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please share with me your experiances with the new drug suboxone. ive been on it now for a month. iwas on injectable buprenex for two years and was very excited to have a alternative from the needles. im not sure if i like it or if im doing it corectly. i was on 4 ampules a day before and now im taking 1/2 of a 8mg suboxone three times a day, i tried just taking one tablet in the morning but i found i need something later on in the day so thats when i started doing three times a day. i would like to stop al together but i dont no how to do it and if its possible. i forgot what it was like to be drug free. i started on buprenex originally to ger of a 20 t0 25 a day loret habit for the second time. i was thre a in hopital detox for that already once and im thinking about it again to get off this stuff. sont get me wrong bup has been a god send but you cant do this for ever. PLEASE I NEED SOME FEEDBACK
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another comment.  Clinics response.   I've gotten this response at the 3 clinics that i've seen through the 8 years.  when asked about being completely off.  clinic doctors response was " If you were diabetic would you  stop taking insulin" ?  Be very careful about a clinic that seems like they want you as a life long client.  I'm paying $250 per month.  Way too much. Plus the drug was $600-$800 depending on dose.  Yes Insurance covers it today but they have not the whole time.  It's time to get off completely.  I dropped to 8mg a day today from 8.25mg all the way from 32mg per day.  
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I started the suboxone program about 11 months ago (actually it will be 11 months on 10/18) At first I was taking 1 tablet twice a day and then they decided that everyone (in my specific clinic) should take both tablets only once a day so I started taking 2 tablets in the morning and then within a month of that they decided that 1 and a half tablets is a good dose. So as it is rite now, I am suppose to take 12 mgs in the am but, I really found that by 4pm I was having awful cravings so, I decided to split it up a little so, I take 4mgs in the am and 8mgs around 4pm because that is my worst time of day. And even though I never tell them this is how I do it, that dosing is what works for me and I am happy to say that I am VERY close to my year mark of being clean.
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just thought my experience might help others:
I have been taking suboxone for about 4-5 years now. I Needed to get something working for me as I have a professional job and cannot be "seen" as addicted. Yes - I too thought "how on earth did i do this to myself" - but that is another story. I have found that suboxone had a very short half-life with me - possibly because I have a high metabolism - so when i came down to manageable levels - which i call about 14 mg every second day, I realised that I could not wait two days to dose again. as a result I took that 16 mg takeaway and divided it up into sections. then tapered down.
Until last week, and for  the last three years I have been taking 2mg, 4 x times a day. 2mg in the morning, 2mg at lunch time, 2mg after work and 2mg when I go to bed. This has been brilliant - hard to do when they want me to dose the entire amount when I go in - but I made it work. by using my takeaways to regulate my own dose - I took back control. when i told my Dr - he quietly said that he had also suggested this to others, and to keep tapering down this way - to do the best i could.  
just lately my pharmacist has told me that he will no longer be dispensing suboxone - this is a big blow as most of his clients are my clients ( that would be due to my professional job!) and so I cannot be "seen" to be dosing. Pharmacist was great and my Dr also - they arranged so that I could dose once a week and get the rest in takeaways. it took a long time for this - I had to prove that I was responsible - but given what I had to lose - the proving part was easy.  
But now the pharmacist is no longer dispensing and I am told I must go elsewhere. I cannot take the risk that the new pharmacist will "get" me or the fact that my job is on the line here - so over the past 5 days I have dropped my dose to 0.5 mg 4 x times a day. so far the withdrawal has been pretty mild. bad headaches - but I have just discovered that drinking water is a cure for that. leg cramps but elevate them on a pillow and the pain is bearable enough to sleep. Shakes - or feeling "cold" but rug up warm and get an electric blanket if you can - turn off and on while the temperate changes up and down in your body and its pretty manageable. toilet breaks - but not too bad. feeling a bit depressed but I know why.  other than that - Im good . okay i know its only 5 days in - but im hoping that i can "jump" from here in about a  weeks time.
I cannot leave work ( although I have holidays if really need them) and I am responsible for other staff - so i can't screw this up
any thoughts - i would appreciate the feedback.
child of the universe  
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i have been on subutex for over a year an still cant get off it feels like i swapped one addiction for another would like to know how people have come off this and does anyone know about ibogaine
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I am going cold turkey tomorrow morning on my hydro. I met with a Dr. yesterday and she has me starting on suboxone tomorrow once I'm into the WD's. I have to admit I'm very scared of how I'm going to feel tomorrow. I've been taking anywhere from 13-17 pills - 10mg. daily for the past year. I'm frightened about the pain and the sickness that comes with WD's. I'm also scared of how I am going to function. It has been so long since I have functioned "normally" that I don't remember the days before eating 2-4 pills the minute my eyes open in the morning just to get going. I am however pleased with myself for taking the steps to getting better. I just know that I don't want to live like this anymore. I'm worn out on the anxiety that comes with this addiction.
I would really appreciate it if I could get some feedback on what the first 3-4 days is going to be like for me. What is the 1st day going to be like? Is the 3rd day worse than the 1st? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. I am limited to my support with family and friends because very few are the situation I'm in.
Thank you.
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I just started taking suboxone today. I had an awful addiction to opiates, I was prescribed 60 lortab 10's a month. At first I followed directions, then I ended up to where I was a few days ago... My 60 script would be gone in 4 days, then I would use OC's, Morphine, Percocet, ANY OPIATE! I had tried quitting befor, but by the end of the second day the withdrawals would be so bad that I would go out and find something..... It started to make me realize what I am doing to my body and life.. I am 22 yrs old and I am a GS12 for the government making 80-100k a year as a senior server administrator... I thought to myself WHAT AM I DOING TO MY LIFE!!! then I learned about suboxone.

They had me quit taking opiates on saturday, and come in on monday at 7AM. You have to be withdrawing to get suboxone, not because it wont work - more like you have to talk yourself into really quitting - if you can go through 2 days withdrawing so that you can get better, than you know you want to quit!

Monday they had me in their office trembling, pupils dialated, yawning, sweating and getting chills... they then told me to go downstairs to pharmacy and get 1 suboxone tablet... (8mg/2mg: my buddy told me that was a weak dose but I figured if I could start off small and handle it than I would be better off in the end) They broke that tablet in half and had me put 1/2 under my tongue to dissolve... I had to stay there 3 hours so that they could monitor me and see if it was working, it did work! Chills went through my body for 30minutes then I felt normal, and happy.

Basically I took the first 1/2 around 9AM, I just now took the other half (4:40PM) I feel good - I feel like a little kid again, and have a lot of self esteem and confidence - I will quit.

Thinking about how i spend 500-600$ a month on pills, paying for this treatment doesn't cost ****! I go back into the doctor tomorrow at 7AM to get a weeks worth hopefully (I cant be paying co-pay's everyday!) I am really going to do this like the doc tells me to, when he says quit, I quit.

Think about your body, your money - think about how much you spend and how you would be able to buy something rewarding without addiction.

I wish everyone here luck - and will keep you posted on my progress

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You are supposed to dissolve sub under your tongue and hold it in your mouth for 10 minutes because thats how long it takes to absorb the medicine sublingually.  DO NOT SWALLOW IT, if you spit it out before 10 minutes you are wasting the full effect of the medicine.. Let me know if you need more info...
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Suboxone is a wonderful crutch to help you get off of other opiates...but please keep in mind ....it is also a opiate and can be addicting ....if you try to stop taking it you will pay like hell with the worse possible wd you can imagine.......i wouldnt wish it on my worse enemy........
The goal is to help get off of what your on and then taper off of suboxone. follow your dr orders and you will be fine........but remember it i very very expensive and so can the dr visits too....i always feel the dr are in it for the money......they could care less you have a family a life and anything else......its all about the money and the drug.........they are your new dealers per say...
wish you all the best
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Hi can someone please help me out here and tell me about suboxone, I am on 320 mg of Oxycontin a day, I severe dosage of Oxycodone and my dr has prescribed this to me for over 2 years and i need to come off, How many mg of suboxone would I need per day, I called and reaced out to many suboxone doctors and it seems all they care about is how much cash you have.
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good for getting clean buddy... (btw - you posted this on a very old thread - alot of people may not see it. so if you want to interact in the future, i suggest starting a new post - that way everyone sees it.)

anyway, please - do everything you can to STAY clean.  you are young, and have your whole life ahead of you.  at some point, look at what it is you're trying to "forget" (why alot of us take drugs to being with) - what feelings you don't want to feel.

because honestly, they won't kill you - i promise. and eventually need to be recognized.

getting clean believe it or not is the easy part.  STAYING CLEAN is the real work.
so please get some aftercare if you aren't already... meetings, counseling - something.

congrats to you MSSCU, on making a decision to get off dope.  YAY for you.... feel good for what you have done...

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I was shooting black tar heroin for about 8 months and before that I was snorting a good ammount of oxycontin. I tried the whole methadone thing  but didnt work too well since the nearest clinic is an hour away. I dwindled on the thought of suboxone and finally made the appointment. The doc told me to not do anything for 24 hours before I took the first dose of sub (8mg). I took it then went to his office to make sure that I had no adverse effects. Well it made me feel worse so about an hour later he told me to take another. At this point I had cold sweats and was freezing in his office not to mention I started to throw up. I guess it sent me into precepitated withdrawl even though I diid wait the 24 hours, but I must admit that the last dose I did was double my usual (about .5 gram). After being in the doctor's office for hours I acted like I felt fine so I could get out of there and get some dope. I was going through the worst withdrawls in my life so the second I got the dope I made it in the car and muscled it. At that point I could not fathem trying to find a vein. Once home I decided that the next morning would be my last time doing it but I needed something to help me through it. Next thing I know my old oxy hook asked if I needed any xanax and it was a god send. I spent the next 2 days or so sleeping and now the stuff seems to be working. I did do a shot earlier in the day to kinda test and see if it was true that suboxone blocks all opoids. I barely felt it so I was happy to see that the stuff is working. Now that I am out of xanax I am having a hard time sleeping which seems to be the only negative effect,which is why I am writing at 4am on the fourth of July. I forgot to mention that I was perscribed 32mg/day I start out with only a quarter or half being afraid of what happened the first time I took it. So I guess its time to get my life back I am about to start my Senior year of college and dont need dope to mess my life up anymore! In my opinion xanax is the best way to go through withdrawls... just only for the first few days though since its addictive.
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518375 tn?1211848345
I just waited it out till morning and took my regular Sub dose at noon and have felt fine.  Thank goodness!  That's the last time i F with anything other than my scripts from the Doc.
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hi, just thought id add my experience for what its worth. i was on 24mgs a day of suboxone for  around 8 months and while on it felt normal and functioned well. i decided to come off quickly due to my circumstances and dropping initially to about 8 was easy, then i started to struggle but ploughed on. the last 2mgs was the hardest but i was switched to subutex for that which comes in 0.4mg tabs.(suboxone contains nalaxone, subutex doesnt. the naloxone is partly to stop people injecting). my main advice would be take it slow, just see how you are day by day, it can be quite hard to come off but its definitly doable, i wish you lots of luck and i quess it took a while to become an addict so its gonna take a while to get off and most importantly stay off, good luck louise
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484378 tn?1209905892
Well, Ive been on Subutex since April 29th...not May 8th...looked at the wrong bottle yesterday...LOL. OOPS! Well anyways, a few days now, short of one month. I decided to not take them anymore and the only symptom I feel is RLS. Mostly at night, because Im just layin there probably. I hope they dont get worse! I was only on the 2mg tablets and during my first 10 days...I took 12mg the first day of detox...and went down everyday since. I jumped off at a half of a 2mg tab...so 1mg (i guess). Im thinkin maybe I should have finished the last 6 maybe?? I dont know. I just didnt want to become addicted to this drug too. I was on a 20 a day Norco habit 10mg/325 for over 2 years. This medicine has SAVED MY LIFE. It helped me change my daily habits, and let me see without my foggy glasses on. It gave me a 2nd chance at life, and while detox, I was up and about feeling great. I still have 6 of the 2mg tablets left..and sometimes I wonder if I should have stayed on to finish them cutting even more down from 1mg?? Like cut that 1mg into half? I still have them if I choose to do that if things get worse. I will keep ya all posted! But if your ready to quit, and serious about it..this medicine is a life saver...but could become addictive also, so be careful. Thats what Im tryin to avoid. I only have 6 left anyways...so if I have to cut the half into another half, then thats what I have to do...but im tryin not to. This RLS is crazy though...weird. I hate it. It feels like my legs are achy, muscles tight, tingley a little....errrr. But thats the only symptom....so who knows why this is...I just might post and ask...LOL....

Hope all is well!
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did the morphine actually work? i thought u would just pee it out without feeling anything?
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397118 tn?1219762250
Hi there,

Maybe you should post your own post this is so old.

Anyways not sure about the morphine, I'm on suboxone now for 12 weeks now on 1mg from 10mg I wouldn't take anything else but that is MY opinion.
Good luck
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518375 tn?1211848345
I've been on Suboxone for 6 days.  tonight i took 90 mg of morphine.  Am i screwed or should i just skip my Sub dose tonight and start again in the morning?  Please help, i want to get back on schedule but am afraid if i take the Sub i will have crazy withdrawals.  Please help.
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418049 tn?1204036892
i was on suboxone for over a year i finally got off of it and i relapsed two weeks later im now 5 days clean my advice to anyone who wants to get off of it , just do it its exspensive as hell and it just prolongs the inevitable your just replacing one thing with another i wouldnt recomend anyone to start suboxone treatment!
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im on my second month of subs...theyre great!!!!  i was taking 30-40 hydros a day at the end...havent wanted one since my first dose of subutex.....Im like you pogobth, it is very hard to sleep all night, but i dont want to take anything else, so im just dealing with it. Good luck to all!!!! You can get off the opiates, if i did...
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ive been on suboxone for 2 weeks, coming off 15+ perc 10 a day. Ive had no w/d at all. i actually feel normal for the first time in many years. It is a little hard to sleep, but over the counter sleep aids help. When that doesnt work i take ambien. all in all suboxone is the ticket
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i would say you would be fine to take your last dose on sunday night, you wont be too sick...but you have to be somewhat into the withdrawals or he wont give you the meds...you should repost your question to start your own thread...you may not get many answers here, this thread is a little outdated...go to the bottom of the page,and click on go back to forum, then go to the top of the page and click on post a question...
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Also can I take some sleeping aids (ativan, valium) etc to take to help with the withdrawal?  ANyone know?
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I got to the doc Monday at 2.  I've been on Norcos for 4 1/2 years now.  I finally have to stop.  Running out of money and just want to be 'normal' and myself again.  I'm scared cuz I am prescribed the Norco because I have server back problems.  But I will worry about that later I need to get off.  But now I am terrified because I have to go through withdrawal starting Sunday and I dont want to go through that hell again.  The doc says go through for 24 hours do you think I can go though like 18 horus and still be ok to start sub?
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Nope. No Clonodine. Just most everything from the thomas recipe and its has been difficult taking it because of little fod intake for me. She, however is doing much better, eating ok, drinking ok, but when she started I was still using and able to care for her alot better. I also gave her b-12 shots which helped a lot. I am not taking the suboxone as of this am. I dont think its good for my b/p. So, I am taking very small doses of the meds, and wiening off. very litle to build energy, eat and take the vitamens. Seems to be working better for me. I plan to quit it altogether asap. who knows it may work. I feel like it is. I have a much better outlook and feel the prognosis will be better. let's hope so as she said she will leave me if i dont get it right.She says she fels i am doing much better this way so well have to wait and see. Thanks so much.
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