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Xanax and alcohol

What happens when you drink alcohol What happens when you drink  and take Xanax?take Xanax?
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Welcome! Finally a question about Xanax for one of the few Xanax junkies on this board.  It is a subject I know well.  First of all, if you're not taking Xanax a lot now...don't start.  It is a real ***** to get off of. All addictive drugs are but I think this is the worst. If you take it with alcohol, you will get really messed up.  Like passing out messed up, not fun messed up, and if you take enough of both together you can die. It isn't a drug, I personally take with alcohol and I take a lot of it. And let me advertise our new forum in case this thread gets deleted tonight when Dr. Steve reads the posts:


If you're new here you probably don't know what I'm talking about but this is another site where you can get helpful answers to your questions. Sometimes posts here disappear.  They won't there.
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Huu Wahhh! Finally got netscape to close,Thanks to my oldest who's done tech support before. Any job offers?  Don't try to copy the detox recipe the way I did or it may get netscape stuck. Evidently I sent the web to my documents and it's been running ever since.                                                          Earthgirl please don't mix that with alchol. I'm sure a little won't hurt this time. But I don't think it's a good idea. Let us know if your okay. Concerned, SHotsy
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Hi Earthgirl! I'm glad to see you posting again, it's been a while and I've wondered how you've been doing.

The others are right. Mixing Xanax (or any other drug in the benzodiazepine famile such as valium) can kill you.  It is very dangerous, so please stay away from mixing the two.

I've never been addicted to benzos, but everyone says that they are very, very hard to get off of, and can cause seizures if you don't taper correctly.  

How are things going for you these days? I'd love to hear more about how you are. Keep posting!
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Hi Jenny,
Just want to check in , reach out..see how you are doing after this crisis with your husband.  I agree with the advice Francoise and Shea gave you, but it is easier said than done.

When you get time, please let us know how you are doing, and until then, just know that I'm thinking of you and sending you strength and healing.

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You've posted here in the past haven't you?  Anyway, your handle rings a bell.

I have drank alcohol while on Xanax with no remarkable results other than than normal for me.  However, I would not recommend it!  My dose is quite low to begin with at .25mg and I don't tend to have more than two drinks at a time(beer). I also weigh 235 pounds and am a male.

If the bottle says not to use with alcohol, pay attention!  A dear friend of mine nearly died because he drank while taking diabetes medicine.  The point is, you may get away with it for a long time but the law of averages may tend to do you in eventually. And at the moment that you think you may be dieing....the term "idiot" comes to mind.

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Hi there friend, I am not sure if you posted as to why you are not in the hospital but if you did I missed it so whats going on with you?  Are you feeling ok?  Jules
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Ditto, I'd also like to know how your doing? And if you got all the red tape taken care of? Shotsy
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Yes, I was at the "big hospital" for all of one day.  I had a lot of test work done and a consult with the Gastro clinic and was sent home.  I am supposed to have another liver biopsy this week but have not recieved any notification yet. Though my liver enzymes were very high, they didn't think I needed hospitalized yet.  And that suits me just fine! I cannot have anymore meds containing Tylenol and am on a very strict diet now.  I have to go to the local clinic here for vitamin B and thiamine shots every week.  Actually, I'm starting to feel almost normal again!

All in all, it seems like it was "much ado about nothing".  But then again, it's better to be safe than sorry.


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I was so glad to see you posted. As I  was also wondering how you are and must have missed so posts with your update. know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am getting ready to sign up for the new forum as I am thinking maybe that is where I am missing somethings as they are being posted there. Keep us posted. And please let us know when this week you will be going in the hospital. Glad to hear though that you are feeling better:)

May you find peace

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Thanks you for your kind considerations!  Actually I haven't posted much lately so you didn't miss anything new.  I was pretty depressed last week but things are getting better.  I was switched to MS Contin and the first couple of days on it left me pretty weak.  Too bad you can't cut the pills in half. They are extended release pills. J.B.
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Wow they really did put you through the ringe.  I am so happy to hear that you are ok.  Your posts really had me kind of scared I am not sure how they can tell you that you are in liver failure one day, not put you in the hospital, put you through the red tape and then here you are!!!  I guess we should count these blessings blindly !!
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This has been kind of a pain in my ass.  About a year ago when I went in for alcohol detox, they kept me for four days in the hospital. Now with a clearly failing liver, I'm okay to go home!  Maybe they are just fed up with me?  Hell, less than ninety days ago I was in the hospital for a total of eleven days due to sepsis and cellulitis and was supposedly 24 hours away from death.  Well, I'm still here and feeling pretty good at this moment, thank you!  J.B.
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Hello again.  Do you mind if I ask you what brought you to this forum?  I know you have been here for a while but from what I remeber you were kind of absent for a while I remember Cindi writing about you when you hadn't posted in a while was that because you were pretty ill?  I was just wondering what your story is because you are a much loved member of this forum.  I am sending some prayers and hugs your way I am hoping the JA's at the hospital know what they are doing.  Jules
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I found this forum like most of us do. Actually, after my daughter's death, I was in sad shape.  I was drinking very heavily and taking Lortabs for months.  When I discovered this forum I soon realized that I wasn't alone in this world of addiction and depression.  I began to post here and there and started to crawl my way up out of the hole I had fallen into.

My history of drug abuse goes back to 1970 when I was introduced to morphine while serving in the military. Initially, it was given to me for some wounds I suffered from. I had never even heard of the stuff before then but was hooked immediately.  Later I got into using morphine, heroine and other opiates found on the street.  Needles are no strangers to me.

I finally got clean by about 1976 and never used again until about 1994.  My wife was being given morphine and Dilaudid for cancer pain at the time.  It was just a matter of time before grief and fatigue brought me back to using again.  The end result of this was detox and rehab and a lot of misery for me and my family.

In 1999, I relapsed again as I stated in my first paragraph. I'm still trying to understand what is so wrong with me that I have to resort to using again and again.  My wife, for instance, has been through far worse times but has never abused herself by abusing drugs or alcohol.  This is pretty much my story in a nut shell.  Hope it helps some.

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Please do not beat yourself up I used to do that all the time and think I was a horrible person and mother because I couldn't beat the drugs they were beating me.  I think I have to think like an alcoholic in the sense that the cravings  will always be there.  I have been really upset with myself for the past couple of weeks.  I had a little fender bender and then a root canal and have been abusing the hydrocodone given to me ever since.  I thought I was past that.  I was doing so well with the Ultram and now here come the narcotics.  But before I came to the forum I would have thought I was such a bad person now I know I am a good person with a problem that I need to take care of.  I think we addicts are sensitive people and that is one of the reasons we are so hard on ourselves.  What I know of you I love of you and I know that most people could not go through what horror you have been through without problems.  How is your wife?  I did not know that she had survived cancer.  JB I just feel for you when I look at my beautiful baby boy I honestly do not think I could live without him so give yourself some credit just for being here after losing your daughter.  I am rambling but I wish I could help you in some way.  If I was there I would have Cole give you a big hug and a big sloberry kiss that would help.  He gives the best hugs for a 20 month old.  Well here is a cyber hug and please have a happy day OK!!  (((((((HUG)))))))))
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is Soma (carisporidol) addictive? It's supposed to be a muscle relaxer....please help??!!
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Yes, Soma is addictive...if you take it long enough, you will get withdrawals when you stop. It is a muscle relaxer, produces a mild euphoria, and has abuse potential.

If you let us know more about your situation,we can try to help.

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Thanks for the info. on Soma...I was just curious, i recently stopped taking vicoden, i was addicted to it for awhile, and i was doing great! until i took this muscle relaxer one day, i had a horrible tension headache, problems at home, and this took it all away, i felt great. i took it for two days, and right now i don't feel any withdrawls. Is it a narcotic? does anyone know what it's made of? the ingredients? it does make me sleepy, i am afraid now,because i got clean from the vic's and now i like this, i really thought i was going to be okay, but i have stress in my life, and i don't drink, so when i get soo frustrated i take something, and then i feel like i can function. it's hard..i wish i could deal with this better,
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I have had a little experience with Soma.  I've known quite a few people that were addicted to it as well.  It has "street value" in that you can buy it from dealers at inflated prices on the street corner or bars for instance.  It's not a narcotic like Vicodin or Lortab.  Soma is metabolized and changed into a sedative called meprobamate by the body. This produces quite a tranquilizing effect on your central nervous system.

The first time I used it, I made the mistake of taking it along with Lortab. I was on my way to work at the time and had to pull off the road.  Suddenly, I had no idea where I was or where I was going!  I ended up using it only at night as it really was a great sleep aid.

Hope this helps some,

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OK i didn't know anything about this personally but one of my past boyfriends his brother died on August 3, 2007. I couldn't figure out what it was from all we got was an overdose well that could be a million different things. We just now found out that it was from Xanax and alcohol. So all i am saying is this is proof i mean this happened like 2 days ago.
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hey just wondering i have only taken 3 .5 xanax in like a matter of 20 minutes how high is the risk of getting a serous problem from drinking just one milwaukes best after that? i dont belive the risks are high seeing how its a low dose of xanax and only 1 beer just wondering? and no its not a constant thing.. although i am a addict to almost every drug if i can get my hands on it beside herion ive only done that once and im not a crack head junkie or anything i just like to get high  every here and there as long as it dosent jeperdize my life or others thanks for the advace and sorry about the spelling its the one thing i cant do good
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and also im new to this site.. so i dont know if you can send a post to a sertian person but if any one has a question or needs help with anything feel free to ask i have experiance in many things and would be more then happy to help
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hey bro nothing is worth taking your life over..all that does is let others win...be strong and take it easy i know what your going threw... not forsay i dont have cancer but ive been in the place where i was close to end my own life and was admitted for a few months things will get better and if they dont **** the bullsht and focus on the better things in life.. any one can find good in the world if they open there eyes to it hope you can work threw this bro
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ok this ill stop posting after this dont want to become some one who blows up threads and such if any one could help me out though i just left where i used to live and there was did drugs every day so im having thoose damn withdrawls and jonesing for to get messed up it just seems i can never get high enough any one could help me handle this  because also im about 5 minutes away from taking another 2 xannax and drinking my last beer and if that dont work i got moraphine and kolanapines as well any one have any advise?
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