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When does methadone withdrawal stop?

I am trying to get off methadone.  I am down to 20 mg. a day and can't seem to go below that threshhold without triggering massive, weird symptoms.  Methadone has a half life of 24 hours...so I still have half of yesterday's dose in my body this morning.  I am going to try to taper by 2.5 mg increments.  I have a high pressure job that doesn't allow for the distraction of withdrawal sysmptoms and I have no opportunity to take off from work to do this.  What are my best options?  I have to avoid the anxiety and lack of concentration above all.
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How are you getting the methadone?  If you are in a clinic, then you are most likely on liquid and could do it in 1mg increments....the preferred method.  If you are taking 10mg or 5mg pills, then you could break them down.  That would mean you are a pain patient?  That would bring other things into the fold.  If you are, then how is your pain?  Any outside influences contributing to this decision?  Break down the pills until you get a 1.25 dose or something that is pretty damn near that.  You want to go down as SLOW as possible.  And, you want to do it at least over one week.  What I mean by that is when you drop one mg, stay there one week before you drop another mg.  You could stretch that to two weeks or whatever.  But, stay at 1mg increments.....or 1.25mg.  And, let your body stabilize a bit before you drop any more.  A week would allow that.  Any less and your body might rebel.  Then again, it might not.  I do know most people have trouble when they go too fast.
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I posted down below for you. Why don't you reduce by 1mg vs. 2.5.. I think slower might be better. I plan on having some valium on hand for the lower doses.
Let me know if you have some other ideas.
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Someone suggested  that I dose every other day towards the end (due to the half life)...something to consider
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And, I want to say that by doing it the slow way, you will go through the least amount of wd symptoms possible.  You might want to get yourself some valium or klonopin for any trouble with sleep or something lighter (if you can) and treat any other symptoms (ie. immodium) as you go along.  If you are at a clinic and they could get a dose that is lower than 1mg, than that would be the way to go.  By going slow, it allows your body to adjust to the changes as you go along.
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there is nothing like having to maintain a job, esp. a stressful one that you need to have it all together to do, and detoxing off of opiates...

i have been off of methadone for a long, long time and the w/d for methadone are the hardest opiate w/d's there are in my opinion...

i agree with the folks who suggest a slow tapering off it at all possible. that is the easiest on your body.

no matter how i ever tried to taper down going down the rest of the way to nothing kicked my butt...

let us know more about the reasons you were on methadone in the first place, opiate dependence or pain control... just curious and it will matter at some point if you were on it for pain control...

good luck and god/dess bless!!!! (it's sunday, can't help myself!!)

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that's one of the things that gives me pause about methadone, that one can feel ill after a small change in dosage. Methadone is a very effective solution for many people, but it is itself powerful medicine.


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Hi all, I'm new to the forum, but have been lurking here for about a year and a half.

I have found methadone to be a very nasty drug, and so hard to get off of. It takes so damn long, and the WDs are horrible. I know too, that it is a godsend to a lot of people too.

I'm in WDs right now, and feel so emotional I can hardly see any light.I was on a very hefty dose of Morphine, and weaned myself down to nothing. It didn't help that a long term relationship just ended. It couldn't have been worse timing. I'm just so sad, I have been all week. It finally gave me the courage to post here. Thanks for listening,
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I am on methadone due to a weird, rare cancer that the drs. can't cure but the pain can be relieved by removing the tumors.  I had my tumors removed 6 weeks ago and am in no pain.  I never even imagined I would hit this wall with the pain meds.  methadone is wicked.  I am taking 10 mg. tablets which I break in half and then quarters so I can take 7.5 mg at a time (only twice a day).  My oncologist said he had no idea what I should do and referred me to the substance abuse clinic at Kaiser.  I'm reluctant to go there as I did not abuse this med.  I'm a little paranoid about having a substance abuse referral on my "permanent record".  it affects your credit rating and all sorts of insurance stuff.  I guess I should worry more about my ever dwindling supply of pills and pray I can get more if and when I need it.  Thanks for the info.  I am going to go slooooow and hope to hold it together.  I am trying to get a pharmacologist into the picture and see if I can get some anti-anxiety medication that works.  Right now I am taking Serex.  Has anyone had any upper respritory (spelling?) involvement on this med?  I can't breathe.  I wheeze and gasp for breath half way up the stairs.  It's annoying and scary.
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wheezing and trouble breathing from which drug? serax (sp?) or methadone?

is it possible that you will need to be on methadone for pain relief for the long term? if you will then maybe you need to think about staying on it and detoxing later or maybe never...

i don't know... you are not having pain now? but is that b/c you are taking methadone now? will your pain come back when you come off of it? i would hate to see anyone go through the HELL of withdrawl and find that they had to go back on that ***** of a drug...

don't get me wrong, please, if i were to get addicted to opiates again i would have to look at it truthfully and think that maybe being on methadone for ever and ever would be the best option for me... i think it is the best option for many people but it is a personal decision best left up to each individual... and it if touted as a good drug for pain control... when they tried to put me on meth for pain control i would not do it b/c i remembered what it was like to come off of it...

for those of you that don't know, i have chronic pain (degenerative disc disease, several herniated and bulging discs, lumbar and cervical, and ankylosing spondilytis) sucks to be me but i just don't want to take pain meds for it... take ibuprophen when i have to... i am not a martyr by any means, i just don't trust myself within a foot of a narcotic... and dats da truth!!!

maybe someday but that day has not arrived yet...

to change the subject for a sec... you know the stupid idea i have in my head? that there are some drugs that i will still occasionally do... such as ecstacy... i tell myself that i won't do it now cause i am only clean a little over four months but that someday i will get to roll again... just had to throw that thought out there b/c it does roll around in what is left of my brain! lol!!!

i guess i will cross that bridge if and when i come to it!!!

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No, I have no pain because the doctor removed the tumors that were the cause of all pain.  Therefore, I have no need for methadone.  So if hell awaits, so be it.  I am already experiencing the anxiety and twitchiness.  I can hardly wait for the next step.  I am angry because my dr. said he didn't know how to help me...he prescribed the stuff!!  I hope he continues to prescribe it until I can just walk away (he he he...like I'm going to be so lucky).  I am also angry because three drs. have asked me if I was going to hurt myself.  Can't they see I am already hurting?  I'm a little broken right now.  I have to work without falling apart and I don't know how I'm going to pull this off.  Anyway, I really need to get off this stuff and the sooner the better.  I'm going to Whole Foods and getting some detox herbs and see if that helps.  And hopefully, I will be able to deal with all the anger and betrayal I feel.  Well, back to the couch!  I vacuumed today and took a long bath but past that, I slept or laid on the couch.  I thank god for the neurontin.  I think it's what's holding me together right now.  That and my determination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I will get off this stuff!!!!!!  Thanks for your advice...I truly appreciate it!
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your doc probably really doesn't know how to help you! i think that when patients get physically addicted to meds the doc who prescribed them sometimes feels a sense of guilt or maybe fear due to the good old DEA... then they kind of want to wash their hands of you! not all doctors (my ex is a doc) but there is such a stigma in prescribing and pts. becomes addicted and helping pts. who are addicted... makes their practice "dirty" or something... oh well...

there is something that gets posted here all the time called the thomas recipe... go into the archives and find it or maybe thomas himself will post it for you... print it out, take it to your doctor and tell him this is how he can help you... i can't remember if there is darvocet on it but if you can, get some of those also...

what i would do if i were in your position is do the thomas recipe and then take the darvocet as needed to get you through work and as soon as you can handle it wean off of the darvocet...

when i was in treatment one time there was a guy in there and they were using darvocet to help him detox off of a big methadone habit... and i have used it to come off of various opiates with success...

i bet with your determination you can handle this and will be successful... you don't have to be a "statistic" nor do i for that matter!!!!

let me know how you are doing!!!

amber hunter
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Hey Dee---Where are you sweets?  I've been waiting to see a reply post from you from over a week ago.......Wuz up?  I surely would like to hear from you, so if you get some time this morning, drop me a line.....It makes no difference if you're usin', tapering, or just kinda "floating'.......please let me know how you are......:-)  Love, Peazy
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Thanks so much for thinking about me, I've been depressed and have not felt like posting, but I've been reading, I just don't know what to say, I can't stop taking my pain meds, there's no way in hell I can, it hurts to much, but like I said I got my script, and have been taking as directed, if you remember I was crushing my oxycontin, 5-6 80mg throughout the day, now I'm swallowing them as directed, except, and I'm ashamed to say, that I slipped up a few days, just crushing one 40mg in the middle of the day, I still think I'm doing pretty great, it's been over 2 weeks since I've been taking them right with just a slip up one or two times..hope all is well
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Hi!! Thanks for filling me in......It's good to know you're hanging in there.  When addicts want to stop, but CAN'T do it on their own, it's time to get outside help.....Is there an addictionologist in your area that you can go to? Or a pain mgt. clinic (you have chronic pain and health issues; yes?)that  can advise you?  Because of your critical health problems, I think you need a professional to assist you.  Of course, you can keep coming here for all the moral support in the world----we will talk you through the  cravings and depression as best we can.  But PLEASE think about contacting someone.  I don't mean to disrespect you, but if you have crushed ONE oxy the other day, soon it will be 2 a week, then 2 a day, ad infinitum....It's simply the way addicts operate--don't take it personally. So, BEFORE it gets to that low-point again, try TRY to get help.  I will do whatever I can; just let me know.  Peace and prayers==Peazy.
   The alliteration was accidental.....!!
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You hit the nail on the head about the docs not "knowing" how to help!--I think they get a 2 minute lecture on addiction while in med school and that's it.  There is a fine line between making sure patients' are comfortable and overprescribing--and like you said they ALWAYS have the DEA breathing down their neck! You also need a crystal ball as to figure out which patients will end up addicted.  That's the million dollar question!  Why can some people take their pain meds as prescribed and throw the rest away? Take care I hope you are doing well--I enjoy your posts you are always so helpful and caring--Peace/Prayers N.O. Lady/AKA Mystere

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Methadone's a ***** but isn't impossible to ultimately kick.  I was on the stuff for 7 years.  Tried twice, unsuccessfully, to detox, than finally my third time (a charm?) I was able to finally finish it out going all the way down to 1 mg. a day then... nothing!  That was last year Feb. 27th, so I've been clean from the methadone for over a year.  I think it's awful how these Dr.'s will generously prescribe opiates of this magnitude (i.e. the severity of addiction) then look at you blindly when you're hooked and say they don't know how to help you!  That's just insane.  My experience was somehwt the same except that my addiction was self-induced (I used heroin for roughly about 6 months and wanted to clean up, I had a pretty bad habit at the time, around 2 gms. a day) so I went into the methadone clinic.  I was green at the time (20 years old and this was around 8 years ago) and had no idea how strongly addictive methadone was and when I asked the intake nurse she blatantly lied and said methadone was NOT addictive and I'd have no problems getting off of it like I would heroin!  Ha!  Sure, cut to me 7 years later still struggling with this drug that I supplicated for another drug I had only dabbled in for 6 months.  Live and learn.  Since  I've been clean from the meth I have relapsed (something to really avoid) and its a whole new hell I've un-earthed, this time I have major medical problems and so on and so forth, in the end I found out I have both HEPC & I'm HIV+, lucky me....  The bottom line is, hang in there for the long run and don't give into temptation and denial.  Do not say never again because whoever says that is always setting themselves up, one day-at-a-time.  I know you didn't abuse street drugs like myself, but there's always a possibility (I've seen this occur so many times at the clinics I've been in.  People on methadone because of pain then cop dope for the first time out of curiosity, it's an ugly little world) and have a strong support system (another thing I didn't do, I thought I could kick, deal with and live in a bubble on my own and I shot myself in the foot and got reckless, now I'm very sick).  Take it very slow, let your body adjust, no hurry in the detox because if you hurry it, more than likely you'll be doing it all over again very soon and who wants to keep going through this **** month after month after month?!!  Methadone is hard but not impossible, hell if I could do it anyone can and I have one of the weakest constitutions when it comes to drugs...  Good luck and hang in there for the long run!
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NotDarkYet..you poor thing!! It sounds like you've been through an awful lot, just wanted to let you know people out there are thinking of you.
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HI from Babyboomer!
        I am starting a TAPER TODAY AND WOULD APPRECIAYR ALL THE SUPPORT I CAN GET.(METHADONE) I have been relly bad in the FACT I HAVE BEEN BINGING. (Somedays 40mg. up to 80 mg)So I don't know what to taper down from. Yesterday i took 80mg.I am accually suppose to take 30mg. a day for fibromyalgia pain.So I think I will go on 30mg. for a week and then taper to 25mg.for a week and downto 20. Leave it at that for two weeks, and go slow from there.Your input is welcome. I know slow is better.
             I'll keep you posted!! BOOMER
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I liked you post and appreicate your honesty.  Please keep us posted on your medical condition.  I just wanted to wish you well!  Pammy
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Hi there,
Are you sure this is the right time for you to start tapering? I only say this since you mentioned you have been 'binging'. You want to be stabilized on your correct dose before tapering. If you think you can do it-your plan to stay at 30 mg for one week sounds good. After the week is over, if you have ANY doubts about your dose or thoughts of 'binging'...stay there. Do not continue to taper unless you are 100% confident in your dose. 25mg for 1 week and then 20mg for another week sounds like a good plan. Again-stay there if you have any reservations, oterwise continue tapering by all means. Once you're down to 20mg...I suggest going slower. maybe taper 2mg/week? See how you are feeling when the time comes. Personally I have just come down to 22mg after a week of 24mg (the previous week was 25mg). I do that more for phsychological reasons though.I probably wouldn't feel much difference if I just went down to 20mg from 25mg but I am not chancing it. After a week I will come down to 20mg...then a week of 18mg. After that I plan on reducing by 1mg/week.
Good luck and let us know how you are doing.
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It's day two and I slipped and took 40mgs. instead of 30. I have these terrible cysts that I get for some reason-and they are painful. But, if I take extra methadone for their pain-then I will ruin my taper and also run myself short. I NEED A LECTURE-OR SOME ADVICE.I want to do this right-and I am going to screw it up-see I will probably always have to take pain meds-but I want to do it responsibly. For me "one is too many and a thousands not enough."Just need to chat, I guess. This sight is an answer to my praters.    BOOMER
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Thank you Melly & Pammy for keeping me in your thoughts, I have much appreciation and, believe me, it feels good to know people can either relate on some empathetic level or just respond in kind.  Right now for me it sucks because I'm pretty much alone where I live (Oregon) my family & friends are all residing in Denver, CO. so life right now is surreal at best. I'm in denial, which I guess is normal, to my situation ("I can't have this! NO WAY!") but I'm getting more tests done (Mon.), I want a second opinion.  I feel like I'm losing control sometimes, sometimes even suicidal (I hate to admit that, but thinking about the 'ultimate shot' has crossed my mind and it scares the hell out of me)- I want to score to just numb myself from reality or just finish off reality, but that's so foolish because reality (or whatever) will be there waiting for me in the end anyway, so why bother, right?!!  But anyway, I'm going back home in 6 weeks to do kelation treatments to, hopefully, rid myself of the HepC, then onto the HIV... God...  Anyway, I'd just like to say thanks, hope everybody is okay and take care of yourselves.  God Bless.  Bye.

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hey boom don't beat youself up at all,
take it lite, try to get back to your taper plan today.
and if you don't live up to it .
try , agian untill ya get it.
keep a journal if ya can , it helps.

there iss a daily medatation book , written by 2 woman
addicts back in the early 80's, i used to read it beacuse at the time na did not have one.
it is a really good  day by day book, very insightful
and helpful and inspireing. it helped me greatly,
it was like on time every day for me , back then.
EACH DAY IS A NEW BEGINING.   check it out.

in the mean time taper slow, and don't beat yourself up.
none of us got here in one day, it take time and when we fall down, we have to just get back up and continue.

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hey , there is a friend of mine i met here at this fourm
his name is greg and he lives in vegas,
he was cured of his hep c  this past year , after haveing 6 months to live.
he is fine now. i do have his email if you ever need it .
just something to remember.

i hope you feeling better.

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