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Hydrocodone Addiction and alcohol, etc!!!

I am very scared of the possibility of having done serious damage to my liver or kidneys!  If anyone could please help with some advice or info I would greatly appreciate it!
I had some serious back problems about 2 1/2 years ago and was given Norco (10/500) for the pain.  I was taking 3 per day for pain even after the pain was gone for 1 year.  When that source ended I got a hold of Oxy IR (Oxycodone 5mg) and was taking 6 a day for 6 months.  Then I started the Norco again- at least 2 a day for another year.  Now, last month my doctor was shocked when he realized that "I was taking 2 Norco's a day and that was WAY TOO MUCH!"  (He didn't know about my supplemental supplies) Now I  am panicked about my past dosages and what to do.  My doctor has prescribed 2 Vicodin per day to reduce the amount of Hydrocodone intake.  On top of all this - I a have been on Prozac and Wellbutrin for 5 years and have a drinking problem (2-4 beers per day).  I know I need to just STOP and I am trying.  Reading the posts here have really helped!  I am down to 1 Vicodin per day and 2 Wellbutrin and I try to not drink at all - IT IS HARD!!!!!!!  I really want info on the possibility of permanent damage and should I try to get a blood test for it? and is there anything I can do to help the situation? (ie.  drinking excessive water, certain foods, vitamins, etc)
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Hi Ted - you've posted to a very old thread and most likely your message will get overlooked.  Go to the top of the page, and hit the orange "Post a Question" button - you can copy and paste your question and create a new thread.

Good luck!
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denise and others questing liver issues.  2-months ago my liver what ever couont was 79, based on the doctor, 100 count and things get really bad.

1-week later I went in for a hip replacement and quite drinking Feb 5th till yesterday.  Going through the withdraw of hydro, not as bad as others on this site, still painful and starting drinking to go to sleep.  The only problem is that my live count was so high because I have been drinking more than a quart of voka a day for the past 2-years.

My point is, i used the drugs to stop drinking, it has worked 2-time before and since, my liver count dropped to 16, they gave me a clean bill of health.  I could not believe it could repair it's self so quickly.

To everyone, best of liver luck, the body id amazing.  For me I am going to call the doctor tomorrow to try to refill my codine prescription.  I was actually enjoying not drinking, I have been drunk for so long I lost connection with what is real, though still managed my professional life.

Any suggestion on my temp solution trade one drug for another?????

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Having taken Hydros for about 7 years, a year and a half ago I was forced to switch Dr's when mine left our HMO.  

My new Dr. refused to write a prescription for me for Hydro's.  I was really ticked off, but she will only write scripts for muscle relaxers.  My problem is that I have had several motor vehicle accidents in the past 15 years, with the latest being a 70 MPH crash on Thanksgiving night of '08.  I was given 30 Hydro's by the emergency room Dr., however, now my "regular Dr." still will not write me a script for any narcotic painkillers.  She did write a script for Tramadol/Ultram, but I don't really feel that they are working for me.  I am in some very serious pain from this latest accident, (neck, ribs, knees etc...) and can't get any relief from medicines.

My question is this....  have any of you found a non-narcotic painkiller that works as well as Hydros?  

I will admit that the buzz I got from the Hydro's was a part of what I considered to be helpful to me in managing my pain in the past.  Maybe that is why I feel like these Tramadol are not doing me any good.... because they don't give me the "buzz" like the hydro's.  

Again, anyone have any luck with non-narco pain killers??  

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I started taking these things in March 08 for my knees. It is only October and I take so many. I want to have a family but I'm so scared of these things. I've quit a lot of drugs but this one is by far the worst. I quit cocain,drinking,speed you name it, but hydros WOW what a drug. Richard Pryor said " Cocains a hell of a drug" no Hydros are.!!!
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I'm 26 I take between 15 to 20 hydos a day. I'm going to taper down by taking 2 every 4 hours instead of 10 twice a day. I'm going to put my trust in God and pray I can quit.
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YOU CAN QUIT HYRDOCODONE!!  I began taking them as "party favors" about 18 years ago.  I loved (and still do) the way it makes me feel.  I was in deep with them about 8 years ago.  I was taking the equivalent of 60 vicodin per day.  I got the vast majority from a pain clinic for a legitimate need (I have rheumatoid arthritis), but I was getting crazy with them and started doctor shopping.  Securing enough pills or cough syrup was all I did.  My life spiraled so out of control that I couldn't take care of my kids, my house, or my pets. What used to get me pumped up turned around and made me lay in bed all day.  Only more and more would suffice.  My life crashed down around me. I started to think that, one day, I just wouldn't wake up, and my children would find me deceased in my bed.  I took my bottle of pills back to my doctor one day and said that I wanted off this terrible merry-go-round.  He put me on librium and something for blood pressure, and said good luck.  That withdrawl was the worst thing I have ever gone through, but as sick as I was, I was determined to get clean of them.  It took a few weeks to get back to a semblance of normalcy.  I still get hydrocodone occasionally for legitimate medical needs, and I always want more, but I just don't ask for it.  When they're gone, I'm bummed, but I get over it, because I know that with hydrocodone, it's a one-way street.  Definitely NOT WORTH IT to pursue a life of addiction and hiding it from everybody.  I live with pain on a DAILY BASIS.  Yes, it *****, but we in this society are programmed to think that we never have to feel pain.  The truth is, living life is painful, and for those of you who deal with daily pain, sometimes, you're just gonna have to be in pain.  To have rid myself of the doctors, pharmacies, and nonsense (that you have to BEG for this stuff) was very liberating and my life greatly improved afterwards.  Ask yourselves this:  Is it worth it, to go through life a prisoner of the medical system?  I may go through life in pain, but dammit, I'm free of those drugs and the nonsense that goes with it.  I am FREE.  You can be too...no matter how hopeless your addiction looks to you (and mine was extreme), you CAN QUIT.  I'm a real sissy when it comes to pain, and if I can go through withdrawl and walk away from the addiction, SO CAN YOU!!  Good luck to you all who suffer from this problem.
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what your advise to everyone is very dangerous i mean no offense to you but everyones liver is different and liver damage is dificult to diagnose sometimes even withj blood tests especially long term permanent liver damage.4,5,6 pills a day can truly permanantely damage your liver or kidneys especially if your liver has been previously damaged many people dont even know.i fight this every day cause i know these pills are poison but im not strong enough to deal with the pain. i feel like such a ***** someimes.but im still trying
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i had a back injury in 2004 but have had nagging injury and pain for years now . Ive been on hydrocodone 10/500 for 4 years now and i wish i could get off them.I cant.i have many health problems now iin addition to previous back injury . im convinced it is my liver but my blood tests are within normal range. I hav tried many times to get off of these pain pillsbut have failed.these pills r poisining our bodies and i cant do anything about it
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382193 tn?1205765111
Unfortunately, thats my downfall.....have to have the alcohol with the pills.....GOTTA have both....I could have 5000 pills sitting in front of me but with out beer to wash them down, they're no good. I have liver function tests done now and again mark...u may want to ask your doctor...
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It's been months since i first wrote, having developed toxic hepatitis and a swollen spleen due to using hydrocodone with moderate alcohol consumption.  As of 11/15/07, my liver enzymes were back to normal, but there is probably some scarring or damage from my ordeal which will hopefully heal over time.  The jaundice is now gone, but I still suffer from fatigue and a few other problems that are constant reminders of how dangerous these drugs can be.  PLEASE... if you are addicted to hydros, take no more than 4 grams per day, and DO NOT TOUCH ALCOHOL (not even a couple light beers on the weekends).   If you are trying to quit cold turkey, remember this: no matter how bad detox feels, IT WILL PASS!  Take a few weeks of sick leave from work or school, do whatever it takes, you will be glad you did.
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Wanted to add some more which might help you -- if you are on day 10, you're near the end of the rotten feelings, I promise you.   That "want to jump out of your skin" feeling is about the worst one, and believe me, it will go fast now.  It is normal right now, but it won't last much longer.  You'll look back on this some day and be so happy you got off the pills.  I have NO fond memories of them!  

Please bear in mind that once these uncomfortable feelings have passed, you will NEVER have to feel this way again as long as you stay off those pills.  I wish you the very best and I'll check back with you.  Keep up the good work; you're nearing the end of the bad feelings, I promise you!
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I was addicted to hydrocodone for about 6-7 years, and at the end was taking 15-20 pills per day.  I am so glad to be off them!  Withdrawal was so awful that I will NEVER take another addictive substance again.  It  started out innocently (I have chronic back pain) but I'd rather live with the pain than be a slave to those little pills.  I know very well the feeling that you're going to "jump out of your skin".  Take heart -- it WILL go away; it took me a good two weeks (maybe a little longer) to get rid of the major miserable feelings.  I then went through a period of great fatigue, which lasted about a month.  After that, it was clear sailing.  Please, don't give up!  You've come this far and eventually you'd have to face withdrawal anyway.  It is so worthwhile to get OFF those pills.  I feel wonderful now and am literally never, ever tempted to go back on them.  I want nothing to do with narcotic painkillers...addiction is not worth it!
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I am trying to kick this habit that i picked up from my boyfriend. He takes pills and after my surgery i soon started taking them to even after i had healed. Im trying to stop by myself but with someone popping them infront of you, it's kind of hard. Anyone in the same situation.
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I have been clean 10 days from hydrocodone.  Took it for recreational purposes, not pain.  Anybody have any non-chemical/medication remedy ideas for the anxiety/sleeplessness? I am so tempted to go get just a few pills to take the edge off but I know will just blow the clean time I have...I really don't want to go back.  Still feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin.  Is this normal after 10 days clean?
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Thanks Marcatj and FLaddict for responding.

To answer FLaddicts' question:  Yes, I have been completely off the pills for 5 days (try doing a cold-turkey detox, while simultaneously worrying about toxic hepatitis and liver damage... extreme physical and mental anguish, I can tell you).

I am now drinking close to a gallon of distilled water daily, and taking 3 milk thistle tablets per day.  I have eliminated coffee, caffeine, alcohol, and eating only organic foods containing no preservatives or additives.

My doctor did say that the liver has amazing regenerative powers, but I did some web surfing the other night and came upon a few articles that scared the S*** outta me.  

If I could figure out how to post this in a more conspicuous place, I WOULD.  For everyone out there who is afraid of the w/d's from hydro or vicodin... THEY ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO THE FEAR YOU WILL FEEL WHEN THE DOC TELLS YOU THERE ARE LIVER PROBLEMS.   I NEVER thought this would happen to me, as I have always been relatively healthy and in excellent shape (up until 2 weeks ago, I was doing 45 minutes on the elliptical every day and working two jobs!!!)  Friends and family were envious of the excellent shape my body is in... what a joke!  The worst part is the GUILT... I have no one to blame but me  :(

MY QUESTION IS THIS:  Has ANYONE experienced a similar situation and come out okay?  Sorry to sound so desperate, but I am frightened.  Thanks for your help guys.

PS:  Could someone please tell me how to post this as a new topic?  I tried and failed  
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I will pray for you sweety... keep me posted on what happens with the gastro.

And if you ever want to vent, I'll be around...

Be well... and try to stay calm.... I don't know much about the liver enzymes, but I'm guessing there are things you can do to help lower them, like Fladdict said above.  She's got a lot of good info...

Let me know how things go...

all my best,
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182493 tn?1348052915
Please keep us posted on how you are doing.... its not always too late to start milk thistle.. there are others that can help rebuild the liver... I will look for this post and post them tomorrow night for you... I have a great book called prescription for nutrtional healing and its loaded with info on stuff to take for this kind of thing...  have you stopped taking the pills??  or are you trying to stop??
I wish you the best my dear..
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Thanks for wishing me well.  As predicted liver enzymes and bilirubin levels were very high.  For a wekk, I have been drinking tons of distilled water, and have totally eliminated all medications, and am eating a bland, organic diet (no soda, no coffee and NO alcohol).

I am seeing a gastroenterologist on 9/28.  Pray for me!

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i will say a prayer for you tonight...

please post tomorrow and let us know how it goes, ok?  also, if you start a new thread (you posted on a very old one) more people will see it.  often times people post on old threads and get overlooked.  so please create a new one.

fow what it's worth, alot of folks were on hyrdro's for a number of years and didn't do any serious damage.  hopefully you have not either...

i wish you well.

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For two years, I took anywhere from 5-10 hydros per day.  I was not a heavy drinker, but would occasionally have a few beers on the weekends... BIG MISTAKE.  This all began innocently enough with me taking 1-2 hydros for back pain and fibromyalgia (but of course my tolerance grew).  Oh God.

For about 5 days, I have had fairly dark urine, light stools, and the very slight beginnings of jaundice are showing in the corners of my eyes.  I have an appointment with an internist tomorrow afternoon and I AM SO AFRAID I CAN BARELY BREATHE.   Today I visited the health food store and talked to a friend of mine who manages the place... she also noticed the slight yellow in my eyes, and has placed me on a 2 week cleansing program which includes milk thistle... but is it too late?

I am 42, happily married and have otherwise always been healthy... I can't believe that this could be the beginning of the end (I am sooo incredibly sad).

I will try to remember to post after all the tests are over with.  PLEASE SAY A PRAYER FOR ME AND WISH ME WELL.
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i got addicted while taking hydros for tooth pain (i have a bad mouth)...what will help with withdrawls are METHADONE/DOSE...it's the stuff they give to heroin addicts to help them get off the drug...  take a minimal amount, ONLY enough to help you sleep..  roughly 10mg at night for 5 days...then take 3/4 of 10mg pill for 3 days..then 5mg...slowly work yourself to 2mg....you will feel crappy for a couple days no matter how well you wheen yourself...i've done it many times...like someone said up top, STAYING CLEAN IS THE HARD PART... an.d do NOT get addicted to methadones...you'll get yourself in a messed up downward spiral....  good luck everyone, and God Bless....
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Having done this more times than I wish to remember, I can advise you of the following.  You are taking a relatively low level per day, so you can taper.  The best way is to start by going from 8 per day to 7.5 per day for a few days, then down to 7 for a few days, etc.  Divide the dosage as you normally do, although best is to evenly divide during day (if taking 8, take 2 every 6 hrs.)  At the end of this detox you will likely feel like you have a mild flu, some agitation and depression for 3 days.  It will then get better around day 4 and most symptoms will be gone in 7-10 days.  Many people have a mild or moderate depression following the detox.  This can last for a few months.  You may want to try to get clonidine and a benzodiazepine for the end of the detox.  Finally, if you want the true pain free and easy way to get of painkillers, find a doctor or outpatient program using buprenorphine.  A taper using buprenorphine will, at your level, get you off the narcotics with little or no withdrawal.  Good luck.  Brian
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i want to wean myself off of vicodin es i take from 6 to 8 a day, what withdrawls will i have please help i have been doing this for 2 and a half years
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The real problem starts slowly as it did for all of us who got addicted to painkillers.  There was a time we ALL got off on 1 or 2 a day.  The problem is it NEVER stays at that level.  You will gradually increase until you get to a level you never imagined was possible.  When I heard people took 30 or more Vicodin a day I thought "they're crazy!"  Eventually I was taking almost twice that amount per day!  And, you can't look at me and say I'm some drug addict idiot or loser.  I have a post-graduate degree and am a highly paid professional.  This disease does not discriminate.  Please stop now while you can easily.
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