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I have been taking oxycontin daily for over a year, some days up to 200mg plus some hydro. I have tried over and over again as most of you know to stop taking the oxy's, but I have been unsuccessful.  However, I have used methadone twice to detox and it was very successful for the physical withdrawal, I just couldn't hack the mental w/d's.  Well, I bought a 40mg wafer today, it was an act of god for me.  I have split it into 2.5 mg pieces and will use it to detox.  My question is, is there a chance I could become addicted to it.  My detox will be as follows.  I will take 2.5mg twice a day for the first 4 days. then 2.5 for the next 4, then either stop or take 1-2mg for the next 4 or 5.  Keep in mind, I don't get high off of Methadone, especially with the low dose, and I will never take more then 5mg in a day...... Any input would be appreciated. i think we all know that I really want this bad and I know I can deal with the mental half of things, I just want to get away from the pain..........
49 Responses
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You can do this buddy, maybe this is the time for you. I've never taken methadone so have no experience with it. Could you do buprenex instead? The reason I ask is that you will still have to detox, but off the methadone, at some point, right? I detoxed with bup before and it was painless. I quit bup after months of use and it was almost painless; certainly no restless leg or anything like that.
Again this is something I don't know about, so maybe stopping meth after a short usage isn't bad. Angst can tell you about that as she's taken it for awhile. Good luck and hang in there; everyone is rooting for you. Even in your darkest days you've helped so many here.
And by the way, panic attacks suck. I still get them, infrequently. Force yourself to breathe and psych yourself out of it, if you can. That helped me. It was a mental thing. When I got some really, truly magnificent ones off and on for weeks (when I was still using) I ended up having a seizure. After that I forced myself to psych them out. Doesn't work for everyone but it does for me, so just an idea.
Hang in there,
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hey  there gw hope you are ok today.
good luck with your taper.
i was just thinking you might want to keep a daily journal.
I really learned a lot about myself when i did it , i got a chance to look at myself, it's really good when you can go back to the preovous month and see where you were at and what your plan was and how it worked out.
In  N.A they call it inventory or tenth step stuff.
I know you want to get clean and i know it seems impossible some times.
i have heard you talk about withdrawls and just going through the hell and getting it over with. thats plan b i guess???
In any event i hope all go's well.
It's alway's good to read your post, as far as your question i do not have  any experence with that type of drug so im sure
some of the other on the fourm will answer it.
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good luck with your detox. be careful with the methadone. i know
you have used it before, but remember, sooner or later a meth-
adone detox will become a methadone maintence.

hippy had an excelent idea about keeping a journal of your drug
use and drug related activity. did you know the last person you
will ever con will be yourself?

keep an angel on your shoulder
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And then when the methadone detox becomes methadone maintainence, you'll be right where I am, and I am in NO shape to rollerblade.  I have no idea what to expect with the w/ds...  Can anyone tell me?  It seems that it takes a really long time before I start feeling bad...  Four or five days...  is that normal?  Does that mean I won't have a bad w/d???  I'm taking about three drops a day and just waiting for the bad w/ds to hit.  How long will it take to get through the worst???  Is it really worse than vics or other opiates?  Someone please tell me what to expect...
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If you do the methadone like you say you are going to, dependence is not an issue.  It is not going to happen.  I find it incredible that 5mg holds you for 24 hours.  I'm sure that you are having the cravings, but no physical symptoms at all?  Anyway, take it for what it's worth.  I know it is hard as hell, but when you are done with the taper, stick to it!  One thing you don't want is to end up with a tolerance like I have.  If I go into withdrawal, it is a horrendous experience....to say the least!  Five mg of methadone to me is like a Bayer aspirin.  But, you know what you want and I would like to see you get there.  What you have mapped out looks like a good game plan.  You can do it.  And, don't worry about getting hooked on the methadone.  Like I said, if you take it like you say you are going to, physical dependence will not happen.  I guarantee it!  You go plenty long enough in between taking it for it to be cleansed out of your system.  It would be different if you take the methadone, take a rest, then take it again.  Then, I could see some kind of buildup in your body taking place.  But, if you can still take miniscule doses like you do, you aren't building a tolerance to it.  Good luck!
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I can't imagine how such a small amount of methadone could keep you from withdrawals at the habit rate you are at. I was doing 800 mgs a day OC, self tapered to less than 500, than did a 21 day methadone detox. I started at 50mgs, and once I was down to 10, several weeks later, began going through withdrawals. at 5 it got bad, and at 0 it got real bad.

I hope it works out. If it doesn't, you could perhaps try what I did, at a clinic, if one is available. Just make sure to get off of it after 21 days. Do everything you can to never go on maintenance.
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One good thing about methadone for you (and for me) is that it blocks other opiates, so at least you'll stop the oxy's.  Just try not to go too far with it.  It'll definitely stop the w/ds. When I was doing vics, I was doing an average of 30/day and I started with about the same amount of meth that you're talking about doing.  Definitely no w/ds at all.  Are you going to a clinic?  It'll definitely help with the physical.  Now help me with the mental.  :)

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Sorry...  just read yours again and you got a 40mg wafer.  You'll do really well with that...  I know you will.
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Thanks for the diet hippy.  I will try that.  Does anyone know of a good descrete way to eliminate Methadone side affects.  I've been off it for twelve days now.  I'm still weak and just want to know how long this is going to last.  Does anyone know when the side affects end for methadone??
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I have been off methadone with absolutely nothing else in my system except for the fluids and food that I force down for twelve days now.  For the first 2 days I just felt lazy, yet anxious at the same time.  NOTHING WORSE.  Then a week following that was severe diahrrea,Stool discoloration(light in color), which means the methadone did something to my liver too. loss of appetite, electric impulses in my hands and arms, which are finally tapering off a little bit, but today, for the most part, I am just so damn tired and depressed.  I feel like I've had the flu for twelve days and I have no idea how long it's going to last.  I also work a lot of hours through all this madness!!  I never want another pain pill again of any kind.  

I was on 10 mgs of methadone for a month and 1/2.  I hope I'm feeling normal again by summers end.  I drink lots of fluids and take it a day at a time.  I haven't really seen a great change yet):
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I haven't been here in a long time, and so don't know what the current thinking on hijacking is. Used to be it was OK, since the limit of one new post a day...well.

You may remember that I'm on 100 mg oxycontin twice a day for chronic pain. I've finally made peace - of a sort - with the idea of being on pain meds for the rest of my life. But, here's the question:

As you know, oxy is expensive. My prescription costs nearly seven hundred dollars a month. And right now I'm on a COBRA policy. I am setting up a commercial web site with which I hope to make the cash flow, but I don't ever want another yob where I have to get up and go to work for The Man every day that rolls. That means no benefits. So.

What would it be like to switch from the expensive oxycontin to something else, say, like the fentenyl (sp) patch? I understand it is supposed to last for three days. What I mean when I say "what would it be like" I mean in terms of wds? Specifically, I'm worried about depression. Man, when I get depressed, it's like death. I don't ever get just mildly depressed; I get in that ultra-black place where I'm holding hands with the grim reaper. No tolerance at all.

There's also the pump and that lasts for three months. And I think that after the surgery and the pre-surgical testing and such it might be less expensive than the oxy as well. But again, there's the depression angle.

Anyone here have a clue?

Sorry for the interruption. We now return you to your regularly scheduled postings.

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When I was on pain meds for chronic pain, many people who used Oxy swore by MSContin. It's morphine but in the long-acting form, so like Oxy is to percocet, basically. And it's generic, I believe, so would be a lot cheaper.
I tried the patch for a few weeks and was so spaced I could barely function. The specific med in it just really f***** me up, and that was coming off a high dose of Oxy plus 12-15 Norcos/day. I went back to the Oxy after that, then got off that and stuck to the Norco.
Hope you feel better and congrats on the discipline. tracy
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i'm glad you got ahold of something that will help you.  i still wish you could find a dr. that would help you out, but we all need to do what we gotta do right?

i hope it's enough for you...remember that the "post withdrawal syndrome" thing seems to be the really tough thing for you (and me!)  i guess that is when it's time to really get going on the things you love to do (besides oxy) like roller blading or whatever.  good luck - maybe this time will be the charm...i'm rooting for you as always.  i hope you get a chance to check in during the weekend...do you have a computer at home or just at work?

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I was just wondering, what is wrong with Methadone maintaince?  Is it hard to stop once its started or something?
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Often Methadone Detox turns into Methadone Maintenance.  I needed the maintenance and counselling that the (orange juice) clinic offered me.  I did get to a high dose, due to coming off of dilaudid.  I just now have started to detox.  I went down 10/day, so now my dose is 90mg/day.  I'll stay here a couple of weeks, then I'll drop another 10mg/day, my dose will be 80mg/day.
I'll continue that until I get to 60mg or 70mg/day.  Then I will wait a month before I drop any more.  The first time I detoxed, I went entirely too fast.  I does take responsibility to detox, when maintenance is so easy.  I enjoyed the time I had at 100mg/day.  It really kept my mind off all drugs.  Due to jobs and new job offers, I need to detox some.  I will take my time and listen to my body and mind.  
I never want to use again.  I will do whatever I have to do.  NA while detoxing and after is good support.    That is my experience, strength, and hope on Methadone.  I hope it helps.
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How bad are the w/ds from Methadone?  Is it really sort of a delayed reaction?  I just have about three drops left and I'm getting really nervous...
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How high was your daily dosage and for how long did you take it?
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How long were you at a 100mg/day?  If you tapered all you have, I would advise you to see a doctor.  Your family doctor, an addictionologist, or the ER.  You really need to taper down a little more before jumping off.  If you did okay on 30mg, you might not have a really bad withdrawal, but it will not be easy.
You will have stomach ills bad - diarrea and vomitting.  Immodium AD works wonders.  You will have cold sweats, then be hot and cold.  There is also anorexia, try very small meals several times a day with lots of gatorade. You need to keep your sodium and potassium, and the gatorade will help with that.  Sleep is evasive.  The xanax you have will help some.  Just do not over do it.  It is very addictive.  It may take 2 weeks to a month to get over all aspects of withdrawal.  You will have horrible muscle spasms in your back, try the heating pad.  You really should not be alone.  You will not be able to care for children, so if you have any close person, let them stay with them.  
The best advise I can give you is to see a doctor, even the ER, for they are used to seeing people in withdrawal.  They can give you a cocktail that will help tremendously.  Good Luck and Keep Posting.  Ava
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You can tell the ER doctor that this is very confidential for insurance reasons  and he could put it down as gastritis or such.
There are ways of getting around things. As I keep reading your posts, I keep getting more information.  I really want to help you.  I have known people who jumped off at 100mg/day.  They were totally incapasitated {sp}.  They required the care of a loved one around the clock almost, except when sleep did occur.
So you can do it.  I know you can.
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Hi All,
  I am new to this forum , but I have been on methadone for 6 years and have researched this medication and have lots of info on methadone.First off; methadone is 3x stronger than oxyconton.So if you were up to 200 mg of oxycontin daily a dose of roughtly 65-70 mg would equal that dose of oxycontion and keep you out of withdrawals and pain. When you first start on methadone you will get euphoria from the dose for approx. 6 months and you will also sweat very heavily on methadone. The good thig about methadone is it is cheap.360 10mg methadone pills cost approx. $45-$50 at pharmacy where 10 20mg oc's would cost that much at pharmacy or 4 or 5 oc's on the street. The price for 360 10 mg methadone would only equal 1 80 mg oxy on the street and maybe 3 or 4 at pharmacy w/out insurance.Methadone last approx. 24 hrs where you are lucky to get 6 or 8 hrs from an oxy. Believe me I have been down the oxy road and will NEVER go back.I was also a 12 pk. a day beer drinker before methadone and now I do not drink at all. Believe it or not methadone took away my craving for alcohol. If all you are wanting to do is detox off of oxy's keep doing what you are doing if it helps you, but if you think you might go back to the oxy's you might consider going to a pain mgmt doctor if you have chronic pain or to a clinic if you need help staying off the oxys. Believe me when I say this; OXYCONTIN is a KILLER!! It has taken many of my friends and aquaintences to an early grave. If you would like to discuss this further you can e-mail me at: ***@****. Hope this helps.Keep us informed on your progress.
                                  God Bless & Peace Out..Tim G
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Can you help me figure out a fairly fast taper?  I can get more, and I really don't have anyone to take care of my kids, and my husband *can't* know that I'm still doing this sh--.  Really.  I can't tell anyone, and I dont' have a month to be really sick.  When I've w/d'd from vics, the first three or four days are really bad, and then it's just not great...  How many days off meth will be hell?  You said a month, but the whole month won't be horrible, right?  How many days will I be really incapacitated?  WHY did I EVER DO THIS?????  The worst is that w/ds are a little like childbirth...  you forget how really awful it was.  If you could figure out a taper for me, I would be forever grateful.  Also, do you know anything about phentermine?  It really seems to help, but I don't know if it will once I really drop off totally.  Thank you SOOOO much for writing back!!!  I have to do this, but why does it have to be so hard?  :(
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If you taper slowly.  Say you are on 30mg/day.  Go down by 5mg/week.  Then you should have very little withdrawal.  Maybe a little stomach ills and restlessness for a couple of weeks, but it should be mild.  If you can taper, do it!  That is the best way to go.  Is that possible for you?  keep posting and let me know.
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Love your name...  it's just exactly what I feel.  I can taper, but I'd really like to do it faster.  The stuff I'm getting isn't clean, and I dont' want to do it anymore.  I've already recovered from Hep B from this stuff and God knows what else I'll get if I keep going.  Since last Tuesday, I've tapered with the 100mgs I had and I've done ok.  I rarely took 100 at a time...  more like 20 to 50mgs/day. Or sometimes even every other.  I tried to be good...
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How are you, and where are you?  I am so hoping that you're doing ok on the meth and feeling good or at least not horrid.  Good luck...  You CAN DO THIS!!!!

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