243614 tn?1266197537


How much clonidine to help with cravings for percoset? To use as a taper. thanks.  TJack
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anyone know how long it takes for the clonidine patch to start working?
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hey sister, i'm 5'6"and 140 lb's... the clonidine i have is .1 mg.  do you think i should take half instead of a whole?  and should i start now instead of waiting for symptoms to hit?

thanks (once again...) girl...
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Yes I have 2 questions.

1.  Herbals are safe in pregnancy?  
2.  Should I take the half at the same time everyday?  Like, start at say, 8:00 a.m everyday?  Here is why I ask - if the ultimate goal is to get the amount of pills down, then say one day I wake up at 6:00 a.m. and I stay awake until 2:00 a.m. (not likely, but I have an ealy rising disabled son and a late night husband) then I would take half every 2 hours and that would be more than 4 whole pills a day!  OR - if I sleep in and go to bed early then I would not take all the pills I am supposed to take and ruin the whole taper plan.  

Disclaimer - I am a philosophy major with a concentration in logic - if that tells you anything about why I over analyze all things and ask why all the time.  Sorry.  I graduate in December and it can only get worse!!!  :)  

BTW I am feeling perfectly normal after taking that half 40 minutes ago.  I have a nice steady pain throughout my back but my legs are normal and I am not sweating and then getting the chills.  Although I think a lot of the withdrawl symptoms came from the oxy's because I have cut back or quit norcos and not had the withdrawls I had the last few days.  When can I expect to have the oxy out of my system and only be feeling the withdrawl effects of the norcos?

OH - anything for mood enhancement at the herbal store?  I tend to get very crabby and short tempered with my kids when I don't have the pills - I do not want them to suffer during this too.

(Sorry more than 2 questions!)
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182493 tn?1348052915
Melatonin worked for me... GNC has some good herbal sleep rememdies.. I went pretty much all natural when I quit.. I even stopped all my anxiety meds and SSRI's and went all natural supplements..  I have never felt better..L-theanine is a amino acid used for relaxation.. its like herbal valium.. YOu could try that with the melatonin to re set your sleep clock.. worth a shot right??  It can't hurt.. it worked for me.. and I was even detoxing...

keep me posted..
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182493 tn?1348052915
You can get it at any drug store normally.. Yes it helped me.

Some times throughout the taper you will have icky days but you will not feel it the whole time..It will be mild icky moments.. not a week straight of the nasties..

Ok so 4 per day in halves with is the right way to do it.. No getting that "feeling" that is not how ya quit.. that equals 8 doses.. in a 16 hours you are probably awake is one half every 2 hours.. Stick to it.. Strict every 2 hours.. Write it down.. Tommorrow.. take one half every 2.5 hours.. We will do this together.. Each day we will slowly spread out your doses.. After a few days you will eliminate a whole dose.. painlessly.. Let me know what you think..

Day 54
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Sounds good!!!  I will do it and keep you posted on how it's going.  I will still probably be unable to sleep - I have tried taking an ambien and I still only get about 4 hours even with that.  Any ideas?
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Thank you - that was how I imagined it but I wanted to make sure.  

I think I could start at 4 a day honestly.  I take them in halves usually, unless I want to get that feeling, so 4 a day would be fine.

I'm already freaking out saying 4 a day.  I am thinking, you better say 5 what if 4 isn't enough?!?  Damn how did this happen to me!!!

4, that's it, final answer.  

One more question - is the tapering meant to make you feel a few withdrawl symptoms over a few weeks as opposed to the cold turkey which makes you feel bad withdrawl symptoms over a few days?  With the taper will I have any moments of peace?  

Oh, and where can I get Hylands restless leg?  Does it really work?
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I have plenty.  Because I have not been using them regularly, I still have almost all of my 90 that I got 2 weeks ago, with a refill for 90 more available in a week.  My doc has no prob refilling these little babies!  :)

So I was taking 2 or 3, usually 3 over the last month, oxy, but yesterday I took only 1, half in the morning at 6:00 a.m. after I was awake all night long and another around 4:30 p.m. when I was ready to kill my kids.  I have not taken an oxy since yesterday at 4:30 p.m.  (big whoop right!)  I took a norco at about 6:00 this morning but it is wearing off and the sweating and legs are starting to come back again.  I plan on taking NO oxy's any more.  So you say start a taper with the norco's but don't take them when I need one - take them on a regular schedule and cut back on a regular schedule?  What is this meant to accomplish?  Making the body start to produce it normal dopamine again, or getting rid of the medication to some extent?  I need to know the why's and not just the how's if I am to get through this!  Thank you so much !!!!
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182493 tn?1348052915
THat is meant to accomplish the body adjusting to the lower doses.. therefore cutting back on alot of the nasty withdrawl.. We got through withdrawl because our brains neurotransmitters have not been producing the proper things because the pills have been tricking our brains into thinking we have enough when really we have none.. when we take away the pills. the neurotransmitters have to start working again.. they are now lazy and don't want to.. the pills have put them on vacation.. The send out a signal to make our bodies freak the heck out.. therefore physical withdrawls.. By cutting back the brain and body adapt to the lower doses and start working slowly.. as opposed to being in shock when the pills run out..
I am the same way I like to know why and how in order to something.. I like you already..
The question is how many Norco do you think you would have to take to just not be in withdrawls?? 5 per day??  6 per day??  Whatever that number is is where we start ya.
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182493 tn?1348052915
I would consider waiting to make babies til you are out of withdrawl.. It should only be a few weeks.. And you are on the right track with using the lesser of two evils to get off.. But only taking the Norco when you absolutely feel you "need one" is not the best approach... Your reward center of your brain will start making you feel stuff to get one..
Do you have enough to to do a taper?? Just using the Norco?? Let me know
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I am wondering what the deal is supposed to be with a taper.  I am trying to taper off oxy and norco, but everytime I take a half of a pill I feel guilty!  So I guess I am doing some sort of a mixture of c/t and taper where my goal is to take nothing, but when the restless legs get too much for me to handle I take a half of a pill and then beat myself up about it.  I have 5 kids and just can't lay around all day especially when they are on summer break!  Also, I am curious if anyone has thoughts about it being easier to stop taking oxy's or norcos?  I don't take much of either, 2 oxy 40 mgs a day and maybe 3 or 4 norcos broken in half for breakthrough pain.  I am trying to have a baby and must stop all together.  SO - I am thinking if I can get off the oxy's by using the norcos for the restless legs, which is the only thing I cannot STAND about this, then will my body start producing the stuff it was getting from the oxy?  My thoughts are that Norcos are only 10 mgs and oxys are 40, so it must be easier to get off norcos than oxys, so replacing the oxy's with the norcos is logical until I can then quit the norcos completely too.  Again, my main issue is the restless legs.  They are horrible.  I have a call into my dr. about that blood pressure medicine since I am already hypertensive, but I am concerned about taking it in case I am pregnant or get pregnant in the next few weeks while dealing with this.  Some of those blood presure meds are NOT good for babies!  Any thoughts?
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243614 tn?1266197537
Thank you, may have to try that.  i will do the one every four hours today.  Get my thoughts together.  I feel a little overwhelmed this morning.  I dont know what that is about.  I need to settle down and get my ducks in a row so to speak.  I will keep you posted.  TJack
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182493 tn?1348052915
The other way to do it is to do it by the amount of pills you have left.... I can make you a taper schedule based on how many you have.. if you like??  I have done it for others over the months I have been here.. I was always good a making mine last for the most part..
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243614 tn?1266197537
okay I will do it.   I will keep you posted.  Thank you once again.
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182493 tn?1348052915
I am in Tampa..
So you have  14 days to taper... That can be done.. Especially if you start at 6 like I said earlier today..  So tommorrow take 5-6 and see how you feel.. Take them on a strict every 4 hour schedule.. If you break them in halves you can take a half every two hours.. Try it.. Then we can figure out what is possible in two weeks..
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243614 tn?1266197537
We fly to Calgary from Portland, Or. on Aug. 20.  Fly back on the 29th.  We will be on a bus tour most of the time we are there.  Stopping and doing and seeing etc.  So, that is only 14 days from now.  What do you think?  And I guarantee you if it comes to the suboxone I am taking all this paper work from you with me and telling them right up front I am not taking that stuff long term.  If it can cure you in 20 days why be on it for months? NOT GONNA happen with this girl.  At least now that I have a full bottle of percoset I am not a panicked mess.  I don't want to live like that anymore though.  I want my old Me back.  And yes I would say you are itty bitty.  That should have been your screen name. ha ha   Thanks again. Where are you in Florida?   We love it down there in Oct. through Feb.   Usually we go to Yuma for a few weeks in Jan>Feb to get out of this rain.  Thank you for the help.  TJack
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182493 tn?1348052915
YOu should be ok with the whole one 3 times per day.. I am only 5 ft 1 and maybe 100lbs with clothes and shoes on..
When are you going to Canada??  We could adjust your taper to fit the time frame..
I would avoid the Sub thing too...  They will probably want you to do it long term since there have been no long term studies done on it.. and that I would avoid..There are people out there who think that long term sub use caused their liver issues and also it is believed that after time the drug actually creates new pain receptors.. which is great in the beginning but if you were ever in a situation that you really needed emergency pain control it would make it very hard.. These are reasons I was only on it for 10 days it got the job done,, and then it was time to move on..

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243614 tn?1266197537
5 ft.4  165 lbs.  I was just trying to get this done before we head to Canada  But guess I can continue on with it on the tour.  Maybe take some depends along>yikes.  I don't even know if i can do this.  But want to try hard to avoid the suboxone study, but at least i have that available to me if need be.
You are a Godsend because you are helping so many with the knowledge that you have acquired.  You've been through it and came out the other side.  I hope i can help someone when i get through it too.  Thanks again.
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182493 tn?1348052915
10 days is a bit fast... If you are really gonna taper I would give yourself 3 weeks.. at the minimum. Going too fast with a taper will end up being alot like cold turkey.. so its really one or the other..
the clonidine will help alot trust me... I don't know your size but I am a petite woman and I took mine in halves and took them like 5 times a day instead of a whole one 3 times..  So if you are on the small side.. be careful they can lower your BP too much.. I would only take the klonipin or adivan at nigth to sleep.. If you take it during the day it will not help you sleep as well.. And I would only use those for the first 4 days or so.. I would also get some Imodium since it will for sure be needed at some point.. get the pills not the liquid.. bananas help with the restless leg stuff as well as Hyland Restful Legs.
I am not a godsend honey.. just a junkie with a big memory and a big heart..
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177036 tn?1192286635
Yes, in Webster's, if you look up Medhelp, FLaddict's name is there.  

You could also ask the doc to RX some ativan which helps the anxiety and sleeplessness.  Be careful with that though cause it has it's draw too,
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243614 tn?1266197537
Thank you and let me tell you, you are a Godsend to people who come to this site.  Oh, i hope the clonidine will be of help to me.  My husband has some clonazapam (klonopin)  and i have adevan too.  But, i don't want to be a walking zombie, just not so sick.  Do you think i can be clean in 10 days or am i being foolish?
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243614 tn?1266197537
And at the least i might be able to get down to 3 pills a day instead of 8 or 10.
We have upcoming trips to do and i have got to get myself together.  Girls campout next week on Thurs. till sunday along the Umpqua River and then come home and a tour of Canada for 9 days.  We are suppose to boat in and camp a week with friends on the Rogue after Labor Day and then to Sisters for a Jazz festival.  So, I cannot be going through any withdrawals and feeling like crud!  I want to get this done if i can by next Thursday.  Am i dreaming?
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182493 tn?1348052915
That sounds like a good plan.. Give your hubby your pills and have him give you your doses.. That way you won't be tempted.. If you have been taking 8-10 per day you can probably cut down to 6 and go from there... Break them into halves and take them more often.. Like every 2 hours... then cut out a half every 2-3 days.. that will equal a whole a week...
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243614 tn?1266197537
okay,  well i was in withdrawals very bad today.  Took my last pill yesterday am
My dr., after i explained about the upcoming suboxone study agreed to write me a script for percoset 500 and a script for clonidine.  I am going to try to do this taper style.  4 for a few days and then go to 3 and then cut them in half and take a half 4 times a day etc.  off set this with the clonidine and whatelse would you suggest, amino acids?  I really think with my hubbby's help i can do this.  Although he has told me you know I can't tell you NO.  I said, WELL< you are gonna have to.
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