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Hydrocodone; me and my wife....help please....

First-about me. I have been taking hydrocodone products on and off for about 5 years. I have been taking them DAILY for about 16 months-Vicodin ES and Vicoprofen mostly. I am at the point now where I take about 10 a day. I am just wondering, what is this doing to my body? My heart, brain, liver, kidneys etc.

Also, we just found out my wife is about 6 weeks pregnant. She has also been taking Vicodin ES, (but NOT Vicoprofen as much),  about 1-2 pills a day for the entire 6 weeks and even before that. Is there a risk the baby could be affected? She definitely does NOT take as much as I do.

Thank you all for your help.
50 Responses
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HI I am a new user to this MSG bord. I just wanted to drop a line to say I have been using Vicodin for about 1 yr off and on. I was useing 5mg 7.5mg and Norco's ( 10mg vicodin ) up to 10 pills a day. I have just decided to quit for good and today is the frist day. I have recently moved back home with my parents and I am going to try to get off this ****. I have fully stoped useing before and I know what is in store for myself. Yeh 4 to 5 day of dieing pains and no sleep at all. If I can get through the first 2 nights then from there on I will be fine. I was just wondering If anyone had good Ideas to keep me sane and my feet on the ground I have been leading up to this day for awhile now. So I have been taking Centrum 1 a day 50+ taking two a day for the last week. Recomended by a friend. So if you have anything that I ccan do to lessan the pain let me know. The way I look at it is > IT COULD BE A LOT Worst I could be comming down from OXCYS
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HI I am a new user to this MSG bord. I just wanted to drop a line to say I have been using Vicodin for about 1 yr off and on. I was useing 5mg 7.5mg and Norco's ( 10mg vicodin ) up to 10 pills a day. I have just decided to quit for good and today is the frist day. I have recently moved back home with my parents and I am going to try to get off this ****. I have fully stoped useing before and I know what is in store for myself. Yeh 4 to 5 day of dieing pains and no sleep at all. If I can get through the first 2 nights then from there on I will be fine. I was just wondering If anyone had good Ideas to keep me sane and my feet on the ground I have been leading up to this day for awhile now. So I have been taking Centrum 1 a day 50+ taking two a day for the last week. Recomended by a friend. So if you have anything that I ccan do to lessan the pain let me know. The way I look at it is > IT COULD BE A LOT Worst I could be comming down from OXCYS
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HI I am a new user to this MSG bord. I just wanted to drop a line to say I have been using Vicodin for about 1 yr off and on. I was useing 5mg 7.5mg and Norco's ( 10mg vicodin ) up to 10 pills a day. I have just decided to quit for good and today is the frist day. I have recently moved back home with my parents and I am going to try to get off this ****. I have fully stoped useing before and I know what is in store for myself. Yeh 4 to 5 day of dieing pains and no sleep at all. If I can get through the first 2 nights then from there on I will be fine. I was just wondering If anyone had good Ideas to keep me sane and my feet on the ground I have been leading up to this day for awhile now. So I have been taking Centrum 1 a day 50+ taking two a day for the last week. Recomended by a friend. So if you have anything that I ccan do to lessan the pain let me know. The way I look at it is > IT COULD BE A LOT Worst I could be comming down from OXCYS
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Hi G - my e-mail address is ***@****.  Would be glad to talk to you one-on-one and give you as much support as I can.  I'm at work right now - will try to check back with you later this afternoon.  Also, one hint - Post on a top thread so more people will read your posts.  It's OK to break one even if it doesn't pertain to your topic.  We all do it all the time.  The more support you get the better.  Love, Lisabet
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Lisabet....thanks so much for writing. I am taking approximately 30 a day. I know, that sounds horrific and it is. I started to taper today and felt great until a major stress factor happened and I went back to my normal amount. I forgave myself and am going to taper again. Can we talk through email? My addy is ***@****. I really need support right now if I am going to do this. I would love to tell you my whole story on how I got addicted in the first place, what happened, because it is amazing and unbelievable. Thanks for writing and I would love to hear from you via email so I could tell you a little more. Thanks so much!!

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I was addicted to hydrocodone 10mg (30-40 a day) for 2 years after a major shoulder injury/surgery. I was doctor shopping (going to multiple doc's to get scripts) and finally got caught because that is illegal in the state I live in. I lost a beloved career over this addiction and was clean for a little over 2 years. About 5 months ago, I started using again and am so angry at myself, it is unbelievable. I am mentally ready to quit because my personal and work relationships are suffering because of the abuse. I feel awful and tired all the time and worrying about getting my next supply is just too stressful. The first time I detoxed in a hospital for 4 days, which was worthless. I should have stayed for 30 days at least. It took my body 4 months to fully recover from taking so much for so long. I have decided to taper this time. Has anyone ever successfully tapered, and if so, how should I start? I am so scared of the withdrawals, but am not willing to lose everything in my life over this stupid god damn addiction. The first time, I did not want to stop using, so I couldnt taper, it just never worked. Now I am ready mentally, and want to do this the least painful way I know how. Any suggestions? Plz help. My email is ***@****. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
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brat - welcome to the forum; you've came to the right place to get good advice.  You didn't mention how many hydros you are taking now, just how many you took before. Could you let us know approximately how many you're taking now? This would help someone here to advise you on how to taper.  There's others on the board more knowledgeable than myself, but I too have tapered from hydros, from a 12 per day habit down to 4 at the present.  Good luck on your decision to try to get clean. That's a BIG first step.  Love, Lisabet
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Hey dude-you - I have a question I'd like to ask you off the board. Could you e-mail me @ ***@****????
Thanks, sweetie - Lisabet
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Hello i am new to this site. I just got off of hydrocodone and i have been having bad stomach cramps and fever is this normal for withdraw
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unfortunately, yes. Tell us more. How much were you using? How long? Any other drugs? Did you stop aburptly or taper? How many days since you last took any hydrocodone?

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Ive been told at least 72 hrs.         Jerri
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This is from a diff't thread, but I want you to read it for sure....

I have just started Revia after throwing in the towel by trying to do it myself, on will power alone.  

I believe it to be the silliest and stupidest thing to NOT do after an Ultra Rapid Opiate Detox.  Only now, since I started Revia TODAY, have I learned what it in fact is and the chemical effects and counter-effects on the brain after long-term opiate use.  I underwent Ultra Rapid Opiate Detox on 4/20/02, but began to struggle with relapse approximately 6-7 months later.  Prior to detox, I was at approximately 600 mg/day of Oxycontin, prescribed by my Doctor and paid for by Workers Compensation Insurance.  My spine had some minor injuries that were horrifically magnified because I began to self-administer Opium by smoking it to reduce my pain levels.  At the age of 25, my ignorance prevented me from seeing the slippery slope I had just embarked on, and the cost was not an obstacle. (Ironically, the cost was not a problem because I had been working so hard, which is why my spine was injured...The Irony of Life)

The chemical manipulation ones brain undergoes while under heavy opiate use is quite significant.  For Revia to be able to rapidly return the brain to its original "pre-addicted" stage is VERY important for the individual that has no physical craving for the drug at all to KNOW.  In this case, it is purely physiological.  

To throw the term "psychological" around without really thinking about the manipulation ones brain undergoes after being administered 400-600 mg/day of Oxycontin as a substitute for the self-administer of Opiate analgesia resulting from trauma to the spine, creates a sense of naivety about the treatment course and education required for those that are physically dependant due to injury, and not psychologically dependant due to drug abuse.  There is an important distinction to make, if only because the former may believe himself to have a strong will and believes, ignorantly, that they can prevent a relapse on their own.  

Until the chemistry in the brain is changed back to the way it was, the physically dependant will struggle with possible relapse as does the psychological addict, but they are not one and the same in structure, but surely both are just as important.  Unfortunately, the psychological addict will have a longer struggle.  

But it is the duty of the medical profession to make this distinction and educate their patients when appropriate, for this tiny bit of logical education about the effects naltrexone has on reducing the number of opiate receptors in the brain, can be the difference between life and death for many.

I Thank God for granting me the wisdom to see the ignorance in my ways, and allowing me to return to my true path in life.  Not just once, but whenever I have asked.  


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Hey, guys. Thank you soo much for your words. It is so nice to hear. You are all absolutely right. I wish I could get away from my mom right now, but I am stuck here untill April 18. My arraingment is Monday. The information attorney was the one who told me what my sentance would be. But, who knows? The DA could have run a check on the pharmacies, the doctor who's DEA number we used could want to prosecute. I wish I could stop, but it's so much bigger than me. On thursday I went all day and night without any Vicoden, 24 hours. I didn't have any physical w/ds, only nasty psychological ones. That's the worst. I figured out from Thomas's message that I am addicted to the whole process. It's amazing, I've never been in trouble or done anything wrong, and damn it it just feels good. But I'm more scared of getting caught than anything, especially since it could happen at any time. And they probably won't book and release me this time either, I might even have to spend a night in jail! I'm scared, guys, all the time. I want to stop, but I don't want to. Sometimes I just want to die, but there's so much to live for. I know that if I got caught again, and had to do jail time, years worth, I would kill myself. That's horribly personal, I know. But it's true. Then why the hell am I ensuring this fate for myself? I think, I know, I need to see a counselor for this, but I can't afford one, and my health insurance for my new job won't kick in for three months. I am very lost right now. I know it must be frustrating for you guys to hear me saying I want to stop, but then I keep doing it. But honestly, please don't give up on me. This is a huge step for me, this sharing. I need it, and I need time. Thanks for listening.
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Its good to hear from you sweetie!If you get to feeling too bad and feel you need to talk you can go to a health clinic they go on a sliding scale basis!But you can also talk to us.Sometimes I know we need one on one though.Theres always help out there you just have to look.I talked with you when you were posting before I was J.E.W. Then.If you want you can e'mail me at ***@**** have got to get out of this situation. i'm sooooooooooo sorry that your mother treats you like this.That is so sad.Shes supposed to help and protect you not get you into trouble.Please feel free to e'mail me at anytime,I work different hours all the time but will respond as soon as I can.Take care sweetie and let us know how it goes at court.((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))  Jerri
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When you feel yourself drifting into that "Rx call in" state of mind, write out everything you're thinking and feeling to us here at the forum. You may not get an instant reply, but just writing it out may help you stay off the phone.

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I messed up my e'mails ***@****..      Jerri
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Hi again, seems as though I may have jumped the gun on confused's question and I apologize for this. I am just concerned about the possible abuse potential of Hydrocodone, and don't want any of the newbies to this drug falling into the pattern many of us have succumbed too. Those who can get high on a drug, and then put it down, I applaud you. I wish I were so lucky. Everything in my life is always at the extremes, never a middle ground. My habit started with one 30 Vicodin Perscription, then another, then another, all for different reasons, and none of them did I request! The third time was the charm, and I knew fully what I was getting myself in for, but steamed ahead anyway. I figured I could beat the drug when the time came, and I have to a certain dergree, but not entirely! I am sitting here waiting till the last possible moment I can stand the withdrawls when I will take 3-4 ES's for my escape from this painfull, feeling like your going to die syndrome. Well, Confused, If you still want this drug after reading the posts on this board, you should certainly be allowed to take your choice of pain meds. You know what works best for you, and I do agree Hydrocodone is an excellent pain releiver when in the hands of someone other than ME! :)
     I am having withdrawls like never before. I started combining Codeine #4's four a day with two a day of Vicodin. I started to become ill about two months ago, and figured it may be the Codiene as I wasn't taking but two Vicodins a day for months with no problem. I stopped taking the Codeine, and was soon worse than I had been. I am now taking the Vicodin at 6-9 a day. I fell into this on accident. I requested the Codeine because I did not want to take more than two Vicodins a day, now I am in physical pain like never before, and am forced to take more Vicodin. Does anyone know if withdrawls from Codeine are worse than Vicodin? I will get into detail about my dilemma in a future self help post. I am ready to get off this stuff for good, and hope I can glean some info from my fellow Drug Abusers. :)  Take care confused, and explain the situation to your DR. He/She should be willing to give you 5 a month of Hydros for pain management. If not go somewhere else. The Government is really cracking down on this Vicodin epidemic. This may be the reason she is reluctant to give you even a small supply. The manufacture states that Vicodin is not to be taken for longer than 2 weeks because of it's addictive qualities. A freind of mine is an Eye, Ear, Nose, and thoat Surgeon, he warned me about Hydrocodone, and he won't prescribe it period, so it may be with your physician. You may have to seek this drug out elsewhere. Be well   Tom
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Hi, new to the forum, and unfortunately have to much experience with Vicodin/VicoProfen to not comment, and ask for help myself. For Confused, You certainly have a right to a pain free life, and should have no problems getting 2-4 Vicodin ES 750's a day, let alone 6 or so a month. I also have back problems, 2 bad discs, and was on 10 ES's a day. After addmitance to my primary DR. that I thought I was taking far to much Vicodin, and wanted to back off, he worked with me on my own plan of action, and over a six month period I was down to one per day. I was then refered to a pain management clinic, and have tried various pain meds, including Tylenol 4's, and MS-Contin. I sense a pattern here that scares me, even though you say you have taken the drug responisbly I would take a real hard look at myself, and see if you are on the fringes of addiction. I am not saying you are addicted or ever will be, but this Hydrocodone is so addictive, you will not know what hit you. MS-Contin is a time release Morphine, and is much less addictive, If you have an inkling that you may have problems with addictive drugs, I would go the MS-Contin route. If you truely don't have an addictive personality, ie. cigarettes, daily beers/alcaholic drinks, etc. Then search out an understanding Physician, or possibly a pain managment clinic if all else fails. The fact that you require Vicodin, and didn't ask about allternatives has my bells and whistles going off, make sure you know what you are doing! Take care and be safe, as I am in a living hell right now with the dreaded drug Vicodin, may have to go on Methadone, or hopefully come clean again with my physician, and work my way back down, for the THIRD TIME!!! I wish you a pain free life, but be carefull what you take, and also stay away form OXY-Contin which is in all the papers as another extremely addictive drug. Be Well   Tom
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Thanks for the inspiring post.
I usually write very depressing and slightly morbid things while withdrawing.
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Nice re-post, Thanks again for the inspiration. I know exactly how you feel/felt when writing that.Day 6 Cold T for us. feeling better to say the least. My drinking is still about normal (for me) Thinking of quitting smoking next week or do you think it may be too soon to takle that, so close to my Opiate detox? Opinions anyone? Taper method or Cold Turkey? Should I wait another week for that vice? I sure better keep myself busy when I do Its such a oral fixation for me.

Peace Love
Ob Bob

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I agree it bites when a dcotor decides to stop giving you what works and gives you something else because they are worried about addcition, but he is doing what he thinks is best. He is right in the sense that he should worry about addcition. But it isnt fair when you know it is what works. Ultram on the other hand has even worse withdrawls for some people, depression ect. So be very careful with it, it doesnt even take a long term usage for this to happen. What did your doctor say when he took you off hydro?
Doctors are a dime a dozen...try another one or go back to your doctor and told him you tried it and it didnt work..
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To Everyone Here,
  This is my first post and may be my last, but I was hoping you may shed some light on this whole thing.
  I use Hydrocodone medically, as prescribed. I suffer horrific pain during my menstrual cycle and I also hurt my back ( permanent damage, they say), but the thing is, even when I was on Hydrocodone everyday I never felt that I needed more than my recommended dose,nor do I feel I need to take them longer than the pain.My recommended dose was like 750 mg a day I think and that nearly zonked me.
  For about 6 months now,my Gyn will only give me Ultram ( which does not take care of this pain).My medicine of choice for pain is Hydrocodone. I can't take many other things because I had an ulcer.
  With this many people, having so much problem with addiction, where does it leave a person that knows what they need and use it responsibly?
  I am taking Ultram, which is such a scary drug ( seizure risk, etc) and I can't get what I choose for the pain. I am talking about 5 tablets maybe on a monthly basis.
  Where does it leave us? does anyone have an educated answer for pain relief simlar to the effects of Hydrocodone?
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