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Withdrawal from Oxycondn

I developed a case of shingles the last of January and was presicribed Hydrocoden 750mg 1-2 tabs every 4-6 hours for the pain.On May 15 I went to a different physician who prescribed Oxycoden 20mg 1X12 hrs. Initially the Oxy made me feel much better & I had more energy.I soon felt a need to take more to get the same effect, so I started taking (2) in the morning and (1) in the evening. On a subsequent visit he assured me that with a body weight of 290# there was no problem taking (2) 20mg in the morning and (1) in the evening.I have been taking pain killers for over 6 months and am convinced that I am addicted. I do not need them for pain but I take them to maintain a certain feeling.I quit taking the Oxy 48 hrs ago and have experienced chills, hot flashs, nausea, a runny nose, sneezing, and I feel terrible.I still do not have any physical pain except that associated with withdrawal.My question is will 200 mg Ibuprofen help my withdrawal (especially sleeping) or should I just continue suffering until my body has cleansed itself of the Oxy addiction?
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Just stick with it ibuprofen wont do anything except help any inflmation you have. 60mg a day isn't that much and the first detox is the easiest trust me i know i have detoxed many times and it gets harder and harder and your body cant take it. i easily used to shoot up 200mg oxy or more and would still be functional i did 300mg morphine once so just fight through it please. i just realised you posted that in 2000 hope you are ok and clean now
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I have been taking Oxy's, perks, 5 10's 20' 80's whatever I can get. I am not percribed any of these. I buy them from people who are. The only problem is that it has taken over my life. Its all I think about. I'm so afraid to go a day without because of the aches and fatigue, I will lie cheat and steal not to feel the pain of withdraw. I spend all my money, and some. Its ruining my relationship. Which he does not know about. Its so hard to stop. Some of my freinds are on the Meth, which seems to be the way to go around here. But I refuse to go on another drug to get off another. I still have to go to College, but I connot sit in a classrroom without anything. My back will ache I connot concentrate, I cannot be a happy nice person without it. My other problem is that my addiction is a secret. Only my few close friends know. I cant just go away to some clinic for a week plus I don';t make enough money, I feel so stuck. I havent talked to my doc Im afraid he will just say to go on meth. I go through withdrawls every week when I run out of money.I need out of this painfull cycle. Its been like 2yrs
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I've been on Oxycontin 160mg for 21/2 years. I take my oxy twice a day.I was wondering,are surpost to stop cold turkey or reduce the miligrams or will lorazepam 1mg,clonidine 0.2mg help me though withdrawls.My doctor is great to me but, I'm not doing to good,since he took me off my medicine.The medicine helped my back,sponolothesis.Maybe you can help me.
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I've been on Oxycontin 160mg for 21/2 years. I take my oxy twice a day.I was wondering,are surpost to stop cold turkey or reduce the miligrams or will lorazepam 1mg,clonidine 0.2mg help me though withdrawls.My doctor is great to me but, I'm not doing to good,since he took me off my medicine.The medicine helped my back,sponolothesis.Maybe you can help me.
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i broke my neck in two places almost fifteen years ago.  after three surguries.  i still have alot of pain.  doctors have given me percocet.  it didn't really remove the pain, but it took me to a pleasant place.  i never had a problem with it.  i only took it when i was having a very bad day.  as a result, i never got hooked.  two years ago a new doc. told me of the dangers of taking too much tylenol wich is in the percocets.  he perscribed 40 mg oxycontin extended twice a day, and oxyir 5mg with each pill for more immediate relief.  i returned to see him after about two months and he asked how the new meds were working.  i told him they seemed fine and was only taking them when i truly needed them.  at this point he got very adamant about taking them as he prescribed.  he said that throughout history docs only tried to remove some of the pain.  he wanted to remove all the pain and said he wanted me to have a level of the drug in my system at all times.  after three months, neither i nor my family liked what it was doing to my personality, so i stopped taking them.  wow, i went to see this dr. and asked him just what the hell was going on, and he told me i was going through withdrawl.  i told him if he didn't get me off of these things that he would need them.  at that time he put me on the fentenl patch.  after a few months he said he could no longer help me.  i went to three drs before i found one who would help me, but even he said he would not help me get ogg the patch, only prescribe more for me.  i reduced the dossage by peircing the patch and putting a drop under ,y tounge  i gradually extended the time between drops but it was still horrible.  i really wanted to die.  now this next thig i am going to tell you may help you all.  my son explained to me that the durgs were producing an over abundance of dopamine in my brain.  that's what gives you that wonderful feeling.  when you stop the pills, your dopamine hits rock bottom and you get depressed, even suicidal.  he told me about an herbal supplament called "5htp".  this is available in any health food store.  taking it while your body starts producing it's own dopamine just may save your life.  i firmly believe it saved me.  good luck all.  my love, heart, and prayers go out to you all.
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i broke my neck in two places almost fifteen years ago.  after three surguries.  i still have alot of pain.  doctors have given me percocet.  it didn't really remove the pain, but it took me to a pleasant place.  i never had a problem with it.  i only took it when i was having a very bad day.  as a result, i never got hooked.  two years ago a new doc. told me of the dangers of taking too much tylenol wich is in the percocets.  he perscribed 40 mg oxycontin extended twice a day, and oxyir 5mg with each pill for more immediate relief.  i returned to see him after about two months and he asked how the new meds were working.  i told him they seemed fine and was only taking them when i truly needed them.  at this point he got very adamant about taking them as he prescribed.  he said that throughout history docs only tried to remove some of the pain.  he wanted to remove all the pain and said he wanted me to have a level of the drug in my system at all times.  after three months, neither i nor my family liked what it was doing to my personality, so i stopped taking them.  wow, i went to see this dr. and asked him just what the hell was going on, and he told me i was going through withdrawl.  i told him if he didn't get me off of these things that he would need them.  at that time he put me on the fentenl patch.  after a few months he said he could no longer help me.  i went to three drs before i found one who would help me, but even he said he would not help me get ogg the patch, only prescribe more for me.  i reduced the dossage by peircing the patch and putting a drop under ,y tounge  i gradually extended the time between drops but it was still horrible.  i really wanted to die.  now this next thig i am going to tell you may help you all.  my son explained to me that the durgs were producing an over abundance of dopamine in my brain.  that's what gives you that wonderful feeling.  when you stop the pills, your dopamine hits rock bottom and you get depressed, even suicidal.  he told me about an herbal supplament called "5htp".  this is available in any health food store.  taking it while your body starts producing it's own dopamine just may save your life.  i firmly believe it saved me.  good luck all.  my love, heart, and prayers go out to you all.
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I was taking 5 mg of oxy then progressed to 200 mg of oxycontin in 5 months. I realized the time had come to stop. I decided one day to ween off. I went from 150 mg for 3 days and dropped 50 mg every 3 days. It was uncomfortable, but I did it. I would have faced terrrible withdrawal if i went cold turkey, if the weening off program didnt work, i would have gone and see the dr specialist to get buprenex. the easy part is getting off, the hardest thing is trying to get the cravings away. The cravings is the real battle, get past that part and your  life of being an addict will do a complete turnaround. Also when, I got down to 15 mg a day, my body adjusted to the dose. When I stopped all together, I just had some bad anxienty, but almost no withdrawal.
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Buprenorphine works GREAT for detox.  Clonidine is for **** D.C.  It is a blood pressure med that reduces detox symptoms by about 10%.  Bup. reduces them by about 80-90% or more.  I've used it to detox several times.  Works GREAT.  Go to the website www.detox-center.com.  Dr. Gooberman's website.  He's in NJ and will detox you OUTPATIENT with buprenorphine.  You go for 1 visit, get a brief physical and then the bup and some other drugs (which I never needed because the bup. works so well). Cost is just over $200, including bup.  THe other meds are a bit more.  You must pay cash.  You can get an appointment in a day or two after calling.  Go to the website for details, where it is, phone number, etc.  They have Sat. appointments.  Good luck.
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Hi there,
I've been addicted to Oxycontin for about 1 year now.  I'm ready to get off bad.  I've tried detoxing a couple times but get bad detox.  I've heard about this Buprenex injections to help with the detox.  I've found a few doctors in the States that will do it.  Does anyone know about this stuff, anybody have the Buprenex procedure done on them?  Any docs out there that can tell me anything about it?  Your help and info would be greatly appreciated.  email me at ***@****

Thank you!
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I am on 20mg of Oxycotin 5/3x/day, and on 3/325mg Perocet/Acetaminophen 5/3x/day, total 15 Perccet/day, 15 Oxycotin/day. I was just given Clonidine to take while I wean myself off of the Narcotics, the doctor has given me specific weaning instructions. I have been on the Perocet for a year, and on the Oxycotin for about 4 months. Chronic lower back problems, I am a Army officer and have injured my back over the course of 17 years in service and by thousends of parachute jumps. Anyway does anyone have any knowledge of this Clonidine? Has anyone out there used it with good results? Please contact me with any information, I want to stop taking the Narcotics at this point in my life, I am even willing to suck up some of the pain in order to do this.

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I work on a inpatient Psych and detox unit and we have recently stop using Buprenex for detox.  I have worked there for 7 years and I can tell you that Buprenex is the best medication to use for detox.  The withdrawals are much usier than any other medication used.  Lets get the FDA to approve Buprenex for detox so we can get these people the help they need.  Thank you
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I wish each and every one of you the best! I have abused
narcotics for the past ten years and have now remained clean
for the last month. I had help thru a inpatient rehab as well as
my friends and loved ones. It gets better each and every day!
All of you keep the faith and prayers Marcy
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i take oxy. also nothing seems to help me when i go thru withdrawls  best thing to do is just ride it out you will feel better in about 4 or 5 days  good luck
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Has anyone considered seeing a chiropractor for their pain? Its a lot better than getting stuck on a drug merry-go-round.
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My mother has abused Oxy. for years.  Last week she suffered massive withdrawal and I found her having seizures.  It took enormous effort from hospital staff to get the seizures under control.  She was on a respirator for 4 days in Critical Care.  Fun time, right?  MD's over prescribe this narcotic and there are no real controls in place to identify and catch seekers.  Anyone who feels close to this, please write your congressman asking for some type of mandantory computer hook-up for all Dr's and pharmacies.  They could have, in this day and age, instant access to the number of times/dosage an individual has been prescribed certain narcotics.  It's not rocket-science...someone just needs to make it their priority.  STOP NOW AND E-MAIL, WRITE AND CALL your STATE LEGISLATORS!!!!!!
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oxy 40mg 4x a day works great for pain but steals the rest of my life...my feelings,my ability to be involved in a intimate relationship . oxy takes my pain but also takes my joy.   I've detoxed 9-10 times in my 20 yr chronic pain adulthood anmd i wonder.. why detox if i will have to go back on in order to get to work, sit in car  "appear "  ok.. but be empty inside
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Hey al I had the same problems as you for a long time. My dose before I quit was 100mg per day. I was taking two and a half fortys per day. I didnt feel flat as you say but I would wake up with my left side completly numb. I also bled from my nose. sorry Al it was my right side that went numb. I found that music was very annoying I couldnt stand to hear it. When I decided to quit I went to see an addiction specialist. My doctor used a drug to detox me called buprenorphine. This is what I think saved my life. I didnt have much of a withdrawl. Its been 33 days since Ive had opiates of any kind. I had weekness for about three weeks. It dosent seem unreasonable that my body needed to rest. If you have been wired from the oxy and putting up dry wall you will be tired and need rest as well. Rest is not the worst thing Al. Ps I like that thing with the alarm clock I never thought to pop and go back to sleep. GOOD luck Bob K
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I am taking about 100mg day oxycontin. Some days I want to get off them because I hate having to take drugs to not feel bad. I absolutly cannot stand the way I feel when I don't take any. I leave a pill by my bed and I set the alarm 30 minutes earlier than I have to get up, take the pill then hit snooze at least twice, long enough for the oxy to take effect, then feel like I can get up and take on the day. Then at intervals throughout the day keep chewing pieces of oxy to keep the steady effect going. They make me work hard and fast. I am making good money with the assistance of these pills. I don't socialize well anymore though. I have no sense of humor. Can anyone relate to the numbing of emotions (happy or sad) I feel kind of flat. Like there is no character to me. I really prefer to be alone. After reading alot of these posts on this forum I am actually more afraid of stopping the pills. I had always heard of 5 to 14 days of bad withdrawl symptoms, and was ready to deal with that, but the stories I am reading about no energy for months is discouraging because of my work profile. I am in drywall construction and am very good at it. I enjoy it more than I ever have and I'v been doing this work for 18 years, even though work is about the only thing I enjoy. I am worried about losing the vigor I have now if I stop taking oxycontin. I do know the no energy feling from times when I didn't have any oxy, and I couldn't work, and didn't want to work. So my self talk keeps me taking the oxy, but hating the efects it has on me emotionally,(flat) They are also very expensive. I'll shut up for now, but would appreciate any respose on the experiences of how they affect your life, (bad and good) and any hope of energy returning and vigor due to a positive attitude. Thank You
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Sean I know the feeling of wanting to reclaim your life. I was addicted to pain meds for about ten years. I finally decided to quit when oxycontin kicked my ass. Your level of use 20 to 40 mg almost certainly would climb if you continue to use. As you probably know the most physical part of your withdrawl is almost over. I found that I had a lot of fatigue muscle aches and sleepless nights for about three weeks. The good news is that today is 32 days for me and Im actually starting to feel great again. The same will happen for you but some time must pass. good luck Bob K
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It is so refreshing to know that there is a place to go to get feedback on what has become an existance i no longer want to pursue.  I started dabbling with pain killers about 5 years ago, and within the last year or so it had become an everyday event.  I decided that last saturday nite was the last for me and im now on day 3 without oxy.  Sunday nite was horrible, sweating, nausea, and sleeplessness.  Last nite i managed to get a few hours of sleep with the help of some over the counter sleep med.  Today im feeling woozy but it has definitely gotten better.  At the time i stopped i was up to 20-40 mg per day.  I'm curious that at this dosage the withdrawl will not be as severe as some of the others who posted at higher dosages.  And i also wonder at this lower dosage whether i might be able to get thru this without professional help.  I realize i have to make real life changes and that i cant be around certain people anymore.  I'm so proud of all of you that are doing the right thing.  I'm ready to reclaim my life.  Thanks for the support.
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To everyone on this site--Thank you all for your openess and honesty.  That,along with acceptance and surrender is the first step in your recovery. I've been in the "rooms" for 10 yrs after using for 23 yrs. The last 15 yrs was being additicted to pain meds. I went through a wonderful in-patient program in Miami and even though they detoxed me there (10 days), it still took a good 3-4 months before I felt normal. Remember, for every yr. you use, it takes approx. that amount in months for the body to feel good. The reason- opiates get into the bone marrow @ is released slowly. For those trying to detox alone-DON'T. I still went through the sleepless nights, leg pains, headaches, etc. Good news- I was able to put together 5yrs clean. Bad news-relapsed on those stupid pills after having surgery. Did everything the program tells u to do but once u put those drugs in your system, you're screwed. Went thru detox and out-patient and the"rooms" again-5 yrs again- 3 months ago I had 2 terrible accidents and the hospital and Dr. put me on Oxy and Oxy IR-never even heard of these before. I am so afraid and I know the cycle of active addiction is starting-isolation,depression,etc.Sorry for taking up so much space but I stopped talking to all my friends(drugs do that to you). All I want to say is after stopping-DON'T TAKE THAT FIRST DRUG AGAIN!.U start where u left off only worse.(with I could take my own advise) P.S.-to the lady who wrote no one knew-she was a professional- same here-guess what-addiction is a disease and does not discriminate. I hope I can be as brave as all of you and own up to this before it kills me, even though I'm in alot of physical pain. Would like to hear from anyone in recovery who has had to use pain meds.- please help!
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Bill K seems like we quit about the same time Bill. Tomorrow will be 12 days for me. I cant see myself ever getting back on that ride again. I learned how to quit on this forum. This is my first computer. Ive only had it about 4 months. One night I typed in the word oxycontin and I wound up here. This thing paid for itself almost right away. I will do my best not to undue that. Im glad for you Bill, and I hope Mick is ok on day four. Bob K
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Glad to hear you are doing so well Bob. Its been almost two weeks since I quit OXY. I am doing better everyday. I still am having some problems sleeping and getting my energy back but every day seems to be a little better.I do not have any cravings,which is good.This experience will probably effect my outlook about taking any type of pain medications in the future.Mick I hope you make contact with the Dr. and get some help.
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Mick I did call and make an appointment. They were very nice professional people with a very nice detox center.Three days is great man see if you can get four. Mick all I can tell you is I know how bad it hurts and how san and tired and everything but it seems like its going away for me. ie I think about it less everyday. Wouldnt it be great if you could go all the way? GOOD LUCK BOB k
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