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Tapering off Oxycontin

Now that I am off the Fentanyl patch, I am left with an addiction to Oxycontin.  I am taking two 20 mg oxycontin twice a day.  I would like to switch that to taking one every six hours for a while, and then try to drop one here and there.  These are capsules so I can't cut them in half.  Is this the best way to taper myself off these?  I found out if the opiate level in my blood gets too low, I start to feel anxious, but have to get off these one way or the other.  I still have some oxycodones left, maybe I can substitute some of the SR's for the shorter acting stuff and cut back that way.  I can't take any more time off work, and I am finally feeling good, so I don't want to screw things up, but how else am I going to get off the oxy's?  My doc knows I am taking them to ward off the withdrawals, I was honest and told him my pain isn't that much, I just can't stop the oxy or I'll get sick. He gave me lots of Oxycontin, so maybe I can taper off one way or the other. He was just gonna leave me on this for a couple months, but don't know what his plan is from there, maybe go down to Vicodins instead of the heavy stuff.  Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
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i have been tapering from oxy's also, for several months now, i had been on percocets for 3 yrs, i'm down to two 10mg's a day,mine are in tablet form, the dr says no way, when i asked about cutting them in half, so be careful. bmac from bama, glad to see you posting again, i had planned on being off the meds all together, before i posted again, but it hasn't worked out that way. so hi to everyone, and good luck.
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I was in a similar position, having been on the patch.   I felt that I was being continually dosed with "heroin" and even with a small dose of short acting breakthrough meds I still felt miserable.  Although much of the anxiety may have been in my head, I know I had to get off the patch.  Saw my MD today and he switched me to 3 vicoprofen per day and I have some .5 Klonopin for anxiety. Most over-the counter sleep medications work pretty well (or try dramamine) and I've also been taking 5-htp.  Anyway, I don't know how I'll react to the vicoprofen dose but I'm very relieved to be off the patch.  Please keep me posted.....and all the best to you.

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one of the problems with getting off oxy,
is tapering with another drug like vike's
when you switch to vike's  the problem
is you feel like you are taking nothing .
going from such a strong med to a weaker
one, the trap a lot of fallinto is we start taking a lot
more of them per day then we should.
when  we switch from oxy to vikes to taper .
we have to stick to a strict regament.
8 a day  for a week then 7  then 6  and so on.
a lot of us have little sucess with tapering .
and find that it is easier to just go cold turkey
and deal with the week of with drawls.
then the depression and lack of energy after week 1.
the thomas's recipe helps a lot with these symptoms.

l-tyrosine 500mg 8 a day week 1, 4 a day weeks after.(some people may want to ajust the l-tyrosine .
b-6 100 mg 2 a day
a strong multi vitamine
vitamines  -A-E- and C\
copper, magnesse, zinc, phospours,
imodium for the runs.
something for sleep week 1 xanax or valium.
lots of hot baths for restless legs  there is a med for restless
leg ( cinemet) there are others..  
lots of water or gatoraid.
exersize is very good , the more the better.
keep posting
peace hippy
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as for me t/c was the only way i could get clean. but what a *****..but i did it... 17 days clean today..."smile"...if i can be any help to anyone here please email at ***@****    Love to all that is in this place we call HELL    Jack
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Jack that is awesome! Congratulations! How do you feel? Are you sleeping? I have a ? with the L-Ty, is it better to take it throughout the day? Will it help more? Why do you need the coper and magnesium? ****, I took 3 500 of the L-Ty's before the interview and felt like I was gonna puke and got the shakes! I know I have to lower it. Also, Just a thought for anyone, I take this stuff called calms forte', ever hear of it? It is real good for anxiety, jitters, restlessness, and even sleep (probably not sleep if your detox, take melatonin) anyway, it is homeopathic and safe enough for children. It helps you relax and there are no chemicals what so ever in it. The same homeopathic company,I believe it's hyland's, has one for leg cramps that is also great. Just trying to be helpful, KimH
P.S. you can look that up on the web for a store
near you
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Sorry, one more quick question,
Does this site somehow make it so you can't post questions after awhile? Or like if you don't pay, you are automaticly set to have that "sorry, the post is full,no more questions today,blah blah blah"? I had NO problem with the first 2, I even got 2 in a row and one right before that. Just curious   KimH
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Well to tell the truth I
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being an addict we are extreemist, it is easier for us to go
from lots of pills to none at all , one extreem to the other.
that is our nature,its all or none. that is our nature.
as for posting questions , they take 2 questions a day ,
and that window is open around 8 am to 11 am est.
latley there have been days where there has only been 1 question taken.
i think that was due to some of the disunity 2 weeks ago.
the question are free. but should be geared twards the doctor.
i think it is fair to say if someone has a question and can not post it at the top. they should just post it on any thread.
and someone will answer it. thats what we do , we help each
other and share our experence and hope.
we just need to always respect each other , we have a mix of people here , some getting clean and facing withdrawls.from pain meds and trying ti find a way out of the hell of addiction to pain meds,
some who have been clean for a while and share thier experence.
there are also chronic pain patients who have to take medacation, and deal with the problems that may arise in thier
situations like reactions to certian medacations and finding
meadacations that work and are safe..

peace !hippy
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Wanted to point out something hippee said in the last post.To those of you who made it and are clean, please keep posting.I wont speak for anyone else but seeing that people can actually come clean and live a normal life(which is the part Im leery about lately)is good to know.Its inspiring to know that it can be done.Its great to ask quetions to people that have been there about what to expect (thanks MrM) and it helps to know the feelings that come with wds are normal.It makes them not quite so scary,for me anyway.Just a note...Doner
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I think the copper and manganese (along with the vitamins) are part of what your body needs to help re-route & reconstruct your brain synapse around the center that died.  When we take opiates for an extended period of time, our body reacts by stopping production of dopamines:  The pathways die.  That's one of the main reasons we have feelings of detox, weakness, fatigue, etc.
Plus, 99 (if not) 100% of the time, good ol' Mr. Diarreah comes to visit for an extended period of time (much like inlaws) and depletes our body of the nutrients we need to get healthy again.
It's just too bad a multi-vitamin doesn't deliver a buzz.  Man... I could sure go for a good multi-vitamin buzz right about now.  And wash it down with a copper chaser.  Mmmm.... Copper.
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PS to my last post.Huge congratulations,well done,and any other word that equals absolutely incredible. Im so proud of you and I dont even really know you.But now that you're clean and on the right road please dont leave us as we need you for an inspiration.Congrats again,Melissa
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yes that is soooo true... Mr. Diarreah comes to visit everyday.... still after 18 days...but that's OK with me i can handle it...it's better and Mr. Deamon that would visit every 4 to 5 hr's after a hand full of them there pills..and it too will pass..if i can do it.. then so can you....Be Clean Jack
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WOW! Well thanks for answering my questions guys, I'd say we got some pretty damn smart @%#$&*% junkies out here eh? I'm all set on the diarreha thanks! you guys are great! KimH
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Well Doner,
If you want to hear about clean time, Today is one month for me from Methadone. The only "withdrawl" feelings I have are the shivers (goose flesh) and the occasional using thought but even that is getting less and less. I still only sleep about six hours a night.
Talk to ya later, Greg
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To start with I don
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PS to my last post.Huge congratulations,well done,and any other word that equals absolutely incredible. Im so proud of you and I dont even really know you.But now that you're clean and on the right road please dont leave us as we need you for an inspiration.Congrats again,Melissa
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sorry about the double post.
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Bravo Dude and well done .... this business of getting clean and STAYING CLEAN (the hard part) is an ongoing process. A lifetime endeavor. I am not clean right now. I planned to quit vicodin in 2 days and I hope I can face it. I did quit ultram after 2 1/2 years and it was hard ... but thanks to people like you, and the Good Lord above, I was able to follow through. Now I'm feeling like running away because depression is setting in ... my low dose of vicodin isn't making me happy anymore and I'm having thoughts of ultram or more vicodin or whatever. I don't mind the physical stuff .... but depression really scares me. Anyway Jack, you are an inspiration to us all .... good job and thank you, Goldie
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I think i took every pill know to man at one time are another are all a once..hell i don't even know how i'm even alive...i took ultram as well about 20 along with 4-6 Norco and 6-8 Oxy. a day for years and years...i don't know how i even have a liver left...but the dr. said it's fine..God is looking after me i guess....i know he is...just go for it and do it..good luck... Jack
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I just wanted to add my congratulations as well.  I know Oxy is stronger than Hydrocodone (which I was taking before switching to buprenorphine) and when I would go through c/t withdrawals, I thought I would die.  I know that it wouldn't have happened, but I felt very weak when I would revert right back to the hydro cuz I couldn't take the symptoms.

Just wanted to say that you're an inspiration and to please stick around if you can and let others know what you've been through -- It really helps to hear of successes like yours.
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i tried to taper from 160-200mg oc and 100-400mg morphine (the grey ones) pills and made it down to 20-40mg oc.. it took me like 3 months and was hell the whole time.. then i learned real hell. kicking in jail.
i have been clean 6 days now since my last relapse (2 days-160mg oc) and i have had one other 2 day relapse (400 mg morphine) since i first went "cold turkey" on april 1st (when i went to jail).
i was unable to quit through tapering.
i am now going to NA (tonite was my first meeting) just to keep myself busy from copping..
i'm too ashamed to tell my girlfriend or my roomate i relapsed, so i have to do it on the solo this time.. ack.
the worst from what i've been through is the depression. i crack around day 20-30.
i wish i could afford a head doctor.. my friend went on paxil.. and he seems ok. i'm taking the bull by thee horns though and going 100% natural..
smoking pot doesn't help alleviate symptoms
bouncing back and forth between opiods to avoid addiction (ah-ha!!) does NOT work.
i'm trying to get up the energy to rode my bike, which i know will help.. but it takes me at least 1-2 hrs to get out of bed every day. so one step at a time i guess..
so my advice is join me on the cold turkey adventure.. do whatever you have to do to get clean.. but you need help.. and won't be able to "taper" by yourself.. when i finally admitted that is when i started moving forward.
thanks for all your stories, they really help. good luck to all of you.
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Rush2danger I had to kick a bad dope habit in jail. I told everyone how I got arrested that time, didn't tell ya it was a 3rd OUI! 5 mos manditory! I did get transfered to a treatment jail, not til after the dope w/d.I know what that's like!It sucks! Sometimes that is what we need. Just stick to it!
Jack, I cannot obsorb or comprehend the fact you flushed those! I don't think, I know I couldn't do that. I'd have to at least (and I'm so greedy when it comes to drugs I couldn't even do this) sell them. That's alot of drugs Jack! What amazing strentgth! HAD to be God! I have had oxycodone, is it the same as oxycontin? The ones I had really didn't seem to do too much. Jack, you are an inspiration!God bless you and your family!KimH
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Hey Golden,
I haven't had the chance to congratulate you on kicking the Tramadol!

GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Very happy for you.

With you being at such a low dose of hydro., and it not doing anything for you(as the depression is still rearing its' ugly head), any thoughts of dropping them all together, and starting the L-Tyrosine/Vit. B-6 combo??
I just know so many of us have had success(me included) with those supplements(and specifically to stave off depression).

After a month of clean time, i was able to drop them also, without any setback(ie. depression); potentially offset by a fairly rigorous exercise schedule(that i still maintain).

Just a thought.
Take Care Friend,

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The biggest learning experience in this getting clean thing is if you ask God for help he will help. And like I said, I have not talked to him in 35 years, but when I did he helped and he helped right then, I still can't believe it. I feel I have been born again...I really can't believe I
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