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Withdrawl from long term use of narcotic pain killers

I am thankful to have found this site, as I find this a very difficult subject to talk to anyone about. Reading eveyones stories helps me feel not so alone. Here's mine. I was diagnosed with a life threatening cancer about five years ago. I was treated aggressively and apparently successfully, but the treatment left me with some chronic pain. I have been taking ms contin and oxycodone for breakthrough ever since. In addition to controlling the pain, I liked the feeling it gave me. Rather than feeling tired all the time ,I seemed to have more energy, plus a feeling of wellbeing when facing a very difficult time. Well, it looks as though the cancer is not going to get me and I want to finally put that chapter behind me and get on with life. Through it all I have maintained a busy professional life as well as being a wife and mother of school age children. So, about three days ago I cut my dosages in half, and its been rough. I think what I am experiencing is textbook withdrawl; leg cramps, diarrhea, feeling cold all the time, and inability to sleep. I think that is the worst, when the whole house is asleep and I am up and down, in the bed, on the couch etc, etc. I suppose I should ask my Doc about this but I have to admit I am ashamed to. My docs and the nurses have been great and have never made me bad, so I guess it is just my hang-up. I had to laugh when I read on one of the postings that this tendency to try and do it yourself is often part of the problem! Thats me, hard headed. Thanks for listening.

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If you have ever been addicted before you will get addicted again after a week or two at most of using narcotics every day (and in many people after just a few days).  Even if you haven't been addicted before, since you have been taking the painkillers for about 3 weeks every day you can suffer some mild withdrawal symptoms which it sounds like you are having.  Try going back on them and tapering down by taking about 10% less every day or two until you are off them.  It should help reduce the symptoms.
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i am 28 years of age and just had hip replacement surgery on april 10th.  i was given different types of narcotic pain killers in the hospital, and it did not seem to matter then.  now i am home with a prescription filled for percocet and vikadin, (doesn't matter which i take) and have been taking 2 pills at night when the pain really gets bad.  this has only been since april 11th, and i just went off the pain killer this morning, april 30th.  i did not think i was going to suffer such side effects after using this drug not even 1 month!  i have severe leg fatigue, moody, nauseated and cannot manage to keep warm.  get the chills constantly along with dizzy spells... is this normal for not being on the percocet that long?

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Could you please supply information on the withdrawal symptoms and side effects of getting off Methodone.
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The withdrawal symptoms are the same as any narcotic: severe flu-like symptoms combined with anxiety, cravings, etc.  They are actually worse and prolonged in coming off methadone than just about any other narcotic, which is why I don't recommend people getting on methadone unless there is no other reasonable option.
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I've found through that one can experience leg cramps after taking hydrocodone (Vicodin) for as short a period as one week 7.5 mg three or four times per day. You may want to reduce dosage gradually as it seems worse when just stopping cold.
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I agree with Brian as to the withdrawl from the substitution of methadone.  The molecular structure of methadone makes that substance bind to the narcotic receptors in the brain.  The half-life and metabolites remain in the blood stream for quite a while.  
Avoid any methadone withdrawl program unless this is your last (or close to) resort. May the Force be with you!
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I'm in the same boat as shelby.2 major back surgeries in 6 years
i'm on 80mg oxycontin and 20mg of the short act. md tells me i'm dependent not addicted, but I need the meds to maintain. I can't stop on my own, Ive tried. Last teat I spet 8000.00 on the repid detox. that lasted 2 months, what a waste. I can't seem to find a
professional in the chicago area to help me get off this ****.

I would really appreciate any and all suggestions!

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There should be plenty of addiction specialists in the Chicago area.  Look in the yellow pages; call treatment centers and just ask around.  Look for a program or doctor using buprenorphine to detox you.  It is pretty painless and FAR cheaper than UROD.  I've been through the rapid detox and felt like death afterward.  However, it is not the fault of the detox that you relapsed.  No detox is a permanent solution.  It is just a first step.  The far harder part is staying off the drugs.  Finally, if you have chronic pain, you may want to try a pain clinic.  They may decide you need something like methadone for your pain.  Good luck.
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Id like to find out everything I can about vikadin because my friend keeps telling me its god's gift to her. She takes it everday and says it solves all her problems. Can someone (ANYONE) send me some info about it. What is it, what does it do, effects, anything ur willing to tell me. Im really worried about my friend. Please help! E-mail me right away. his_angel***@****

Thank you all soooo much. Anything u send will mean alot to me.
Some one who cares about people like you
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I know what you feel and what you are going through, as i am dealing with the same myself. I started about 8 yr ago and after hitting bottom I decided to stop cold turkey. This I can recomend not doing without a strong support group to help you. I have only been clean for about 2 months. Every day is constant fight to stay alive. I had to stop working in my trained profession as a nurse. I found it very difficult to even look at pain killers. It seems my body does something new every day just to remind me of how much I miss and want the drugs. However I know if I go back i will surly die. I can only say if you want to stop it's all up to you and only you.
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to angel do not even think about tryinr vicodin i used it to get off coke and this is much harder. i did 70.000 in cola in about 2 years and after 3 days i had no urge no withdrawl but vicodion is another story i love the motherfuckers i feel like i am superman when i first started taking them. i could work 18 hours a day  and ask for more byt now 3 years later i need 8 to get out of bed 5 hours later i need 8 more to get through the day.i make more money in 1 year than most people dp in 5 and im about to lose it all im in day 1 of quitting and im already thinking if giving up. please dont start please.u have my email u or anyone can talk to me anytime i check my enail daily
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to angel do not even think about tryinr vicodin i used it to get off coke and this is much harder. i did 70.000 in cola in about 2 years and after 3 days i had no urge no withdrawl but vicodion is another story i love the motherfuckers i feel like i am superman when i first started taking them. i could work 18 hours a day  and ask for more byt now 3 years later i need 8 to get out of bed 5 hours later i need 8 more to get through the day.i make more money in 1 year than most people dp in 5 and im about to lose it all im in day 1 of quitting and im already thinking if giving up. please dont start please.u have my email u or anyone can talk to me anytime i check my enail daily
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17992 tn?1258185601
Hi Again everyone

Neil from the vicodin board has deleted all the the posts from here that people were posting on his board.  THANK GOD!!  Like I said ,I am pretty new here, but this is private, at least to me,everyone have a good night and please write me.  ***@****

Take care

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17992 tn?1258185601
Pain killers especially vicodin are very addicting.  I was clean and sober for 12 years, and due to my age(46) I started having many problem with chronic pain.  I was put on vicodin and within 3 years was taking at least ten norcos a day, and went back to my drug of choice heroin.  My life is in a shambles, my hubby is starting to talk about using again, and sometimes it like I dont wanna die, but I want to go to sleep until its all over.  Can anyone relate?  I have made a decision to take Dans suggestion and get on a 21 day methadone detox.  I have to before I just waste away.  Addiction never goes to sleep, it waits for us every ******* day of our lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am at the point of the would have should have could haves.  My diease is running wildly in my mind, body and spirt now and I have to stop befor I die.  I am so lucky I found this group, you guys let me know as long as there is a breath left in my body, I have hope to be in recovery from this deadly diease that tells me I dont have a diease.

I love you all

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please write back and tell us how you are doing, I feel for you so much. I have never used heroin but am addicted to vicodin and know somewhat of the struggle you must be going through. There are people who care about you. I have read your posts on the vicodin board and found you here also. I need to know that you are okay. I will say a prayer for you.
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I have seen heroin addiction close up.... my daughter. I think your post was the best example of the sleeplessness of the beast who awakens at the slightest provocation. I am printing your post for my daughter who is coming up on 10 months clean. I don't want her to think this is over just by osmosis. So thank you for sharing your personal pain right now. I think you may be aware that much of the activity on this board is up near the top... so scroll up and maybe post there. It seems not too many people continue to post down past the middle of the board. That seems to be where many of the treads discontinue. I mention this because there are active discussions now on the buprenorphine detox which have helped a number of participants in this forum. Right now Maryanne has left ( today I think ) for a bup detox, Bob K. is clean 6 months after a bup detox and there are others. If you have not seen this information I just wanted to bring it to your attention. You have been clean 12 years so I am sure you have the experience to know what works for you... you have utilized great recovery tools for a very long time. I am praying that once you detox you can pick up where you left off. Please let us know how you are doing. Love, Brighty
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Hi all, I have read about your anger with the drug and the addiction. My brother in law had this addiction and is trying to kick. However the love I have for my sister is directing my anger at the seller and the doctors who pre-scribe this drug so freely and in such large amounts. The guy who sells to my brother in law gets a script for 180 tabs every two weeks. Is this normal? What must that Dr be thinking. He sells these tabs for 5 dollars a piece. I am angry with the supplier. Am I misdirected in my anger, who knows?  Oh well keep "charlie" in your prayers! thanks for the chance to vent! Mara
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You didn't say what drug was being RX'd but I assume it's something like Lorcet or Percocet.  For me, 180 pills is a two month supply! Your brother-inlaw is being prescribed in excess of ten per day and that's a lot of pills!  I don't think this is right at all and who knows what kind of doctor is involved in this.  Somebody is eventually going to jail at any rate.  I'd be angry too!
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I don't know much about pill addiction per se... so I know JB is telling you the facts.... this doctor is a legal pusher... and likely involved in illegal activity...yep... jail is the next stop for someone, unfortunately it usually tends to be the victim, the addict... you have a right to be angry... remember when you direct your anger that addiction is very much about profit... when you make your list of all who profit "Charlie" won't be anywhere on that list... I think you will begin to understand and reassess the drug laws in this country. God bless you and I will pray for Charlie and his family. Love, Brighty
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Hi JB & Brighty,

   Thanks for your replies. I guess I wasn't clear on my "post a note"...huh? Anyhow "Charlie" wasn't pre-scribed these he WAS jsut buying them. It started with a legitimate pain from an injury and then of course he was hooked. This Dr has many patients he pre-scribes to and they all sell unless they are hooked themselves. Anyhow good news I talk to a "friend" and gave a list of his Patients that I know are sellers, and he is going to turn it over to the DEA. I want to be a part of getting these off the streets. I am 15 years drug & alcohol free and I have a 19 year old son and many nieces and nephews to protect. We have two pain doctors in this town and one Dr you so not see his patients "hookes" the other they all are hooked! The one who is free with his meds has actually lost three patients to suicide. That should speak for itself. Anyhow keep praying, I appreciate it and God will bless! Mara
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Well, just be sure that the ones who get pinned are not the poor souls who are addicted and trying to support a habit... they are victims... those who sell and do not have a habit are profiting from someone's misfortune and they of course deserve to be punished... but as I said... they are usually the ones sending the addicts to do the dirty work... and to suffer the consequences... be sure you know what you are doing... all you may accomplish is to keep the industry in business all the while thinking you are doing the right thing. These doctors need to be put out of practice... and you are to be commended for trying to accomplish that...and congratulations on your personal accomplishment of staying clean for all those years. Love, Brighty
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Is 8-10 Percocets 7.5s' a day considered addictive?  I'm at this point and I know I start to get irritable when I stop using.  The more I take, the more the body/mind demands.  These are truly addictive drugs and I become more obsessed with them every day.  Very insidious at first but over time they whack you in the face, like being caught in a deadly constriction of a serpent.  Unravelling the beast must be a *****.  I knew better but life's circumstances and having a legitimate script for tylox after a trip to an ER after having a kidney stone sent me down the path of narcotic seeking, using, and scamming.  I admit that I still feel great when using but where will it end?  And am honestly not looking forward to withdrawal/quitting.   How do I learn to live again.  I need support.  Help,
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I just have a comment. After being addicted to vicodin for 5 years..at the end, I was taking 60-70 a day..it was pretty ugly! I would get clean for about 3 to 4 months, then the anxiety would build up to such a hight level, I would relapse. I went to Betty Ford and then finally to a rapid detox procedure in Richmond,VA. It was a nightmare! Beating myself up because I couldn't control myself. Well, after my last attempt at soberity I have remained sober because of ONE thing and one thing only! It's Wellbutrin! I have been taking 150mg once a day for 6 months and I have stopped craving pills, alcohal, cigs and anything else that was excessive. My moods have improved. My depression is gone and I am living a more healthy life. I put on a lot of weight during my addiction so that's the only thing pissing me off right now. I am holding onto the weight despite great effort to lose it. My body has to heal before the weight comes off..I suspect that's due to the fact I totaled my liver..I encourage any of you to research Wellbutrin and go on it. It will take about a month to start working but it will work! Trust me, I have done it all and this was the only thing that worked! I will have to be on it for another year, but it's way better than the other pill : ) Good luck to you. I know it isn't easy! feel free to ask me any questions at ***@**** I'd be happy to help!
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I just have a comment. After being addicted to vicodin for 5 years..at the end, I was taking 60-70 a day..it was pretty ugly! I would get clean for about 3 to 4 months, then the anxiety would build up to such a hight level, I would relapse. I went to Betty Ford and then finally to a rapid detox procedure in Richmond,VA. It was a nightmare! Beating myself up because I couldn't control myself. Well, after my last attempt at soberity I have remained sober because of ONE thing and one thing only! It's Wellbutrin! I have been taking 150mg once a day for 6 months and I have stopped craving pills, alcohal, cigs and anything else that was excessive. My moods have improved. My depression is gone and I am living a more healthy life. I put on a lot of weight during my addiction so that's the only thing pissing me off right now. I am holding onto the weight despite great effort to lose it. My body has to heal before the weight comes off..I suspect that's due to the fact I totaled my liver..I encourage any of you to research Wellbutrin and go on it. It will take about a month to start working but it will work! Trust me, I have done it all and this was the only thing that worked! I will have to be on it for another year, but it's way better than the other pill : ) Good luck to you. I know it isn't easy! feel free to ask me any questions at ***@**** I'd be happy to help!
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