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Methadone Withdrawal

I am in the midst of methadone withdrawal after being on it for 4 years. I tapered down to 5 mg. without much trouble but at that point had my first dreaded 'night of terror' where I wasn't able to sleep. So I decided this would be a good time for the breakaway. It has been a week now and the symptoms have lessened. I went through cold sweats, back/body pain, flu symptoms, cold symptoms (including fits of sneezing),skin 'crawling', diahrrea, and the anxiety/ sleeplessness I mentioned. Although the sleeplessness has subsided somewhat, the best information I have been able to find suggests that this may continue for MONTHS! The thought of this concerns me and I am curious about REAL peoples experiences and whether I should try to find some suppressive drug like codeine to help me through. Or am I just setting myself up for withdrawal at a later date? Do the homeopathic remedies actually work? How long can I expect this to last? Thanks for sharing guys & gals.
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I read all your comments an I really wanna say y'all are truly inspiring during this process God didn't bring y'all this far to give up thanks for the strength to help me go on another few days !!!
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1801781 tn?1461629469
This is an old thread.  If you need support..and want to start a new thread where you won't be missed...go up to the orange button (ask a question) and repost your comment.  That will start a new thread for you.  
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I have been on Methadone for 2 years now for Chronic Pain for Fibromyalgia, I was on Fentanyl for about 6 months before that, the difference between Fentanyl and Methadone is major price....Fentanyl 260 dollars compared to Methadones 24 dollars...hummm no brainer right?? I started 30 milligrams of  Methadone then taking a lesser amount twice a day which was 20 milligrams for a long time, started tapering off with my doctors blessings, yea right!! he didn't tell me about the d*mn symptoms of the withdrawal, all he said is You can do it....thanks!! I was dealing with abdominal cramps and the sh*ts and asked a pharmacist about that, she said for me to take immodium ad Multi symptom relief, and sustenex which is millions of probiotics, more than you will ever get from yogurt alone, she said the methadone has destroyed  all the good bacteria in your gut so in order to stop the craps you have to take this, three days on this sustenex and its done, I am holding food again, I have been off Methadone for 1 week now tapering to 5 milligrams then cold turkey, The skin crawling is the worst!!!! I do have flexeril (clozonapam) for sleep and I have been taking tylenol for the headaches, I just tried something tho, and it seems to be working, I had some of that blue stuff for sunburns left over from summer with lidocaine in it, I just put it on my arms and they feel much better?? anyone else try this?  All I know is you are all not alone, I am in the same boat with you and dealing with the same withdrawals, One day at at time......dont give up because i won't
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1635764 tn?1300197570
I have been on Methadone for 5 years now after battling a vicious pain pill addiction. Looking back I really wish I had just gone through the 3-4 day OC WD instead of going to the clinic, however, the methadone clinic did exactly what I hoped it would do....I quite using drugs, well except for the methadone itself. Now, I am a nurse and knew what I was getting myself into but I am also an addict so the addiction won over the common sense. In the past year and 1/2 I have slowly gone from 100mgs to 5mgs. I stayed on 5mgs for several months and just found out 2 weeks ago that my husband and I are now expecting. I know that the clinic will say it is safe to take methadone while pregnant but I couldnt in good conscience do that. I would much rather go through the WD symptoms myself than to cause an innocent baby to suffer it. Anyway, I am happy to report I am 8 days methadone free and am feeling much better. I actually slept well last night with nothing but a little benadryl. I know this isnt the case for everyone and maybe my WD's are shorter due to my body producing more blood for pregnancy but I know that it is tolorable. I was petrified of quitting and now I feel silly. I do want to add that your psychological frame of mind will be a huge factor in the process, one of the nurses @ the clinic said that the methadone WD's are about 50% psychological. Dont get me wrong, I have had sleepless nights and restless legs/body and its not been a cake walk but its not been as bad as i thought. I really hope this helps someone out there. This process doesnt have to last months the worst is over for the most part within 8-10 days. Also, let me add, my OB prescribed me tylenol 3 to which I only took half at a time and only for about 4 days, I also took prenatal vitamins daily, drank a lot of water and forced myself to go for a walk. Hot baths and pacing really helps restless leg.
Good Luck to all who want to be free of the monkey, You Can Do It!!!!!!
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Hi I'm currently on day 10 of cold turkey methadone withdrawal after 3 years at the clinic.
I tapered down to 43mg's and jumped off. The first three days were bearable then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was completely sleep deprived for four straight days and I mean no sleep at all. Good news is the last three nights I have slept about 5 hrs. on average and I feel alot better. I'm still in withdrawal but it's all relative, I went through so much pain in those seven days that I feel that it is a blessing to be able to sit through a tv program or actually get comfortable on the couch for more than an hour.

The way I have done this so fast is by increasing the correct proteins, chicken turkey eggs etc. I put my self on some amino acids to help my brain heal also melatonin and reef MIGHT help you sleep. I'am using antioxidants and an easily absorbed vitamin/mineral complex. My biggest problem now is sometimes I go through bouts of extreme back pain, however yesterday was far less severe and this morning seems fine. My advice to the original poster is this. DO NOT GET ON CODEIN, with me in the past doing things like this only lead me to stronger stuff please just stick it out unless you really need hospital care, in that case of course do whatever you can to feel better you dont want to seize up which by the way is extremely rare at the dose your at almost impossible unless you already have seizures. To me it sounds like your through the worst of it just please stick it out, It will be the best thing you ever do.

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Please somebody talk to me.  I have been on opiates for years.  I'm finally off of suboxone for almost eleven weeks and still in heavy withdrawals.  I heard that this can last months.  Is anyone in the same rare and agonizing situation?  I
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I read an old post of yours when you were two and a half months off of Methodone.  I am in the same boat that you were and in severe withdrawal.  I heard that these withdrawals are drawn out and can last months.  Do you remember when your withdrawals subsided?  Can it really go on for four+ months?  L
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I am going through the waiting period before I can take Suboxone. I was on 81 mg of Methadone, and my doc told me that I had to wait at least 6 days before starting, or I would get sick (once explained, this made perfect sense ...)

So, they have me on OxyContin round the clock for these six-days before I switch over (day seven I have to go completely clean for 24 hours before starting the suboxone). While I haven't felt a damn thing from the OCs in terms of a buzz (which is good!), it has seemed to keep the WD at a minimum, however, I am getting crazy restless legs and some chills on and off.

This is day 3, and it seems the worst so far ... Anyone out there transitioined this way before?
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I am going through the waiting period before I can take Suboxone. I was on 81 mg of Methadone, and my doc told me that I had to wait at least 6 days before starting, or I would get sick (once explained, this made perfect sense ...)

So, they have me on OxyContin round the clock for these six-days before I switch over (day seven I have to go completely clean for 24 hours before starting the suboxone). While I haven't felt a damn thing from the OCs in terms of a buzz (which is good!), it has seemed to keep the WD at a minimum, however, I am getting crazy restless legs and some chills on and off.

This is day 3, and it seems the worst so far ... Anyone out there transitioined this way before?
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Hello all...
I HOPE I can help a little...
This is day 7 for me. I was on Methadone for over 10 years, getting from a legal dealer (Methadone Clinic).  First time, they weened me from 40mg to 20mg in one day, then 10 the next, 5mg, then off.  I crashed HARD over the weekend.  Then, they put me back on 10mg and went down 1mg a day.  Once again, the crash was not as bad, but still pure hell.  That was 7 days ago.  Now... well, I feel ANYTHING but normal and now have a wonderful cold on top of the WD symptoms.  But I feel pretty good.
The way I am doing it (Your reaction is going to be just like mine was... it's ain't gonna work) is to use part of what they are calling the "Thomas Recipe".  I am taking 1000mg of Vitamin C, 2 times a day (Vitamin C stays in your system 4 hours), a B-Complex, a multi-vitamin and an anti-oxidant.  There are two reasons that this works.  First, when you get the runs and pee a lot (part of WD) you loose your electrolytes and minerals at a HIGH rate. Second, the heavy vitamin load helps your brain start re-connecting the neurotransmitters, which have laid in wait and not shown up on the job since they were not needed during drug use.
I am not telling you that you will magically feel great or even good.  Just better.  The longer I am on the above, each day gets a LITTLE better.
On top of that, I do have to use Trazadone 100mg and Ambien at night to help sleep.  It doesn't work REAL well, but it does get me about 4 hours a night right now.
I don't know how long my WD is going to take, but the one thing I try to keep in mind is this:  The worst day of WD is better than the best day on Methadone.  That **** should NOT be used EVER in my opinion.  Pure chemical warefare...
God Bless all of you here.  Hang Strong!
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hi all,
I,m going through methadone withdrawal at the moment, it has been 2mths and 1week and it has been HELL!!!!

still not sleeping properly, i have the tingling in my legs constantly, day and night.

I thought that there was something wrong with me and had anemia, blood sugar, under-active thyroid, HIV and hepatitis a,b and c blood tests, but every single one of them came back NEGATIVE!

i am counting my blessings, i can tell u.
anyway now i know theres nothing medically wrong with me, i know the symptoms are methadone related (thank god)
I just wonder how long this is gonna last, i never thought it would take this long, i came down off meth and had no problems, but thinking about it, my body has had so many chemicals pumped into it for 8yrs (heroin and meth) and now all of a sudden there is nothing.

Hope u r all ok, take care xxx
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I am hoping someone can help me with my situation. My husband is a drug addict/alcoholic.  He has a history with abusing Crack, prescription drugs (xanex, pain meds), and alcohol. --sometimes all at once. Recently, he began taking methadone pills which he was buying from someone where he works.  Yesterday, he was extremely ill with flu-like symptoms. Im trying to find out if there are any long term effects of taking methodone to get high for (i would guess) about 3 weeks, and then stopping alltogether.  Other sites have not been so helpful, so im hoping to find out some information here. What does methodone make you feel like? is my husband in danger?? what should i expect??
please, any info is helpful!!
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I am hoping someone can help me with my situation. My husband is a drug addict/alcoholic.  He has a history with abusing Crack, prescription drugs (xanex, pain meds), and alcohol. --sometimes all at once. Recently, he began taking methadone pills which he was buying from someone where he works.  Yesterday, he was extremely ill with flu-like symptoms. Im trying to find out if there are any long term effects of taking methodone to get high for (i would guess) about 3 weeks, and then stopping alltogether.  Other sites have not been so helpful, so im hoping to find out some information here. What does methodone make you feel like? is my husband in danger?? what should i expect??
please, any info is helpful!!
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I am hoping someone can help me with my situation. My husband is a drug addict/alcoholic.  He has a history with abusing Crack, prescription drugs (xanex, pain meds), and alcohol. --sometimes all at once. Recently, he began taking methadone pills which he was buying from someone where he works.  Yesterday, he was extremely ill with flu-like symptoms. Im trying to find out if there are any long term effects of taking methodone to get high for (i would guess) about 3 weeks, and then stopping alltogether.  Other sites have not been so helpful, so im hoping to find out some information here. What does methodone make you feel like? is my husband in danger?? what should i expect??
please, any info is helpful!!
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A little insight for you. It's been two weeks now and I'm starting to feel normal. Looking back I think that first week would have been easier if I hadn't just sat around thinking about how crappy I felt. Try to keep busy. I know one thing, I will NEVER go back on that stuff again! I would rather be sucking on my toes for three days from heroin withdrawal than go through this **** again. As far as the sleeping, I took body mechanic's advice (props to him) and went to see my doctor who knew of my experiences for some relief. He suggested Ambien which my counselor had mentioned, and I pumped him for the Trazodone. A perfect combination. You WILL be asleep in an hour. As mentioned by BM you can get them on the internet, make sure it is the anti-depressant. I tried the Trazodone by itself last night and still went out with no problem. My ex is a psych nurse and I asked her about the side effects of both (the Ambien is a controlled substance), and she said the Ambien loses is effectiveness in about ten days, but the Trazodone drawbacks are minimal. Do yourself a favor and try something. The herbal remedies (Calms was one I tried) made me feel better during the day and I still take them when I feel anxious, but they were useless as far as letting me sleep. The worst is over, get some sleep now!
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I hate not sleeping and feeling horrible. I just want to be NORMAL again.
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Nobody looks down here. (except me) jkidding I am sure other people do too.

It is just easier to post up top. I'll help you out though.

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Hi I had an experience similar to becc.  I was on methadone about 5 years and took about a year and a half to tapper down from 75 mgs to 3mgs.  I was horrified to discover after coming down so slowly to such a tiny amount that I had withdrawal.
It has been a week now and I still feel badly.
any Ideas?
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Don't be too discouraged about the long withdrawl. You may have one, but put it in perspective....a few months out of your LIFE aren't that much. I know it feels like it because each hour just seems to crawl by, especially at night. I know... It's 3:15 am and I'm awake. I was told be an addiction expert that my withdrawl would be months. It just is for some people, but it sure makes you NEVER want to go back on what you were takeing! And by the way, I was taking codeine, so don't go that route!!!!!!!!! Just go clean. You can do it.
Your withdrawl might be short, you never know til you do it! Most likely it will be on the shorter side, I'm in a small percentage.
Day 25,
Write me if you need to.
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that is so terrible...have you had the nerve damage confirmed by a dr.?  i didn't know methadone could do that kind of damage...that sucks.
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Methadone was by far the worst drug I have withdrawn from.  It seems to me that you are over the worst of it. At this point I would take trazadone for sleep.  It is short acting, non addicting and easy to get over the internet. Most people are back to normal after a month of poor sleeping.  

I believe that I have permanant damage to my nervous system from being on methadone.  I have been prone to depression and have had difficulty sleeping since I stopped.  That was 20 years ago.

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