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Weaning of Oxycontin

Can someone please tell me if I am currently taking 30 mg Oxycontin 2 times a day is it possible to wean myself off this medication without any of the terrible side effects that come with it? Can I slowly taper off without the depression and the willies and everything else that goes along with it? I have been on this medication for 8 months. I take it for Fibro. I have had it with the running out too soon. Vacations ruined because I have run out. Visits to emergency rooms in towns where I am on vacation. I want to try to wean off myself first then get outside help if I cant do it alone. But can someone tell me how  can do this?  Thank you for reading this and any response you can give.
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This is a true story of how terrible and tragic the progressive use of pain meds can be.  They do, however, play an important role in the quality of life of so many.  It's just there is a very thin line between good and evil.  BEWARE OF THE DRS WILLING OVERPRESCRIBE OPIATES WITHOUT YOUR BEST INTEREST IN MIND.  ALSO I PLEAD WITH YOU ALL TO USE GOOD JUDGEMENT AND NEVER TRUST ANY MD (which in some cases is an acronym for Mentally Deficient) WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING THEM OUT.

I am a 29-yr-old quadriplegic who sought pain relief Sept. 98.  My pain Dr. started me off on 2-4 OxyContin 10mgs tid or 3 times daily.  It is common for both Oxycontin & MS Contin(morphine) to not only be used q12h, but also q8h or every 8 hrs.  Over the next 2 yrs, I unwantingly earned an honorary degree in anesthesiology.  I will quickly progress thru my many stages.  I took about 100mgs of Oxy daily for a year and then became tolerant.  It were as if Oxys were no longer working and causing more pain than they were helping (studies have confirmed this unfortunate occurrence).  Possibly do to being confined to a wheelchair where my interactions are limited, the pain persisted, worsened and was absolutely agonizing.  After a year of use, my tolerance soared.  I was prescribed 2-4 40mg Oxys 3 times daily, and I eagerly took them.  I swallowed, chewed...twelve 40mg tablets(4 every eight hrs), or 480mgs of Oxycontin daily.  

I was soon told by my Dr, who until then said nothing, that I had no choice but to have a morphine pump, technically called an intrathecal pump, put in or he would no longer help me.  At last his motivating factor and long-term goal surfaced.  These pumps put highly concentrated morphine directly into the spinal fluid.  There is 100mgs of morphine per ml of solution in my pump, and 1 MG OF MORPHINE ADMINISTERED INTO THE SPINAL FLUID EQUALS 100+MGS ORALLY!!!  

Anyway I had the pump put in.  My Dr. started me out at 25mgs (equivalent to 2500mgs orally) intrathecally.  Within 1 month the pump had become infected with MRSA, a very dangerous/resistant staph infection only treatable with 1 anti-biotic called vancomycin.  My Dr refused to admit it was infected and instead of removing it, turned it up so it was administering 55mgs of intrathecal(100-120 times more powerful than oral morph) morphine daily.  He kept saying more meds would help.  I had now been infected with spinal menengitis (because staph bacteria was being pumped into my spine by the intrathecal pump) for 10 weeks.  I was very near death, but no one wanted to clean up his mess and they kept sending me back to him.  I had to have my mom put me in my wheelchair and flee the hospital against medical advice-AMA-to search for help.

I ended up at OSU main hospital where they immediately removed and cultured the pump.  It was positive for MRSA and had been infecting my CSF-cerebral spinal fluid.  

THIS IS WHERE THOSE OF YOU WANTING TO WEAN DOWN OFF MEDS MAY BE HELPED.  AFTER THEY TURNED OFF THE PUMP, I WAS PUT ON 220MGS OF IV MORPHINE AN HOUR.  I WAS ON 5280MGS MORPHINE DAILY!  I AM NOT JOKING!  IT WAS THE MOST THE HOSPITAL'S PAIN SERVICE HAD EVER SEEN.  If you do the math 55mgs intrathecally equals 550mgs epidurally which equals 5500mgs i.v.  Because of the enormous volume of morphine, they switched me to dilaudid, or hydromorphone, in my IV which is approx. 10 times more potent than morphine.  This way they could use less ml with more mgs and didn't have to refill my IV pump all the time.

Now down to some better numbers.  After 4 weeks of IV antibiotics and massive weaning, I was released on 500mgs Oramorph 3 times a day, or 1500mgs a day.  Depending on how aggressive or determined you are to quit, 10-20% every 4-5 days is appropriate and not difficult.  I reduced my intake by 100mgs every 4 days.  I was released Sept. 8th on 1500mg and today am on 180mg MS Contin-60mg three times a day.  Keep in mind I'm a quadriplegic and had many,many,many other struggles while weaning.  I couldn't just get up and take a drive, go for a walk, etc.  In fact I can't drive at all!  I was trapped!

As for those of you on 10, 20, 40, 80 and yes now there are 160mgs Oxys or 15, 30, 60, 100 and 200MG MS Contins(Morphine Sulfate CONTINuous), just quit taking one at a time 7 days apart.  The worst withdrawal is gone in 3-4 days.  I promise you won't die.  Also if you bite a 10mg or 20mg in half, you would only get an instant 5 or 10mgs.  This is no different than taking 1 or 2 percocet.  If that's what it takes to wean yourself off this poison, go for it.  Just make sure you don't abuse your meds by chewing them.

If I can do it, you can too.  Just set your mind to it.  

Many prayers,
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This is a true story of how terrible and tragic the progressive use of pain meds can be.  They do, however, play an important role in the quality of life of so many.  It's just there is a very thin line between good and evil.  BEWARE OF THE DRS WILLING OVERPRESCRIBE OPIATES WITHOUT YOUR BEST INTEREST IN MIND.  ALSO I PLEAD WITH YOU ALL TO USE GOOD JUDGEMENT AND NEVER TRUST ANY MD (which in some cases is an acronym for Mentally Deficient) WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING THEM OUT.

I am a 29-yr-old quadriplegic who sought pain relief Sept. 98.  My pain Dr. started me off on 2-4 OxyContin 10mgs tid or 3 times daily.  It is common for both Oxycontin & MS Contin(morphine) to not only be used q12h, but also q8h or every 8 hrs.  Over the next 2 yrs, I unwantingly earned an honorary degree in anesthesiology.  I will quickly progress thru my many stages.  I took about 100mgs of Oxy daily for a year and then became tolerant.  It were as if Oxys were no longer working and causing more pain than they were helping (studies have confirmed this unfortunate occurrence).  Possibly do to being confined to a wheelchair where my interactions are limited, the pain persisted, worsened and was absolutely agonizing.  After a year of use, my tolerance soared.  I was prescribed 2-4 40mg Oxys 3 times daily, and I eagerly took them.  I swallowed, chewed...twelve 40mg tablets(4 every eight hrs), or 480mgs of Oxycontin daily.  

I was soon told by my Dr, who until then said nothing, that I had no choice but to have a morphine pump, technically called an intrathecal pump, put in or he would no longer help me.  At last his motivating factor and long-term goal surfaced.  These pumps put highly concentrated morphine directly into the spinal fluid.  There is 100mgs of morphine per ml of solution in my pump, and 1 MG OF MORPHINE ADMINISTERED INTO THE SPINAL FLUID EQUALS 100+MGS ORALLY!!!  

Anyway I had the pump put in.  My Dr. started me out at 25mgs (equivalent to 2500mgs orally) intrathecally.  Within 1 month the pump had become infected with MRSA, a very dangerous/resistant staph infection only treatable with 1 anti-biotic called vancomycin.  My Dr refused to admit it was infected and instead of removing it, turned it up so it was administering 55mgs of intrathecal(100-120 times more powerful than oral morph) morphine daily.  He kept saying more meds would help.  I had now been infected with spinal menengitis (because staph bacteria was being pumped into my spine by the intrathecal pump) for 10 weeks.  I was very near death, but no one wanted to clean up his mess and they kept sending me back to him.  I had to have my mom put me in my wheelchair and flee the hospital against medical advice-AMA-to search for help.

I ended up at OSU main hospital where they immediately removed and cultured the pump.  It was positive for MRSA and had been infecting my CSF-cerebral spinal fluid.  

THIS IS WHERE THOSE OF YOU WANTING TO WEAN DOWN OFF MEDS MAY BE HELPED.  AFTER THEY TURNED OFF THE PUMP, I WAS PUT ON 220MGS OF IV MORPHINE AN HOUR.  I WAS ON 5280MGS MORPHINE DAILY!  I AM NOT JOKING!  IT WAS THE MOST THE HOSPITAL'S PAIN SERVICE HAD EVER SEEN.  If you do the math 55mgs intrathecally equals 550mgs epidurally which equals 5500mgs i.v.  Because of the enormous volume of morphine, they switched me to dilaudid, or hydromorphone, in my IV which is approx. 10 times more potent than morphine.  This way they could use less ml with more mgs and didn't have to refill my IV pump all the time.

Now down to some better numbers.  After 4 weeks of IV antibiotics and massive weaning, I was released on 500mgs Oramorph 3 times a day, or 1500mgs a day.  Depending on how aggressive or determined you are to quit, 10-20% every 4-5 days is appropriate and not difficult.  I reduced my intake by 100mgs every 4 days.  I was released Sept. 8th on 1500mg and today am on 180mg MS Contin-60mg three times a day.  Keep in mind I'm a quadriplegic and had many,many,many other struggles while weaning.  I couldn't just get up and take a drive, go for a walk, etc.  In fact I can't drive at all!  I was trapped!

As for those of you on 10, 20, 40, 80 and yes now there are 160mgs Oxys or 15, 30, 60, 100 and 200MG MS Contins(Morphine Sulfate CONTINuous), just quit taking one at a time 7 days apart.  The worst withdrawal is gone in 3-4 days.  I promise you won't die.  Also if you bite a 10mg or 20mg in half, you would only get an instant 5 or 10mgs.  This is no different than taking 1 or 2 percocet.  If that's what it takes to wean yourself off this poison, go for it.  Just make sure you don't abuse your meds by chewing them.

If I can do it, you can too.  Just set your mind to it.  

Many prayers,
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This is a true story of how terrible and tragic the progressive use of pain meds can be.  They do, however, play an important role in the quality of life of so many.  It's just there is a very thin line between good and evil.  BEWARE OF THE DRS WILLING OVERPRESCRIBE OPIATES WITHOUT YOUR BEST INTEREST IN MIND.  ALSO I PLEAD WITH YOU ALL TO USE GOOD JUDGEMENT AND NEVER TRUST ANY MD (which in some cases is an acronym for Mentally Deficient) WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING THEM OUT.

I am a 29-yr-old quadriplegic who sought pain relief Sept. 98.  My pain Dr. started me off on 2-4 OxyContin 10mgs tid or 3 times daily.  It is common for both Oxycontin & MS Contin(morphine) to not only be used q12h, but also q8h or every 8 hrs.  Over the next 2 yrs, I unwantingly earned an honorary degree in anesthesiology.  I will quickly progress thru my many stages.  I took about 100mgs of Oxy daily for a year and then became tolerant.  It were as if Oxys were no longer working and causing more pain than they were helping (studies have confirmed this unfortunate occurrence).  Possibly do to being confined to a wheelchair where my interactions are limited, the pain persisted, worsened and was absolutely agonizing.  After a year of use, my tolerance soared.  I was prescribed 2-4 40mg Oxys 3 times daily, and I eagerly took them.  I swallowed, chewed...twelve 40mg tablets(4 every eight hrs), or 480mgs of Oxycontin daily.  

I was soon told by my Dr, who until then said nothing, that I had no choice but to have a morphine pump, technically called an intrathecal pump, put in or he would no longer help me.  At last his motivating factor and long-term goal surfaced.  These pumps put highly concentrated morphine directly into the spinal fluid.  There is 100mgs of morphine per ml of solution in my pump, and 1 MG OF MORPHINE ADMINISTERED INTO THE SPINAL FLUID EQUALS 100+MGS ORALLY!!!  

Anyway I had the pump put in.  My Dr. started me out at 25mgs (equivalent to 2500mgs orally) intrathecally.  Within 1 month the pump had become infected with MRSA, a very dangerous/resistant staph infection only treatable with 1 anti-biotic called vancomycin.  My Dr refused to admit it was infected and instead of removing it, turned it up so it was administering 55mgs of intrathecal(100-120 times more powerful than oral morph) morphine daily.  He kept saying more meds would help.  I had now been infected with spinal menengitis (because staph bacteria was being pumped into my spine by the intrathecal pump) for 10 weeks.  I was very near death, but no one wanted to clean up his mess and they kept sending me back to him.  I had to have my mom put me in my wheelchair and flee the hospital against medical advice-AMA-to search for help.

I ended up at OSU main hospital where they immediately removed and cultured the pump.  It was positive for MRSA and had been infecting my CSF-cerebral spinal fluid.  

THIS IS WHERE THOSE OF YOU WANTING TO WEAN DOWN OFF MEDS MAY BE HELPED.  AFTER THEY TURNED OFF THE PUMP, I WAS PUT ON 220MGS OF IV MORPHINE AN HOUR.  I WAS ON 5280MGS MORPHINE DAILY!  I AM NOT JOKING!  IT WAS THE MOST THE HOSPITAL'S PAIN SERVICE HAD EVER SEEN.  If you do the math 55mgs intrathecally equals 550mgs epidurally which equals 5500mgs i.v.  Because of the enormous volume of morphine, they switched me to dilaudid, or hydromorphone, in my IV which is approx. 10 times more potent than morphine.  This way they could use less ml with more mgs and didn't have to refill my IV pump all the time.

Now down to some better numbers.  After 4 weeks of IV antibiotics and massive weaning, I was released on 500mgs Oramorph 3 times a day, or 1500mgs a day.  Depending on how aggressive or determined you are to quit, 10-20% every 4-5 days is appropriate and not difficult.  I reduced my intake by 100mgs every 4 days.  I was released Sept. 8th on 1500mg and today am on 180mg MS Contin-60mg three times a day.  Keep in mind I'm a quadriplegic and had many,many,many other struggles while weaning.  I couldn't just get up and take a drive, go for a walk, etc.  In fact I can't drive at all!  I was trapped!

As for those of you on 10, 20, 40, 80 and yes now there are 160mgs Oxys or 15, 30, 60, 100 and 200MG MS Contins(Morphine Sulfate CONTINuous), just quit taking one at a time 7 days apart.  The worst withdrawal is gone in 3-4 days.  I promise you won't die.  Also if you bite a 10mg or 20mg in half, you would only get an instant 5 or 10mgs.  This is no different than taking 1 or 2 percocet.  If that's what it takes to wean yourself off this poison, go for it.  Just make sure you don't abuse your meds by chewing them.

If I can do it, you can too.  Just set your mind to it.  

Many prayers,
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This is a true story of how terrible and tragic the progressive use of pain meds. can be.  They do, however, play an important role in the quality of life of so many.  It's just there is a very thin line.  BEWARE OF THE DRS WILLING OVERPRESCRIBE OPIATES WITH THEIR INTEREST IN MIND.  ALSO I PLEAD WITH YOU ALL TO USE GOOD JUDGEMENT AND NEVER TRUST ANY MD(which in some cases is an acronym for Mentally Deficient).

I am a 29-yr-old quadriplegic who sought pain relief Sept. 98.  My pain Dr. started me off on 2-4 OxyContin 10mgs tid or 3 times daily.  It is common for both Oxycontin & MS Contin(morphine) to not only be used q12h, but also q8h or every 8 hrs.  Over the next 2 yrs, I unwantingly earned an honorary degree in anesthesiology.  I will quickly progress thru my many stages.  I took about 100mgs of Oxy daily for a year and then became tolerant.  It were as if Oxys were causing more pain than they were helping (studies have confirmed this unfortunate occurrence).  Possibly do to being confined to a wheelchair, the pain persisted and was absolutely agonizing.  After a year of use, my tolerance soared.  I was prescribed 2-4 40mg Oxys 3 times daily, and I eagerly took them.  I swallowed, chewed...12 40mg tablets(4 every eight hrs), or 480mgs of Oxycontin daily.  

I was soon told by my Dr, who until then said nothing, that I had no choice but to have a morphine pump, technically called an intrathecal pump, put in or he would no longer help me.  Atlast his motivating factor and long-term goal surfaced.  These pumps put highly concentrated morphine directly into the spinal fluid.  There is 100mgs of morphine per ml of solution in my pump, and 1 MG OF MORPHINE ADMINISTERED INTO THE SPINAL FLUID EQUALS 120MGS ORALLY!!!  

Anyway I had the pump put in.  My Dr. started me out at 25mgs (equivalent to 2500mgs orally) intrathecally.  Within 1 month the pump had become infected with MRSA, a very dangerous/resistant staph infection only treatable with 1 anti-biotic called vancomycin.  My Dr refused to admit it was infected and instead of removing it, turned it up so it was administering 55mgs of intrathecal(100-120 times more powerful than oral morph) morphine daily.  He kept saying more meds would help.  I had now been infected with spinal menengitis (because staph bacteria was being pumped into my spine by the intrathecal pump) for 10 weeks.  I was very near death, but no one wanted to clean up his mess and they kept sending me back to him.  I had to have my mom put me in my wheelchair and flee the hospital against medical advice-AMA-to search for help.

I ended up at OSU main hospital where they immediately removed and cultured the pump.  It was positive for MRSA and had been infecting my CSF-cerebral spinal fluid.  

THIS IS WHERE THOSE OF YOU WANTING TO WEEN DOWN OFF MEDS MAY BE HELPED.  AFTER THEY TURNED OFF THE PUMP, I WAS PUT ON 220MGS OF IV MORPHINE AN HOUR.  I WAS ON 5280MGS MORPHINE DAILY!  I AM NOT JOKING!  IT WAS THE MOST THE HOSPITAL'S PAIN SERVICE HAD EVER SEEN.  If you do the math 55mgs intrathecally equals 550mgs epidurally which equals 5500mgs i.v.  Because of the enormous amount of morphine, they switched me to dilaudid, or hydromorphone, in my IV which is approx. 10 times more potent than morphine.  This way they could use less ml with more mgs and didn't have to refill my IV pump all the time.

Now down to some better numbers.  After 4 weeks of IV antibiotics and massive weening, I was released on 500mgs Oramorph 3 times a day, or 1500mgs a day.  Depending on how aggressive or determined you are to quit, 10-20% every 4-5 days is appropriate and not difficult.  I reduced my intake by 100mgs every 4 days.  I was released Sept. 8th on 1500mg and today am on 180mg MS Contin-60mg three times a day.  Keep in mind I'm a quadriplegic and had many,many,many other struggles while weening.  I couldn't just get up and take a drive, go for a walk, etc.  In fact I can't drive at all!  I was trapped!

As for those of you on 10, 20, 40, 80 and yes now there are 160mgs Oxys or 15, 30, 60, 100 and 200MG MS Contins(Morphine Sulfate CONTINuous), just quit taking one at a time 7 days apart.  The worst withdrawal is gone in 3-4 days.  I promise you won't die.  Also if you bite a 10mg or 20mg in half, you would only get an instant 5 or 10mgs.  This is no different than taking 1 or 2 percocet.  If that's what it takes to ween yourself off this poison, go for it.  Just make sure you don't abuse your meds by chewing them.

If I can do it, you can too.  Just set your mind to it.  

Many prayers,
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Thanks to all regarding your posts and withdrawal symptoms.  I have been taking 2-6 vicoprofens per night for about six months.  I have since weaned down to 2 then one and then to a half.  When I went the first night without any I was fairly ok.  The second noght was msierable!  I broke down and took one vico!  I really want to stop! I experinced restless leg syndrome and irritability.  I also have noticed a heightened sense of anxiety and increased social phobia throughout the day coupled with a tightness in my throat.  I shoud say that I did anticate this and started taking 37.5 effexor a week before my last vico.  I also take walerian root pills at night.  Well anyway any comments on the mixing of valerian with effexor and if i stay away from the vicos how long will the withdrawal symptoms last.  Thanks so much JOhn B.
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ear Lindy, Please allow me to tell you a little story.But first, let me correct you on your dosage. They don't make oxycontin in 30mg.pilHEREls. Only 10mg [white]-- 20mg [salmon color]  --- 40mg --yellow].T                                                             There's even 80mg pill now.I started doing pot,cigarettes and drink heavily at the tender age of 12. I am 38y/o. No Drs.
were willing to prescribe anything. I was shooting up 40 mg @    
20 mg of oxycontin [oxymorphone] And 65 mg of methadone.I flew  
to the East coast to   get rapid detox .I need my warskate
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