freelance work for the paper I used to work for. I've thought about working for one of the local TV stations but that's just not my passion. But it's also hard for me to go back to journalism after doing PR. I worked for govt agencies (law enforcement) and got so disgusted with many of the reporters, but then again I don't have to become one of those. My husband wants me to get a job with one of the large high-tech companies here, as the money would be much, much better. This sounds stupid but I just can't do it; it doesn't satisfy my "soul" and I don't want to go back to that world (I did that while working my way through college, and I was miserable). So I'm in limbo for now.

Here's to a great day for all of us. Y'all have been so good for me, and have really helped me through this tough period. Thank you.

Angst, how is the job going?

Meagain, how are you feeling? I hope happy...tracy
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Singer, how are you?  Glad to hear the progress you have made. Thats great.  Last we talked I was tappering down.  Well I made it one day then went right back to it.  That was earlier this year.  Well, I tappered again and this time I have been 100% hydro free for over 2 weeks.  Things feel different this time. I'm tired of going thru the tapper and WD's.  It really beats up me up.  I too have not had the cravings hit me yet.  Like I said just weird this time... and I'm glad.  So nice to have a clear mind again.  Have to deal with the pain but I'd rather do that than suffer the slow death of addiction and dependeny.  

Again, glad to hear your doing well.  I'm right there with you.
Take good care,
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The pump delivers the drug to the intrathecal space in the spinal cord.  Delivering the drug there achieves cutting off the pain before it can reach the brain.  Smaller doses of the medication can be used therefore reducing side effects.  I am sure that is why your doctor suggested it.
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Thank you for your reply. I had done some searching through the internet for info about the pump. It wasn
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yes you should write more!  not only is your writing beautiful, but i bet it's good therapy for your too. i've just started writing a book...i'm a journalist by trade, but creative writing is my passion.  sometimes, sticking with this endeavor until it's finished will be a chore, but if you put aside a certain amount of time per day just for writing, it can be accomplished.  of course, some days all that will be put on paper will be total ****, but it's the excercise and discipline of writing something every day that will get you somewhere.

like going to a meeting for instance...you don't always want to go, but many times after you're glad you did.

when did you quit smoking? good going!  that is my next goal.  i quit for 3 years - quit when i found out i was pregnant.  now, my baby is almost 6 - this month.  so, i better get moving.  i quit, so i'd have a healthy baby, now i need to quit so my daughter will have a healthy mom who will be around to possibly play with her grandchildren.  i'm hoping that quitting this time will be a piece of cake compared with the hell i've been thru this past year....

i hope you all are doing ok.  hinkster, did you find the info that you needed about methadone?  what did you think about the site i told you about?

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