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dangers of xanax

I am writing for a friend.  She recently had surgery for cancer of her kidney.  Surgery was successful and she is neither on chemo or radiation therapy.  After surgery she became very depressed and cried frequently.  It has now been about two months since the surgery.  I myself, have gone thru severe situational depression a few years back and have compeltely recovered, so I am familiar with how my friend is feeling. She is now taking Prozac, which has just been upped to twice daily.  Her doctor has also given her Xanax.  The recommended dosage is 4xdaily.  I don't know the strength.  In the beginning she seemed to be coming along fine and getting progressively better. But now she has hit bottom again and it seems when she takes the xanax she becomes more depressed-  she starts shaking. and cries easily.  I know when I had my problem, the doctor did not want me on this drug for more than two weeks, and then put me on Klonopin.  My friend used to be a very strong person-ran a bookstore then a clothing store. Am I correct in thinking that the xanax is not the drug for her?  Is it working against the Prozac?  She was going to call her internist today, whom she has not spoken to about this yet.  I might mention that I took my self off of my anti-depressants on my own when I realized it was causing high blood pressure.  My physiatrist  never once told me to monitor my blood pressure.  My physcian didn't even know that anitdepressants can cause high-only low.  He looked it up and sure enough it could cause high.  It seems that doctors are pushing pills on us without all the facts.
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I really can't safely answer the question about the prozac working against the xanax as I am not a physician nor a pharmacologist...I am a nurse and I can say honestly that I have given prozac and xanax together but each patient is different  everyone's body chemistry is different what one person can tolerate maybe the next one can't...it could be that she is not tolerating the prozac well,  My mom was one that prozac did strange things to...it made my mom shake and cry. depression can be a very tricky thing,,,whether it be situational depression, clinical depression, post partum etc...sometimes the only way to find the right method of treatment is unfortunately by trial and error..trying various meds,  a combination of meds...etc...you friends doc is probably her best bet to contact regarding these side effect...he can give her a better evaluation and switch the meds..maybe the doseage...and yes, many physicians are not always aware of the side effects...sadly they rely on the nurses to know about the drugs they order as well as the Pharmacists...I, myself have caught orders that have been written for dosages of different meds that were unheard of....not too often but it happens..it could be something very simple with your friend such as a dose adjustment....anyway...let us know how things are going for you and your friend. She is a very lucky person to have a friend that cares such as you....good luck to you both     love to all     cindi
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It is possible if she lowered her dose of xanax for 24 hours even by one or two mg's she could have withdrawal such as crying and shaking. Possibly even seizures if she is not careful. Klonopin is said to be better for anxiety since it is longer lasting. It also is addictive though like xanax.

It is also possible that the prozac is making her extra emotional. I take 10 mg of Klonopin a day which is extremely high dose but I take mine for seizures as well as acute anxiety attacks. She will experience withdrawal from prozac too, doctors prefer to call it discontinuation syndrome which is really withdrawal because your body has become used to it.

The surgery operations can easily lead to depression. My worse depression has been over the past six months since I had a historectomy, only the uterus, and catarac surgery. I have been suicidal many times. Just give your friend all the support she needs and keep telling her you care for her. That's what a depressed person really needs to hear for emotional support; not a lecture on drugs or lifestyle changes etc.
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I was wondering if anyone here has heard from Angelica?  i am a little concerned about her and I am worried about JB,,,I was watching my favorite     (the weather channel)   LOL  and saw that the area that I think JB lives in has been hit with some bad weather and possible tornadoes?  since I am leaving for florida soon  ( I know everyone is tired of hearing about my florida vaca LOL) i am glued to the weather channel.....
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I own a piece of land in Punta Gorda Florida. It is two miles from the Gulf Of Mexico and on a lake. Do you want to buy it? LOL

Actually I am trying to sell it. I don't need it way over where I live. I don't get the Weather Channel over here, but I sure can't wait for that first typhoon!!!!! It has been much much much too long!!!! With my new job I will actually get to chase the typhoons and enjoy them instead of working through them!!!!
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Welcome! The antianxiety (benzodizapene)/antidepressant combination is apparently quite common as anxiety & depression so often go hand-in-hand, feeding off each other as it were. Over the years I have had many different anxiety meds prescribed, and there was never very much dramatic change in the effects -- some worked better than others but in subtle ways.
On the other hand,  a number of people have told me about themselves, friends, family, etc. "freaking out" due to antidepressants. I agree w/Cindi that is a possible cause, moreso than the Xanax. But whatever the cause, it sounds like some kind of medication adjustment is needed to bring your friend relief. Best wishes, Milo
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I don't have any real answers for this one, but, I know, when I was on Prozac for one fun-filled month I was a combination space case and rage-exploder. Very pleasant experience for my wife. I took myself of the damn Prozac and, within, 24 hours I felt relatively wonderful and stayed that way. I think SSRIs are a crock. They give psychiatrists a hell of an easy ride. You go in, they listen to you for five minutes, than they prescribe an SSRI. If that doesn't work, they prescribe a different one. A monkey could do their job.
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Hello Friends,
     Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, I'm just so tired anymore. I can't figure out if it's my illness or the 6 or more grandkids that are here everyday or both.
     I was caught up in this thread. My husband had a nervous breakdown 5 years ago after a spinal injury. He had to start seeing a phychiatrist and that nearly destroyed ME! He had him on so many drugs he was a walking zombi. This went on for months.Then my husband tried to kill himself by taking an overdose of valuim. The doctor said he didn't think it was on purpose. Get real. He took 10 10mg. valuim pills and would of taken more if he had them. I finally told my husband he needed to get rid of the pills so he could think again. He did. He still takes some for depression but now he doesn't need to carry a piece of paper with all of them wrote down and when to take them. My sister-in-law just went throught he same thing too. After a year of it, her husband told her it was the pills or him. She is now pill free and happy. So my feelings for Phychiatrists are not favorable. They told my husband his problems stemmed from his childhood. Not the fact that he could no longer work and support his family or the injury he had to his spine. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!
     My sister was crying all the time. She is 42. She was so depressed and she didn't get joy out of anything anymore. But this all started rather suddenly. Her doctor put her on paxil and hormones. She is doing much better. I believe the change in her hormones was the ticket. Could this friend of yours be on medicine that may of caused this change? After my urostomy, I cried for a year. The change in my apperance was very hard to deal with. Did she have any issues like that? I really hope she gets the help she needs. She certainly has a good friend. Be there for her. Cindi and Thomas are the wise ones here, I just sit here and listen to good advice. But this touched home and I do hope she gets better soon. I'll remember her in my prayers.
    Take care Cindi and Thomas. I hope you hear from Angelica soon. Please say hello for me and give her my love.
    God Bless,
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Wow, I finally took the time to read down the board since I last was at a computer for any length of time. It looks like a mental warfare taking place for a while. I hope that has stopped by now. There used to be some very good people on here, I see some have remained and some have dropped off after the blazing fires of nonsense began.

I realize drug addicts and alcoholics can get cranky to say the least but that was getting hard to read. I hope the good guys and gals that left come back and continue helping as you were. Working with addicts,I find they are often overly sensitive and easily take things the wrong way. They already have an insecurity problem, usually a financial problem, physical problems and low self esteems because of the stigma of addiction. I believe people become addicts for a reason. Their body needs something it is not getting and the person harmlessly self medicates and it later becomes addiction. We should look for why we are addicts in the first place, are we self medicating for pain, stress, grief etc, and work from there. I am no expert just another addict like everyone else on this board. Good luck to all. I do believe in God and I will be praying for everyone in our situation.
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what    no weather channel?  typhoon?   where are you    Japan of something?   how do survive with no weather channel.....that's how i fall asleep at night  LOL    punta Gorda is not too far from where I will be looking for a house...do you know where cape coral is?   land to buy    huh?      man,,,,don't tempt me.......LOL
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Well, I'm glad you came back..yep for awhile it ws a mess here....things have calmed down considerably...out of respect for other people here that is all i will venture to say...we did lose a sweetheart of a  woman but that was for many different reasons  I am going to have lunch with here next week when i go to florida.....I suppose when you get a close communtiy such as this place,,,things can get hairy at times...especially with us being addicts.....in the meantime we have gained a bunch of different people that are the best I have met....love to all   cin
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I'm still here! Yeah, we got a righteous storm here a few days ago that I am still cleaning up from. Just high wind but no tornado. Our telephone pole took a direct hit from lightning and I lost my modem, surge protector, microwave oven and answering machine. Not to mention our eardrums!

I don't have much to say about Xanax except that my wife has been taking it religiously since 1994 and at the same dosage she started out on. I get a bottle of sixty every month but rarely take even half of them...they make me too damn tired! I know for a fact that they cause hypotension in me. I tend not to take them with any pain meds unless it is before bedtime.

I hope your vacation to Florida is a hoot! I've never been there myself.  This time of year I think that I'd be better off in Alaska...it's s'posed to get up to 92 here today with 95% humidity.  Take care and be well,  J.B.
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Hey Cin, I did recieve an e-card back from Angelica the same day you got mine. I guess that was like Saturday or so. I hope all is well with her. It seemed so in her mail. Hi J.B. I don't envy you and the humidity at all. Here in California we are having the 100+ days but no humidity so it makes it nice. Peace to you brother. Have either of you heard from Shane? I haven't seen his posts in the last couple of days. Hope all is well with him. Things are slow today at work so I have the luxury of sitting here expounding my wealth of Wizard knowledge LOL which amounts to which direction to take down the yellow brick road to see those flying monkeys LOL. (don't pat attention to the man behind the curtain) ROFLMAO! Oh well, God bless you all as ever and I'll keep you in my lunchtime prayers too!
Power & Magick 2 U all,
luv Wiz
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Finally, we have summer weather   it got to be 92 today   no too bad in the humidity department  usually we have heat plus humididy...that's a bummer but we have a pool :)    I can't wait to meet Brighty   I am gonna take pics and send them to you gus....I hate bad storms....the storms are not bad but here in Ohio they are usually followed by a twister or two....my cousin was killed in a F5 twister that hit here back in 1985....demolished the whole town of NIles....it was bad..we had a small one touch down last month about a mile from my house and I didn't even know it....I'm glad to know that everyon is safe...my luck i'll get stuck in a hurricane in florida.....Love to all    cin
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Well, I've just had the joyful experience so many of us on the forum have had -- "the suspicious doctor/nurse/pharmacist" (multiple choice). I'm having a procedure done next week, & after almost a month since my last visit, I asked for a refill on Vicodin. You'd have thought I was asking for a morphine drip! "We've already given you quite a bit..." I ask you, sincerely, is a grand total of 20 Vicodin over the course of four weeks "quite a bit"? After 2 phone calls, they "graciously" called in a handful of tablets. At least this is a specialist whom I won't have to deal with on a regular basis (I hope). I really feel for the chronic pain sufferers among us who are treated like criminals, or at best, naughty children. Just needed to vent a little -- thanks for listening, Milo
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Hello Milo,
     I understand the way you felt when you asked for the pain meds. I am a chronic pain sufferer that has a rare disease resulting in a urostomy. I've had my abdomen opened up 5 times due to major surgeries, I've had a six inch cyst removed off my spinal cord,leaving me with agonizing pain and limb weakness,and ruptuered disk surgery with permanent injury to the caulda equina nerve,degenerative disk disease and chronic painful diahrea due to disease. Sorry for such a long sentence,but I wanted you to understand just what kind of war all chronic pain sufferers are in. I was diagnosed 10 years ago with a rare terminal illness. But because I am in remission they don't think I need pain meds. I was really suffering untill I found the doctor I'm seeing now. He is an advocate for chronic pain sufferers. He has been brought before the medical board twice already and exspecting to have to go again anytime. He was appalled after he read my history that any doctor would treat me with so little regard. One doctor was giving me 2 hydros a day for my pain. When I asked him to increase it so I could have some quality of life,He told me the only reason my back hurt me was because I walked on 2 legs instead of all 4's like we're suppose to. I was so angry I squalled. I wish I had got down on my knees and crawled out of his office and told all his patients in the waiting room why I was doing it. But I was too upset to think straight. This man had never even examined me. If he had ,he would of seen a twelve inch scar from the top of my spine down.But thank God,someone told me about the doctor I have now. He's wonderful. I'm sorry about the length but I had to let off a little steam when I saw how you were treated. The friends on this forum have been a great help to me. I'm glad you continue to come here. They really care about others.
   I hope your not needing surgery for anything serious. I'll keep you in my prayers.
   Hi Wizard, Cindi, Thomas ,Angelica,Lea,and everyone. I'm still here. Just sitting quietly reading most of the time due to being tired,not lack of concern. God Bless you all. I pray for everyone daily as I know your doing for me. I go to the oncologist tommorrow for some of my test results.  I'm sure their fine. i'll let you know what I find out.
    Goodnight and God Bless,
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I am so very sorry that you've had to endure, and continue to face, such pain and so many medical problems. I don't know how I would have made it if I were in your shoes. I admire you for your strength and resilience in the face of such suffering. But I'm glad you've found a doctor you can work constructively with. Good luck with that!
If the doctor I spoke of weren't a specialist whom I'll (hopefully!) never have to see again, I'd be out the door. Throughout my life I have had only four primary care doctors, and I dropped only one due to an attitude problem. I was having a terrible time sleeping & asked for some Ambien -- he grudgingly called in 7 tablets, but it was as though I shouldn't have them, or he was doing me a huge favor. I'm an adult & don't need that kind of **** from someone I'm paying to care for me.
Very best of luck with your health & healing -- Milo
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[Cindi], I am sorry to hear about your cousin and the tornado. I am surprised I made it through all the typhoons and storms I've chased. Some people think storm chasers only like death and destruction just like most doctors think people asking for pain medication are all addicts to them. I just like the wind and rain, it's exciting.

My Psychiatrist had the nerve to call me an addict last week because I asked her to give me codeine because my GP was off-island. I told her I already knew I was an addict and she knew it for over two years so what's the big deal all of the sudden. She didn't want to do it and it was like pulling teeth to get two 30 mg tabs a day.

The GP'S changed now after an HMO change and the one I have now is finally great. He believes in keeping the patients functional and feeling as good as possible.

Just like you two [Milo and Kerri], when the pain is bad, all I want to do is take a sledge hammer and hammer the walls down. It can be unbearable and most doctors don't want the responsibility of answering to the feds so they refuse to issue any class-2 or higher drugs. It sucks.

I spent years drinking myself half to death to alleviate the pain somewhat. Luckily I have been sober over 1 1/2 years going on two this summer but I am an admitted addict and going to continue the pain meds as long as I can get them because as [Kerri] put it so nicely, we just want to live somewhat normal, comfortable, and productive lives. If we are in constant pain and hating the world for it, we can not do anything productive. I wish these doctors would see that. Good wishes to everyone. I hope [Milo] you find the right doc soon.
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Thanks, wildcat. My primary physician has actually been pretty good about working with me on my various health issues -- so far. If worst ever comes to worst, I may go to a pain management specialist. But my problems are so minor compared to so many people's on this board, I hope I'll be able to stay away from the stronger stuff. I go back for an appointment soon, so we'll see.
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Hi Yo'uns:

First to Milo and anyone else dealing with the self-righteous sub-human category of health "professional:"  Here is a site for chronic pain sufferers; it's a very impressive place and is a direct challenge to the abuses and excesses of the absurd "War on Drugs." Anyway, here it is:


And as for Xanax. My sisterinlaw has been on .5 mg Xanax once a day (night) for five years. When she's tried to get off it, it's been a disaster. She goes absolutely nutz. The family fears for her sanity and for her life. Xanax is just not a drug to fool around with.

Prozac. I'm beginning to wonder if ANYone should be taking that stuff. It's do damn unpredictable. Look at the variety of experiences in just this thread. And to add mine: I took between forty and sixty mg prozac for at least six months, and just dropped it, stopped it, with no taper, no nothing. It did nothing for me. I might as well have been taking sugar pills. No effect of any kind.

Anyway, that's my two cents worth friends. Hope you all have a great weekend coming up.

Peace & Love,
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Thanks for the input..as always you are very informative and enlightening....I have to agree with you re: the effects of prozac and xanax,,,,,,nothing to mess around with..ok  well   I have to get my daughter ready for her dance recitals....tonight and tomorrow..hope everyone has a great evening     and ditto on the weekend.....love to all   cindi
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did you try Imodium or Lomotil for those runs. They usually work every time!

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Hi Kerrie, I've never quit praying for you dear and I'll pray extra hard for you tonight hoping your results come back favorable. The Wiz is sending some of his magic dust to you with a big fat hug! Good luck!
Power & Magick 2 U,
Peace and Light on you shoulders!
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Hey......Wiz, Kerri,JB, Cin.....& Thomas!  How's my favorite bunch?  And you too Brighty.....where are YOU?? LOL  
Wizard:  You are too funny, I always smile when I read your replies...(:  
KerrI:  I've been thinking about you lately.  I am on my way to a new doctor tomorrow.  I have to drive 75miles away.  I don't have any idea how this visit will go, but I am at peace, so that may be a good sign.  I haven't been worrying, which is unusual for me. LOL
Well, YALL......just wanted to let you know, I'm still alive,and Want to say Hello to my near and dear friends.....
You too Dee Dee.  (:
Talk at cha later!
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From everything I've read & heard, Xanax is the most difficult benzo to quit. A doctor in England who specializes in benzo withdrawal shifts patients over from Xanax, etc. to Valium because it's much easier to divide & taper. You can search for info about tapering schedules & such under the name C. Heather Ashton. Best of luck to your sister-in-law.
Right now I'm so damn mad at that highhanded nurse (?), I would concel my appointment except that this doctor is so good at what he does. I may mention my bad experience to him (apparently he was out of the office when I called.) What do you think? I just can't see how 20 vicodin in a month is abusive. Thoughts?
Blessings, Milo
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