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Ultram Withdrawl

I have been abusing Ultram for the past 5 years, and am up to maybe 10 pills a day. I have tried to stop b4 but have such terrible withdrawl sx. that I don't want to go through that again, so are there any suggestions as to how i can avoid the w/d sx. Can I taper, add any natural supplements to my taper, etc. Please help.
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I was given Ultram for bilateral foot surgeries that didn't work. That was in 1997. Fast forward 2013...I have I guess what would be called W/D symptoms, extreme nausea, cold sweats, vomiting, dry heaves...anyhow my doc says its from the Ultram. Don't take it!!!! I am trying to down dose now but it is a slow process, and it *****.
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All I can tell you buddy is to get off cold turkey. Weening never worked for me and noticed that a lot of people just cant ween. Go cold turkey, stop all pain meds because trust me brother, back pain is better to deal with that addiction. Once you do that, do some coffie enemas and start taking multi-vitamins and amino acids. get exercise and take long hot showers.
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Just wanted to warn people because I had to suffer a lot with Ultram. I was addicted to pain killers and would no longer take them for my back pain but just for pleasure. So I got hooked on Vicoden, Norco and Percocet. I can tell you from withdrawals from every pill listed, that Ultram was the worst for me. My doctor would swear that Ultram is not addictive (BS!) and it was the way to go if I wanted to get off my pain meds. Yeah right!!  I was able to get off Norco, Vicoden and Percocet much easier that Ultram.  
Once I decided to get off all pain meds once and for all because I was tired of planning my day around a stupid little pill I decided to get off Ultram. I was hell-bent on letting big-pharma control my life NO-MORE!! . Let me tell you, Ultram withdrawal is like living in hell for 6 days straight, That's how long it took before I was able to get some sleep. Just the RLS was hell in-itself. please take it from me, DO NOT USE ULTRAM!!!.
It took 6 days for me to feel semi-normal. It was hell but I was tired of being a slave to these pills. Now it's been a month since I used and still have some trouble sleeping but feeling much better than before. I know every case is different but just wanted to warn people that ULTRAM is a Lie and should be labeled highly addictive. I hope someone reads this and avoids going through hell like I did.
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hi. I am 22 with alot of back pain. I was diagnosed with scholiosis in middle school but i have always had pain. More so now than ever due to me being more active and doing landscaping for a living. I was perscribed ultram. 60 pills a month. Well 60 turned into 180 and some. When im all out i get anxious ''rls'' feelings in only one leg, grumpy, tired, and weak. Now 'tired' and 'weak' do not go well with my job since i use dangerous equipment everyday. Anyways, ive tried vitamins, muscle relaxers, ropinerol which is for rls and nothing makes me sleep or feel any better. Any other suggestions. Im too young to ruin my life..
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just to let everyone know. people are very different. my sister was addicted to ultram she took 15 a day and tried to ween herself off without a doctor in the second week she started to hear voices and was very peranoid. during the second week the voices told her to drink pinesol thank god her husband was home and smelled it in her vomit. he called 911 and they got her to the hospital in time. so i advise anyone who is addicted to seek help dont do it by yourself .we are very lucky to have her here today. god bless all of you.
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I have been on 600 mgs. of Ultram for several years. I have 2 refills of 120 left, and then my doctor is only going to write me a script for 1 200 mg ultram ER a day. I am trying to wean myself, but this is a horrible withdraw with the worst symptom being horrible depression.
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how much ultram do you have to take to become addicted and how long do you have to take it
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199177 tn?1490498534
Hun this post is five years old. I would hate to see people overlook your post .If you go up to the top of the fourm. You will see where it says "post a question" and repost ......hope to see you post .
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hi iam a mother of two and i am hooked on tramadol!!! my mother is also. we get them off the net,and we want to stop! i cant do it anylonger,i have two beautiful children and iam only in my late twienties!!! but we have been takeing them for 1 1/2 years. i love the i can do anything feeling that i get from them,but i hate the crabby come downs. and this is what iam scared of that i love them soooo much. they are a part of my life i cant go anywhere without them. its so funny because i always said i never was a person that could take pills everyday and always remember.(ha ha ) well we just need to know how to tapper off and what in means to take supplements and things and other drugs to help you make it????!!!! please help i want to be free of this controling,powerful beast for good. so i can get on with our lives!! thanks for listening also i have chrones disease and my husband left two months ago, made it eaiser to stay with them!!    thanks babyangels27
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And i was not prescribed the ultram obviously but someone in my family had it prescribed so i could get it at anytime i wanted.
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I took Lortab for back pain for about 3 weeks to a month and i became "dependant". I was a little too young to know that you could get addicted to ultram when i first started taking it years before the Lortab. I took it for stomach cramps. When i stopped taking it several times after i took the ultram for just a couple days, i finally realized that the miserable feeling i had after stopping the ultram was actually related to taking the ultram. The withdrawl from the Lortab was just as bad! For some reason, i started taking ultram again as a "quick-fix" to pain and depression. I am ashamed and toooo young to on this medicine. I went to go off of it yesterday thinking that since i had only been taking 2 at night for 2 weeks the "withdrawl" wouldn't be that bad. But when i woke up yesterday from not taking it the night before i was so achey and fatigued and had the worst headache. Laying in bed didn't help and i had to get up and go somewhere. Well, i started having these hot flashes and cold sweats (which i can't stand) and then i got so dizzy and couldn't stand anymore. I just wish there was something i could do to lessen the symptoms and to know how long it will take to feel better. I remember the last times it was only a couple of days but they were the longest days of my life. Can i drink water? I mean i would love to sit in the bath ALL day but i have school and things i have to do. I don't want to wait till the weekend. This medicine takes away my personality and going off it causes me depression especially going off it but i think i can handle that. If i can manage exercising should i? Will it quicken it? Because i also know that any small amount of pain is just that much greater when you are in the process of going off it. Okay i am done. Hopefully someone can help!
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I have a question~~  I've been on Vicodin 7.5mg for a while now for chronic nerve pain---it has been a great help for pain---before that I was on Tramadol 50mg.....Coming off the Tramadol was no picnic, as I'm sure you're all aware.....My question is:
I'm going away this weekend, so I've set aside enough of the Vicodin for the trip...however, that is the last of it until I see my doctor when I come back. I believe I've become accustomed to the Vicodin, because when I dont take it i feel terrible.....Since I don't have enough Vicodin for the next 3 days until my trip,  would it be safe to take a small amount of the Tramadol each day until the trip, then resume taking the Vicodin during-?
Thanks for any help~!
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Way to go!! I like your handle .... that's what tramadol does ... turns you into an energy machine! But lets face it. No real person has that much energy! It's unatural.(smile) I am presently holding at 2 1/2 tabs a day. I dose once in the morning, after having toast and tea. I was at 2 1/4 but came down with a sinus infection and had to get antibiotics, so I went back to my comfort zone. I want to make one more drop to 2 pills every morning and then plan on a total withdrawal. You sound so good. Try to drink some extra water(distilled) every day and take mild suppliments. You don't want to bombard your kidneys with alot of extra chemicals. Slow and steady wins the race. If you take it slow ... you will get through it perfectly. Going from 20 to 12 is a big drop. I would say to stay at each level for a week or more. This drug is full of trickery. You think it's ok ... then you get some weird and unexpected symptom a week later. Build yourself up .... and have something for sleep if and when it is necessary. I use a heating pad for the early evening backache. Also a backscratcher for that "crawly" feeling. I'll be sending good thoughts to you .... ***@****
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Hello Again!

Not too sure Taper-ees is a word.  Now it is!  Just wondering with all those who are one "The Schedule" (tapering) how it is going and if you have any words of Wisdom for me.  Just got back from TJ for my LAST bottle of Tramadol and bid everyone down there ADIOS!  Scary thing... as I left "Frankie" told me, "no matter what you need Nina, I can get it for you."  Hmmmm, I wonder if he can get me an autographed photo of Antonio Banderas?  Or, Antonio Banderas himself!  Somehow I don't think that's what he meant.  

Anyway... read somewhere on the web that one gentleman used the 4mg Nicorette Gum for any withdrawls and it actually took the edge off them.  Has anyone else heard of this?  Would it be wise to mix the two?

To get myself started on the Return Path Back To The Real Me, I went from 20 to 12 pills yesterday with no problem.  I also took lots of B Vitamins and a liver and kidney cleansing supplement.

I'm ganna do this!  No more excuses!  If for anyone, for my 5 year old son.  He doesn't deserve a Mom dependant on a pill.

Thanks for reading!
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Try to switch to another opiate after you have tapered as much as you can with your Opiate of Choice.  It is very hard to taper completely off of your Opiate of Choice without switching to another Opiate close to the end.  Try not to switch to any Opiate that is too strong (Gives you much of a "uzz")or use for too long - you don't want to trade one Opiate for another, but to taper off.
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Is "ultracet" anything like Ultram.. addictive, the usu Qs. A coworker told me she had been taking in a long while (maybe for arthritis) and I shared a buncha Ultram stories w/ her.. I didnt know @ Ultracet, nor did she.. Hope I get an answer this being posted so "low" on the Forum~

AN ASIDE: i Just heard an ad on the Boob Tube for the BURNT COOKIE COMPANY... mmmmm rivals my taste for Vikes!

Burnt cookies and milk.
~~Tres delish

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Hi, WonderMom here.

Ready to kick the Ultram Beast.  I'm up to (sometimes) 20-25 a day.  I'm taking the Tramadol from Mexico.  I've been making bi-monthly trips to Tijuana ($4 round-trip) bus trip from US border.  Living in So. Cal had this disadvantage for me.  I've actually become good friends with my Mexican Pharmicist Frankie.  I'm not sure if he thinks I'm selling them here on the streets or what, but according to everyone across the border, they are non-addictive.  I think they know better.  He gives me 100 for $50. You can declare them at the Border because they are not a scheduled narcotic.  Needless to say, it's been all to easy.

I will go tomorrow,  get my last two bottles, set up my tapering program, and enlist in my Sister to hold on to them for me.  I'm also going to use internal cleansers, blood purifiers, and supplements to help get it out of my system faster.  I will use Xanax as needed (from Mexico of course) since it does not produce any type of euphoria or anti-depressant action.  I have been taking Tramadol for anti-depression.  It has worked but I have definately abused it.  

I will post what supplements have helped.  My Mom said she heard of one that is suppose to be excellent for helping eliminate the cravings.

I guess, just thanks for reading my post.  Just knowing that its out there and being read by others like me confirms my will.  I'll probably check in when things get hairy.

Big Hug To Everyone.
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Hey there,

I hope you can get through this alright.

I know how good it feels to have it and how awful it feels

not to have it.  Things like this are very difficult to get

through without a huge cache of support and assistance of

some sort.  Please do not hesitate to write to me directly

and I will answer you in support.  This forum seems to be a

good source of support for more people than meets the eye.

Your willingness to write and ask for help or for answers to

your addiction is a step in the right direction, babe, and the

hopefully it does'nt stop there.  What I recommend is tapering

especially because everything that I have learned about this drug

is that it works on opiate pain receptors and is also an

anti-depressant which in long term use is not a good combo.  

Even though the doctors will tell you that its non-addictive.

Man, I could ring every doctors neck who said that.  Well take

care babe, and write me back with progress.

Socal Grappler
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Jeez you guy's, I didnt mean to call on the wolves!!! Thanks I do know about drugbuyers, been there done that, to high priced!!. I'm not afraid of the DEA, after all I do things on a legit basis. I was just wondering if anyone knows of "another  source" that is not so expensive? My e-mail is either ***@****, or, ***@****                 Thanks Ya'll ,T
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Don't worry about Thomas. You would think after all the drugs he has alluded to doing, he is permanetly paronoid.
The dea can't track EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in the ******* world.
Drugbuyers.com will provide you with legal, DEA approved, ways of obtaining legal Rx's for many items. Read up, learn, especially on the DEA's laws, ect. and you will be fine.
Have a good night.
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A word to the wise: don't talk sources here unless you mean the legal kind. Anyone can get a handle on this forum, which is one reason it's always interesting. But your decidedly unfriendly neighborhood DEA man can get a handle here, too. Of course, you're free to talk privately with forum members about anything you want.

As for Ultram sources, as long as you have the money, there are hundreds of online pharmacies that legally offer Ultram (tramadol). Just enter the word Ultram in Google and you'll get more pharmacies than you know what to do with.

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Hey Babe, So sorry to hear what has happened to you!! But guess what??I've been there and still going!! How do you tell someone "Good Job!! " and then be a hypocrite?? (Sorry for the spelling ), I cant seem too find the easy way out of this hell!! Oh well!! Good luck to you !! Wish you the best, One thing? I realy like Ultram, shame on me.....I'm a 41 year old gal with a stressful life..so tell me how you cannot get away from something that makes you feel soo good???                              Talk To Ya, Tana
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Yes the lambs r crying!! I'm going through another Hell!!, Oh well, dont we all?? Bahh ,Bahh ,Black Sheep...If you ( meaning all of you), can anyone tell me of a good secure source?? I've been through a very well know one, but am looking for something better..I'm sorry for "feeding the urge" to many..but this is my hell!!! Thanks, Tana
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I've written my story before it's exactly like the one on HBO "The Smashing Machine" if you know what I'm talking about you will appreciate it I am a very well known ultimate fighter and was in an unfortunate accident that took almost took my life but unfortunately took my career.  I am also a world-class freestyle wrestler who has had his share of adversity.  But anyway, I have been on so many pain killers on and off and had no problem getting off of them until I met ULTRAM that was the day my life changed I had four ruptured discs,broken ribs,broken ankle and numerous fractures in my spine and was using these drugs to calm the pain also some nerve damage that extended into my stomach. Well anyway I would take Vic's,Morphine 10mg and some other stuff like tylox but for some reason I could stop for awhile and there were no serious withdrawls and then I went to the doctor and he told me that there was this stuff called Ultram that worked great for pain (I guess he did'nt want to make me a junkie) and I said "cool" let me get it. And then he said it's also non-addictive and I said even "cooler"

Well needless to say after about a couple months I was having to take so many pill of this stuff just to fend off my pain and my withdrawls. I knew they were withdrawls because of the profuse sweating and the creepy crawlys and anxiety that was unbearable.

I have trained and cut weight for competitions before and I thought that was a test of will and heart but this,this was different I could'nt take it.  

One day I just woke up and told myself I ain't taking this **** no more well that was a rude awakening I went from about 15 pills a day to 0. Well I got sick could eat sleep and felt real bad all I wanted was a pill but my will prevailed and it took about a month to feel normal and be able to function again.

I am still taking medication but it's all over the couter and my body is'nt tricking me anymore about the pain.

Well try to stay away from Ultram if you can at first it won't give you a buzz but after you get used to it will and then it will take over your life.\

Write Back///////

SoCal Grappler
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