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Withdrawal From Tussionex

Dear Dr. Steve,

A few days ago I posted a question regarding withdrawal/detox from Tussionex suspension. I used the name rcm; I wanted to know how I could stop taking Tussionex suspension, a potent cough medicine which contains hydrocodone polistirex. I've been taking this medicine for three years now, nearly everyday, and I wanted to know if you or any of the other doctors could help me with this.

I've come back to this site often since I posted that question, and nobody seemed interested in what I had to say, since there weren't any answers to my question for maybe two to three days now. So I asked the question again, and labeled it as such: detox from Tussionex, second question. Imagine my consternation when I logged in today to find my questions regarding the Tussionex deleted! Why was this done? Just because nobody else does Tussionex, because it isn't as popular as, say, Vicodin or Oxycontin?

Well, doc, you should know I think that even if my drug of choice isn't as popular as the others, the addiction is just as real. I would appreciate it if you could take the time to answer my question, even if my drug isn't as popular as the others.

To repeat my question: can you suggest the quickest, most painless way for me to detox from Tussionex? I've been taking it for 3 years now; my dosage is 60 to 90 ml per day, making my total daily sustained-release hydrocodone consumption from 120 to 180 mg.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

37 Responses
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After sever knee and ankle surgeries + Migraines, I have built up a nasty little tolerance to most pain meds. When I lived in Texas, when I got sick, I would get Hycodan. It almost seemed that it was the only cough medicine they had down there. I moved back to the east coast a year ago, my seasonal allergies kicked in almost immediately, and 10X worse then they were 7 years ago when I lived here for pretty much the forst 27 years of my life.

The first doctor I had said that I had severe allergies. He told me to take OTC Clairitin and Tussionex. I felt better then I have in the forst 8 months I lived here. Mut the doctor took me off of it after about 4 weeks, and everythinig went right back to where they were, so he put me back on it. After 2 months, I stopped taking it all together, and had no withdrawls at all(that I noticed). The withdrawls I went through with the 10mg norco was unbelievable. I had a friend recomenend using Kratom(Deng Ma, or Ma Daeng-sonmething like that). Just google it, and you'll find many websites. I could go from taking 10-50/day in Norco's to nothing, with no withdrawls. The Kratom took care of all of it. But start slow! I started with 2/12hrs, and that kept me up for 20 hours. Now I can take 10-15 at a time, with no side effects, and as long as you don't take 30/day, you won't have any withdrawls from that. But it was a completely, painless withdrawl, I had no symptoms at all, and would only take the Kratom for maybe 2 weeks. Hope this info helps you as much as it helped me. Withdrawls suck, and I feel  sorry for you guys that have to go through it regularly. But this is what got me through! Best of luck!
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usually i just poor up 20-30ml of dat liquid gold into a styrofoam cup, dump sum sprite and jolly ranchers in their and sip. bang a lot of screw cuz i'm from down south and das how we stay u know what i mean. maynnnn hold up.. i'm tossed rite now.. mayyynnn.
p.s. bang screw
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im am addicted to this and hycodan at the same timw for about 3 years i take about a  1 1/2  to 2 ounces   of tussionex a day i have drank 3 and 4 ounces in a day many times with ease  thought and put any where from 2 tsp to a whole ounce in sprit and i never dont have a cup i also take klodipin i take 2 to 4 mgs a day and take at least 100mg of lortab about ten 10mgs a day but sometimes it does reach up to 20 tens a day plus the cough syrups how bad is my withdrawl for the codiene going to be i dont take lortabs every day proably bout 3 out of 7 but the other drugs are every day ive quit before with nothing just cold turkey but i always come back the cough syrups are perscibed for asirating stomach acid into my lungs at night and throwing up everyday this is the only thing that kills the pain and relaxes i guess my reflexes it makes me no throw p and i threw up for years before i new about codiene i was never around drugs before this started then they started giving me both cough syrups and my throwing up about 40 or more ounces of stomach acid in the morning completely stopped but i  got a serious tolerance so i dont take as much lortabs anymore i threw up so much they had to redo abunch of teeth and thats why i was on lortabs and vicoden i just want to know if there is a type medcined that can do tussionexs  and hycodan job  and how bad is my with drawl gonna be its been alomst completely constant for 3 years and thos are my doses and yes my doctor perscribes them none of this is illegal how bad off am i with the withdrawl for a long time i had no i dea that tussionex was 10mg per 5ml and hycodan was 5mg per 5ml i meen i had no idea i was drinking this much codiene
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maybe i'm missing something but your in the wrong forum to ask a doctor a question.go to the top of this page and hit forums,from there you'll be able to talk with several doctors,they are at times but they will answer your question
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I had briefly become dependent on this "golden juice" tussionex last winter for a few months (a doctor prescribed a bunch of refills, as I was having a nasty cough that would not go away), but will never go back to it again.  

At first I liked the euphoric feeling, but over the weeks, that required myself taking higher dosages to get the buzz.  This led to sleeplessness, agitation, craving the next sip, and by far, the worst experience of extreme (and I mean extreme, extreme) constipation in the  history of the planet.  

I want to encourage anyone struggling with any of these addicting medications that it's worth it to get the help in overcoming these cravings.  You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish you the very best.

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I have been taking tussionex for about a month now.  5mg twice a day.  It was prescribed to me for Whooping Cough.  I am still taking it because it does help the cough and it seems to relax my lungs so I can breath better but now I am very concerned after reading this.  Whooping cough usually last up to 2 to 3 months which gives me 1 to 2 months to go.  Should I be concerned in that timeframe?   How addictive is this if the doses are taken correctly as prescribed?  I've never been addicted to anything and I don't want to start now.

I would like everyone's advice.

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Thank you.  Yeah, I only take it once a day, if needed.  I've asked my doctor
many times if I could be addicted/dependent, and she said the same...  if I'm only taking it as directed, I should be fine.
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402205 tn?1230481005
You may be dependent on it but I don't think you're addicted. You take it as directed and haven't increased your dosage over the years. I would be careful with Tussionex as an FDA warning went out about it and overdosing as it should only be administered every 12 hours.
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I  started reading this blog because my doctor has been prescribing tussionex for me for years, due to a consant cough (from meds that i'm on for Rheum arthr).  I take it at night so I dont have a dry coughing fit in the middle of the night.  But after reading all of these blogs, I'm scared I may have a problem!  Can a teaspoon a night qualify for addiction??
Thanks to anyone who can give me an honest answer..
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This is an old post so many might not respond but I will say that for a lot of prescription drug addicts, the Dr. does NOT prescribe that many. It is not legal as it would hurt us due to the Tylenol content, etc.

Many have bought meds. on line, bought from "friends", family members, etc. Some have stolen from others that have the medication. There are ways of getting them when you want them.
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How in the world do prescription drug addicts get their hands on that much?  I have watched every Intervention episode and find it fascinating.  There was a woman on there that took 30 Vicodin a day.  What in the world?  The only thing I do is smoke cigarettes...I have just always wondered how people get their hands on so many drugs?  It's crazy to think that I doctor would prescribe that much.  Just wondering.
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i feel sorry for all addicted to tussionex,i am on it and feel nothing but extremely tired so i have stopped it ,,how long does it take to get out of ur system?? i got it from er dr for pnemonia
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Dee73, you are singing my song.  I had doctors at rehab...REHAB!!!!!!!!!  who didn't realsize the addiction power of Tussionex, esp. mixed with klonipin.  You see, this was my cocktail.  And large helping of the cough syrup followed by four 2mg. of Vitamin K.  When I told the doc. at a TX rehab he was confused.  He finally did his research and four...four days later I was finally put on a detox program.  Those were the worst 4 days of my life, except when i was in jail...but that's another story.  After Dr. Idiot did his homework he figured that what I had was akin to a herion habit.  I was taking 320 mls/day.  As you know this should last the average person a little over a month.  To this day I do not know how I managed and conned my way into that much Tusionex, but I did.  I did suppliment with Vicodin on days when I couldn't get my precious Tussionex.  Long story short, I relapsed and I relapsed hard.  I was drinking more and more of the Tussionex, stealing from friends medicine cabinets after I told them that they needed Tussionex, I was a mess.  I was sitting on my balcony of my crummy apartment with yet another lost job due to withdrawals/so mesed up I couldn't do the work and realized...this is your life, David.  You have chosen it and you will deal with it.  I figured I would die or end up in state prison, which would be like aliving hell for a gay man like myself.  My dad offered to send me one more time to rehab, trip number 8, I think.  I told him, with no self-pity or drama to save his money for my funeral.  I meant it.  Then my sister stepped in and found Pacific Hills in San Clemente, CA.  I was a ***** from hell when I got there.  I told them I'd been to rehad so many times that they had nothing to teach me.  I wouldn't eat and I was self mutilating and they were on the verge on discharging me.  I had one of those crying jabs that went on for a good 30 - 45 mins.  I wept for every horrible, stupid, inconsiderate thing I had ever done.  The dogs I had kicked becasue I was hurting so bad becasue of the withdrawals, the things I said to my parents who have loved me through so so so so much.  After I was done, I had a sense of peace I had not felt in a long long long time.  I thought it was just the endorphin release, and it probably was.  I was sitting on my bed looking at a tree went the wind went through it and made it move.  And I remembered how some people describe wind.  Just becasue you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there.  It was then and there I knew that 1. God exsisted and 2. He loved me, As He does you.  That was just a break through moment.  I still struggled through a rehab that had nothing new to teach me, until they gave me this book and workbook called Staying Sober: A Guide For Relapse Prevention by Terence T. Gorski and The Staying Sober Workbook.  They were miracles in and of themselves.  The book addressed all these reasons I could not stay sober,  It was like reading my autobiography, and the workbook was great becasue I got to write down all the questions I had and then answr them.  You can get copies of these by calling Herald House @ 1-800-767-8181.  But I do suggest you go through them with a counselor or an LCDC.  I've been sober a little over a year and life has changed.  Everything is not all sunshine and roses.  There are times when all I want is a swing of Tussionex and a Klonipin.  But I put my head down say a quick pray and make sure I make an AA or NA meeting ASAP.  Dee73 - this is nothing but my experience, not a cure all.  But if you ever want to chat, I'm on Yahoo Messenger as David Hutts.  I wish you all the luck in the world.  If I can do it YOU can do it.  I have faith in you.  
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Ah, honey.  I know where you were.  I see this was posted in '00.  I was on probation for 5 years and 350 community service hours for my arrest for forging Tussionex scripts.  I was just wondering how you're doing?  I celebrate a year clean and sober on 6-7-07.  I love the fact that my last binge was on 6-6-06.  It makes a great intro when telling my story.  If there is ANYTHING I can do for you, short of getting you Tusionex, all you need to do is ask
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I went to treatment last year for my addicion to tussionex & klonipin. Im right back where I started.  Dont know what to do. The people in tx didnt know u can be addicted to " just cough syrup ". Any comments ?
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I just stumbled on to this site and couldn't read the replies fast enough.It doesn't matter who we are or what kind of job we have,narcotics bring us all to the same place. Altough I'm in recovery for about 5 months now (drug of choice Lortab 10/500,orDarvocet etc..)my mouth still waters when I read or hear about them from others. I had a wonderful dr. who would prescribe pills about 120 at a time with 5 refills. He trusted me since I worked in the field. Since that wasn't enough eventually I had to resort to skimming them off the patients. In my mind I had the right to do what I had to so I could keep feeling this good. This lasted a good three to four years before the inevitable happened--I got caught! There was the arrest, the job loss, the pre-trial intervention and the Re-hab. What do I hate the most? The Euphoric Recall!!
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This is in reply to Chris regarding tussionex addiction and to others regarding methadone treatment.  I believe there are many people out there addicted to tussionex.  I was one of them.  It is a terrible drug to withdraw from and you will need medical assistance.  I have also used tylenol with codeine, tylox and other opiates in pill or cough syrup form.  Over a period of eight years I have been detoxed 3 times without success.  I have never used heroin or needles so the doctors and other health professionals discouraged me from looking in to methadone treatment. In March I decided to look into methadone anyway and I feel it has saved my life.  Since I am not a heroin user I had to prove that I have been addicted to opiates for longer than a year to be accepted to the program.  I have been in the program for over five months and I have not used since I began taking methadone.  I am certain that if I had not found methadone I would be on my way to jail.  Methadone does not work for everyone but it can be a lifesaver for some.  My life is stable now and my head is clear.  I realize five months is not a long time, however before methadone I never went longer than a day without using.  I hope my information is helpful.
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I am now in your same boat.  I see that your post was in April.  Please let me know what you've been through.  I posted a question today (7-16) and really am alone in my pain (mental).  I've been hiding my addiction from EVERYONE.  It is starting to affect my daily life.  I am trying to stop myself.  I am going to be talking to a detective very soon, and am so afraid and alone.  ANY advice from someone who has been there, I really could use a friend.
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First, do not be afraid of raging withdrawal symptoms -- they are rare, and usually a result of panic.  Do not panic.  Remember that, except for the laws, this would be as available as cigarettes, and is much easier to quit.  I prefer the term 'quit' to withdrawl, becuase that is closer to what it is with hydrocodone.  

Please notice some of the panicky posts.  You may have cravings in the future, but if you can let time pass for about 4 to 10 minutes, the craving will leave.  Do not act upon the craving.   Valium will help the (self-induced)agitation, as it would in doing anything 'scary.'  

Relax out of it.  Do not fight against it.  I hope this makes sense to you.

--- B
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Last Friday I had to be taken to the emergency room because I passed out while coughing.  It was like "dry heaves of the lungs". I was diagnosed as having acute bronchitis plus pneumonia and was given some serious antibiotics and Tussionex.  Well, I drank the whole bottle in probably two hours.  I was supposed to take one to two teaspoonfuls every 12 hours.  I must say that I had one fabulous day!  I am a former morphine abuser so that is why I am still here writing this-- my tolerance must be very high to opiates to this day.  I would surely like another bottle of the stuff but know better than to call my doctor for a refill!  I am now using Robitussin and it works quite well and is non-addicting.  Please beware of Tussionex.

Best regards,   John
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While methadone is a useful drug, I think it is not at all accepted in the addiction treatment community that methadone is either the only option, or the best option, for most narcotic addicts.  Even long term addicts may best be served by getting off the narcotics period.  Whether that means initially substituting an addiction to methadone for their other addiction, and then tapering the methadone until they are off the narcotic, or using another drug such as buprenorphine in a similar fashion depends on the individual's history.  I am familiar with numerous methadone maintainence patients who are desperate to get off methadone, but can't because it has a particularly bad withdrawal syndrome.  So, while methadone is a help for some, it can be a curse for others.
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Fact: There is a huge influx of methadone patients that have never seen heroin. They are being accepted for their pill habits.( vicoden,percs,etc.) It has been shown that they often need higher doses than heroin users.
Opiate addiction is a disease that in most cases needs a medication called methadone. Twelve step programs rarely work in cases of long term opiate addiction.
  Of course if the addiction is fairly short in time, other treatment options may be viable.
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This is a reply to M.P. I am really needing someone I can talk to that knows exactly what I am going through, I have been taking lortabs/vicodin for about 3 years now and I am only 22.  I am posting my email address, please write it down and email me, I think we would really be alot of help to each other.
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Hey -- I have just stumbled onto this site and want to say I felt like I was reading my story over and over.  I have never been arrested or gone to jail, but I am lucky.  I am still using lortabs, oxy and ultram and would like to quit.  What I am looking for is someone I can use as an email support system/friend.  Reading these posts is so helpful to me -- though I am not happy others are in the position I am, it is nice to know that I am not alone.  Any responses would be very appreciated.  Thanks much!
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