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Hydrocodone help!

I am 20yo and have been taking hydrocodone for a year and a half. I recently came to the realization that I am in fact addicted. I have tried to stop many times (each time gets harder) but I haven't been able to quit all together. I was taking 6-8 10/500 a day. The last few months I have gotten down to 1-2 pills a day. Then I had a stressful couple of months and went up to 2-4. Now, my life is starting to get back in order, and I finally told my boyfriend...and he is trying to help and is being very supportive but I continue to up the ammount of pills I take on a weekley basis. Do any of you have any suggestions on how to quit? I'm thinking of going to NA and possibly even rehab. I'm not sure if NA will help and I can't afford to go to rehab. It is just so hard to quit, and my withdrwal sypmtoms are so bad-physically and mentally. Another reason I want is because I don't get my pills from a doctor and I am afraid of getting in trouble. Anyways, sorry to ramble on....This board has been very helpful, so ANY and ALL replies are greatly appreciated.

134 Responses
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You may want to start your own thread about detoxing c/t you are posting to a very old thread. In response to your question there are some thing you can do and take to help ease the withdrawal but if you've made it to day 4 you're doing great. hang in there and try starting a thread. God bless.Sharon
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Hey guys, after reading some of your stories my problem seems week, i have a lot of friends that are badly addicted to opiates for years and I started to get on them it started of with one 30 mg rocaset a week and then it got to about 3 week and it eventually got to 1 a day for about 2 months and than for about 3 weeks to a month maybe a month and a half I was Doin approx 3 a day and I felt myself stArting to get addicted so seeing my friends go thru it bad I told my parents And dr I'm going cold turkey day one was bad terrible back pain cold sweats anxiety mood swings, 2nd dAy a little better not much, on 3rd day now feelin a little better still got lower back pain occasional cold sweats and anxiety here and there, I'm just wondering if I got thru the worst of it or is there a stage where u regress for exAmple I read some peoples worst day is day 4. I'd appreciAte it if you guys culd let me know what you think and any suggestions
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I just found this website. I want u to know that I have had breast cancer twice. The took my breast the 2nd time. I am currently on chemotherapy.  I have been given pretty much every pain pill there is.  As well as depression pills. I no longer take any pills. U were worried about ur daughter itching. That. Means her liver is giving out. I know ur post was in 2003 and it is now 2011. But skin itching means bad liver.  I have had catscans, bonescans, petscans, MRIs etc. I get blood tests every 2 weeks. I had to stop taking vicodin because my liver enzymes were off the chart. I have a port surgically implanted in my chest. I have a daughter that is 18yrs old so I trully understand ur post.  The itchies r her liver.  I hope things r different now. Its hard being a Mom. But it has been 8yrs since ur post.
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I'm 23 I've been taking pills since I was 16
the list includes, Dilaudid, oxy's 40 and 80's, LOTS AND LOTS of Norco's 10/325 blue's, yellow's, greens, generic whites. Pretty much anything opiate I can get my hands on.  The list goes on and on.
I have tried and tried to quit many times. You are not the only one.
I understand it makes you feel like a junkie and more than likely if you're like me you're probably a descent person.
I'm all around a good person not a junkie. But behind closed doors if everyone knew what was really going on they'd call you a junkie.
YOU AREN'T , I swear I feel your pain and your love for the pills.
I'm on day 4 right now of quitting cold turkey
I've been reading a lot of these forums to help and im seeing a lot of after the 3rd day you feel better. I'm telling you right now day 4 I feel worse than ever.
I've quit before and i got the sweats it was miserable.

Just some advice from me to you
You have to want to stop. in the back of your mind if that little voice in your head is saying I really don't want to quit then you are fighting a battle you can't win. Then you will binge. Don't set yourself up for failure I've done that so many times. Don't do it for anybody else but yourself.
I thought smoking weed or taking edibles would help for my pain in my ankles and just overall the pain you feel from quitting opiates but honestly to me it makes it worse cause you are looking for a high you can't get. Granted I live in Cali so I smoke weed everyday all day.
I tried an ativan last night to help me sleep and that really helped.
But those damn pills are just as addicting as opiates.
Keep your head up just know you aren't the only one out there trying to quit, anyone addicted to opiates knows its a very tall mtn to climb trying to quit but in the end you will be much healthier, and all around happier with life. Life is to short to be all derred out on pills all day.

Outdoors activities really helps
Stay busy, if you sit at home thinkin about how bad you want pill more than likely you might take a pill ;)

Best of Luck to you
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Sometimes we need the meds. I hope your feeling better hon.We would never hold that against you.Myself I am not that strong yet so I dont know if Id keep taking them. So I just use ibuprofin.. Take care my friend..    J.E.W.
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Good news it does get better  and better and better!!!!!!!!!!!!With everyday clean. When I first started to detox I remember thinking those same thoughts.. But guess what? Im on day 17 ct. wds. And feel damn good!! So please dont give in to those evil pills. It gets better I promise. I took the first 10 days of from work on sick leave. So I was lucky there. Its actualy no worse than the flue. You can both do this and the rewards are many.. Ill be praying for you both. Take care and God Bless..    J.E.W.              P.S.Try the thomas receipe it really works.  and read through all the threads to learn more..You can post on any of them..
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That's my question exactly, and I still don't really understand how I got here. I was in constant pain, and my doctor prescribed me something to relieve that pain so I could go on with my life. Now, 21 months later, he cuts me off, and not only do I feel miserable, who is this person inside me now. I don't know him. I grouchy, still in pain, and I don't like the way I am around my family. What happened? Will I ever feel normal again? "All things work together for good, for those who love God, and are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28. Maybe I needed to be brought down a notch. Please help me Lord. I wanna be normal again.
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Hi, My name is Lew, I am a 20 year old college student and have been addicted to painkillers for about 2 years now. I have fluctuated in and out of usage during those 2 years. I was wondering if life will ever be the same for me again without drugs. I no longer enjoy the activities I used to love without being on painkillers. I no longer enjoy socializing with people unless I am on them. It has gotten to the point where I don't believe I will be able to ever enjoy life drug-free again. Everything is soooo dull and boring now, life drags like you wouldn't believe when I'm not on them. All I want to know is whether or not things will ever get better and I will enjoy life again.
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Toria...YOU rock girl...cuz I was worried about you for a while after reading all the threads...YAHOOOOO
OK I took two tylenol with codiene, they didnt do ****..and I just felt bad I took them...what  loser I feel like for taking them from someone..I dont feel that bad I ate them, just that I stole them...I have only withdrwn once and it was bad mentally, not very bad physically...have no idea why...but it has been terrible mentally...oh wellI am still 8 days away from my drug of cxhoice..Oh well back on the wagon...
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12 days no pills im feeling alot better just thought id check in to update you guys thanks for your support check back in a while
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Great job on getting to Day 8!!!  THAT IS A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT.

As far as the percs go at the friends today; don't rely on a higher power to have them removed.....count on them being there, and be prepared to be strong, period; no exceptions.
I don't know how many times you've dtoxed, but I'm sure you know it gets worse each time....
When I detoxed, and right around your clean-time, I flushed the rest of my percs(about 120); and I can't tell you how great that made me feel!!  Of course, shortly after I did that, Thomas02/03 pointed out what a real OXYMORON was....not what your thinking, but rather an oxymoron is someone who flushes their stash of oxycodone, instead of sending them to him....

And with respect to the previous percs(you took), DENY DENY DENY, its behind you now.

...be careful with the xanax; if you want to avoid a much more harsh and mind-bending W/D.
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I am going to babysit for a family that had percs in their house a few weeks back..and over time I took them...I fgured she wassnt going to take them and I am an addict..I knew at that point that is when I had a BIG problem, you ask what now? I am 8 days off meds...and I am babysitting for them today and I know she has NEW medicine..I saw it last week....if there is a God in heaven she will take those bad boys with her and never leave them home again...and God knows I hope she never ask about the other..good thing is she has another babysitter that comes in so she may not be abale to figure out who did it..unless she thinks hmmm welll who has the back problem...UGH I pray she takes them with her and if she doesnt GOD HELP ME NOT TAKE THEM!!
HOw is everyone today?? God Bless you all!
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WOW, reading this whole thread for the first time since floating around here a week..I lughed, I empathized , I cheered..I cried and I was inspired...og how far you all have come....if you ever want to remember your detox...go back and read your threads
I LOVE YOU GUYS...we are gonna make it...
I am on day 8 tomorrow and I feel pretty damn good...the thoguht of taking them only consumed me for maybe 2 hours  of today. That is pretty good seeing as I was thinking about it 8 hours/day...Funny thought for all of us who can relate...Weeks ago hubby said I cant find my meds..I am going to have to get a new RX (YEA RIGHT) I laughed ...he seemed serious...well when ever I am our of mine (locet10) (he is Percocet10)I start looking for that bottle...EVERYWHERE...just calmly but diligent at times...tonight I realized..you dumbass of course HE could and would never lose a med...so I have been chasing my own tail...I never had access without Dr....cant imaginbe if I was paying for them...mny scrip was 1.15 for 30 through insurnace...if they had been through dealer...I would be DEAD OD Elvis style...THANK GOD I dont know how to either....
OK I must know who was it that said they got theirs from the dealer that moved to nursing home...I CRACKED UP...that image is killin me...how on earth did you find them? HAHAHHAHHAHHA
LOve you all to pieces....we are such a sucess together..I can barely type well since I took my xanax to help me sleep...it has saved me with this dtox..I just do it at dire times...dont really like them but will do it while I am doing the whole round of personal hell...whever my friends call they ask what I am doing...I say sitting in the bathroom smoking a cig...experiencing the wonderful state of hell I am in...we are coming out into the light...by the grace of God...10 days agao if you asked me was I thinking of quiting the next day or two..I would have said oh god no...not for at least after my epideral...funny and now here I sit onteh toher side of the worst part of hell...I love it...peace to all...everyone gets 2 Atta girls/boys and a hell of a done good..(little southern talk there...Georgial gal cant help it....
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Keep the faith, girl!

Just stay on a lowering course and you will be free! We are all rooting for you.

Will be doing some relaxation stuff today with the family, if you call being out with my boys relaxation.

When I look at them I see a combination of youth, enegry, hapiness, and purity and I remember my own youth, and this often makes me sad, because of the trials I (and all) are in right now - many of our own making.

But then I think of others who have it much much worse than we, and I think this is what helps me "be" just for today.

Gag me, I sound like a guest on Oprah.

Anyway - BE for today, as happy as you can, and be thankful that the Lord gave us this day to enjoy.

God's Grace to you!

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Morning Lisabet!!!!!!!
I'm doing real well....thanks for asking(today is the start of my 6th month off percs; so YEEHA)

I'm glad to see you picked yourself right back up and got after it again. You know failure IS NOT falling down, but rather staying down.
It was not too long ago when 10-12 vikes and 3-4 shots of Jack per day was the norm for you; NOW it is the exception!!
I have every confidence in YOU.

Have a great day girl!!
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Hi Percs - how are you?  Still keep on keeping on, I hope. Haven't spoke to you for awhile - just wanted to say HI !!! I'm doing pretty good; after a relaspe for a couple of days, back to 4 vics a day - I'm pretty much stuck here - no more, no less...smile.  Love ya, Lisabet
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Your posts are still under loritab withdrawals. It just dosnt show everyones posts umtil you get into the thread... It took me awhile to figure that out to... Its the drugs messing with us. You have lots of feedback up there. Good Luck...               Ill be praying for you...                           God Bless!!!!        J.E.W.
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Here is the detox recipe:THOMAS RECIPE

If you can't take time off to detox, I recommend you follow a taper regimen using your drug of choice or suitable alternate -- the slower the taper, the better.

For the Recipe, You'll need:

1. Valium (or another benzodiazepine such as Klonopin, Librium, Ativan or Xanax). Of these, Valium and Klonopin are best suited for tapering since they come in tablet form. Librium is also an excellent detox benzo, but comes in capsules, making it hard to taper the dose. Ativan or Xanax should only be used if you can't get one of the others.

2. Imodium (over the counter, any drug or grocery store).

3. L-Tyrosine (500 mg caps) from the health food store.

4. Strong wide-spectrum mineral supplement with at least 100% RDA of Zinc, Phosphorus, Copper and Magnesium.

5. Vitamin B6 caps.

6. Access to hot baths or a Jacuzzi (or hot showers if that's all that's available).

How to use the recipe:

Begin your detox with regular doses of Valium (or alternate benzo). Start with a dose high enough to produce sleep. Before you use any benzo, make sure you're aware of how often it can be safely taken. Different benzos have different dosing schedules. Taper your Valium dosage down after each day. The goal is to get through day 4, after which the worst WD symptoms will subside. You shouldn't need the Valium after day 4 or 5.

During detox, hit the hot bath or Jacuzzi as often as you need to for muscle aches. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of hot soaks. Spend the entire time, if necessary, in a hot bath. This simple method will alleviate what is for many the worst opiate WD symptom.

Use the Imodium aggressively to stop the runs. Take as much as you need, as often as you need it. Don't take it, however, if you don't need it.

At the end of the fourth day, you should be waking up from the Valium and experiencing the beginnings of the opiate WD malaise. Upon rising (empty stomach), take the L-Tyrosine. Try 2000 mgs, and scale up or down, depending on how you feel. You can take up to 4,000 mgs. Take the L-Tyrosine with B6 to help absorption. Wait about one hour before eating breakfast. The L-Tyrosine will give you a surge of physical and mental energy that will help counteract the malaise. You may continue to take it each morning for as long as it helps. If you find it gives you the "coffee jitters," consider lowering the dosage or discontinuing it altogether. Occasionally, L-Tyrosine can cause the runs. Unlike the runs from opiate WD, however, this effect of L-Tyrosine is mild and normally does not return after the first hour. Lowering the dosage may help.

With breakfast, take the mineral supplement.

As soon as you can force yourself to, get some mild exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming, etc. This will be hard at first, but will make you feel considerably better.


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Glad to hear from you. You have the right attitude and positivness going for you and that will get you through. We can help each other through this horrible time, and hopefully down the road we will survive.!
Take care---Hope to hear from you soon. ((((((hugs))) Erika
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I know how you feel, I have three small children.  Hang in there, things will get better.  A friend of mine sent me an email titled "Thoughts on Housework".  I hope these make you laugh.  Take care.    

-Cleaning house while kids are still growing is like shoveling snow while it's still snowing.

-No husband has ever been shot while doing the dishes.

-I clean house every other week.  This is the other week.

-Housework makes you ugly. (My favorite!)

Lou Ann
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Im having a better hour right now! It is a hard narrow road that we are on but we can make it! RIGHT!?!?  I have been down it before. Just have to stay on the narrow path... And if we fall   just get up and do it again.  Its been said over and over again life without those pills is better than eventual death from them!!! They are evil to those of us who cannot control our dosage. But very helpful to those who can. Myself if I tried to cut my dosage what a joke.. Id have the full bottle in one hand and worring how and when to get more. No matter how many I have at the time... Im glad to say that I am in day 5 of detox... I am feeling a lot better for the min.  But who knows about in the next hour...  so im taking it one min. at a time... Thanks to the ouytlet of talking to everyone on thes4e threads I know I will get through it..   God Bless to all!!!           J.E.W.
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Im glad you replied I was worried about you. I know what your going through, for me the pain med calls my name everyday and I sit and look at the phone. (should I call my dealer or not?) Its not easy when you know you have access and to hold yourself back. I feel for you. It takes alot of will power to stay off. Somedays are easier than others. Please keep in contact and Im here for ya!
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