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OxyCotin and lorazepam misuse

I have a friend that has been taking lorazepam 1mg tablets and oxycontin tablets for over two years now and I'm wondering how to get help for him.
My friend takes 3 lorazepam tabs and two oxycontin tabs a day what are the possible side effects of abruptly stopping these drugs?
What are the long term effects that these drugs have on his body,I know that the body is dependant on these drugs,how has his body changed from having a constant supply of narcotics in his system?
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Please drop that "doctor" IMMEDIATELY!!  He is a quack, or worse, a sadist.  Get yourself seen ASAP by either a pain clinic or an addiction medical specialist.  You need some drugs to assist detox and perhaps new drugs for your medical issues.  Look for a doc prescribing buprenorphine.  It will make you feel better ASAP.  Good luck and please post and let us know how you are.  Hang in there!  Phil
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I don't know how anyone can be on oxycotin  without having withdrawals.  I never had trouble with my nerves untill I was hurt last year. I was put on loritab when that didn't help I was given osycotin 2x a day. The Dr. also after a time started me on anti-depressants.   It was so bad my kidneys would almost ceased to work and I got a kidney infection.  I asked the dr. to get me off the oxycotin and he said no that's the only thing that works for you.  I transfered to a Dr. down here in Weslaco and he took me off everything.  Cold turkey.. I was upset beause of the pain and I was afraid of side effects from stopping cold. He didn;t care and wouldn't give me anything but celebrex.  I have had insominia where I go 3-4 days and nights without sleeping, My hands shake so bad I can't write. My right arm expecially. My right leg doesn't want to work right.  Anyway, I now find out that cold turkey can send you into seizures and oxicotin and anti-depressents like proziac and others can make you have seizures if you take them at the same time.  I have lost a lot of respect for doctors and have about given up on life.  I really don't want to go on like this.   When I hurt so bad and I have the shakes I Sart crying and think I will never stop. Anyone else have these problems please write and let me know how you handle it.   Love and Peace       Connie
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I have been off oxy's for 5 days(60mg a day) and I still seem " LOST"
its a strange world not being on the oxycotin but I also hurt like HELL!!  I want to go back to the oxycotin but I am afraid of going through this AGAIN!!  How long will the withdraw last?
anyone know?
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this girl wants me to take oxy as a sex drug.  will it have any harmful side effects?
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We all started that way.  Just a buzz on the weekends.  It was great while it lasted.  Guess what, it won't last.  Soon you'll start the weekend a bit earlier.  Then you'll get enough that the weekend never ends.  Then you'll try stopping for a day, only to find yourself feeling like you've got the worst flu ever.  Please don't go there.  Oxycontin is powerful ****.  VERY addictive.  It is long acting but is out of your system totally in about 36 hrs.  Since you would know (by havin withdrawal) if you were addicted, I'm sure you're not.  Get smart and cut it out or you'll surely end up like us miserable addicts.
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can someone tell me the side effetcs of oxycotin, short term and long term...i currently use 40mg per night on friday's and saturday's ...i've been doing this for 6 months now and have found that i don't start feeling "normal" again until thursday afternoon... i think that may be because i know i'm only 1 day away from getting that oxy in my system...also how long does it take to relieve the body of oxycotin ?  thank you  ... steve
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How do people that are used to doing 6 40,s a day come off of them so easy without withdrawing so bad?  What helps the withdraws?  I hurt ache if I dont have A oxy.

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Lizzy, I e-mailed you a response.  Did you get it?  If not, post here and I'll try again!  GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS.
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I spoke with her briefly yesterday & she was doing OK...I hope nothing has changed  but I will also try & contact her..She is a strong person & I am happy she is in my life...Take care..
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Has anyone heard from Amy Ann? I'm worried about her, I've e-mailed her a couple of times, and it won't connect.
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I left you a message under (Addiction to Oxy's and Loratab
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Hi Bob, thanks for the info, but could you please e-mail me so we can talk more? I have so many questions maybe you could help!
Thanks again, take care and good luck
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If I can help you, please e-mail me at ***@****.  I've been there...but life is better now.
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AMY call the doctors office. They never spoke of insurance to me. It was a cash payment for the office visit (very reasonable)Than I had to fill a prescription down the street. That was also a fair price. They will tell you the price over the phone. I know how it feels to be so scared. I also know how it feels to be normal now. Making that call and following it thru was something I didnt think I could do. Im happy to say tomorrow will be 13 weeks since my visit. I am clean. If you need any more info please ask and I will try to answer. Bob K
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How are you doing today?  I would really like to talk with you. Please e-mail me @ ***@****.
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Thanks so much for the information.  I am tired of dealing with this.  I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.  I tried to tell my husband last week but I realized I couldn't.  A nurse I used to work with got busted for stealing Demerol (yes, injectable) for over a year.  I felt so bad for her because she had to surrender her license that she's only had for two years.  My husband told me he doesn't feel bad for her, that it's her fault she got addicted.  I, on the other hand know she has no control, addiction is a disease like any other.  There are so many doctors that will happily prescribe pain meds and then tell you no more and leave you hanging.  
I feel if I could get someone to prescribe the Buprenex for me that I would be able to stop on my own.  Unfortunately, no one cares.  I am also at my wits end here.  I only feel normal when I take the pain pills.  I can't clean or take care of the kids unless I have at least one.  I made some stupid mistakes with clouded judgement and now I am terrified.  I can't afford to be sick for three to five days while I go through withdrawls.  I am concerened about my reputation since I have so many friends that work at the hospital.  I regret the day I had my first bout with severe kidney pain.  They freely gave me pain meds and now they want to cut me off.  I do feel I need them but now I am stuck with the possibility of getting no more ever.  My primary who told me that she is concerned and wants to help me won't return my phone calls but she called my surgeon and told him that she thinks I am an addict.  
I am supposed to have my kidney out soon but I am putting it off. They told me that they would give me only Motrin famiuly for pain which I am allergic to.  I had a tubal in February and was in pain for weeks.  I cannot go and have the surgery, removing an entire organ and be left to suffer with pain.  If the Toradol does work for the pain it will leave me with horrible abdominal pain, vomiting and diarreah.
Should I go to a new doctor at a new hospital and see if someone will be willing to help me?  I've thought about going to see someone and just laying the cards on the table.  I want to talk to a new doctor with a clean slate without interference from my past doctors. I am scared of being labeled a "drug seeker" for life.  I am not a drug seeker, I am just in incredible pain.  Unfortunately, I made a terrible mistake in an effort to be pain free and now I may be lost and alone.  My pharmacy has a lot to do with this as well.  I have terrible panic attacks at the thought of going to the doctor or a pharmacy.
Thanks for listening everyone.  If you have any advice for me, please help if you can.  And Amy, maybe you and I could talk since we are both in New Jersey.  BTW, that's another thing...I went out west to visit my mom and was able to stop taking everything for six days.  Then I got a horrible infection and got right back on it.  Once I got back to NJ I started back with the anxiety and began using frequently again.  Anyone feel free to e-mail me.  ***@****
Thanks and hugs to all of you...
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LIZZY if you call that doc in N.J you will be making the first step to where you want to go.Bob K.
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Bob hi, i read your post about this dr Gooberman and am wondering will he help me get off the amount of pain meds i'm on without me having insurance? I don't know what to do anymore, no one seems to want to help if you don't have insurance! I'm so frigg'n scared and although i want to get off of them altogether, I don't know how i'll feel, because i feel normal now! What is normal anymore? I don't feel any type of high or anything anymore when i take them, i just feel normal! Please help me feel less confused!!!! Thanks, take care! Amy
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Lizzy The Doctor I went to see is Dr Lance Gooberman. His Phone number is 856-6634447. IF you call them they will assist you in getting off pain meds. Saturday will be 13 weeks clean for me. If you have any other questions I will be glad to answer them. You can also visit the Doctors website. I think you can get there but typing his name under keywords. Good luck Bob K
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to Loreen or Mike or Joan.
Hi, my name is Amy and i'm from NJ. I started taking 2-3 percocet a day about 5 years ago, and i'm ashamed to say that i now take 2 80mg Oxycontin and about "oh God, I don't even know how many lortab 10/500mg" probably about 10-12 a day, on top of the oxy's.  How in God's name am I ever going to get off this stuff?  Will someone please read this and please please get back to me? I'm 37 years old and everything in the world to live for. I lost my husband of 15 years in 1997. We had 1 child together a boy who's 7.  I've met a wonderful man since my husbands death and I now have a gorgeous home and everything I ever dreamed of.  I started taking the narc's due to severe migranes and a very bad back.  I never thought my problem would esculate to this amount.  My Dr. give's me oxy 80mg 2 every 12 hours. That's right, 2 80mg oxy's every 12 hours that's what it says right on the bottle. ANd he give's me Lortab 10/500 1-2 tab's every 4-6hrs as needed for pain.  Now come on can anyone tell me why the hell i need to take this much narc's? It's crazy because i feel so normal!  I get up in the morning and take 1 80mg oxy and 3-4 lortabs with my vitamans every morning just like clockwork.  I function like normal and no one knows about this except my boyfriend, who has tried helping me by giving me alotted amounts for each day and hiding the bottle, but i would actually go through the house all day trying to find them and sneak more out. Needless to say, he figured out what i was doing and that did'nt work, Before i go anyfurther, i'm not sure I should, but I really need someone to confide in.
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Bob K!  I need to talk to you!  I have been through the whole Chonic Pain thing for some time now.  I still have the pain but want to get off all meds.  I was given Vicodin by my neurologist and then Oxycontin by a Pain Dr.  In the past week or so, my doctor has refused to treat me anymore but also refuses me help to get off the damn things.  I spent the whole day yesterday shaking and sweating and wishing I was dead.  I finally gave up and got more.  Wow, does it feel good to get this out...
I have a small baby and two other kids that need me.  I don't like myself much anymore.  Can you tell me about the addiction Specialist you went to see since we are both in New Jersey?
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80m of oxycontin is a very large dose and taking 2 of them I can't imagine.  I only get 100 Lortab 10m every six weeks and the oxy 20m, every six weeks.  I am dying to up my dose but I am afraid he will cut me off.  I have found that if you let the doctor get you the bigger dose and play dumb you will certainly get more out of him.
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could someone please post a note to help me...i hurt my back in january riding my 4 wheeler in the snow..i started taking percocets for pain.then,i was introduced to oxy's..i take about 3 80mg. per day.but the thing is i never saw a doctor for a prescription,i was street buying.well now my back is feeling better but i'm now addicted to oxy's.i come from a small town in which everybody know's everybody's business.the doctor does not give prescriptions to help addict's kick..i'm so ashamed of myself cause i never did drugs in my entire life till i hurt my back..i tried to go cold turkey,and that was the worst experience of my life..i was sweating all day,i was restless and forget about sleeping..so i had to go back,just so i did not get sick..i can't afford to take off of work.if i take off i will get fired.nobody know's of my addiction accept my girlfriend cause she takes them with me.she is not as bad off as i am,i mean her withdrawl won't be as severe as mine.i just want to get clean,can someone please help me..i have a 10yr old son that lives with me ,and we just had a baby 5 weeks ago..i'm not a bad person and i'm afraid that i will start taking stronger drugs cause they are cheaper.i'm terrified to go thru a withdraw.i tried it once and i only lasted 5 hrs.i just started to sniff a little heroin,so i don't get sick cause i can't afford the oxy's anymore.i know it's not smart to post your e-mail address,but i feel i'm hitting rock bottom.can someone please help me..***@****'s for listening..gary
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Lynn Im sorry I havent been able to answer I had a bad flu virus that lasted a couple of days. I dont knw the difference between hospital detox and doing it at home because I only did it at home. It wasnt easy but it wasnt impossible either. I was tired of giving my money away. I started to have bad feelings from the oxy ie numbness when I woke up, blood from my nose. I do have some bourbon at night after work. I try to put my energy into music etc. I dont know why I made it so long this time (almost 12 weeks) Good luck with this terrible disease. P.s I did try withdrawl with clonidine and valium. That was not for me buprenorphine seems to be the best choice as far as Im concerened. I wish you the best Lynn. Bob K
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