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Is this good feeling really real?

I woke up this morning (day 2) and felt absolutely friggin great! Better than I have in years. Is this some sort of fluke or has anyone else experienced this kind of thing going into w/d? I've been on everything extracted from the poppy plant for the past 5 years & expected this to be alot worse than it is seeming to be today. I got my husband up & daughter fed & even did some laundrey. I've got to go into work at 11 & I'm not even dreading it! I felt like **** yesterday & days before since I was tapering from oc's using darvocet. If this is just a fleeting glimpse of what life can be like w/out pain meds- I want it! I really need some success stories from you guys. I won't be able to get online again til night & I'd really like a pick-me-up when I do. I want to know that this CAN really be done! Thanks everyone, Miko
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Sorry, I said the Thomas recipe was above this thread, it's actually below it, 1 or 2 post down. Sorry, short term memory loss has set in, too many pills I guess:(
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Almost missed you all the way down here. Sometimes when you post this far down on a thread that hasn't had any comments for a while, people will not see it so your question will not get answered. First of all, read through as many threads on this board that you can sit through. There are as many stories and theories about getting off the junk as there are people here. One thing that might be helpful, a couple of threads up, there is a question asked about the thomas recipe. It has helped numerous people. A lot of people use it to make going cold turkey tolerable, I'm using it in conjunction with a taper with very good results so far. One more bit of info for you, this place is closing down in 2 days. The majority of the people from here have already moved on over to another board, just scroll on up the main page a few threads and you will find the address for the new place, I would suggest you go there and repost your question. You'll get a lot better answers than what I can give you over there. If you have trouble getting there, just post here in a reply to this and I will try to help you out.
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I am new to this post and I am looking for advice and info on my oxycontin withdrawals.  I suffered from a bad hiking accicdent and shattered my ankles two years ago and have been on pain killers ever since.  For the last year I was on Oxycontin and after a recent surgery I am getting off the meds.  I have found myself having trouble coming off of them, and I have read all the horror stories about the witdrawal symptoms.  I was just wondering if anyone had any advice or shared stroies for a first timer trying to get back my normal life.  I cant wait to get off these drugs because I know I'll feel better and free from needing pain meds.  Thanks for your help and I am glad to be  apart of this group.
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Support is a beautiful thing Ladies! Being pregnant is also. There are several forums around here, so take your time and find the one that suites you. The End, I never saw your other post but I would have answered if no one else did, I just didn't see it, sorry! Bmac
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I am so glad your ob confirmed what you and I were thinking that the baby will be fine. I did get your email yesterday and will be answering today, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to yesterday. I barely had the chance to sit down and check my email, it was my oldest's b day and I was dealing with 6 cackling 13 year old girls. AHHHHH still recovering today:)
Please don't be offended that you did not get other responses. It is normally so not like that here, in the past you would have gotten a whole board full. But... things are a little crazy here right now with the board closing down and everyone is clammoring to find a new place to go. I hope you will try out some of the other boards, I'm sure you will find some of these same people that are here responding to you. In addition to the ezboard.com one that everyone is recommending (just look at the thread on top from today) there is also a little one started by one of the people from here that I think you might enjoy, here is the address for it http://forum.onecenter.com/friends_ah/
Talk to you soon
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Not that anyone answered me, but I just want to update on my taper and my trip to the OB high risk specialist.

1) Taper is doing well still!  I have 1 week left and feel strong and great!  Still worried about the last couple days and the big "flush" to come -- but if I am tapered down to 1 a day for 3 days and stop... will I have w/ds???

2) The high risk OB specialist cofirmed that I am at no greater risk for any birth defects to this child at my 7 weeks of pregnancy.  YEAH!  I cannot tell you the sense of relief and the impact on my marriage.  My husband is happier while still, we both have amazing fears involved.  The OB claimed I am at the same or greater risk of any problems compared to getting in my car and driving to his office.  Tapering off this early should absolutely NOT have any impact on this child in any way shape or form.

Ok -- and of course, the disclaimer.  This is NOT a reason to continue any sort of vic abuse!  It's just a glimpse into playing russian roulette.  You know, we toss the dice... how many of us have abused meds and worried about our livers, brains, health in general and survived with no implications.  I am sick over spinning that gun chamber with this child in my body -- but I take responsibility and pray that my karma will somehow be good.  

Good luck to you all and again -- please keep trying and supporting each other.  In this day and age of how easy it is to get prescription meds... I hope it all works out for everone!
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Hey Bill, I know your last post wasn't addressed to me, but since I read it and I ran into Lisabet in my forum's chat .. I went ahead and told her you said you were old.

Uh oh .. oh damn .. I just re-read your post and you said to tell her you *weren't* old.  Oh my .. she's already gone, so I can't correct my mistake.

Sorry sweetie, I really was trying to help you out.  I know you will forgive me for it .. one day.  Until then, I'm gonna go hide under my rock for awhile.

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Bill where the heck are you?   I having talked to you all day.  I can't even remember a day where I didn't hear from you.  I NEED MY FIX!  Bill please contact yo groupies!  Pammy
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OK, I am back, I see you missed me, thanx it is nice to be missed. And Peazy you know me well babe,almost well enough I might add. Jerri. did she call you a little slut? My kinda woman. And tell that sidekick of yours, Lisabet I am not old, yet! LOL

Pamela, you know I would never ever be unfaithful to the 'P's. Never! I do love you three so very very much!

Peazy, you are a nut! A yankee nut at that. You better watch what you are wishing for because you just might get it! LOL

OK everyone I love ya! Hell, I even Love Groovygirl aka mariposa aka whatever. I wish she would come back to say good bye!

I won't even try to name all you babes I wanna get to know because hell I am playing 'all' the field, not just the south and don't want to forget anyone, so TO ALL MY BABES OUT THERE :   FOR A GOOD TIME CALL.........
***@****    Anytime!  LOL   Bill
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Jenny -- I TOO am Pregnant and had a nasty vic issue going on -- luckily, I found out I was pregnant literally 14 days post conception... due to an ER trip for a bad GI problem - (no,not w/ds!)

Anyway -- I am headed to a OB specialist this afternoon -- I leveled with my husband, my dr, everyone I could to get off this stuff.  It's been a month and I am tapered way down -- I had a WAY longer way to go than you and I seriously worry about any complications or implications to the embryo during intense organ development in the first few weeks.  My regular OB told me not to really worry about anything pre-5 weeks... the zygote/embryo is not being hit by anything from the mothers body.  When in the ER - before they knew I was pregnant, they xrayed me and pumped me full of meds... then read the labs and said -- oh your pregnant.  Again, OB assured me pre-5 weeks, don't worry.  I don't discount the vics, I just hold on to that security.  

Anyway -- point here -- I will post my OB specialist results.  From 5 weeks on -- I took an acceptable prescribed dosage of 10/325, not that that means safety or anything in pregnancy -- but I am praying and hoping.  I have tapered successfully and have 10 days left in my taper.  My other dr prescribed stadol NS at days 1-5 post final dosings x 3 a day to deal with any potential physical withdrawals.  I don't know about that -- but it seems acceptable to all the literature I can find/read to deal with any withdrawals so as to avoid spontaneous abortion/miscarriage.  

Anyway -- it happens to the best of us.  The fact that you DID taper and you DID stop is beautiful.  But I tell you -- BE HONEST with yourself, your baby and your doctor and tell them the truth.  The baby will NOT be born with withdrawals by tapering at 28 weeks.  IT can be detected in any hair the baby has on its head.  That's your only issue.  BUT again -- being HONEST is the best way to go to ensure any possible or potential physical, neurological, or psychological implications for you or that baby.  At a certain point we all own up to our dependence and now that YOU have done that -- you need to be the strongest person in the world as a parent and own up to your love as a parent to your child.  

It's your choice -- there are implications for telling such as I was immediately dropped by my OB whom I LOVE to death and I worry that CPS would show up or that I would be slammed in rehab... but I have to do what is right by this baby and my self and my family.  

Please consider talking to a psychiatrist at least to discover the medical and pyschological implications of your dependence.  The psychiatrist will medically be able to discuss any potential fetal malformations/implications and help YOU recover so you are the best possible parent you can be.  

Don't strap yourself with guilt over this.  It happens to so many of us and you were dosing at a safe level.  The possibility of any problems are slight at best for your baby.  BUT -- please, talk to someone so this guilt you carry does not snowball and put you back on the meds... I myself worry about that BUT won't let it happen through the love, support, and medical care I am seeking.

God bless you and your baby.  Please feel free to email me so we can chat... I will support you in anything you do.  Don't take this post as a directive or insult... I just want what is best for you and baby -- but even if you DON'T tell... that is fine.  I am here!
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Sleazy!I mean peazy!!You cant leave me alone to face Billly on my own!!Lisabet keeps hiding.So I need help!  Love ya girl!I posted to ya up above too.  Jerri
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i have been reading the posts about this board closing. this is the first drug board i found and i fell in love with the support and love and craziness of this board... it is a sad day :-(

the other boards that have been posted about are great, GREAT!! i am on about three other boards so you will find me there... and i hope to see everyone from here on one of them or all of them!!! i am greedy, a greedy addict!

doner (melissa) has been posting on the amber board that someone posted above about. i call it the "plain brown paper bag" board but ya'll are welcome there. you can cut and past the above link or email me at ***@****. as a matter of fact, you can email me for any damn reason you might want to, any of you!!!!

see ya on the other side!


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Hey Peazy I think Bill is cheating on us did he say he had "L's"?  Thought thought he only had us "P's"?  I ma sad too that this forum that is full of friends is going down.   I met so many good people here!  Pammy
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So. HOW do you spell your name again?? Numnuts?? LOL  You will always be Billy to me and, when you stop to think about it (HMMMMMMMMM)  there is really nothing you can to about it......So you might as well lie back and relax, Doll...:-)
  Jerri--you darlin' little *****, you!!  You sound good as ever.  Will you be hangin' at Nancy's board, then?   Hope you behave yourself, but if you hang out w/ that BamaBum, the chances of that ARE NOT good.......LOL  Just remember that he's a smooth operator.....Whenever you want him to do something just bribe him w/ pecan pie and he'll do ANYTHING.  What am I saying??  He'll do ANYTHING ANYWAY....Sheesch!  Love ya------Peazy -Pie
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Nobodies here at 2a.m.either!Sorry for the slip in the name Bill but I couldnt resist it!Wont go there again!!LOL!!!Love ya..Jerri
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First off my name is Bill not Billly with three L's LOL
I would love to post over there but no one is there at 2 o'clock in the morning. I will wait on ya! Bill
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Hi, Nancy -  I've always loved your forum, but guess I've hung around med-help more because it's more about users and their trials and experiences, and yours is more about recovery.  OK - I think I'm finally ready to join the recoverers...smile.  At least, I'm gonna try. Momma, I'm coming home.  I love you, Lisabet
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Kim, read the posts Thomas03 did on the thread above this one. On the forum he gave the URL to, we post pictures and we have real time chat, along with the posts we do.

If you need any help getting there just drop me an email and I will help you.  ***@****
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It's me again.  LOL. I meant to include the URL to the forum's main page in cause you want to read the other sections we have, like Chit Chat, Jokes, Music, Pictures, Caretakers area, etc., but I spaced on it. (Heh, can I blame it on drugs?) Thomas03 put up the URL to the Issues Discussion area of our forum, which deals with serious issues like our MedHelp posts do.

The URL is:


Again, if you have any problems getting signed up on EZboard or into the forum, just drop me an email and I'll troubleshoot it for ya, so you can get in there with the rest of us.  Hope to see y'all soon. :)

MrsRat, Thomas Redux, Suzneedshelp, JesseSarpySharonver, Bungee7, and Insight  The Admin/Moderators of PAWS
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This is sad! I just found this not too long ago and I love it! Jack, I am going to miss everyday you add to your sobriety! I look forward and smile every time you say you have another day clean! Keep it up! I am so happy for you! For lack of better words, YOU GO BOY! LOL! Where is Doner? I can't help but wonder if she is OK! Doner if you read this please respond! I have been praying for you! I think about you all the time! I pray you are OK! Where are you going to go for support? My email is ***@****! I've been where your at and please don't hesitate to email!
Everyone else too, This stinks! I have been at drugabuse.com and there are alot of nice people. Some not so nice people too, but everywhere you go is going to be someone who drives you nutz! I'm sure I drive people nutz too! I dunno? I try to be helpful though! I was going to ask if you can post pictures but i don't think ya can here. I like pictures, it's kinda fun to see what people you share your DEEPEST DARKEST SKELETONS IN YER CLOSET WITH LOL! That is one thing you can do on drugabuse.com. But when ya think about it, do you want to put your picture on a site that says DRUGABUSE.COM? LOL! I suppose it's better than a milk carton!I wish there was a way! KIMH
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I left the front door unlocked and there's some Pepsi in the fridge Lisa.  Come home, pull up a chair, and sit on the floor pretty lady.  We've all been missing you bunches!
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Its about time!!Come on in the waters fine!!!Just dont get in the warm spots!!!I just e'mailed you sweetie!They're looking for you at drugabuse board!!Now if we can get Billly to post more with you at paws  and everyone else we can still be goofie but good!!Love ya sweetie..Jerri
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I agree.  I just don't think they feel it's worth it to keep it up.  Like Thomas said, they have run without doctors before.  There was a long period after Dr. Steve left that they were up and running.  If anyone would like options, email me at ***@**** and I will help you out.....anytime.
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