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New Medicine to stop craving for Herion Addicts in recovery

I have an 18 year old son who is a Herion addict. I heard on a news show that there is a new Medicine to help stop the craving for Herion but was not yet in the U.S.
Can anyone tell me where this medicine is.
My wife and I are going crazy trying to keep him sober.
We truly belive him that he does want to stay clean but can't
Drug rehabs have not been the answer.

Thank you
48 Responses
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18444038 tn?1464915918
i am a ex-heroin junkie. my husband and I had about a $500 a day habit and lost our business, a home, two vehicles, all of our family(on both sides, and our freedom.... and after this unhealthy cycle went on for 2-3 years......we both decided it was time for a change.... we have both been on the SUBUTEX (or suboxone in most cases) program since 2013.... unfortunately we graduated in 2015 and have already been influenced into that world once more.... and by the grace of God we were smart enough to go back to the program instead of the streets this time.......
as addicts we must change people, places, and things, but it never is easy to avoid addicts and to avoid the thoughts of an addicts mind.. I know that its hard to come to terms with its A DISEASE and I CANNOT CHANGE WHO I AM OR HOW I THINK... (as for your children or sister/brother or whomever THEY ARE SICK!!!!!) I am a FIRM BELIEVER in the subutex program and I may have been a terrible human begin every single day for 750 straight days but today I am not that person... I do not steal, lie, cheat or any of those horrible things today.. BC SUBUTEX (suboxone) SAVED MY LIFE!! Today we still are in the program and may be members of the program until the day we die, but never be ashamed to say I can not do this on my own and I know I need help...... the day we admitted we needed the help... is the day our lives changed for the better.... we are CLEAN AND SOBER (only take our subutex daily, which is our sober in this program) and today we have our own home, two new cars, I am in college and will have my bachelors in less than 18 months, and my husband works a full time job daily....
Please I beg of you to never ever pressure your children into rehab or making them be "normal" (because us as addicts normal is not the same as your normal, maybe we can not cope w/ everyday life because of an active mind or past issues or even todays issues; mine being that I was raped as a child, my mother a heroin extreme-ist, my father in and out of prison, and then suddenly an orphan with no one; and I had a good adopted family and the day my adopted dad died....... i was 17 and lonely and mad at the world.... then it hit me............... knock myself out.. then its over----------- well i learned that I can live day to day life without killing my soul.. and I can be "NORMAL" and it does not have to be on anyone else time but my own.... I had been to rehab, never helped.. the day I got home I was using..... i never changed UNTIL I WANTED to change!!!!!)

I am 1000% Pro Subtex(Suboxone)
it truly saved my once miserable life
and now I am the best person I can be!
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id love to be able to get this meds ive been on it for 4 year now and ive been struck off im running round trying to get any were no luck so far lee    partyjack 929  at g mail  com im stuck
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I'm sorry I meant september 2006
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My husband has been an addict for 13 years we met in september 2007 since then he is on and off with smoking but for the most part he takes sub it is very addictive he takes maybe a half a pill a day sometimes 1 when he has bad pain in his legs!! I know before we met he smoked everyday all day then when we got together it changed!! He says it is because of me and he loves me but here is my question will he stay like this forever you know not doing it so often or will he go right back into it?? It is so hard for me cause when he talks about it I get so mad cause I have done almost every drug there is but that and I never got like him!! I did crack 2 and cocaine 3 times and still I could never think that any drug could be more important to me than my life and my right to control my own feelings and thoughts!! I just wonder if I should just walk away while I still can or stay and love him anyway!!
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I have been clean from Vicodins and Herion for 5 months since I have been on Suboxone (buprenorphine & naloxone). I am 27 years old, and i have been in 5+ treatments and hospitalizations due to my use. My first trip to rehab was 2003, and I have finally found something to help keep me sober! I started Suboxone this year, June 2007. It has been the wonder drug for me. I don't even drink anymore! I have been on a pretty high dose (4 tabs=32mg/daily) and I am starting to think about lowering the dosage. The medicine did seem to give me a slight "high" feeling when the dosage was increased or if I take more than prescribed, but it is not an overwhelming high like using Vicodin or Heroin. I was on the verge of losing my job right before starting Suboxone. Now, I am a "rockstar" at work and expect great success as long as I stay sober. I know I wouldn't have been able to do with without Suboxone. Not only does the medicine take away my cravings, but I sleep like a baby, have tons of energy, and don't even think about using since I would not even get high. Suboxone's main component, buprenorphine, blocks the effects of opiates if I were to use, so that is a great deterrent. One thing, that is not necessarily a positive, is that I smoke like a fiend now! I smoke at least a pack of smokes, and I only smoked liked that when I was high. Smokes taste so much better now that I am taking Suboxone. Even though I would rather not smoke as much, I would not use that as a reason not to use the drug. It's a miracle drug for now. However, I am concerned about lowering my dosage. Recently, I asked my doctor about his experience of weaning his patience off the drug. He stated that generally his patience felt a little "off" for a few days after the dosage was dropped 1/2 a tab and felt normal after that, bringing them down to 1 tab a day. He stated that it gets tricky once his patience start lowering the dose below 1 tab. He told me that there haven't been any "long-term" studies for the "long-term" use of the drug. I expressed my concern that I might want to be on the drug for a long-term basis so that I ensure myself to stay sober. He said that could be an option since the benefits seriously out-weigh the negatives. As far as I can see guys, I will be on Suboxone for at least a few more years. I am finally back to the sober person I have tried for years to be.
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I am fasinated by these experiences as a user and detoxer i feel very lucky to get subutex from my drug counsellor 3 days a week from my chemist to last a week. The problem is it was a miracle cure for 3 yrs then my dose got lowered and then tryed stupidly some gear again and now i use it 3 days a week the other days the subs.How stupid i khow! i was put up my dose to 10mg but the craving has come back.I would be letting so many people down if they khew so no one can find out not even my counseller and i have to sort this mess out.It has been a yearish its been going on.Do i up my dose ya think?Advice needed for sad relapser!
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My wife and I met a "friend" through work and introduced us to herion. This was about two years ago. We have only smoke it and in the beginning we knew it was very addictive, so we thought we could use it recerational maybe twice a month. Well that was great for about 6 months untill we did it two often to soon. Pow we were hooked. We never thought it could happen to us. So we want out bad. We went to San Diego Health Alance, these people are leagle drug sales. They get you hooked on methadone or there "new"cure Laam. The cost is $280.00 per month. The only difference between them and the guy on the corner is that the guy on the corner will give you credit. But the clinics are leagal and the guy on the corner isn't. They have counclers that have never herd of anyother treatment for herion, and when I asked about Buprenorphine, no one had ever herd of it. It was though I was asking for something that dident exist. They didn't want to know and didn't care . There view was that methadone works. Half the people are on 2mlg per day. There is no way out withdrawing from meth or laam through there clinic. Does any one know if I can go to Mexico to purchase Buprenex or Ibogain. Is there any doctors in San Diego who will detox us with Buprenex or Ibogain.
We have not used in about 6 months but now I am addicted to Laam and I want OUT today. If anyone can help please wright back.
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You can try giving him chicken broth or something similar.  Not eating for a few days isn't a problem.  He needs to keep hydrated, with both water and something like Gatorade with electrolytes.
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I need info on detox.  My boyfriend has been using for the past 12 months.  He has tried twice that I know of to stop using in the past 12 months.  Both times he has tried Met from other people in the program.  Friday he told me that he was using again and was not going to use again.  He brought one bottle of Met best I can tell he has not used for 24 to 48 hours.  He wants to go cold turkey since his daily dose was very small.  I really need to know what I'm in for, so I can help him through this.  Today is Sunday and he seems to be mad at me, but I know it's part of withdrawal.  He knows I can get money to buy Met, but if he really wants to kick this addiction I think he should stay cold turkey.  Am I wrong?  He says he has stomach pains and he can't eat.  What can I feed him so that he does not go days without eating?
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to Alexis
I cleaned my self up ten years ago, at first I just traded herion for acohol. I stayed drunk for about three years then I went to AA and got a hold of my drinking. Everything went pretty well until I got back around my old buddies. Now after ten years of being off herion I am right back on it again. Methadone is helping me right now to get off the opaties. I will soon start reduction of the methadone to get back to drug free again. I guess what I am trying to tell you is that the cravings never completly go away. You will need to get help to stay clean. You should be very proud to hold off as long as you have but my advice is to find some sort of help. Most of the time all it takes is one person that you care about and cares about you to talk to every once in a while. That is what helps me now more than anything else. Don't trade sally for sue I have an old friend who is on what he calls the marjuana maintence program. For a long time I was straight and enjoyed life more than anytime I was using I want that life back but it is hard work. Hang in there, you can do it.
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I have been on the ibogaine subscriber list for a couple of months. I've had alot of personal testimonials sent to me via e-mail from addicts who feel it has made a big difference. I strongly suggest you do alot of research regarding this treatment by reading, contacting people who have done it, interviewing the "practitioners" and learning as much as you can about dosages. My daughter is a 3 year heroin addict and is presently in a long term treatment program ordered by the courts. When she is done there we do plan to go to an ibogaine "treatment" site outside the US since she wants to try this treatment. It is supposed to have optimum effect in conjunction with counseling and support groups. Go to the web site that Brian recommended and it will have a link to subscribe to the list. This is the best way to meet and communicate privately with those who have tried it and those who provide it. There are a wide range of treatment options from clinics in Europe that gather data, to village treatments in Africa where ibogaine has been used for hundreds of years as a cultural initiation. There are doctors from the US who provide treatment in the caribbean just outside US boundaries and there are suppliers who give instructions for home treatment. There's alot to learn but the topic is fascinating and hopeful. Best wishes, Brighty
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hi brighty,brian and kim
i too am a user
im very much in the closet,always looking for a cure
one problem is i make$200.000.00 A YEAR
its sucks to be able to feed your habit.
i really want to try iobgaine or buprenex
are the results possitive? do tell
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I too make enough money that I never had to worry about feeding my habit or paying for the best detoxes money could buy.  Kind of a double-edged sword!  Anyway, I have no experience or contact with anyone who does with respect to Ibogaine (although I am very interested and quite optimistic with respect to the studies and anecdotal evidence).  Take a look at www.ibogaine.org for more info.  With respect to buprenorphine it is FANTASTIC for detox.  I've had many detoxes.  The most succesful and least painful used buprenorphine.  If you are on the East Coast, I can recommend some places in New Jersey.  There is also a place in Florida which charges alot more ($1,000.00) but has a good reputation.  Basically, buprenorphine is used for detox as follows:  as soon as withdrawal symptoms start, an injection is given (can be done by you at home) either IM or by a subcutaneous injection (just under the skin).  Depending on the level of opiate use, the initial injection may be anywhere from .3cc to 1.0cc.  Then, the best programs will prescribe another injection in about 6hrs. (or less if a greater amount given in the first injection).  The buprenorphine when used for detox will pretty much entirely eliminate withdrawal symptoms (certainly during the detox while the shots are being given).  A good detox will taper off the buprenorphine over the course of 5 days or perhaps longer.  At the end of the taper you have minor or no withdrawal symptoms.  It is truly a wonder drug.  You don't get "high" during detox, but you feel no pain or cravings.  Because it is both an agonist and antagonist, it is easy to withdraw it without much in the way of withdrawal symptoms.  If you are interested in hearing more, or want the names and numbers of the places doing the detox, post and I'll let you know.  Brian
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I've been using about 20 years . I really need help PLEASE  GIVE me some ideals. THANK YOU
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I`VE BEEN AN ADDICT FOR MOST OF MY LIFE.I have been on methadone for about three years.Iam curently on 75 mlgs. and have been for about 8 months I also have experinced stomach and lower adomanial pain.I have had every test mentionable,upper and lower
gi cat scans,colonocospy,blood test ect..All with neg. results
I have detoxed down to2 mlgs. on two different ocassions.only to
feel that old cravings come back.I have relasped twice for two short periods only to go back up to40 or50 migs. I truley beleive
in AA&NA IN THE12step programs. I want so much to truly be drug
free If you have any suggestions that can help me through this please answer.
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i need a bag
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re.  LOFEXIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE.  this drug does lower blood pressure but to nowhere near the extent of clonidine. I think Steve meant you should always come of Lofexidine gradually as it will make your BP rise if you dont. I would be interested to know if it is availible in the USA yet? I think it is a valuble tool to aid the addicted. IT doesnt stop cravings but it reduces "restless legs", tear production, jitters ,chills and to a certain extent stomach cramps but I took Hyoscine N-Buytll Bromide for stomach pains. One of the most important things in the treatment of an addict should be a non judgmental doctor. After all, detoxing from opiates is a health need so the services should be available and non biased. Take care all. Email me at nathan_dmt***@****  and I will be happy to respond,talk,give advice etc.
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Over here we have a relatively new drug called Lofexidine hydrochloride or Britlofex. It is an alpha2 adrenergic agonist. It " gets rid of " the excess noradrenaline in the system, which is believed to cause some of physical symptoms and so makes withdrawal easier. It is similar to Clonidine but with less risks but it still can raise blood pressure. In England it is availible from the doctor without the need for a specialist detox bed. I have used lofexidine twice. The 1st time it eased the pain immensly as I was undergoing Naltrexone detox, and the 2nd time I used it solely as a drug to withdraw from heroin with. I am happy to say I have been clean for  3weeks now. Everyday is hard but you've got to take it that 1 day at a time.  Hope to hear some response!!!!
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Sounds like a promising addition to the drug choices for opiate detox.  You say it raises blood pressure.  I would have thought it would lower pressure like clonidine.  I'm glad to hear you have 3 weeks clean.  It will get easier, and like you said take it one day at a time.  Take care, Brian
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Thanks for adding your extremely important information to the buprenex questions I have had. It's really awful that your daughter has had to endure more and prolonged withdrawl from the medication that was supposed to help her. The 2 people who reported on their buprenex experiences were only on it short term and I was wondering why not longer term... you just answered that for me. BTW, deep tissue massage is reported to be helpful with fibromyalgia... maybe adding this therapy for your dauther's regimen will eventually help her wean off some of the meds. Well, it's a thought anyway. Best wishes to all of you. Brighty
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Our daughter was prescribed buprenex long-term (over 1 year) for heroin addiction recovery and became extremely dependent with ever-higher dosages required. He doctor finally weened her from the buprenex (accompanied by what she called "worse withdrawl than from heroin)and successively put her on codeine, vicodin and finally 180 mg per day of morphine (MS Contin) -- howver, now the diagnosis is fibromyalgia, so the drugs are supposed to be for pain relief rather than addiction control. In my opinion, the the buprenex did nothing except prolong a serious opiate addiction.
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The worst part of the detox (physically) is the first 72 hours or so.  Then comes the depression and craving, but remember, it DOES get easier.  If you really want to get this gorilla off your back you HAVE TO ride out the tough part.  Can you go to an addiction doctor to help with meds to get you through this?  I have found it makes it much easier.  Also, go to NA and let people be there for you.  It makes you feel less lonely.  We've all been there before and made it through.  This detox won't kill you but if you keep using it will.  Take care.
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Once again I will try to start detoxing myself from heroin tomorrow.  How many times have I tried to do this?  There has been some success in the past, so I know what it feels like to be happy and clean, that's why I don't give up.
  Sometimes I feel like something is very wrong with me, why can't I stay clean?  Addiction is so very painful, I want sobriety more than anything in this world!  Reading what other people say helps alot, it's my first time visiting this web sight.  When I start to detox, I start feeling lonely, depressed, and I have no energy at all.  I know it will go away eventually, but I've never been able to get past 2 or 3 days.  I'd appreciate any feedback.  I am so tired!!  Thankyou!
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