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Thomas's DeTox Reciepe

Would anyone know where I can find his formula. Also, thanks for the replies. For the last two full weeks I have reduced the "doses" I take per day. Going from at least 5 and usually 7-8 per day, I am now just "needing" to have some in the morning, afternoon and before bed. I also have reduced the amount per dose by a few pills. I have been reading alot of info on some Narcotics Detoxification Under Anesthesia clinic. Seems to me in a nut shell, they put you under for a few hours, and prescribe a drug such as Naltrexone for a week or two and thats it? Well, thanks for listening. P.S. Wiz, thanks for the support...Peace Out...Doc
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Wow that was a quick reply...

This fifth day is kinda going in & out, I'll feel fine for an hour and then feel like sh*t for another. I felt my worst when I laid down and watched TV for an hour, so I went and played tug-of-war with my dog (she loves playing that), and for some reason it really helped! It seems the more I move around and occupy my thinking, the less this damn WD irritates me. When I sit or lay down, I hit another bout of leg-twitches and headaches (like now!).

I found this forum only last sunday and everyone here is very friendly and positive, which is just what one needs when going through this ****. It keeps you honest the more you post too. I'm not going to any NA or AA meetings, but I probably will at some point in the future with my mother, who dealt with a coke-sniffing, pill-popping, lying, cheating (in more ways then one), stealing, manipulative, psycho of a husband for over 15 years and is JUST NOW filing for divorce from the scumbag. She also has a med habit of her own (started with tooth-surgery, you do the math). As a result, her will to live has diminished rapidly and I know a good meeting once in awhile would breath some new life back into her. I'm the kind of person who will quit something and not look back, although I've gone in & out of percocet use since Jan of 2000.

Before that I was a pothead and on Dec. 2nd, 1999 I quit it for good only to pick up another useless habit. This time I'm 100% DONE with the stuff, no question. I know that ONE TIME is all it would take to get me back on the downward spiral, and the way I feel NOW is the way I felt when I quit marijuana, a sort of "detestful" feeling that I never want to encounter again. I play a lot of mental games in my mind when going through times like this, like I will envision the VERY BEST time I had when taking the drugs (we all have these), then I'll compare that mental picture with a best time I had being totally drug-free and healthy (we're talking NO CAFFEINE, NO ALCOHOL, nothing). My only conclusion is that those "great" feelings under the influence were not my own, while the feelings from being sober were 100 times greater and infinitely more true and REAL! It takes a lot more effort to be positive WHILE sober after having an addictive background (which I do), but if you let your past eat away at you, you're only kidding/cheating yourself imo. Hope I don't sound too preachy, but I think the one thing that not enough people do when quitting something is to have confidence in THEMSELVES! Other people can help, but in the end it's up to the individual to do the real work at hand. If the self-doubt gets the best of you, there's no one else to blame but #1 ;o). I heard somewhere to "live deliberately" (don't remember where), and I think that might be the truest statement I've ever heard!!!

Of course, talking things out with others is a useful tool of course, so I don't want to sound like I'm this Mr. Do-it-Yourself, I think you know what I'm getting at. It's good that you have found this forum as well, because it might mean the difference between using and not using. I can't even begin to fathom the daily burden of a single mother though, so I hope you can take my words for what they're worth (a bit idealistic I'd imagine). Every time I've gone through a WD, it's like the hugest eye-opener for me. I suddenly notice things, like birds and sunsets and all the little things that I'd completely ignored with my drug, so I hope you can excuse my Tony Robbins-tone here....hahahh.....

Thanks for listening, I'll be here all night. Look for my new motivational best-seller soon along with a taped seminar of.........eh nevermind I can't back that up...  :-D

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Well good nes, everyone -- I hopew. I am now almost 60 hours into withdrawal (beginning my 3rd night) ands things are getting better.

Last night was hell, especially the kicking & convulsing and not being able to sleep. I took 4 amps of Buprenex (2 in each IM injection site) but it didn't sem to help. Of course, who knows how much worese it might have been without the Bup? Anyone's guess, I suppose.

But right now my only symtoms are disorientation and extreme fatigue. No major tremors or vomiting or even diahrea. Does this mean I've past the worst part, or could the withdrawal symotoms resurface again. Anyone have a clue?

Anyway, I want to say how inspiring and comforting to read everyone's posts here and know that I (we) are not alone.

I especially want to thank Kip for his wise and kind words that somehow through all the pain managed to stay with me. Bless you, my friend.

Let me know if anyone has comments on my questions above. Thanks.
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I just happened to be reading again and saw you replied....how wonderful.  How are you feeling, being your 5th day?  Physically I am feeling alot better, but I'm feeling that I cant accomplish anything and have no drive to do so either.  I have been reading on here all day, it seems, and I have posted a few comments to others and every thing that EVERYONE has said is ME!!!  No matter if its perc, lorcets, heroin, methodone, oxy....we all share the same qualities....How long have you been on this forum and has it helped?  Are you going to any meetings, etc...sorry for all the questions, it just feels good talking to another that feels the same inside as I do.....
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OHHHH that leg-kicking thing!!! I really despise that. It's strange because sometimes when I'm laying down I feel I HAVE to move my legs, it occupies my mind or something. I just can't sit still at all, and today I've been moving and moving around because it takes the focus off of my headaches, and now that I'm sitting down and typing this, the headache is BACK! Ugh.

Anyway, that's a really noble thing you're doing Kristen, you have my upmost respect for tending to 2 children alone while coming off of all those meds, which is a lot more then I was taking. I was in the 6-8 range with percs for the most part, with 1-2 lortab (10s) and 2 somas a day, at one time it was also capped off with a nightly Valium and Xanax combo, but I stopped that weeks ago and had one hellacious night of coming off those. Stay with it, there's just no reason for this NOT to be your last withdrawal, because eventually the drugs have got to stop, right? ;o)

Schlub, here's lookin' at you kid! I'm sure you're having minute-to-minute thoughts of throwing in the towel, but remember that you won't die from this, and despite going through many days of dreadful discomfort, the rewards are SOOOOOOOO much more when you find homeostasis again, it may SEEM like a long time (hint: AVOID ANY NEARBY CLOCKS!!!) but it's better than doing it more and more only to find yourself further down the same bad road you were heading down. I'll send some serious positive vibes over your way (I've got reserves)!

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I have been sitting here at the computer reading this forum and I am feeling for you....When you mentioned the leg shaking thing, I knew exactly what you meant.  I was a heavy opiate user (up to 30 10s a day) and would just lay in bed and kick and shake and kick...it was miserable.  Hang in there, this wont last forever....life is so much better without all that s@$%t in your body.  I pray your withdrawals subside soon....hopefully by tomorrow your feeling better....hang in there...kristen
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Thank so much for replying GJ...I'm amazed at how many people in this world are going through this same hell as I am.  I did take a xanax last night to help sleep and slept a bit, and maybe that is also the reason for my feeling tired/lethargic (sp?).  At this time, I just DONT feel like doing anything, except watching TV and I have so much to do being a single mom with 2 kids.  Its HELL trying to force myself to try and live a normal life.  I think at my 5th day I was still having chills and sweats that finally subsided after a week.  

You keep up the good work and any time you need to get something off your chest, just shoot....I've gone through this detoxing dozens and dozens of times, only to start again on pain meds....so hopefully this time will be the last.  I think this is the first time I've gone 10 days in the 10 years of abusing pain meds....

Thanks for your encouragement and if anyone has any other words of advice, I would love to hear.  Thanks~
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