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Percocet side effects and withdrawal, please help!

I have been on Percocet for 4 months for a herniated disk.  I was taking half a day, then one a day, then up to 6 a day.  Then I started having awful side effects.  My back pain got worse, my tongue was swelling some, and had stomach pain too.  Then I had my lumbar injection and the pain got worse.  I am scared this is an allergic reaction.  I had my lumbar steroid injection, and the pain got worse, so my Dr prescribed Tylenol 4.  I haven't taken the Percocet in over a day now, as it has scared me.  I took the Tylenol 4 only twice yesterday.  Last night however, I woke up drenched in cold sweat.  Is this from stopping the Percocet?  My bowel movements have even changed color to a lighter shade, and that's what scared me too.  I am trying to get off these myself, and want to know what I am going to end up going through.    Do I need to not take the Tylenol 4 too?  Now, I am scared to take anything, but also don't want to die from taking the Percocet when the pain gets bad.  If a take half a Xanax, will that help to get through this?  This is terrible, and I don't wish this on anyone.
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I myself recently purchased some perc 30s off the street they r the E8 brand something about these r really different after four hours you r in complete withdrawals I got my regular percs back but now i believe I am javing withdrawals from the E8s is this possible? PLEASE PLEASE HELP
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Ummm there is no S3
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I need help I'm on day one and I fell like ****
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sorry for the prior mispelling my keypad is messed up bad....I am just so thankful to possibly get help with this...I am also so proud of the ones here that wants to be off this stuff. I have a lot of pain myself..rhemotoid and osteo arthritis alnong with spurs on my neckbone caused from herniated disc...I just take good ol tylenol or ibuprofen praise God....After all I have been through with my husband and his addiction I would rather lay and suffer in miserable pain than to take this stuff. I dont even feel attractive anymore because he has lost his sex drive...You basically lose your whole self and well being.This is why it makes me so upset.Of course it can numb A person for a while but then when meds wear off their back to reality...I would hate to live a life like that...i would just chose pain 1000 times more than these pills...they are ruining my marriage!!my life!! everything....I pray i am never get sick and the doctor tells me i have to be put on thisstuff because from what i have been through i wold just tell him I WILL SUFFER...IF I LOSE MY LIFE FROM THE PAIN IT LEAST I KNOW I WILL BE IN GODS HANDS and not doing what has driven me crazy for years....I dont mean to sound hasty or cold but me and my kids have been put through HELL, because of a stupid pill.  We have ven went without because of his lies and spending our money on this...I have had all i can take and dont want no part of this hell again...I just pray if anyone out there is going off this you make the right decision and walk away from this...avoid being around people who may supply this or offer it...get focused on being yourself, because it destroys not only you but everyone around you...And remember is a pill worth living a life in pure HELL..I will choose living a life in pain first..God bless to everyone
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hey i am reading this and my heart goes out to you al. i just found out my husband is abusing pain pills and percocet being one of them. I told him i was leaving him if he doesnt stop. I have been lied to stolen from , i cant ay my bills he goes here and there and lies about weree is...i am a christian and i love him but am losing my sanity....he swears he will not take anything else...i am going to chance it and help him get through it because he said he couldnt and doesnt want to lose me...but one more time and i am gone for good...he is nowgoing through withdrawels i put him on welllbutrin for the depression and leve for the pain...any other suggestions
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hey i am reading this and my heart goes out to you al. i just found out my husband is abusing pain pills and percocet being one of them. I told him i was leaving him if he doesnt stop. I have been lied to stolen from , i cant ay my bills he goes here and there and lies about weree is...i am a christian and i love him but am losing my sanity....he swears he will not take anything else...i am going to chance it and help him get through it because he said he couldnt and doesnt want to lose me...but one more time and i am gone for good...he is nowgoing through withdrawels i put him on welllbutrin for the depression and leve for the pain...any other suggestions
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Hello  My name is Keith and i to went cold turkey and its no fun! i cant sleep right now  and it *****. I hope tomorrow is a better day as the leg pain is keeping me up! how long will this last?
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I'm 3 days without and I am just like you, I had NO IDEA other people were just like me. I have hideous leg aches and an awful time sleeping. No one knows I am going through this and this is the first time I have posted. It's obvious that something is wrong with me but it looks like the flu. I am soooo tired of taking pills. I cannot go on chasing this monster so I am suffering through this miserable cold turkey. We don't have to live like this. We can rejoin the world and you can run that race with your BF. We have to make it through this part first, then long term non usage. Life should not be dominated by these freaking PILLS. Help us Jesus!
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Wow, I really didn't know there were other people out there with the same exact thoughts.  I dread picking up my Rxs.  The pharmacy assistants just look at you or it's my guilt imagining them looking at me.  I've only been on percocets for 2 years or so.  I'm 2 days w/o right now and having an awful time.  My legs ache, I have no energy but can't sleep.  I took an ambien last night to get a few hours so I could survive work.  I can see the future of being healthy and I know I can do this...i just don't want to slip into popping pills....it's so easy and feels so good.  My best friend is running her first 5k this month after losing 80 pounds...I promised I would join her next year.
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This is SO NOT TRUE. Just because you 'feel better' after taking the pain medicine does NOT mean you are 'addicted'. The original question should have been asked of the prescribing physician- not posted to the internet where you can get so many wrong, ignorant, AND DANGEROUS answers.

Please- IF ANY OF YOU are trying to decrease your medications- do it under the supervision of the prescribing physician for the safest results with the last withdrawal side effects. If you don't feel comfortable with the prescribing physician anymore, then go to a different one- preferably one who specialises in treating pain, or to a clinic which helps people stop taking narcotics. THOSE are the only people we should be listening to.
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I hope you stuck it out. I was on 6 percocet 10's, 3 Roxycodone 15 mg, xanax for anxiety, flexeril and ambien to sleep..daily. 1 back surgery, 2 shoulder surgeries and 4 herniated discs in my neck. I didn't feel well most of the time, felt,"uncomfortably numb. My daughters saw me slipping away to a quiet, reclusive person, I felt embarrassed to pick up my scripts, as I always felt people were judging me. I never took more than prescribed, but my body was definitely addicted. 2 months ago I got a book by Dr. Mercola, "Take Control of Your Health" and I did just that. The first 7-10 days were horrible, restless leg, sweats, emotional, loose bowl movements, headaches, nausea. I lay crying on the floor and asked God to help me stick to my chosen path. (I had 180 Percs & 90 Roxys in my cupboard) I never even thought of breaking down. Once the withdrawl part was over, my back pain took the driver seat, heating pads, ice packs, Bengay ect.  it took me over 2 weeks to be able to sleep on my own. I am in CA and have a medical marijuana card, never liked it or smoked it before, but I heard people use it for headaches, pain and sleeplessness. It worked, it took the edge off and a lot of the symptoms, also did a lot of hot baths with dead sea salt. After about 2 weeks total, I started the YMCA, walking on the treadmill. I could only go about 5 minutes and felt dizzy and light headed. I pushed on, through the back pain, and every movement of my legs were painful. 2 1/2 months I am off all the meds and running/walking 2 miles a day. I take rests from the gym 2-3x's a week, but when I don't go my body starts to hurt again. Building my core with running/walking, circuit weight training and shooting basketballs to break it up sometimes, has kept me going and happy. I also met a few others there doing the same thing or 1 lady, a nurse, has been there for 5 yrs now since she quit pills after a bad car accident. The Roxycodone are like Oxycontin and are really horrible to withdrawl from, but you can do it. I was on them for 15 yrs!! Good luck and remember all those miserable symptoms don't last.  "Tough Times Don't Last, Tough People Do."  Robert Shueller
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hello,i have withdraled 2 or 3 times the only thing that works is ativan
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I have been on 12 pills a day for 6 years because I have ms. I have recently been trying to cut down or quit without much success. Everytime my withdrawl gets bad (restless legs) I run back to the dr. and get a refill. I'm also finding it especially hard to cut down because I keep having flare ups from ms where my body is literally attacking itself from the inside. I have recently been able to cut down to 6 a day, but now I have only 2 left and no money for a dr. visit and I am just alll together sick of this rut I'm stuck in. I am going cold turkey only 12 hours in now but your postings are really giving me hope. Thank you so much for being strong, I will hopefully be following in your footsteps.
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I am a nurse at a hospital and have been readingalot of everyones posts on going through withdrawl and when i was a kid i was addicted to oxycotin.  I took 4 to 6   80mg oxycotin tabs a day ( not orally either)  I got two tabs of suboxin, an orange pill with a smiley face on it.  It tricks your brain into thinking you are getting opiets and you actually are not. It is sublingual and works immediately and lasts for over a day.  One tab will fight all withdrawl symptoms for about a week if you break it into pieces. It is very strong.  Anyone heard of this medication?  I have a lady friend that is severely addicted to opiets and I want to help her. She takes aver 15 10mg perks a day and I want to get this suboxin for her.  Please write back if you know anything about this miracle drug : )
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My boyfriend starts the day with orally taking a minimum of 100mg of oxy, &
Increases by snorting 20mg every half hour as it starts to wear off... & starts it back up again the next day. If he can not get enough of the pain pills, he daily takes Subboxone strips 4 times throughout the day. This has been going on for two years, simply by taking one 5mg percocet a day for his bad rotators cuff. Is there ever going to be hope that he could get off either... Ever?? Please help I've no solution for him.
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Pure Hell is true. But you will get through it. Mind over matter. Go for walks. Fresh air does a world of good. Surround yourself with good people.:) The worst part will be over in a couple of weeks. Just hang in there. One day at a time. Eat lots of healthy veggies. Small portions of bland food if you get nausea. Take regular tylenol for aches and pains. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Stay focused. Pray, meditate, whatever helps. Watch good ol' funny tv. Maybe ask the doctor for a sleep aid, and anti anxiety meds to get u through it.:) will help the worst part. In a couple weeks things will be normal again. And don't look back. Just try to focus. You were okay before the pills came into your life, you will be okay again. I was on percocet for over a year for a bone disease. And after surgery my doctor tappered me off of them. I still went through the horrible withdrawals. But they passed. And I feel okay again. :)
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1801781 tn?1461629469
I don't want your post missed.  This thread is a little old...go up to the top and click on the orange post a question button.  Cut and paste your post and that will start a new thread.  That way you will get better results.
Good luck and congrats!
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How are things going?  I am on the third day off percoset and it seems to be getting easier.  However, I am afraid of relapse.  I have access to as much as I want but need to stop.  I am taking 16 vicoden per day or 6 percoset for the last five years.   I set a date of the 30th of October to stop and took my last dose then.  I would like to hear from people who quit and their experiences in the first week and then when they did not think about it anymore.  

My history was that I was in a serious car accident and bone is trapped in my nerve in my leg, so I have constant pain in the foot.  The medications help mask the pain but I think it is time I learn to live with the pain in the foot and hopefully it will go away.

I am on Day 3 now and the sweats have stopped but I am still thinking about the drugs every 30 minutes or so.

Thanks for any help.
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I just went through coming off percocet.  The first 72 hours are absolute hell.  Expect restlessness, nausea, diarrhea, sleeplessness, chills, sweating and exhaustion.  Today is day ten for me.  I won't say I am great but nothing like that first 72 hours.  I am told that some of the more minor symptoms can last as long as six weeks I. E. Being tired and gastro problems.  Hang in there.  You will feel better in a couple more days.

Be strong,
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I recently suffered 2 fractures in my wrist, along with some pretty extensive nerve damage for which I required surgery. I was prescribed percocet for the pain and was taking about 8-10 tablets a day (2 at a time) for about 3 weeks. Every time my prescription ran out, I was able to refill it by simply going into any ER, telling the doctor that I've just had surgery, and required more pain killers (I live in Canada by the way). Since I was only being prescribed 30-40 tablets at a time, I had to this every few days. After the 3rd or 4th time, I found myself going in just to alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal. This drug is VERY ADDICTIVE, I began exhibiting signs of addiction after the first day or two. It's been almost 4 weeks since my surgery and I am on my second day of kicking the percocet cold turkey. Suffering from pretty serious withdrawal symptoms, all of which have been covered by the previous posts on this thread. It has been extremely difficult as I have not slept for more than 2 hours at a time during these past two days but I've had the moral support of my girlfriend and my mother. I have found a lot of comfort through this blog in knowing that I'm not alone. My suggestion to anyone who is prescribed painkillers containing oxycodone, codeine, morphine, etc.: Do everything possible to avoid taking them (seek natural pain reduction,perhaps) for it is a nightmare to get off of them. Especially after a lengthy period of use.
Thanks y'all.
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I fell thru a Loading dock (Between Dock and Truck) 2 days b4 Christmas last year.Unfortunetly some moron moved the "Bridge" we had Plus,The truck was not backed up far enough.Lucky for me,I didn't break my leg,But had a 3inch wide bruise from my ankle to my inner thigh.Felt like my leg was on fire,Ripped cartiledge and muscle,Could'nt walk for 2 weeks.Anyhow,Doc put me on Percocet.2 month's later I had a bruised rib so he kept me on it 325/5 mil. after awhile,The itching goes away.It DID work for all my pains,But i soon had to take 2 pills every 4 hours instead of 1. Then,If i went over 4 hours I felt like HELL.So here I was,Hooked on these,12 pills a day. So 8 days ago (Aug 5) I had enuff. Took my last 2 fri nite,Never went for a refill on purpose. I knew i was in for complete Hell. Well let me tell you,It was even WORSE then hell.I swear the 1st 3 days,The only thing that kept me from going upstairs,Grabing my 12 gauge and blowing my head off was being taught since i was a kid,That if you kill yourself,You go to hell.Since I felt like I already WAS in HELL,I sure didnt want this feeling for eternity.Let me tell you,It's the WORST thing you can ever go thru and I'd NEVER wish it on anyone.Now its been 8 days,Felling better(about 65%) but still HELLISH Restless Leg syndrome,Wich equates to your legs feelling like someone parked their truck on your legs 24/7. NOTHING helps,No way can you sleep.And its terrible.Today is the 1st day they dont hurt AS bad.Hopefully it will soon be over. To anyone reading this that is on percs,Get off them B4 you get to the point I was.And God bless you all.
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I just took two perco whatever for the 1st time and I think they work a little bit so I dont know why anyone would want this perco whatever for it ***** my pain must be super bad.  I keep on itching my skin.  Is itchyness a side effect or should I just use a rag and scrubb hard with soap tonight?

Whats better than this crap that does not work.. o yea .. for my siatica pinched nerve crushed my my vertabre that causes pain in my balls legs calves feet rib cage and hips and makes me walk like the leaning tower of  pisa?  This is not right and I can't walk without looking like an old grench in my young age.  All because 4 or 5 gossip queens ran me off my bike withb their SUV and trailer using my glutes to smash their tail lights and lack of imideate treat ment fro anjd support from my bogus lawyer and and St. Mikes dr who told my I am fine without examining my body before releasing me.  discusting toronto. and shame on
Grillo and associates
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wow.. so i've stumbled across this forum and started reading over an hour ago, and of course I will be the first to admit I am truly addicted, and suffering mentally now.. while reading everyones post all I keep thinking to myself is, man, i wish i had like 3 percs to just take this edgy crappy feeling away, im sluggish and moody and not a happy camper.. I have no health insurance and have my ways and people that know people not to mention I am alllllways broke and work my *** off to barely pay my rent but I would still rather spend a 100 bucks on 20 percs then pay a bill.. what the hell is a girl to do, I dont want to admit it to anyone either so that's why im writing here.. thanks for listening anyone..
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1745148 tn?1311361213
I cannot believe the way doctors hand out this stuff without a word of warning as to the consequences of taking for an extended period.  My wife was prescribed Percocet and took it for four months before noticing that the sickness she felt about four to five hours after taking it had somehow become reduced to two hours; that was the tip off for addiction.

Of course when she attended he doctor to have her addiction suspicions confirmed he was very forthcoming with the “Oh yes, it is an extremely medication”, pity he failed to mention it when he continued prescribing it for four months. I can’t imagine how much the effects of this drug is costing here in Canada, what with the initial cost of the drug, lost productivity of those poor souls hooked on it and medications and medical recourses tied up treating the addicted.  

To add insult to injury there is a perfectly adequate drug for pain available ‘Tramadol’, which is not addictive and is also not covered under our Pharmasave system.  Ergo, we can get a severely addictive drug for nothing, but have to pay for a none addictive one.  Go figure.      
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