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Severe Fentanyl Withdrawal

My husband is on the 100mcg fentanyl patch and has been (on various doses) for 3 years now, he is going through something terrible, we are constantly in the ER because he has withdrawal WHILE WEARING THE PATCH. Recently his doctor decided that he might get in trouble for what he's doing to my husband and cut him off cold turkey. My husband was throwing himself around screaming and moaning, blacking out for a moment and then back to the moaning and throwing himself around again, and i dont mean restless tossing Im horrified hes going to hurt himself or worse. We went to the Er on Thursday morning, they gave him oxycontin 20 mg every 12 hours and sent him home, They were gone within a day and a half, should have been a 5 day script, we ended up back in the ER, laast night, by ambulance this time because he couldnt stand it and was throwing himself around again. They gave him 3 patches to last until Thursday, which is a nice thought but they never last him the full 2 days. He is on the second one already, I am honestly in fear for his life the hospital told him not to come back because they wont give him anything else, while he was in there last night for 7 hours before they gave him the patch, again moaning and throwing himself around, they screamed at him to "knock it off" before he woke their other patients. I dont know what to do anymore, I love this man so much and I am so afraid for him. He is a good guy, not  a common street junkie, the doctor told him that he "might have a little trouble getting off" when my husband asked, he never wanted this med. We cant afford suboxone and I think that going cold turkey, the withdrawal will kill him. I just really need another health care professionals advice on this. Please help us.
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I also was addicted to cocaine for many years. Wasting money for what I thought was fun. I woke up and quit and I really don't remember it being that tough to stop. I used it everyday for at least a year. driving a tractor trailer long hours. Everyone is different, I do have an addictive personality. when I set my mind to something I am a stubborn Swede. Best of Luck
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There is a huge difference from sticking a needle in your arm for a high. To me . people like that have no self respect. When you go to pain doctor, and your in chronic pain. you trust there apian . Soon you will get hooked and most pain doctors are in it for the money. They tell you to up the dose. I stayed on the Fentanyl patch for 12 years 100mg. I would not go over that amount. I did abuse the cut through pain med's. Never the patch.. My spouse divorced me without even trying to help me. Left for dead. I was fortunate enough that the last doctor was arrested for over prescribing. I was an addict of pain meds . NOT by choice. I went cold turkey and I would have rather died than give up. I am on week 5 and over the hump on 4th week. Still having problem's but getting better. I also stayed away from Oxycontin because I knew that was a drug I could not control. I never wanted to be an addict . I was a FOOL to handle my own healthcare . I do not have any doctors at this point. I am to pissed off at the medical community. I know I need a good family doctor. I want test's done for any possible damage caused by these drug's. I can quit anything after going through this. I will never touch and opiate again or any other dangerous med. This patch is really an end of life drug, with the most potent narcotic's in the world. Designed for cancer. A cocktail of very strong opiates. If you have a lot of spinal pain and other pains. The patch is not for you in my apian. post operative pain can last for 2 years easy. Mostly because your  body sends adrenalin that increases pain. This is a natural reaction for you to protect that area. Not mask it with cancer drug's. I feel like woke up from a coma and a bad nightmare. Carl P.S 15 minute doctors are useless in my apian. I am not a doctor but I know most drugs and how the body works. I know I am not spelling apian right , my mind is not normal yet .
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It was your husbands responsibility to do research on this drug before taking it. No one should ever go onto any narcotic without knowing EVERYTHING there is out there... and trust me there is a lot. I will never wrap my head around someone willingly exposing themselves to something they know nothing about. I understand your frustration, I just 2 days ago went cold turkey off fentanyl for chronic pain and the first day I did sweat, puke, cry, writhe on the bed in pain, and wallow in my own misery, almost desperate enough to just put a patch back on ( I've CHOSEN to do this, am not being forced ), I am tired and restless, and have not really slept, but i feel better, clear headed, and stronger for it. After doing more research on the withdrawl and how the drug needs to be stepped up every few months my decision was an easy one. I'd rather be in pain that is managed as it flares, I can handle the baseline pain for sure ( however less effective only taking a med during or at the beginning of a flare up may be ). As for your insurance covering fantanyl... how much extra paper work was needed as social services doesn't cover it without a special form? Also, there are other meds for withdrawl that ARE covered by your husbands insurance, ANY benzo will help, even Benadryl will... but since you posted this so long ago I can only imagine where you and your husband are right now. There are other options, and were 2 years ago as well,if you're still in this situation do some more research. Also, many of us began on prescribed drugs and ended up in your husbands position,NEVER think you know better, we are not street junkies, and even if we were you'd have no right to judge at this point. I do not believe he went through ANY withdrawl while on a patch, I do believe he was starting to develop a tolerance again, was refused more meds, and has now taken this approach. Stop him from getting away with manipulating you into thinking he needs an opiate or only suboxone to help him, there are a host of COVERED options for him.
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1801781 tn?1461629469
If you would like to get some support from everyone...instead of posting to a pretty old thread...go up to the top and click on the orange ask a question and copy paste this post.  You will start a new thread and they can see and help if you want.
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I've been on 5 800mcg lozenges a day for 7 years.  I fell from the back of my truck and reptured the 2 discs above my fusion site in August.  The added pain was incomprehensable and my pain managment doctor told me to go to 7 a day which I gladly did.  The next month I was told the same thing. October rolls around and he informs me I need to be back to 5 a day.  So he won't refill my script until 2 weeks after I run out.  So I'm on my 3rd day of 14 and am crawling out of my skin.  What kind of doctor takes you off 7 800mcg lozenges cold turkey after 7 years? I would love to have him be in my skin for 2 weeks and see how he likes it! My poor family would like to string him up for being so heartless!! God, Prayer, and my family will get me through it.  My heart goes out to all of you fellow sufferers in what ever stage you're in. God Bless, thetriumphsaint!
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hi,i have been on 100 mcg/h for 2 years,2 months ago i decided that this was enough,i had to try to get off these things.i told the doctor to put me down to 75 mcg/h.it went not too bad only for the fact that i felt like chopping my legs off with an axe.i made it through tho.im now down to 50 mcg/ for about a week and its hell on hearth.i just had to take 5 days off from work to stay home and pace the hallways of my house.i cant sleep because of the restlessness in my legs.if i knew how hard they were gonna have to let go.i would of never started them.you have to drop the dose on these patches slowly.i can relate with your husband.the doctor told me that fentanyl patches were the cadillac of pain relievers.i think i would of stayed with the tylenol if i knew better at the time.regards to you and your husband.my wife sends her love also,cause she was there with me all the way.the doctors and pharmacists dont understand what its like to go throught these withdrawls,i believe that some doctors got a license to turn you in to a junkie...its 3;45 in the morning where i am and you see what im doing,looking for ways to help the withdrawl symtoms..be strong..
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I've worked in an Emergency Dept for years and have experienced similar cases of various attempts a drug seeking. I'm sorry but what it seems we have here is your standard "Addiction/withdrawal/attentional seeking-staus dramaticus/behavioural symptoms....with a large dose of "Enabling" on your part. Did i miss what the original reason your husband was put on Fentanyl for in the first place?....I believe one of the reasons your husband does his attention tantrum is that he now has a witness (you)whom he uses to tell the hospital Md's what they've witnessed. Its cunning but that unfortunately is how the addict works.You need to back off and stop enabling your husband.When someone you care for develops a substance use disorder, there is a natural tendency to take responsibility for him or her, to try to fix them. Unfortunately, when you do that, they are less likely to take responsibility for themselves. Only when the addict is allowed to experience the discomfort and the negative consequences of their drug use will they do what only they are able to do - get help to change their behaviour.Nobody sets out to get addicted. When it happens it may mimic psychiatric problems, such as depression, anxiety, or stress. Eventually the real problem becomes obvious. Obvious to everyone, that is, except the person with the addiction. The most important thing you can do if someone you care for is addicted is to detach, stop enabling, get healthy yourself, and allow them to feel the consequences of their behaviour. If, however, you do these things and it still doesn't work, there is a process called intervention. How do i know? I am an addict...clean for 12 yrs. You have a lot of caring suggestions from people, but lets first get your husband into a detox center to counter his withdrawal....than a addiction treatment facility 21-28 days where he will have a clearer head to understand his  addictions...I could almost guarantee when he comes out..you will see the bright shiny eyed husband you once knew...Good luck to you and your loved one...P.S. i know i sound uncaring right now...but if you do the steps i just mentioned...you will know and understand hopefully my rationale....Good luck  : )   Stan
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271792 tn?1334979657

I am sorry you are going through this. I have to ask, has your husband ever gone any length of time without the medication? I ask that to see if what he is experiencing is rebound pain and the only way to know is to stop the medication. He cannot continue like this as his body will continue to build a tolerance and soon nothing will help him.

I also wanted to let you know you arrived in an old post. If you go to the top of this page and hit the green Post A Question button you can start your own thread. That way we are able to follow you easier. If you need help, just ask.
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I want to thank everyone for their posts. My husband has been on the patches(75mcg's) for over a year now. I cannot tell you all how sick i am of the withdrawls! Every month, for over a year! His step mother shot him in the back with a .357 and caused severe internal damage including irreversibly damaging half the sacral nerve bundle. My husband keeps looking to me for advice on this medicine. Which i do not have much, since I have never been on it. My heart goes out to all of you, I watch what you go through everyday. There is some great advice posted here. My husbands main concern is being on this drug for the rest of his life due to the nerve damage. The doctor has spoken with him about localized injections, but that makes me very nervous. As i have heard all kinds of horror stories about the things that CAN go wrong. I have to tell you that I love this man more than i can find words for, but I am SO sick of watching him go through withdrawls that I want to rip my own hair out! I don't have alot of money and we are on the medical card. if he runs out early because one falls off,  we all know that is a BIG problem. The medical card will not cover another script until the current one has run out. My life has been filled with E.R. visits and moaning, writhing, restlessness. I feel horrible because there is nothing I can do to fix this. I just am as supportive as i can be and tell him it will be o.k. THIS IS KILLING ME! Is there another drug out there that they use for nerve damage that is just as effective without the addiction? PLEASE HELP!!
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I want to thank everyone for their posts. My husband has been on the patches(75mcg's) for over a year now. I cannot tell you all how sick i am of the withdrawls! Every month, for over a year! His step mother shot him in the back with a .357 and caused severe internal damage including irreversibly damaging half the sacral nerve bundle. My husband keeps looking to me for advice on this medicine. Which i do not have much, since I have never been on it. My heart goes out to all of you, I watch what you go through everyday. There is some great advice posted here. My husbands main concern is being on this drug for the rest of his life due to the nerve damage. The doctor has spoken with him about localized injections, but that makes me very nervous. As i have heard all kinds of horror stories about the things that CAN go wrong. I have to tell you that I love this man more than i can find words for, but I am SO sick of watching him go through withdrawls that I want to rip my own hair out! I don't have alot of money and we are on the medical card. if he runs out early because one falls off,  we all know that is a BIG problem. The medical card will not cover another script until the current one has run out. My life has been filled with E.R. visits and moaning, writhing, restlessness. I feel horrible because there is nothing I can do to fix this. I just am as supportive as i can be and tell him it will be o.k. THIS IS KILLING ME! Is there another drug out there that they use for nerve damage that is just as effective without the addiction? PLEASE HELP!!
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Hi, I am so sympathetic to hear there must be irresponible Drs out there. No way did my Pain Specialist and GP withdraw me cold turkey, it took months of slowly taking mgs off. With use of all size patches until I had the lowest dose on. And each dose was kept there for a number of weeks before lessening again. This has been the same for any medication I take, even when I change around my Epilepsy medication.

Take care everyone and I wish you all the best.
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Thanks to everybody for their comments. I just went through the weaning process to get off Fentanyl 200micros/hr. It's taken about a month. I've had some sleeplessness and the restless feet/legs/hands stuff. I've found that walking and drinking lots of water and also st johns wart and Ibuprofen have both helped me a little bit. I'm into my fourth day without any Fentanyl and the withdrawals seem to be diminishing. Hang in there everybody...
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Thank you all - I am currently going through Fentanyl withdrawal after a GI surgery.  I am allergic to other pain medications so this was the only choice.  I have been on the patches for some time tapered from the 50 to the 25.  I was so sick of the side-effects that when the three days where over I took off the patch and didn't use the 12mcg to taper further.  Now I know how stupid and uninformed that was to do - my heart goes out to all of you suffering.... I know what you are going through... take care..
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352798 tn?1399298154
Welcome to the forum. You have posted on an old post so it is getting ignored. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. There are some here that are quite familiar with Fentanyl. I need you to copy what you wrote and go to top of the page to 'Post a Question' Then start your own new post.
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After about a year on 100mcg patches every three days, I began to have  withdrawal symptoms at the end of the second day. My doctor says some bodies use the fentanyl at different rates, therefore if my insurance would pay for it, we could try every two days.  It helped very much at first, but now I am feeling the symptoms almost all the time: running eyes and nose, icey cold, sweating hot, uncontrollable yawning and facial spasms, flu-ish, resless legs, writhing in bed, in bed most hours of the day. Have lost a lot of weight, can't eat.
Does anybody know what this is all about?
Thank you.
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535089 tn?1400673519
OH MY, I too an on the 75mcg Fentanyl patch. I change mine every 2 days. I can't believe a Doc would take him off cold turkey! That's life threating. And for the ER to give him more and send him home is horrifying. I feel soooo bad for your Husband. INPATIENT PLEASE. He could die. Take Care and thinking of you, Mollyrae
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  I am sorry to hear that you and your husband are going through so much. I know how horrible this is.
Your husband needs a GOOD pain Doctor, one with empathy. He can help with this, and find the right treatment for his pain. Also the thrashing and the moaning are not from pain it is from the withdrawals.
I hope my suggestion's help. The company who makes fentanyl makes a dose of 12 mcg/hr. If your husband is still on 50 mcg/hr he should ask the Doctor for a few of the 25 mcg/hr and the 12 mcg/hr a total of 37 mcg/hr. After he has adjusted to this dose and is withdrawal free then he should lower the fentanyl to 25 mcg/hr. Again when he has been withdrawal free for about a week then he should go down to 12 mcg.
  Then when he is ready he should stop. This will not be easy, but the withdrawals should subside in three to four days.
Also his Doctor has a legal responsibility, he cannot just stop this medication, this is called abandonment, know your rights believe me he does.
                                                                                                                 Hope things get better.
P.S. Jushua has some helpful                        
advise look it over again.
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I was on 150mcgs fentynal for 5 months. The withdrawl was the worst i ever went through. Ive been on alot of painkillers and very high doses and fentynal was the worst to withdrawl. All you can do is try get him back on the patch and gradually reduce it. i left the patch on for 6 days instead of the normal 3 days. drank gallons of water, try to eat some rice or something. drink cranberry juice till your farts smell like cranberry...lol...longh hot showers so you sweat it out. It'd not fun, not only that but i got severely depressed for over a month. I almost checked myself into the psych ward because of depression. but going cold turkey is PURE HELL....leave the patch on longer gradually reduce the dosage. You might have to take some kind of benzodiazipine to help too.....good luck.....i'll pray for him and feel for you both
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My Mom is on her third patch of 25 mg.  She gets upset easily at night and sometimes is terribly sleepy in the morning.  She is on other medicine cd #4 but the problem often happens after she has a glass or wine or 2.  I don't think that she is eating enough either.
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I was on two 100 mg Fentanyl Patches and 200 mg of Oxy a day for 2 years.
I'm not lying either. I looked around the net and couldn't find anyone close to that dose.
I stopped cold turkey.
well kinda, I left the last patches on.
I wore them for about a week.
It hurts really bad and I know what your husband is going through.
I don't know if taking him to the ER is a good idea.
What happens when he really hurts himself.
What happen when he really needs pain meds.
They won't give them to him.
Taking him to a detox center is a cool idea, but it is usually expensive.
Way too expensive for me.
My advice is help him ride out the storm.
It gets better, It really does.
Sure it takes time, but I started feeling better about 6 days out.
I've read that is takes months to get better, but I just don't believe it.
Months? No way. Sure I didn't sleep for about 4 days, but it will pass.
Here is what I do when D (detox) day comes.

1.) Buy a whole bunch of fluid to drink. Powerade and stuff like that helps. Drink them even when you feel like you are going to throw up.  
2.) Avoid caffeine, it will kill you. Not really but it makes you feel terrible.  
3.) Walk a lot. It ***** while you are doing it but you might be able to sleep after you tire yourself out.
4.) What ever you do, don't lie in bed all day. That makes the nights terrible.
5.) Have someone rub your legs if you can find them. It helps with cramps.
6.) Take 10 showers a day if you need to. You feel a little better when you are in them.
7.) Buy a heating pad and use it on your legs.  
8.) When you start to get the diarrhea, take some anti diarrhea medication. You can't afford losing all of that liquid.
Dehydration is usually what makes you feel so bad.
9.) Take some Kava Kava. It helps with sleep.
10.) Some people have luck taking benadryl, but I don't know about that because it increases you blood pressure, which is what is making your legs hurt so bad.
11.) Eat, force yourself to, because if you don't you will feel bad.
12.) If your doctor will give you Lyrica it helps a lot.
13.) Pot helps a lot too. It seems to take your mind off of it. It works  way better for withdrawls when you eat it. Remember it doesn't work  unless you cook it...Brownies!
14.) You can take some over the counter pain meds. Some people say they help a little with the restless legs situation, but it never worked for me.
15.) If you know someone with Calonapine (Sp?) the blood pressure medication who is willing to let you have some, it helps a lot. The reason you legs and body hurt so much has to do with your blood pressure. Narcs push your blood pressure way down. When you stop taking them your blood pressure shoots through the roof.
16.) Go tanning in a tanning bed. For some reason it helps with the hot/cold flashes that come. It also helps with the sleeping issue.
17.) Don't take off your last patch. Keep it on as long as you can.
Here is a big one.........When you start feeling really bad, take the heating pad and put it on the old patches you still have on. It cooks the drugs out. Keep in mind you can only do this about three times  so save this trick for when you really need it.
18.) Set a timer for 72 hours. Start this timer the second your last patch runs out. When the timer runs out, you are already done with the worst of it. It gets better after this as long as you aren't dehydrated.
I hope this helps some of you out there in detox land. Don't worry it won't kill you. It just makes you want to kill yourself for a little while. The first 72 hours is the worst. Ride out the storm.
You can make it guys.
Good luck and post back if you have any questions.

Joshua Ryan from Oregon.    
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352798 tn?1399298154
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i finnaly found what i was looking for,
i am currantly on the .75 fent.,and am very concerned about withdrawals,at least now i have found someone who can relate to me and my concerns,your situation is very serious,as i know mine shall also be.
i experiance withdrawls nearly every time it is time to change the patch,that may sound stupid,but it is very true,i think the worse part of them has got to be the thrashing around in bed,it's like i've no control of my body,like my insides are trying to come out of me. i fear that the worse is yet to come,as time goes by,i am quite certain,that my body will build a tollerance, which can only mean that the .75 will jump up to .100 and so on.
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452063 tn?1324074916
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228936 tn?1249094248
I didn't know that fentynal withdrawl was that bad or long. It doesn't surprise because it's synthetic like methadone and suboxone. These drugs are nothing to play with and unfortunetly a lot of docs don't really know what they are doing with these drugs.
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