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How to tell when you have a problem - Darvocet

I would like some information please. I have been taking Darvocet for sometime now... about 8 months and take 12 pills a day...Usually 3 or 4 at a time. How do you know when you are addicted? I dont feel so good if I go without it for more than a day. I get nervous, sweat (god i hate that) and hurt. I am taking them for a sinus problem I have because I cannot afford the surgery to fix the problem. I really want to stop this, but am afraid to. I live in the Chicago area. My name is Joey.

I should also say that I have been living with clinical depression since I was 16... now 28 and I take wellbutrin twice a day. I also have Ativan which I use to sleep, but unlike the Darvocet, I do not find a "high" in taking the Ativan. I use that for what it helps me with. (Anxiety and sleeping).

After reading some of the warnings that go along with pain killers, it scares the hell out of me to think I am in that situation but just dont realize it I guess. I never in my life thought I would become addicted to "legal" drugs like this. This really sux
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Please stop that immediately and get some help. It may feel like the pills are not stopping your pain but just take them as prescribed and do not abuse them. My mother took a few darvocet and mixed them with valium a muscle relaxer. She did not wake up on June 19, 2008. Darvocet causes death. Please get some help. Your family and friends love you and will miss you when your gone.
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After reading your story, I would have to say that you are NOT addicted. You are using your medication responsibly AS PRESCRIBED for a painful condition. The medication is NEEDED to alleviate your pain, and you are not abusing it. I see no reason for you to stop using the vicodin if you are just using one per day, and have been for the last 15 years. If you find yourself popping a couple extra vicodin because your day was "Stressful" or you think you needed to improve your "Mood"..... THEN you'd have a problem! But, from what I read in your post, you seem to be a responsible person with a pain issue who needs this low dose to help with migraines. I see absolutely nothing wrong with what you are doing. Just MY opinion.....
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Hi. I hope someone can give me good info here. I have had migraines since my teens and been taking vicodin w/doctors prescription once a day for almost 15 years. I never take more, and I can quit, have for a week or two, but as soon as I lose sight in my right eye (a sign the migraine is coming.SOON) I cave and take it. I have a lot of kids, and can't just lay down in a dark room, like when I was younger. (5 kids) My husband knows all about it, but, this worries the hell out of me because I see how fast and deep some of you have fallen with this drug. Should I stop? Is there a reasonable alternative for the pain? I don't "work" anymore, but, also don't get "time off" anymore. Am I addicted/dependent/ or should I continue with the program of one a day. Many thanks in advance.
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Darvocets are truly the most beneficial medication in the world!!!! It's not just for breakfast,lunch and supper anymore.Take 6-7 for breakfast: Guaranteed to cure depession allergies sinus problems,p.m.s, it just is a miracal drug for me anyways. Thats why my screenname is Pinky!!!!Anyone who wants me to recyclle thy're DARVOCETS please e-mail me at ***@****  Does this mean I have a problem??? Hell no I just am dying of Chirrosis of the liver,sinusitus,bhronchitus,bad allergies and arthritis. So I'd like to live the rest of my life to be as pleasant as possible! Thanx for listening!!!!
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GWH - I am relatively new to this forum and was shocked by the obvious prank pulled on you.   Don't worry though, you have real friends out there, especially me, that enjoy coming to the forum and listening to what you have to say.   As for me, my usage has been kept to a minimum, T3's and occasional vic's.  Luckily I am able to wean myself off to only taking 1 vic a day or 1-2 T3's. but, I always seem to relapse thinking it'll be alright to just take a few pills to get me through the day and end up taking 15 vics a day, all they end up doing is giving me a 5 minute high and then sleep!  I wish I could finally be strong enough to say no more, but I get anxious if I only have a few pills left and start looking for ways to get more.    I guess all I can do is to hang in there...thanks for listening, and GWH as they say "keep coming back".
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Greetings to all.  I am a first time poster, and bad enough I had to break a Thread but you can't post otherwise.  Before I begin I've seen post in the past couple of days and I want to get this off my shoulder, GWH, no matter what happened, hold your head up - you did nothing wrong my friend, I'm not sure about what happened in the past and don't want to bring it up, but hold your head up, and like I always say, "Smile, It's the Only thing that don't cost and it's contagous."  Now, on to my question.  I've been on Xanax for over 2 years, well a generic version, 2 mg name brand can be expensive.  I recently went to a new pharmacy and they carry the "Geneva" generic, is it possible for this to be a little stronger?  As well as all of us know on benzo's after a while you become prone to the side effects of them, however this seems stronger than the "Mylan or any other, even name brand."  Yes I do know my medication, I can't say I abuse them, however it appears this group will give you real answers.  I thank you in advance.
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groovy, I am seing a pain specialist my problem is that when yoou first go to a pain clinic they start you on medicine, for me it was oxycotin, i quickly learned that wasn't for me. I went back to him and discussed the options with him and we decided that we would try methadone, at first is was a life saver, i could go on with my life almost pain free, i still had some pain but i could tolerate it. After i got a stable dose i signed a contract saying that my medicine would never be increased. A month later my medical case manager started pressuring my surgeon about going back to work. Thats when i started having my problem, i talked to my surgeon about limitimg my work hours but he wants to give it 6 months before he makes the final decision whether or not htis is something that is not going to heal. At my last appointment my pain doctor told me that out of all his patients, i am one of only three patients that dont try to make up stories about how they lost their medicine, and ask for early refills all the time, so i dont feel comfortable even asking.

       thank you for all your kind wourds they do mean alot. I was in a really down mood last night, but after getting up and seing all your kind words, maybe my day won't be as bad as yesterday. I am going to give my medicine to my mom for 2 weeks and only take 1 a day until my next appointment. I will take this time off of work also.
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Hi confused. I too (as several of us here are) the mom of three young children. I was in chronic pain for years. That's what got me started on the road to addiction, although admittedly it was a short drive. I used my pain - which was legit - and welcomed it as it gave me a way to keep getting what I wanted: not attention, but pills. I could barely function and was always stressed out. I felt like I couldn't manage my kids, could barely see to their needs. I didn't admit for a long time that it was the pills that was causing the grief, not so much the pain.
Don't get me wrong. Chronic pain sucks everything out of you. But I could at least get up and function and think like a normal person when I wasn't so doped up. I was always increasing my dose and being irresponsible with my pills, and told myself it was because my pain was so bad, but I was lying to myself. Truth was, I just took too many on a regular basis. The pain wasn't getting better no matter how much I took, so that wasn't it. I just liked the pills.
Once I admitted these truths I was able to quit using and start living. And I feel wonderful. I'm not saying at all that you're in the same situation, as I don't know what your pain is from and how bad it is. Mine got terrible at the end, but I had surgery that took most of it away, which allowed me to address the addiction. But by that point I was ready to live with the pain if I had to. I don't think you should have to live with pain; no one should. But being addicted, I had little choice.
If I got into a bad situation again (pain-wise) I would take the pills, but only if I could do so without losing control. I would have to be brutally honest with myself about it. I've done so once, when my migraines got out of control, and I did fine. But I did it with my eyes wide open.
I apologize for rambling, just wanted you to know you're not alone; many of us feel tremendous guilt for not being the mothers we think we should be. We can't change the past but we can work toward a better present and future. Best of luck and know we are here for you. tracy
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Hi. I am so happy to see you haven't given up on us. I can't imagine the kind of pain your in, but I can admire you for not abusing the Oxycontin. If I had legitimate pain I would have taken everything the Dr. would give me. I do know about having three small kids though. That my friend is rough even for a supermom. I mean even Carol Brady had Alice to help her. So please don't compare yourself to any other mom. You said you can't bear to look at your children anymore because your ashamed. I know that feeling too, but you need to be able to look at yourself first and say "I am doing the best that I can". Thats all. You don't have to be perfect. You don't even have to be great for that matter. You just have to be Debra. And you have to be their "mom". Its hard for me to understand this myself but in spite of all my negative feelings, and all the self doubt, no matter how bad I think I screw up, at the end of the day my kids still call me mommy. This is one role God gave me that I have to accept. My kids love me...no matter what. As hard as that is for me to believe it is true. After all the whining and temper tantrums, they love me unconditionally.
I am their mom. They know that they are and will always be loved by me. Nothing can ever change that. You may have pain, addiction, low self esteem, whatever it is you beat yourself up with...it doesn't matter, your kids are gonna love you. Your stuck with it. So, accept it and give yourself a break, go look in the mirror and say "it could be worse, I'm doing the best that I can, and my kids will always love me!" I am blessed after all.
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hi - have you told your dr. that your dosage isn't enough?  maybe if you tell him how you are feeling, you can get on some kind of program? i too suffer from chronic pain - migraines, and there isn't any easy answers.  unless they come up with a "cure" for headaches, i am going to be caught up in this cycle.  i finally decided, i would rather live with the pain than to continue my life the way it was going...lying to drs and family, stressing about my next prescription, etc.  the bup really helps with the headaches, and i feel like if i stop i will get a bad one and then i will look for something to take and this will start all over again.  people with chronic pain plus addiction are really in a tough place...i can sympathize with you.  

did you go into detox before?  is that why you don't want to tell your bf?  most people relapse, so don't feel alone in that.  if you haven't been totally straight with your dr., i would suggest doing that first.  if he gives you a hassle, i would find someone else quick...maybe a pain specialist.  if your dr. was to prescribe a higher dose, do you think you'd be able to stick with that, or do you think you would need to keep increasing?
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I'm in a bad place again, i have chronic pain and am perscribed methadone for it (can't take oxycotin because it controls my lif and cant stop taking it) but i just can't take it as perscribed. I can't function without it (too much pain to move) but can't take the way I'm supposed to. I will be out of medicine soon i don't know what to do. I need to go to work and take care of 3 small children, and a house. I can't ask my boyfreind to shoulder all the responsibility again because i'm a weak person. I feel like  can't even look at my children anymore because i hate myself for not being stronger. I don't abuse my medicine because i want to get high, it is sttrictly for pain control, but my dosage just isn't enough to get me through the day,I'm even tired of hearing myself say " I cant do it i'm too sore" i cant imagine how my family hates hearing it. This injury is killing me inside.
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why do you guys bother commenting to dive?  this thread started with a post from joey who was looking for help, then it turned in to a battle between gwh and radioboy.

we (myself included) need to refocus on what is important here - dive isn't...joey is.
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please...no structure!  isn't life structured enough?  we didn't have structure before, and it seemed to work well enough.  my point was that people should maybe read the first post in a thread and decide then whether it would be appropriate to post about their new job or whatever.  i was only trying to make the point that there seems to be less sensitivity here than there used to be.  there are a few people here that i now know WAY more about than i would like, and there are others that always seem to have their questions ignored.
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Parallels, huh? Maybe it's the patterns we followed while using that got in similar places; whatever, it's strange but I appreciate having you with me and all the kind words you've given me. I don't know that I'm a big enough person to not let it hurt me, but I am smart enough, I think, to let it go and not ruin what peace I've found. What happened with your friend?
By the way, I like your idea about structuring things and would be in for that. I want to answer as many questions as I have the ability to, as I got a lot of help here. One part of that was persistence; the more I posted, the more people responded. I will write more later, but thanks again and have a great night! Back to packing for me.
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Shane how are you holding up today? Don't let the depression get to you. I get up now and don't feel that twinge anymore that I have nothing to look forward to. I just get up.

Tex, again so much in common with you. My best friend since childhood won't even respond to my phone calls. I am so hurt and so resentful at the same time. I have no advice on this one either, except to say I would have come to your pity party if you asked me! Screw our old friends right? We have much more to be grateful for than stressing over people we thought we could count on. People will always let you down thats the nature of being human I guess. But it still sucks!!! I think its really great that you saw something positive from the situation, your right you don't have a thing to hold you there. Just try to make peace with them somehow because they say resentments take us back to our addictions. Uh Oh, I'm in trouble again! How the heck I am staying clean is a true mystery! Its a miracle really.
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Your right sometimes people do get overlooked here and I know I am guilty of it also. This board has all kinds of people and personalities,and sometimes we are just mentally somewhere else. I post as often as possible but I can only post while at work. I think alot of times if there is only one or two responses to a question its usually because nothing else can be added, at least that is how it is for me. I don't know, maybe we should do something similar to the 12 step meetings and have a greeter for the day. Like, maybe every Wed. skip can respond to newcomers or questions, every Tues you can, Jessearpy, Tex3, Angst, GWH, Shane, Ash, Irishrose, hippy etc., all of us who feel we should give back can commit to a few days a month, that no matter what a new person will get an answer. Just a suggestion. I really think everyone here has the desire to help.
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Dive....got it licked in two months?  You're barely out of the gate.  What an ass you're going to feel like when you pick up again....if you haven't already.
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I'm sure some of your comments were pertaining to me as well as others, but I want you to know I'm here to help, well, to the best of my knowledge anyway.  confused.grl, I'm not sure what your question or addiction is, but ask some questions, I promise I will respond.  

Groovy, enough of the chit-chat, how are you doing? seriously, i haven't heard from you in a long time, how is the family, are you cutting back on the bup? I hope your feeling ok.

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hi - that suicide thing was a  bunch of b.s., so don't feel too sorry.

i wish you didn't feel so left out, but i know what you mean.  it has become rather high school-like in that certain people seem to "hang" with only other certain people.  don't let it bother you...don't take it personally. it didn't used to be like this. now this board seems to be like a chat room...less addiction information...more chit-chat....sorry.

did you have a particular topic you needed help with?  i don't read or post here that often anymore, so i may have missed it. i hope you post again.

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Hi guys, thanks for writing, and damn Row you just made me really hungry! Have to break out those chips I bought yesterday...
Saturday night sucked, hence the self-pity. Went out to dinner with the family and as we were leaving my youngest said, "Look, there's Kelsey's mommy! And Regan's mommy!" Well I'll be damned if it wasn't my three best buds, or I should say former. We used to all go out for "girls' night" and have a few drinks, gossip. Been that way for almost 15 years. Then when all my **** went down and my husband and I seperated, they dropped me like sh**. I went over and said hi, chatted for a sec. Then realized how awkward it was for them, since I had so obviously not been invited. We never had a falling out and still talk occasionally, but there's a huge distance. I went home and cried like a baby; stupid, really, but it was the culmination of everything that's happened the past year.
This was actually a good thing because I realized, finally, that there's nothing holding me here and I'm ready for the move on Friday. Can't wait. I'll have my family nearby and am sure will make new friends. It's just that I would never, ever dump a buddy like that, especially when they're in need. I'm as loyal as a damn dog. And I expected the same. They weren't just my friends; we'd been pregnant together and our kids are even best friends. Our husbands are best friends. But life moves on.
Physically and mentally, I'm great. I feel totally normal, finally! But better, because things are so much more clear. I still have "issues" but I feel confident I can deal with them. Haven't been around here much as we've been so busy packing and I was out of town for a week, but I plan to stick around and want to give back, as I don't think I could have made it without you guys. Thank you for that; this place has been so good to me.
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I was reading about your husbands suicide, I'm so sorry I came to this site hoping to get someone to talk to about my struggles, but every time i posted i would be lucky if mor than one person responded. Although nobody had anything bad to sy it seemed like people only respond to certain other poeple on thei site. After a very bad time i posted begging for somebody to talk to me all i got was somebody else breakin the thread and talking about how her house was broken into, strangely enough about 10 different poeple responded to her, it is very depressing.   If you need to talk my e-mail is ***@****.
                        good luck
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good to see ya posting, how ya been hven't seen ya for a week.
i hope you and the kids are well. always nice to see tour post.
so how are things going for you.
my life is going real good, just re-uped on the vitamins.
me and my wife just bought a house out side of phillyy in warrington .pa. i must say it's very exciting, at first i was
a little down on moving from the house we live in now, since
i have been here for 17 years, the longest place i ever lived.
but since we found such a nice house in this super high housing market we are now in , around this area. everything around tis area has gone up 50,000 in the last year and a half,
well good news is always nice , just like any positive steps in the recovery process no matter how small are alway's  welcome.

agian hope your weeek end  is going well,always nice to see your post, we all nee each other to make this fourm work for the newcomer as well as those of us who have been here a while.
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Awww, and was it a nice party? lol!  I can say that, I'm whining to all my critters again today.  Damn beasts, they just wanna know when I'm going to give them treats! No compassion, whatsoever.
And OMG, I'm eating!  All of the best stuff, too - sour cream and onion potato chips, apple turnovers, Coke, frozen grapes.  I can avoid feeling guilty about it, because I know that later this week, when I finally finish the taper and am off of everything, I won't have *any* appetite for weeks.
You're moving now?  I know one should try to stay busy when coming off this nasty stuff, but girl, you've just been running since day one!  You and Angst are inspirations to us hermits.

Blessings on you all,
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