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Oxicontin: Pain Relief or Pariah?

My brother recently had arm surgery requiring a bone graft taken from his hip. He was told it would result in accute pain, which it has. With some prodding from me, he requested Oxicontin, which his doctor immediately and enthusiastically refused, preferring instead to prescribe Percoset.

Percoset is certainly an effective post-operative pain medication; however, it has a distinct four-hour cycle. When I had the misfortune years ago to be beaten badly by thugs in Hawaii, Percodan really helped pull me through. But I was up every few hours waiting until I could take my next dose.

Now my brother is waking up at night in pain, having to take another Percoset dose, then waiting the requisite 45 minutes for it to kick in so he can fall asleep again.

I'm angry because Oxicontin is available and approved by the FDA for exactly this kind of pain. All it is is time released Vicodin. But because the weak links in our society chew them up or snap them to get a rush (potentially to the Pearly Gates), doctors openly place their fear of federal auditors ahead of the interest of their patients.

What can we, as patients, do to get the right medicine when it's legitmately needed and deal with this horrible bureaucracy we've created? How miserable can federal regulators make the lives of our doctors to warrant this kind of response?


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I just found out my son is hooked on Oxi and want some suggestions how we might help. Am familiar with addiction, husband is alcoholic and has been in rehab and enjoyed 18 years of sobriety. Must run in the genes. My son's older brother told me today his brother is hooked on Oxicontin, his live in girlfriend is bi-polar and abuses medications. Not sure what but he mentioned she was going to methadone clinic. I know all about alcohol addiction but drugs is new to me. My husband and I live 6 hours away but would want him to stay with us if he would like a place to get clean. There is an outpatient clinic in our town that I spoke to today and he could go there. Any suggetions would be greatly appreciated.
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I just found out my son is hooked on Oxi and want some suggestions how we might help. Am familiar with addiction, husband is alcoholic and has been in rehab and enjoyed 18 years of sobriety. Must run in the genes. My son's older brother told me today his brother is hooked on Oxicontin, his live in girlfriend is bi-polar and abuses medications. Not sure what but he mentioned she was going to methadone clinic. I know all about alcohol addiction but drugs is new to me. My husband and I live 6 hours away but would want him to stay with us if he would like a place to get clean. There is an outpatient clinic in our town that I spoke to today and he could go there. Any suggetions would be greatly appreciated.
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Hi, ecampbe3, and welcome to the forum.

What you are experiencing is a very common symptom of taking relatively high doses of opiates. If you want to "Eliminate" soon, and regularly, I would recommend these 2 things:

1.) Drink large amounts of tea or coffee (WITH Caffeine) 4-6 cups before noon. They are good old fasioned diaretics.

2.) Take KavaKava pills (4 to 6 every 8 hours)--Besides making you feel quite relaxed, the side effect is a very potent stool softener, and it gets your intestines moving rather quickily (Be sure to be near a bathroom 2-6 hours after taking it!). You can find KavaKava at any health store (GNC, Walgreens pharmacy, etc..) It is an extract of a plant from the carribean/south pacific, and Hawaii that is "an Herb that promotes relaxation"-- I have used it to improve my symptoms of withdrawl while I detoxed at home.

I hope that these suggestions help you out!

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Hey all - since this is sort of an "interesting" string-  i feel brave enough to ask for help for this personal and embarrasing question.

I am using 40mg of Oxy, 225 effexor rx, Flexeril, and Klonopin (4mg) for my chronic pain.  I get no "buzz" - i sort of feel a bit cheated.  However - I can't seem to eliminate.  It is painful.  Very painful.  I am taking loads of laxitives, all types, and now a perscription lax - but it still is slow and painful.

Whats the deal?  Does anyone have a "receipe" for this one?  I know it sounds funny, but it sure is a pain in the a--, literally.
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Need Help!  I have a grandson who just got arrested for stealing money from a purse in a grocery store.  He has stolen so much from family members to buy his habit for oxycontin.  We have bailed him out after three days of lockdown in a jail.  I am not lying but he is a wonderful person but for this habit.  You don't need a doctor to get oxycontin.  It is out there on the street with the dealers. He said he is tired of thinking how he is going to get the  money for his habit.  He wants the help to withdraw.  He is being watched 24/7 by all of us.  His contacts with his friends are forbidden.  He is vomiting quite a lot.  He goes Tuesday to get evaluated but if they don't think he needs medical help--he won't get it.  He has no insurance.  Please help us.
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It's best to take it as a multimineral capsule that includes zinc, magnesium, and manganese.  Too much zinc can be toxic, so just take them as directed. Last year a poster here got sicker than hell by taking too much zinc.

SAM-e and 5-htp have also been very helpful.

I take SAM-e every day now for pain as well as depression and it is definately working. It also helps to detox your liver, and if you've taken a lot of acetomeniphen over the years, it can help the liver recover from that.

Speaking of livers, I really wonder where JB is. I am worried, and miss him!

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The recipe I posted was created by Thomas.  I am not a good source of info regarding it.  I just figured everyone would like to see the original.
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how the hell are you?  you have put down some very informative and helpful information.  I have been clean for a while, i didn't use the recipe, in fact I used the Methadone and it worked like a charm, HOWEVER, I had extreme will power when using it for the first 4 days. Now I'm about 28 days without anything....... not bad huh?  

After reading this last post, I have decided that you are much more knowledgeable than I, so I am going to try part of the recipe to see if it helps me get back to "normal"  I will use the L-Tyrosine as well as zinc/Mag.  My question is, do I just get a multivitamin for the zinc/mag? or do I have to by a bottle of Zinc and a bottle of Magnesium? let me know, thanks

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Here is the original recipe:

Here's my tried-and-true do-it-yourself hydrocodone "cold turkey" detox protocol.

Supplies you'll need first:

As many Valium, Xanax, Librium or Klonopin that you can get your hands on.
--- first day off the lorcet, use enough Valium or whatever, to, if possible, sleep through most of the first couple days. Then start decreasing the dose until you're down to nothing in about 5 or 6 days. You'll have to do the math. The Valium or one of its sister drugs will help tremendously with the anxiety and, somewhat, with the body aches.

Around-the-clock access to either hot baths or a Jacuzzi.

--speaking of those goddamn mostly thigh cramps that seem to love to show up in the middle of the night, have that hot bath or Jacuzzi at the ready. Don't hesitate to spend the majority of the week in that hot water if it's what it takes to get you through it. You may be wrinkled, but you'll have your sanity. Don't underestimate what the hot baths can do to relieve the withdrawal discomfort. They really work. Heating pads between the thighs can help with those cramps, too, but not as much as the hot baths.

Brand-name-only Imodium (over the counter at the supermarket)

-- if you're a normal hydro addict, you'll be getting the runs by no later than the second or third day off the lorcet. In my experience, it's an especially unpleasant variety. At the first impulse, take two or three and respond to returning urges with two tabs. It's important that you do it immediately.

L-Tyrosine (qty 50 of the 500mg caps) - an amino acid available at the health food store.

-- thanks spook for this info: chronic use of narcotics depletes the brain of several critical neurotransmitters responsible for well-being and mental performance and attitude.
Bottle of 100 mg B6 caps

-- Spook says every other day, but my experience detoxing with this stuff says take 4000 (four thousand) mg. (8x500mg caps of L-Tyrosine) with two 100mg B6 caps every day for your "detox week" to provide your brain with the raw material it needs to replenish its stores of these neurotransmitters. Many feel the difference on the very first dose. ***Take it on an empty stomach, either first thing in the morning or at bed time. You can continue this regimen after the first week if it continues to make you feel good. I continue to use it every other day with very few exceptions.
Multi-vitamins (most junkies don't eat too well, so this one's just for good sense)

Anyway, if you want to do it yourself and have a chance of being free of all narcotics instead of getting hooked on methadone, one of the hardest to get off of, by the way, you might try my formula. (It's "battle-tested" and works!)
2ND. one,
you will not come right until you replace all the zinc/mag you have leached out of your body over the past few years - this is what 'hanging out' really is - it's your body craving zinc/mag (zinc stops cravings/magnesium stops depression). If you don't do this it will take up to 2 years to return to normal as the only other source your body has for zinc/mag is food and then it is in such tiny amounts it takes years to build up again. If you get a blood test done you will find your levels of both are way down on what they should be.

A typical tablet contains somthing like this:

Zinc amino acid chelate 75mg
Magnesium amino acis chelate 37.5mg
Vitamin B6 10mg
Manganese amino acid chelate 10mg
Viatmin A (1000I.U.) 300mcg

Grading your habit on a scale of 1-10 (1 being occasional use and 10 being long term methadone at 100 plus mg's a day) you should take the following amount for a period of one month then slowly reduce to a daily amount of 2-3 per day.

Habit scale/size - Number of tablets per day for a month

10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 3
1 2
0 2

You will notice that I recommend you never go below 2 per day. This is because zinc/mag depletion was your original problem so you should give yourself an ongoing supplement to make sure it does not happen again. I now take 2-3 per day to maintain my health. I have had no failures with this treatment (everyone OK after less than a month) and have treated addictions (including my own) as varied as methadone and cigarettes. The cigarrete smoker reduced from 2 packs per day to just 5 cigarettes per day in a week without any discomfort. If you suffer any kind of 'hang out' just increase the zinc/mag dosage and give it a liitle longer to take effect (a week or so). Don't beleive all the bullshit about drug addiction you have heard - it's all **** - this is the real deal. The drugs themselves are not actually addictive but they do leach all the zinc/mag out of your body by increasing the metabolism of them creating a shortage that gets worse the longer you use unless you replace them while you are using in which case you don't hang out when you stop - you just come straight - this is true beleive me I have tried it as have a few other people I know and none of us sufferred any hang out when we stopped.

*******Of course, you can substitute any opiate in there for the hydrocodone.
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for some reason I thought you had a different name.  I was just curious because I know $50 for an oc80 is ridiculous, but you know what, the first one is a great deal, then you spend the rest of your life paying for it................................ THEY SUCK!! I have been 100% sober for over a month, and I love it.  I bought my car, its a '00' Audi A4 2.8T fully loaded, heated seats, leather, BOSE stereo etc.......
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sorry I hit return before i could post to you.  I wanted to know if you knew any good places for Engagement rings.  I am planning on getting engaged around Christmas of 2003.  That gives me about 1.5 years.... I figure I can make a decision and in 2 months I can buy it and start paying it off........ That way I can start saving more money for a condo or a house. I heard that Barmakians and Descenzas are supposed to be great........  

Besides that how are you doing? let me know what you have been up to, or not if you don't want to....
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Yea, been off everything for about 2-1/2 months. I could still have as many oxys, dilaudids or valiums, or whatever, delivered anytime. Those dealer phone numbers are burned into my brain after 4 years of calling them. I've actually called one of my dealers by mistake recently. Picked up the phone to call my girlfriend at work, and just punched the wrong numbers in.

Anyway, that's why I ask. Having OC's available makes it a little harder.

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Here's a link to a place where you can find the recipe for Thomas' detox stuff:


Let us know how it works?
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I am from the North Shore, just like you.  We exchanged a few e mails a few weeks back.  Remember now?  I didn't buy it and I'm not going to.  I just can't believe how happy I feel without the pills.  I know we can make it.  Did you get your new car?  How is you girlfried?
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you know i didn't tell him to **** off because he has no idea i even have a problem.  nobody knows.  the only peoson that knows is my mother.  not even my best friend knows.  Are you clean now?
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Nice. I've gone back to pills because of a phone call, and been gone a looong time.

Did you tell them you are clean and to **** off?
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Hello Everyone:  Today is a much better day than yesterday.  Last night was so hard.  Another person I know called and asked if I wanted and OC80 for 50 dollars.  I live in the North East so 50 dollars for an OC80 is really cheap.  I said no thanks.  I felt so ******* good after that.  I had the biggest smile on my face and felt really good about myself.  Today is a good day.  I feel happy and somewhat content.  I am still thinking about pills, but that's going to happen.  It hasn't been that long.  This weekend will be hard though.  The weekends always are.  How is everyone doing today?
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Ultra, sorry I couldn't get to this yesterday. You can get the supplements at some grocery stores, but to get all of them I'd head to a health store like GNC. The 5HTP is a precursor to serotonin so helps with mood. Mine has valerian in it too, which I guess is supposed to calm you down. Keep taking these even after the WD. You can get through this! Many of us have, as you see, so keep in mind that it's doable even if you feel like ****. Ultram is a nasty drug. I had a seizure while on it, and more even long after so I think it screwed my head up. And I wasn't even abusing it!
By the way, I was a media consultant too (in-house) until I quit my job.
Good luck! Hang in there and I will send good wishes your way.

Lexie, you are not alone. Many of us have been through exactly what you're going through, hence the support to be found here. My husband knew I was taking the pills but never exactly how many. I never hid it that much, but did put a ton of energy into the whole life. I would actually wake up in the morning, at around 6:00, and already be going into WD even though I'd taken my last dose at around 11 p.m. Scary. I had to take clonidine before bed to try to stretch the dose, and this still happened. So you could say it consumed my life.
One thing I would urge you to do, and you won't like this, is to come clean with your husband. You have to get past the deceit. You will want to get past that, to be honest in your life again after living these secrets. I don't know your situation, so maybe it's not possible to tell him. But for me, it was very liberating to be able to speak honestly about all this. I did not go around blabbing about it to everyone in my life, but I needed one person I could be honest with. Of course, you can get that here too, but it would be good if you can talk to him about it. Just a thought.
Best of luck, hang tough, you'll be stronger when it's over.
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we are all here because we wanted "1 more pill" so your better off without it, I'm over 30 days clean, I don't keep track because its like reminding myself about pills.  I am outside of Boston and everywhere I turn there is someone else that wants to sell me pills......... I'm done with it, it seems like a bad dream....... stay clean, you will have a much better life.

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where you from?
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Please disregard my whole prior post especially you GWH i am blind. Yo tony you have no right to come to this site with the supposed "weak links" and ask our advise, shame on you.
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I have been reading here for a while and i have'nt felt that i have broken the tight knit group either, i never got the "there's room for one more addict"line either, maybe that's why i have'nt felt safe enough to tell my story yet. Hang in there this site means well, it could be  a big help to anyone in need. If yoy ever need to talk away from the forum please e-mail me at ***@****
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I apologize for using the term "weak links," but I'd think we could all admit that each one of us has weaknesses. After all, we're human and weaknesses are built in. And if you're struggling with pain killer addiction, I'm struggling with other problems that are just as severe. Saying someone is a "weak link" in a regulated, government-dominated, medical arena is just a fact. Were it up to me, all this would be legalized.

Oxycontin, for long-term pain short term, I would think would be ideal. A patient who needs it for a week or so I wouldn't think would be the kind of threat to bring down the fabric of humanity overnight. And, in fact, neither would any of you who might be battling addiction.

My main gripe isn't with people struggling to overcome addiction; my gripe is with doctors who have the attitude that everyone is out for a fix.

Thank you all for your kind and valuable feedback and, again, I apologize if I ruffled some feathers.


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Hi and welcome. I've been posting here for four months, but haven't been around much lately. I'm sorry if you haven't gotten the support you need. I try to come as often as I can to help others, but just haven't been able to lately. I will say that when I first started posting, I felt like a bit of an outsider, until I just kep at it and got more responses. That's normal with any group, I think, especially with the format of this forum where so many questions are posted on one thread. So persevere, please, and you'll get help here.

I've been clean (from Norcos) for four months. I'm still tempted and have cravings, sometimes much worse than others. I had a "using" dream the other day. Scary. I have to remind myself often just how crappy things really were when I was in active addiction. The bad things fade away with time, and we're left with the longing.

If you still don't have the recipe, please post again and someone will get it for you. I don't have the exact doses. What I take is l-tyrosone (1-2 pills/day), which greatly helps my mood, plus a strong multi-vitamin for energy. I just added 5HTP, which many here swear by. Will let you know how that works.

Life is much better clean. That's a statment that I firmly believe will apply to all of us. Sometimes it takes a long time to get there, and for many it will probably always be a struggle.

Lexie, about the viks - I was just like you until I went to one doctor and got on pain maintenance. I remember the high just from knowing I had access to all those pills! Of course, that's what led me to hell. I wish I could have learned from others who had been down that road, but I had to travel it myself. Luckily, you seem to already recognize the problem. Have you ever been through detox?

Please feel free to post, any of you, asking for help and someone here will respond, even if it takes a few days. I'll keep checking here today. And welcome!
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