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24 Responses
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ya'll are great..Thanks so much for all the information..
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Looks like you're getting some pretty good advice like what golden said.  You will be fine but she's right you have to be open as Bruce and I told you.  Will be thinking of you and look forward to hearing from you soon.  Thinking after the doctor maybe opening up to hubby?  In your own time of course.
You take care and keep smiling.  I'll say a little prayer for you, cause good things come in small packages!
Luv Lynne
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202347 tn?1189755825
Here is a general list of what you cannot take before and/or after surgery, it's effects and how long. You should not have any problems with hydrocodone. Concerns are usually illicit drugs and NSAID's( motrin, naproxen) because they thin the blood and can prevent clotting increasing your chances of bleeding ecessively on the table. Remember you have Dr,-patient confidentiality even when it comes to illicit drugs. You shouldn't stop taking it all together that would stress your body and stress is never good before surgery. The anesthesiologist will come see you before surgery and speak with you about any medications you have been taking. He is the one that has to decide how much of each aneshtetic to give you before and during surgery. Also something doctors often do not mention prior to this type of surgery is that you can have your stomach pulled tighter after the hysterectomy has been completed. They will not automatically do this, they will do it only if you request it.

Drug/Supplement- Effect- Timing

Aspirin  Decrease platelet aggregation - bleeding  7-10 days prior and 1 week after  
buprofen, Motrin, Advil  Decrease platelet aggregation - bleeding  5 days prior and 1 week after  

Naproxen, Aleve  Decrease platelet aggregation - bleeding  5 days prior and 1 week after  

Vitamin E, Marine Fatty Acids, Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements  increase risk of bleeding  2 weeks prior and 1 week after  

Chondroitin  increases risk of bleeding  2 weeks prior and 1 week after  

Echinacea  reduces immunosuppressant effectiveness - may cause allergic reactions  2 weeks prior and 1 week after  

Ephedra (Ma Huang)  affects cardiovascular function, may cause cardiomyopathy or thrombotic stroke  2 weeks prior and 1 week after  

Garlic  increases risk of bleeding  2 weeks prior and 1 week after  

Glucosamine  mimic human insulin and may artificially cause hypoglycemia during surgery  2 weeks prior and 1 week after  

Ginkgo  increases risk of bleeding  2 weeks prior and 1 week after  

Ginseng  may cause hypoglycemia and increases risk of bleeding  2 weeks prior and 1 week after  

Kava  compounds anesthetic effect  2 weeks prior and 1 week after  

St. John's Wort  induces cytochrome enzymes, inhibiting effects of many surgical drugs  2 weeks prior and 1 week after  

Valerian  compounds anesthetic effect, may build tolerance to anesthesia  2 weeks prior and 1

If it makes you feel more comfortable make sure you confirm with your surgeon and anesthesiologist what exactly is covered in doctor-patient confidentiality. (which,in most states, is pretty much everything other than child molestation/abuse, suicide(which can be iffy depending on the state), and of course is someone poses a threat to another person) The thing is that these doctors are extremely liable and the hospital just as liable for what happens to you, so if you do not divulge all info. b/c you were afraid of being reported or them not wanting to give you meds. for pain after the surgery  (which they have to manage your pain after surgery properly b/c they are liable for that too) then they become liable for anything that goes wrong during surgery. Even when they are informed, they are liable, think of how much more liable they are not informed for fear of being reported. And honestly, every doctor knows that people build a tolerance for medication over time and take more of it, this is truly no big deal. The patients that doctors treat that get labeled "drug users" or abusers are pretty much the illicit drug users, doctors tend to not treat them with as much care, and look down their nose at them. But this is usually only when illicit drug users come into an ER to have an abcess lanced or something at a county hospital(those doctors usually really suck anyway) Any other questions let me know please, and I hope some of this helps. Call your doctor in the morning and get everything straight with him as far as what meds he will give you after surgery and what dosage etc. When the doctor knows you have a tolerance to hydrocodone they typically won't try and give you 5mg vicodin after surgery b/c they know it won't be effective, that's when the nurse wakes him up in the middle of the night because you're in too much pain. Just get ALL the details from your surgeon tmrw. And whatever you do, DO NOT talk to a pharmacist or a nurse or receptionist @ ur surgeons office, speak directly with him, trust me on this!! xoxo- D.
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My advice would be to do a fast taper and take one pill and one pill only 3-4 hrs before the surgery.  You don't want to be labeled a drug abuser, but at the same time, your safety and wellbeing comes first.  Be honest and say that you are taking the meds, but if you only take one pill before the surgery and try to have at least a 12 hour lapse before that last pill, that way you can say I have only had one in 15,16,17,18 hours and they will not frown upon that as much.  Definitely do not admit to buying them off the streets.  Don't do that!
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176495 tn?1301280412

Another reason to quit smoking is to promote good post op healing.  My wife had breast reconstructive surgery 2 years ago and the doctor would not operate on her until she
had quit for 30 days, primarily so that things woud heal properly.  Unfortunately, she didn't comply as well as she should and she has paid for that with some post op problems that, while not life threatening were not pleasant and are still causing her problems.

And by all means, tell the doctor EVERYTHING about your drug usage.

Good luck!

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Hi well just read what grievingwidow said, and was going to tell you same thing.  Looked up as much information as I could, talked to my son and spoke to my doctor.  All concur that the major thing with the surgery will be that they need to know about your hydro dependancy or they will not be able to manage the level of analgesics you need post-op which will be different because of your opiate usage.  Also because hydro can affect your respitory system they must know about what you take, and that you smoke so they can monitor you properly.  Everything I was told was that you should be fine but you must tell them as even the anaesthetics may have to be altered to suit.
Be safe and good on you for going to tell the doctors.  Under www.askjeeves.com.au quite a bit of info on Hydrocodone but not a lot to do with addiction prior to surgery.
God Bless.
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Hope you listen to Bruce cause he knows what he's talking about.  Good idea to try and quit the smoking as much ahead of time as you can; tell the doctors about everything you do, pills, smoking, drinking whatever, and I'm guessing they know you don't come round too well and have low blood pressure?  Ok showing how naive I am what is a hydro?  What's the full name of the medication.  I have my Dad's old medical books I can look up and my son's just started Uni (Medical Laboratory Sciences) so have his new chemistry, biology and physics books - also the net will have info, so spell away good woman and we will search together!
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192332 tn?1189755828
I took a little less the day before.probably 60 mg.The morning i had surgery at 7:30 am. I took 1 pill at 7:00 am before.I do  know my surgery was orthoscopic. and it was my leg not my organs.I don't know if norco promotes bleeding like asprin.I would check that out.I had a hernia operation also a year before and did the same.You are going to have organs removed so in my mind that is way more complicated than my surgeries.I would call ask a nurse and see what they say.Good luck.let us know what happens ok?    
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I understand where Bruce is coming from - he's one when I first got on this site last night that showed his support - he's really great and I thank him.  Even though I get it I would rather be labelled on a medical record as a drug user than have a tag slipped over my toe cause I didn't tell the doctors my addiction.  Seriously so what if it goes on your chart?  You're hardly alone and it's just not worth the risk by not telling them.  Also no doctor is going to refuse you pain relief but knowing your problem they will just monitor what you get and when you get it, which in the long run can only go to help you manage your problem.  Be strong and be honest!  I am scheduled for a hysteroscopy which entails having a general anaesthetic now I told my doctor I smoke up to 30 cigarettes a day - doctors disapprove of smoking just as much as they do any other drug, legal or illegal.  Sure it's a stupid habit but not one I'm going to lie to my doctor about cause he needs to monitor my pulse rate and reaction to the medication when under.  He hardly put me over his lap and spanked me - sure you get the little look of disapproval or even shock but that's only cause they care!  Keep yourself safe by telling them.
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i know you are right and that is what i shoud do, just hope i can..I am not  worried about the med the give me not working as much as i am worried i might bleed to death with all this hydro in my system or not waking uup..I also smoke way to much and will try not to smoke the next two days..I also have very low blood pressure and after every surgery i have ever had they have a hard time waking me up because of this, i wonder if hydr's make my blood pressure lower? also for all the other surgery's i had ot started this bad habit..Does hydro's make you bleed more?
i am new to this wonderfull forum, so do ya'll know of any else here who had sugery while taking this much??
thanks so much..Yall are truly a god send to me
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192332 tn?1189755828
I agree with serephina.Like i said i live on the edge and i'm not afraid of death as much as i probably should be.Tell your doc ok?.God Bless
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thanks , and i decided i am going to tell him..wish me luck because he will be the first i admit my problem too..NO one knows not husband kids or friends..But maybe they do and i just think they don't..But i don't want anyone to know ..i also take norco 10 mgs.
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thanks, that is what i am afraid to be labeled.And then if i really need for pain he won't give me anything..i know i have done this to myself..I am in pretty good shape but only weigh about 110 lbs..Why did you only take 1 the day before? were you starting any withdrawals by the time of your surgery..I hate what i have done to myself...Knowing that i am going to quit makes me want to cry like i lost my best friend..But so tired of plainning everything around these pills..I don't go anywhere if i am running low, so it is like i plan day to day on how many i have..ISn't this crazy? i remember the time i use to take a half of one and clean the whole house, in my mind i would have never thought i could take as many as i do now..
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OMG thanks so much..It is norco, generic name is hydrocodone 10 mg, i take anywhere from 7 to 12..
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Ok I will get searching - I have to duck out for a bit cause my son rang from Uni and he has a Chemistry prac - his gear's at home so gotta drop off.  It's 12.40 here on Monday afternoon so not sure of time with you, but rest assured I will get back to you about hydros.  If your bed time then check in morning.  By the way the doctor won't the first person you have told cause you've already opened up on here and Bruce knows what you're going through so I'm sure he will be a massive help to you as will the others and I'll try and do my bit so we can here how wonderful life is going to be after the pills have been kicked to the Cra****!  You're husband probably knows more than you think or at least suspects - being on the outer I know I always had an idea what my man was doing - he loves you and he'll support you.  Main thing at the moment is you're being real with yourself and going to be with your dr.
Catch you when I get back.
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it is almost 10 on sunday night here..But i will check in the morning..Thanks for taken your time to help me..I really appreciate it..
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I was in your situation when I went to have surgery. This was a month ago. I was taking about 7-10 mg. hydros twice aday...obviously I am an addist. Anyways, the type of drugs they give you before surgery are totally on a whole other level than hydrocodone. I was on IV morphine 50 mg (which is alot) and they gave it to me 45 minutes before my surgery for my pain and it didn't even affect the surgery. Also my best friend is completing nursing school and she told me that they monitor you and they repeat the dosage if needed to put you to sleep if that's what you are worried about. Thie thing is after surgery the Dr. will usually give you a basic script for pain killers like 5 or 10 mg every 4-6 hrs and that may not be evough to ease the pain. That was my only problem.
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I donated a kidney to my husband five years ago and at that time I was taking Methadone only, but on a very regular basis.  The pain I suffered post-op was the most horrible thing I have ever gone thru - they ended up having to give me 5 X the normal amount of Dilaudid for me to even feel any relief at all, and it took three days for them to finally get the dosage right.  I don't know if there is any pain medication stronger than Dilaudid, especially given intravenously.  I am wanting to have the lap band surgery now but am just too afraid when I think about the post-op pain.  Yeah, just make sure your doctors know before that you are going to need more than the average patient when it comes to pain control.

Love, Cindy
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192332 tn?1189755828
That is a hard call.If you tell them you will be labeled a drug abuser on your chart.I personally would ween down as much as i could.I don't know if you should be in withdrawals during surgery.Like i said i was taking 8 to 10 10/325 norco before my surgery.on the morning of surgery i just took 1 pill before surgery.That is just me though.Hope that helps.are you in good physical shape?I was at the time.They go a lot on your weight as to how much anestesia [spelling] they give.Again i am not a doctor and just giving my own experience.Maybe i should of came clean with them.I did NOT want to be labeled a drug abuser at the time.I may have been careless but that is just me and i kinda live on the edge anyway.Maybe i was stupid i don't know.but it all worked out.Good Luck and god Bless.
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You just have to be open and honest with your doctor.  Don't worry about what he thinks - trust me he's seen and heard it all a million times!  This is about your health and safety and he can't help you unless you are 100% honest with him.  He won't judge you and just be glad you're not Kate Moss or Robbie Williams so I guess on the upside the neighbours won't know your business!!  Got to have a little bit of light-heartedness so don't think I am making fun of you I AM NOT.  Please please tell the doctor and anaethetist what you have been taking and what dose and for how long.  I know you want to quit cause otherwise you wouldn't be frightened of the surgery - that's a good sign it tells you that you want to live - so be strong tell the doctor and get help.  And heck if you have a cry when you tell the doctor - don't worry about it I do it all the time and it's better out than in.  Remember everything you tell him stays in confidence.  
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185545 tn?1331074866
just be honest with the anaesthetist about yr drug intake.they can then adjust the meds to suit so u get enough.ive had a GA while on mdone maintenence and i was asked several times what my dose was and if i had supplemented this with illicits.i was honest and had no complications.as far as getting adequate pain relief this should not b a problem.they will most likely titrate yr dose,after surgery,until u are comfortable.this is standard medical protocol.u will b fine.just b honest
regards J
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thanks so much for the response..i am having a hystrectomy..So how do i tell the doctor or anethesiologist about my bad habit?? i am so scared.I started taking them about 2 yrs ago for a disc but when that got better i would still take them, and like everyone it took more and more , so i would get them where ever i could..Buying them, doctors etc.how do i tell him?
thanks again
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192332 tn?1189755828
Hello!I was in the same situation with my reconstructive knee surgery.I was taking alot of hydro.They gave me oxycudone and norco after surgery.I also was on 1 norco before surgery.Don't worry.if they give you just norco and the pain is intense take a little more.What kind of surgery?
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Hi and no it doesn't sound silly I would be scared too.  I would be talking to the anaesthetist about what you will be given - and DO be completely open with him or her about what you take and how much of it.  If they don't know what you're on they can't monitor you properly during surgery and they need to know exactly so they can give you anaesthetic that doesn't have adverse reaction with the pills you are taking.  They would be best to tell you also if you should be stopping and getting out of your system prior to surgery - don't take the risk so get the advice.  Hope you kick the c*** out of the addiction I'm sure you will.  Best of luck and don't worry about telling the doctors you are frightened.  Be safe and God Bless
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