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i would like for someone to give me some common withdrawal symptoms of someone who has been drinking a half of gallon of liguor for the past week everyday but has stopped for the past three days
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1801781 tn?1461629469
you have posted on a really old thread.  Go up to the top of the page to the orange ask a question icon.  Click on it and copy paste your post.  You will start a NEW thread and others will be able to see it and help.  You will get help, I promise!!!!!  Glad you got here.
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1845824 tn?1333374427
I've been off opiots for 3 days after a detox clinic.I'm just depressed but I have all I could be thankful for and yet I still feel tired and uninterested. Low, I relapsed after 2 yrs clean and Im beating my self up. Can anyone help ?
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no question I am in extrovert "mode" lately. I was so painfully shy as a kid - freindly but way shy - that i think this aspect of developed because when the girls came back from summer break in the eigth grade I knew some **** had changed and I was gonna run down an investigation. I do require lots of down time for just me - voracious reader and all that. Your friend that split mentally after one run of methamphetamine was probably just taking the shortest route there. I am always suspect about drug experiences - repeated abuse aside - causing permanent psychosis. Maybe it's just that the people I chose to be with and myself have particularly strong built in defenses against that - don't know. I do remember people having bad acid trips and never leaving the mental institutions - poor souls. What part of the world are you in? I thought I got Australia somewhere but? If thats true I'm interested to know what typical culture is like there? I get the materialism thing absolutely and since it's a British colony like most democracies I guess it probably isn't a lot different in any meaningful sense than the states.. Stay in touch - We killed the race car Wed nite at the racetrack and I must do some wrenching today.
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Sandoz labs Swiss(lysergide)=good shite(bitter taste),I wanted to say that none of my friends had a problem with it,they hated it and would not use it,they prefer heroin.I loved LSD and did most trips on my own in a darkened room,no music or distractions,now 3 of my friends are dead from OD,the survivers still use daily and have jobs and family and I have a "binge" on heroin from time to time.
Another friend who never even took LSD,but took Methamphetamine once,developed a Psychosis and thinks he is Jesus,now the Neuroleptics he is on have given him tardive dyskinesia and akathisia.oh well?
I think it is dependent upon your initial personality type,extroverts seem to spin out,I am a typical introvert.
At the age of 6 I lay awake all night wondering how the universe could be infinite or finite for that matter.At least I know the answer to that one now.(see info on Quantum universes)
Some people just like "normal" reality,others would happily fly around "this" universe and others if they could.
Their are other realities,but in our western societies they are taboo,Materialism is the order of the day.
At one point entheogens where known as Psychotomimetics(talk about propagander).
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nice to know yer not the only nut(s) on the table huh ?
Even thinking about acid does the same thing that thinking about cocaine does - makes me want to look out the window to see if they're here to get me.. I took all that way tooo far and now my brain is like - oh **** you pal not, here how about a big ass psychosis for your efforts..
I am very grateful to have been through it all and survived intact. Many of my peer group did not fair nearly as well. I now recognize that the years of psychedelic abuse left me wide open for anything (opiates, stimulants) that would pull me out of the serotonin(lack of) slump I was in. Acid - especially as strong as the Sandoz stuff we had was much like ecstasy - just blasts the hell out of the serotonin production and the resultant rebound is long and weird. I sure as hell would not recommend it for anyone else, but for me I'm quite positive it was "in the plan". I started taking peyote as a child at prayer meetings for the boys going to and returning from Vietnam - so that opened the door and it was a very good staring point because it was not purely experimental / recreational but was spiritually grounded and in a safe environment. That is quite possibly what kept me sane. I was always such a seeker and the way LSD knocked back my inhibitions and allowed me for the first time to laugh at myself was literally the most wonderful therapy I could have had. We usually had very safe and nurturing environments and many nights I ended up being ground control when someone got tweaky - but always there were valuable insights to be had by all. I don't remember which Indian master said it but this is a literal quote - this is for you Brighty - he said "when you get it" i.e. when you attain enlightenment and see the true nature of REALITY - you will laugh you ass off. I will email everyone as soon as that happens. :)
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Yes.. I had told Spook in a thread yesterday that over 20 years ago I met a physicist at some function I was obliged to attend... he was a very spiritual man... and of course very odd... he told me that Jesus knew Quantum Physics and it's how He performed miracles... and He believed He was truly Divine and also perfectly human... and most definitely the Son of God....he told me that and lots of things that really helped me think far beyond...it colored my spiritual development quite a bit.

No question that nearly everybody throughout history has totally misinterpreted or misunderstood that Jesus told us we could do what He did and even greater.

I guess Spook is the person now who is the most similar in many ways of that man I met ...and quite a good catalyst for stagnant minds like mine.

Love, Brighty
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I have other reasons for not having a BIG ego,But it is good that we speak the same language,if we have both attained TRUTH then their is nothing to discuss,just be.
I think we can learn a bit from each other.
Remember I have not taken LSD for about 5 years.
Nirvana is good to attain,but I believe in our society,you just end up starving to death,so I left it alone,
So now I am a bit of everything.
Open to suggestions,
always learning,
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yeah pretty much, although I 'spect that ol hesus didn't need to employee even a yogic trick - he may not have been a full blown avatar but he was obviously doing **** at a subatomic level.
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I agree once you learn all that LSD can teach one ,leave it alone.Sensory deprivation can achieve the same result,bit slower though,espec in this noisey hectic society.
I do not think Mescaline can take one as deep(level 6 maybe),it is more symbolic and religious.
I needed many trips to break through my ego and eventually started giving it(LSD or my ego you decide?)) away,funny thing is not many people like it and I tell them that well you do not like yourself then.
My advice is to start with 40micrograms and very slowly work your way up ,or else all HELL will break loose.But their cure for hell is Opioid ,alcohol,sex,etc.
If anybody has some purple horn shaped fungus(Claviceps purpurae) growing on their Rye,do not eat it as you will get gan"green",one must avoid saint anthonies FIRE.(caused by undiethylated Lysergic Acid).it is still Psychoactive though!!!!!
Some say jesus turned water to wine by putting infected bread(made from Rye) in the water,tranliteration should not be taken literally.
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you are correct - metaphysically speaking, but it isn't what you think ..
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Wheat germ fungus ????????? I put that on my cereal... I live in Florida.. do I have to keep it in the fridge ?? If it gets a bit humid and develops a little mold will I get enlightend while eating my Wheaties ???? Everyday I get a little closer to finding the answers... all encrypted on this board... keep reading folks.. we also have dual identities who come here.

Love, Brighty
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I want to know if your tongue is planted firmly in your cheek when you espouse that LSD "yes God is in the mescaline capsule" I'm @level 8 stuff.. You are obviously a very bright, playful and deep soul - so I wonder if you are having as good a laugh writting it as I am reading it. Yup you can certainly expereince the ChristO archetype with the aid of a proper set(ting) and enough wheatgerm fungus to dissolve your ego. Problem is with that - new ego replaces the old and now this ****** knows you can whack him with a pill and as a result, is so much more convincing that it doesn't in fact have a stranglehold on the ghost in the machine. I did have some quite profound expereinces myself with STP. Non verbal, astral cruising, most profound was the ability to actually "see" myself without tripping :) on it. Ultimately it's another trap - a diversion. I am happy about the overall effect (opening up) psychedelics have had on society. On a personal level though it's limited. Anyone can do the yoga on the mountain top - to get back without the neuropharmacological  aid that you tricked yourself into thinking you needed to actually get there in the 1st place - that's the trick. When you figure it out please lemme know, I want in on the secret handshake ~_~
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LOL!!!! You know I have no clue who this guy is but have heard of him no less.... and I personally cannot like this look.. the goatee and shaved head...it's not bad or unclean looking or anything... just "in" but I just hate that look.... not the people necessarily as I don't know them.. know some personally though and they are super nice and good people ..... it's just ME.... I thought maybe it was a throwback memory to the "bad man" in the funny papers... you know he kind of looked like that... NOW I wonder if I saw a photo of this guy, don't remember and it stayed in my sub-conscious.

Love, Brighty

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say what you will about Anton Lavey, but you must admit that his haircut and goatee put him way ahead of his time head-fashionwise!
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Telempathisism means I can feel what you feel and project my feelngs on to others(usually the person who is a subject of my telempathic communication maybe even you(via the internet .BEWARE!) ,this gives me great manipulative power,but god and the devil[SAtan}) offered me all sorts of power over people,I rejected "Satin" and took gods advice for me to feel other peoples problems or bliss .but not interfere as they learn about themselves through this experience,I/O-open to entry(not locked or encrypted),pretty-tation.
Annie I recenty met jesus whithin my minds eye and HE said my approach can and will help this PLanet,I am really amazed now as LSD,Heroin dabling.cannabis sucking person whom is now nearly  STRAUGHT I was touched,my cup runneth over.
Jesus had problems talking about modern science but we got our points throught it was easy,he left me with a feeling that WE all can and will as civilians link to together and bring down the oppressive regime of modern GOVERNMENTS.
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.....Not sure about Sammy Davis, JR.  I think the article was phocussing on the early days of Anton Lavey.  I know Jane Mansfield was killed probably 30 years ago, so this is why I beleive they were referring to the early days of the church.  I do not think he has much of a following now. lol  Of all the illnesses and deaths that can occur, notice his death involved the heart.....Anton Lavey.  It was probably soooo black.   lol

I hate to even mention his name!!!

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... I just re-read your post again.  I need to talk to you about
telempathism.  Is this comparible to ESP.  My mom has extra sensory....and usually can tell about something before it happens.  I noticed similar tendencies in myself as I became older.  I really do not want to discuss this here.  I already have revealed so much about myself that I may as well plaster my real name all over the board.
My husband works at a university(spare time), and spoke to a professor that gives lectures about this.  He said that we have a 6th sense, but many people pass occurrences off as being a coincidence.  Many supress this tendency.  They sometimes think it is evil, and do not know enough about it, and therefore do not develope it.  I aggree w/ you on the matter of LSD and telempathism.  This opens up the 6th sense.  People freak out, and do not know how to handle it. I have only discussed this subject w/ my mother and husband.  I try to stay away from the issue, because I am divided on spiritual aspect of it.  I usually put it out of my mind, and avoid it.
Now I'm really sounding like a nut-cake.  I will get your email address from cin. I will be out of town, but will return soon.  Maybe we can discuss this....I usually understand about 50% of what you post about, but this really hit home.
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Sammy Davis Jr. ??????? He converted to Judaism and was actively Jewish.
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Thank you, Annie... yes I slept ok... I pray every night and frankly I do get the willies thinking of evil... but I also am very aware that the light of the Divine is much more powerful and that I cannot be injured... If I think something is amiss I address him immediately and tell him to be gone he has no hope of success with me and although he has tried he will not harm my family either. I have shouted at him aloud and told him he would never take her when my daughter was on life support... they thought I was nuts at the hospital... one nurse told me that my daughter would live for what I had done there. I simply do not believe that it is God's will that children die of heroin overdoses... this is not God's work. This is why I always tell people here to claim their healing.. it's their spiritual birthright... and addiction is a spiritual illness. I am positive of the reality of Satan... be he a negative energy or a little red guy with horns... our images are somewhat juvenile and make him very easy for the sophisticated person to dismiss... I think this is why so many people just say he is not real. I'm afraid if people believe that they are unwittingly easy targets. We have a culture that makes you feel like a looney tune or a holy roller if you profess a belief in something as antiquated as the devil... LOL... he has been here since the beginning and has an immortal soul like you and me... he is here eternally and so are we. Frankly I think it is silly to assign a sex to a spirit... but we tend to use the masculine.. my encounter was with 2 in female personage.

You are very wise about posts being written on LSD also... I am probably the only active non -addict here... lately I feel totally out of the loop... and I am grateful... because I have not used LSD I don't think I am less enlightened or more enlightened. I watched too many of my college friends descend into the depths of despair...I am a child of the 60's ...  one young man... a friend of mine.. a brilliant academian and the editor of our college literary magazine... sat under the sixth street bridge in downtown Pittsburgh and put a bullet in his head ... he hovered between life and death for 9 days and finally they allowed visitors... his mother was a visage of total sorrow... his face was black and blue and head swollen like a watermellon... he did not have a clue who his fiance was and asked me who I was also. So when I hear all these glamour stories of the enlightenments of LSD I see Kenny. I remember my ex-boyfriend( from many many years ago) on LSD one night standing on the roof of his car screaming that he couldn't get down.. and in total terror of anyone trying to rescue him because he thought the tire tracks in the mud near his car were chasms of the Grand Canyon... and my son is now 25 and a son any parent would be proud of in all ways... he did LSD in high school and was off the wall... seeing hangmans in the corner of his visual field, thinking the devil was after him and probably right, and totally mentally ill for about a year... and to this day he is neither insane or strange nor is he a love, peace, guru, mr. earthmother, searching for nirvana type... he is a nice person with a good sense of reality... and said that he learned alot about LSD... that when it's over you can choose reality or dwell in the hippie dream and project that you have found it all and delude yourself some more.... LOL.... I guess everyone is different.

I think I need a break from the forum for awhile, Annie... it's getting exhausting and I do need to nurture myself a bit. I want to go to the beach and find God everywhere and be grateful for all He has shown me... and I need to start walking again and lose a few lbs.... peace to you, may you be well and blessed with relief from your pain. Love, Brighty

Love, Brighty
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I am curious.  What is your take on our "so-called" encounters w/ demons.  Do you think that we were just feeling what was in our hearts, and our minds were revealing it???  Playing tricks on us.  I believe these little beast are vehicles of Satan.  They are real, and all around us.  
I grew up next to a city where witchcraft, satanism, and voo doo were all to commonplace.  Just for board criteria, I'll say drugs were a big problem there.  It wasn't unusual for the subject of sacrificed animals to be on the 6:00 news.  
This subject always intrigued me.  My dad used to worry about me, because I would frequent an occultic bookstore, and run home to tell about the satanic bible I saw.  I was young, and of course too curious for my own good.
Now, I will expose him whenever given the opportunity.  He's the great deceiver.  He is responsible for the turmoil that our world is in.  

Annie (:
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Dear Tom,
Well it's Reassuring to know how you feel.  How did we get on this subject anyway? LOL  I respect your beliefs, and feel compelled to bring forth some foundation as to why I believe In Satan. This is one note that I can't leave hanging in the balance.
Spook, You may find this interesting, and some food for thought:
If Satan is not real, there sure are many people putting forth much effort on his behalf. Ex:

Anton S. LaVey Dies at 67
Founded the Church of Satan
From News Services
Sunday, November 9, 1997; Page B15
The Washington Post

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annie, I don't think you're nuts at all! Our thinking is not as dissimilar as you might suppose. I believe in evil. How could one not, given the glorious history of the human race? Evil is real and fully capable of manifesting itself in the minds, hearts and actions of any member of the human race. You just see Satan as incarnate and I see him as being manifest in the heart of man. The effect, unfortunately, appears to be the same.
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Hey sister!  I was worried about you last night.  How did you sleep?? lmao.....What a topic/subject to be on right before beddy bye time. lol  I wish you (&meeee) sweet dreams from here on out. lol


Annie  ((((::::
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Following all of the threads of logic,it now seems plausible that a person with enough consciousness energy force,could effect changes on an atomic level.Maybe Jesus being Gods son and all had just that much energy,Modern Physics supports it entirely,I prefer milder forms of energy control like telephathy,telempathism and astroprojection,I do not want to interfere with the way people are to much,because one must make their journey alone,it is their life.
Why did you think I got so upset about the Charles Manson,bookitty comment,he used his Psychic energy for evil.LSD had a lot to do with it,used to weaken and brainwash his prey,he already had the gift you cannot conjure it up,its just that his mind was damaged, corrupt,evil,but the energy he had could control people,he had mesmeric properties and abused them.whereas I keep to myself and do not want to control anybody but me.In fact by me just coming into contact with people causes them to unravel and they tell me their most intimate secrets,now this is part of my gift and its not easy, some people are full of anger and hate,others love and joy and others everthing inbetween,in fact I have an energy field that illuminates their consciousness,so they trip out quickly in my presence,so I can only really be around peacefull people,as I also feel what they feel through telempathism,but I am very good and never use thought insertion unless in an emergency.
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