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Percocet withdrawals, how long do they last?

I was prescribed percocets (5/325) about 1 1/2 years ago for chronic back pain (scoliosis mainly). I took them as prescribed for a while and then started increasing the dosage until I was taking upwards of 14 a day (I could take 8 per my script).

I decided about a week ago to stop. I tapered down to 8 a day, I guess that's not great but I just can't have them around me without taking them.

I have been without for 36 hours and of course I feel like hell in a hand basket. The longest I've ever gone is about 30 hours.

My question is: How long until I start to feel better? I am off of work for a week (I planned this to coincide with my vacation).
I would have gone into a detox or something but I have no one to take care of my house, etc.

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6010969 tn?1378307077
As a parent with a pill addicted daughter, I would rather have her come to me for help before it is too late.  

I am on day 5 of detox myself.  So I really understand
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Hey I started taking 5 mg and 10 mg about 2 years ago at first it was just one every other day now I take about 8 10's a day I want to stop so bad but it's so hard, the longest i went without is 2 days, but the pain nd the diarrhea ate the worst, what can I do to feel better when I quit.. I want to so bad I wish I never took one at all!!!! I need help
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I'd like to help. What state do u live in? I found a doc who takes ins and is very helpful
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i had a big perc slash suboxone habit for about 6 years now buying em from off street...finally i had enough and went to a sub doctor and explained my plight and he got me on the program... thing is he subscribed me SIXTY 8mg Subs once a month!!!!!! told me i should just be on em for the rest of my LIFE!!! and talk about a ZOMBIE!! the usual friday after work anxiety to get out and do something? GONE!!!! just no excitement, no motivation.... was just a different kind of tranquilizer...when i finally said screw this and weened myself down to almost nothing and made the jump??? WORST WITHDRAWALS!!! MADE PERCOCET WITHDRAWAL FEEL LIKE A WALK IN PARK!!! thats when i educated myself and found out about the longer half-life...doc's in europe only prescribing a FRACTION of SUBS and ween off the patient right away!!!??? i made it 6 days...and i remember i had a talk to give the 7th day and i just FOLDED like a UPS envelope and went back on the subs....but with a newfound feeling of helplessness....that maybe i am screwed..and for the next 2 years i went back to the habit of jumping back and forth... well 2 weeks ago i was taking about 3-4 perc 7.5's every 4 hrs....12-16 a day...i had a connection on 933's (7.5mg's) .. taking 12-16 of those a day... well i hit a point where my soul ... the little boy i used to be...just went outside my body and took a hard look at what i have become....and i said that's it... i started googlin the heck out of the internet and these forums to gain some insight on what to expect and how best to do this detox... i weened down in two weeks to 1 pill (Watson 933's) in mrng 1 aft and 1 at night... felt just reaaaaaallly SLUGGISH!!! but i did it with help of long walks...then last Friday mrng i took a half and then at noon took a half... and at midnight friday night it was world war 3!!!! i just told my wife i ate something bad and must have gotten food poisoining .. the fact that all day sat and sun i was in the bathroom every 2 hrs either throwing up or puking helped my lie...sunday night i was out of the woods with the nausea but the worst part was the crawlin out of my SKIN!! the not being comfortable no matter WHAT position i was in..... not being able to sleep...ugh that was the WORST ... but i pounded Melatonin 10mg's with NyQuil... and finally on sunday mrng took amodium... sunday night i was just having waves intermittently every two hrs of heeby jeebies....and then monday woke up and was just really ANXIOUS!!!!! WOW I NEVER have been so anxious it was uncomfortable becasue i have always been a laid back....confident person who was comfortable in a crowd of strangers.... this was totally foreign feeling ... but i made it thru phone calls and menial tasks for work all day by working from the kitchen table at my laptop to sneaking in bed...and OH! tons of hot showers all wknd was my only relief!!! would crawl back in bed and feel good for about an hour and then it would all come rushing back!!!! by Tuesday i was out of the woods with the anxiety, the crawling... the leg twitches..... just REAAAAALY TIRED... but yet i went to work and made it thru day....came home and just laid in bed...yest i actually started really feeling FIRED up at times that i am actually doing this!!!!! and now today??? thursday? i feel GREAT!!! yes i am still pooping the NASTIEST looking little muli-colored .... well i willl leave that detail out....but point is i am GOING THE ENTIRE DAY WITHOUT HAVING TO TAKE ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I AM STRENGTHENED BY THE FACT THAT I KNOW TMRW WILL BE EVEN BETTER!!!!! I even worked out theh last two mrngs at the gym!!!! i am a big wimp but i went thru the motions!!!! why not.. i cant sleep rt???  now i KNOW in my deepest depth's of my soul that i will NEVER EVER take another happy pill ... even if my arm gets chopped off like monte python knight.only a flesh wound i will say... i wlil suck it up with ibuprophen....i registered on this site because i have to say you all scared the **** out of me after reading all your well meant posts!!! you really did!!!! on sat i had my iphone in my bed shaking and sweating and scrollin down thru blogs to try and find a simliar story like mine....just to see how long this hell feeling will last?! well ALL of the blogs i found similar to my scene that i could relate to said i would feel that way for weeks and sometimes MONTH's???? look it will be a week tmrw mrng since i had my last percocet and i am FINE now! accept a minor sleep problem and cant create a healthy poop....compared to sat and sun where i was counting my BREATHS....looking at the clock and it said 3:20....what i felt was 3 hrs later looking again and it was only 3:35??? i am here to say that for all of you that want to quit i have been on it for 6 years...maybe i didnt take as much as some of you so thats why the heeby geebies only lasted 2 full days...but i just wanted to give some of you hope that might have had a similar story to mine...yes there were days where i took more than my usual....10-15 perc 10's and snorted 3 or 4 perc 15's....it just almost makes me cry to know that the days where i barely made it to my drug dealer or next fix .. or the fear of not making it that CONSUMED me...the plethora of social events like going out of town to see college buddies but having to leave early back to hotel cuz i was BEAT!!!! .... THAT IS ALL BEHIND ME NOW AND I LIVED THRU THE FAMOUS WITHDRAWALS EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT!!!!!!! so yes i really feel like helping someone that may be in need right now...for some reason its seems our human nature to heal ourselves maybe by helping someone else? the fact that just ONE of you read this novel and are motivated in a positive way ...  that WOW! thats how i am living right now!! and WOW! if he can do it i am going to give this a shot! and WOW! it doesnt last a flippin MONTH of hell like everyone says it does!!!  if you have just made the jump from either percocet or suboxine....and are lying under the covers shaking right now and reading this on your phone...just know my friend that every moment that passes you just KICKED its *** and another battle was just won!!!  another step was taken towards recovery and taking your life back!! when you cant take it anymore go jump under the hot shower...come out with your game face and started whoopin *** again!!! you gotta want it man and you gotta remember that this life is short ...get busy living or get busy dyin...cuz you're wastin TIME by maintaining this daily opiate consumption that makes you half of who you really are. you deserve better.

well.....sorry for long post ... i will add to watch list and join this community and pay attention as much as i can to be there for anyone who may need some strength from Maximus! good luck .. and god bless.
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Wonderful man
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I've been taking perks for about 2 years now. I've quit a few times went thru the withdrawal phase about 5 times within 2 years. The longest I've ever went with out it was a month. Now I'm on day 5 but I'm in vacation in a third world country where there is nothing Medicine wise to help me. I looked forward to this vacation because I'm in a place where even if I wanted to relapse, I can't because I have no access to any perks. Within the last year my dosage got really high 60mg/150mg a day. The pains are getting a little better, my appetite is back and my stomach is a whole lot better. Just in the past 5 days ive had literally not 1 minute of sleep. I've tried drinking my self drunk to sleep, sleeping pills but once I lay down my body goes crazy. I'm in 100 hours straight off no sleep. Idk what to do I don't feel alive, I feel like a zombie. Any body have any advice. And by the way my wedding is in 3 days and my fiance or family have no idea of my drug problem. I'm stressing really hard.please help if you can. Good luck to you all, no one understands but ex users and still users. I wish the best to you all
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5746067 tn?1373486403
believe me your secret is out, everyone can tell when you are on opiates.

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