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Please help with 12 day sleep loss from oxycontin

I have been 12 days since cold turkey quiting of 160 mg daily of oxycontin,I need serious help in the sleep department I beleive i am throu the worst of the physical withdrawals but need sllep soon or will have another nervous breakdown please help i also have lost 14 lbs due to lack of appetite
102 Responses
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1644813 tn?1302240632
THx ...yeap I did talk to my doctor after 8 days...he was really surprised I did it ...I was ok but took me two weeks to get my taste and smell back..otherwise I only use panadeine forte to cope with the pain ...feel much healthier and able to think clearly ....now waiting for a fusion from L2 to S1 .....in June ...
Anyway thx for the reply.
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you should be threw the worst of it for the oxy the durtram might be a differnt story if it has the drug tramadol in it witch I think it does its not safe to just quit taking it you have to taper off it slowly or risk seizures please check with your doctor or ar least research it on the internet
stick around the forum you will learn alot here good luck and God bless   Gnarly
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1644813 tn?1302240632
Hi I have been on avanza 30 mg since sept 2010 after nasty damages to my spine . It took about until November2010 to be ok.Prior I was getting depressed with panic/stress attacks for nothing...so I can said it helped and still help me.nowadays it helps me sleep but I have been in DAM HELL for the last three days after trying to stop net the oxycotin I had a fall two weeks ago and after being in mad pain I now do not feel any more pain , just light discomfort , it has just been a year today since my accident and decided that I ll take the toro by the horn....so if anyone here has experienced withdrawal from opiods/narcotics (duratram / oxycotin),,please advise how long it took you to clear your system...cold sweat and constant hache for last 3 days ...better today..day 4 but EVERYTHING taste and smell mettallic.
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OH please, i know that this is going to **** the hell out of some people but ambien has no ill effect? are you sure your talking about the right drug, ambien makes most people have amnesia when taken in the right dose for short times,havent any of you who taken it found things strangely admiss when u awake the next day? who do u think is doing that **** in the night? the sleep fairys?If u dont think that this drug doesnt make you trip(and i mean trip)give 2 to someone and watch how they act if they dont go right to sleep.Do u know that when i use to work as a nurse in a hosptil that more then half of the preople would be restrained for ther safty and NONE of them EVER seem to remember it.It can be a good drug(like most if taken righT)BUT PLEASE how can u tell someone its safe to take more when it makes u trip and u dont rember it after.Maybe you wont overdose on it true and die but the odds are some pretty strange things are going to happen in your house. Sorry i dont want to offend anyone here, everyone been great giving me strenght i never knew i had but I just had to say be real.
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new to this arena, but not new to the addictions of life. total hip replacement which went south, facing back surgery and other hip replacement, on meds now,question do I stay on the meds which control the pain or go for the surgery not knowing the out come as to improvement stay the same or worseing the codition with the addiction problem ever present.Some of you are or have dealt with this-- illness, addiction cicrle,any comments will be appreciated. If im in the wrong area please advise, stay strong and congradulations on the on going struggle to keep the monkey off your back
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Chuckles, I can appreciate your posts on how your spirituality helped you get clean.

My spirituality is very different from yours, but it was extremely important in helping me get and stay clean. It was by the grace of the divine that I was able to cross over away from the hell of addiction.  That may not be everyone's experience, but for me, it was a gift that I remain humbly grateful for.

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I know it offends people, and I'm not trying to
judge others or "push my beliefs" on anyone, I
was just sharing my detox experience, which I
would not have made it through without the help
of the Lord.  I can't talk about the detox without
giving Him credit ... it just doesn't feel right!
I wasn't trying to start a discussion on religion
or anything ... but I appreciate the warning!  :-)
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I know it offends people, and I'm not trying to
judge others or "push my beliefs" on anyone, I
was just sharing my detox experience, which I
would not have made it through without the help
of the Lord.  I can't talk about the detox without
giving Him credit ... it just doesn't feel right!
I wasn't trying to start a discussion on religion
or anything ... but I appreciate the warning!  :-)

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I enjoyed reading your post.  Let me caution you that bringing up the spiritual side of recovery apparently offends some people here and on other boards as well.  I happen to believe that the only way we can enjoy a life in recovery is with the direct help of the Almighty...a higher power of our own chosing!  I don't understand the feelings of the athiest and the agnostic, but there have been times when I cursed God for what "he did to me".

There were times when I prayed to God for someone's benefit and things turned out well for them.  There were times when I prayed for myself and was given the strength to go on to solve my own problems.  We are very much spiritual beings as a whole but we tend to cut ourselves off while using and abusing.  We become spiritless souls that end up suffering things like depression and low self esteem.  But always remember that God was always there for you, all those years you were "out to lunch".

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I'm not sure how "rapid" you're talking about, but
my psychologist sent me to a psychiatrist who told
me that people almost never succeed on outpatient
detox ... he said that when you do it outpatient,
you're the doctor, therapist, nurse, pharmacist,
whatever, and most people don't wait the right
amount of time before the next dose.  So he told
me I should check into the hospital, and I did.
I am 23, and I was taking Vicodin (usually around
10 5mg per day, I started taking it for headaches
around April 2000) and also Lorazepam (generic
Ativan, a benzo ... around 5 1mg per day).  I'd
been taking the Lorazepam for 6 years.  Anyway,
6 days later, I went home, and I haven't had
an urge to pick it up again since.  It's been
10 weeks.  Yippeeee!  I've also gone to church
every Sunday since I got out of the hospital,
and spent more time studying the Bible (the
inspired Word of God, not written by men), and
praying!  You said in an earlier post that you
felt like you were undeserving of God's grace
because you weren't thankful enough ... I just
wanted to make sure you know that NONE of us are
deserving ... not if we spent every minute of
every day being thankful.  That's the whole
miracle of what Christ did for us ... we didn't
deserve it in any way ... but He loves us and
died so we could live forever.  If you have
any questions about my detox, I'll be happy to
answer them!  Good luck.  :-)
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stars--thanks for the support! that's what I love about this forum and honestly, this forum is a very large part of why I have been able to quit.
hjp--I think I would pass out if I took that much zanaflex; it makes me very sleepy!!!  I didn't know about the appetite suppression side effect of topamax (though I have had that); thanks for the info.
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The manufacturer of Zanaflex recommends titrating the dose up to 24mg daily...so those on low doses should move them up by taking 1-2 mg 3-4 times during the day and a larger dose at bedtime (4-12mg).  Topamax is an antiseizure drug that has as a side effect appetite suppression and blurred vision.  Docs are using it for everything from migraines to diets.  Seems to be pretty non toxic.
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lanas.....  so happy about your 14 day!!!!!  keep goin!
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I've been on zanaflex 2 mg at night for a couple of months now and find it has really helped as a preventive for my migraines.  I take it with several other drugs.  One is a new one prescribed and I'm curious if anyone has any experience with it:  topamax?  It is an anit-seizure drug that it just starting to be used in small doses for migraine prevention.  Anyone familiar with the drug?  On another note--I wish the best of luck on the detox--I am 14 days without vicoprofen and am doing very well; have the occasional killer cravings, but am still taking ultram which I know keeps the major cravings and withdrawals away (though no fun feelings either).  I would really appreciate any thoughts on topamax, please.
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first and foremost i am so glad to have all of you... your posts are important and valued....  unwise, what a bitchin mind you have, you blow me away!  

hjp, my doctor prescribed Zanaflex and i found that it just helped me sleep well and pain free.  he prescribed it to be taken at night, so i couldnt tell you what it would be like during the day.  

for what its worth, i did the cold turkey thing...  17 days today!  what i found in my favor was the fact that i was already on anti-depressants, my first day was hell!  so depressed...  i have not hit a low day since..  i have zero cravings.  when i found myself not being able to sleep i took Trazadone, which is a sleep-aid with an anti-depressant in it also..  i sleep so well.  my only problem is that my stomach is still messed up and i don't think i have ever sneezed so much in my life...  hubby told me that was the only way to get oxygen back into my brain...  he was just kidding.  those are the only two things still with me.  when i was taking my 20+ vicodins a day i could sleep away the weekend, now i am up and ready to start my day at 7:00 am., and i feel fine..  oh yeah one more lil thing, small headaches.  nothing major..  it sort of concerns me because i suffered from migranes and didnt have any in the years i've been abusing myself.  but i would take the headache over being "jacked" up any day.  

i think about all of you and your struggles and accomplishments all the time.  i pray for you all, because i know He listens.  open yourself totally to Him and you will be delivered and free.  just gotta surrender...  even for those of you who do carry the belief, i surround you with the greatest of "good" energy.  we are only here for a brief time, and we can accomplish anything we really want to, because we are made like that...  free yourself and take it all in because reality isn't that bad...  love and peace to all!!!
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Looks like there's a new drug that may offer us some hope for pain control without addiction. Doesn't seem to have much of a side effect profile either.  I'm sure alot of people on the forum have tried Zanaflex......please post and tell me if you've had problems.  It has a structure alot like clonidine so it would help with withdrawals, and it really makes you sleepy when you first start taking it...so perhaps alittle rest during detox.  It is indicated for chronic pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, tension headache. If you've had experience please post.....I think this drug would work well in the recipe.        hjp
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Ive been there, I understand, and there is hope. Read my post under relapse??? It does get better.
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Hi.  I'm not sure what your friend's situations were and I am sorry to hear that they died.  I can tell you, though, that seizures from withdrawal are very real as I had two major seizures in one night (along with a mild heart attack) and was lucky to survive.  I was going cold turkey from a litany of drugs, but no booze, so again, I am not sure how that fits into your friends' scenarios.  All I know is that I am either going to successfully taper down, or check myself into a hospital if I go cold turkey again because of the risk of seizures which I know all too well are very real.  

Just my two cents.

Keep the faith.
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Hey guys whats up! day 17 free of the oxycontin and im now starting to feel better    ive been taking centrum,and the l tyros, I am still having trouble sleeping but its starting to  let up slightly each day god i can barely concentrate,and still have  severe headaches I am so glad I have been strong enough to do this i have no interest at all for the oxy but struggle to feel normal again the depression is the worst I quit on my own with the help of you,my parents and god. May you all have the strength to keep on this battle      
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that is a long time to be on pain meds  I really would check out the treatment if at all possible...even in treatment I had a difficult time but at least I was under medical supervision...cold turkey is nasty  just pain nasty..no sleep,  that is a given.  but there is light at the end of the tunnel...you ridding your body of all the toxins...you will finally be free rather than a slave to the drugs,,good luck and God Bless                cindi
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Hello and a big welcome to you!  Your story is somewhat similar to my own in that I was taking some pretty powerful meds for pain control over the past two years.  I have gotten off of morphine(MS Contin)lately and am taking plain old Vicodin in small amounts these days. Today I can barely walk without the pain knocking me down, but it's Sunday and should be relaxing anyway!

I used to think that going "cold turkey" was the best way to stop an addiction.  Hah, was I ever wrong in believing that. Four years ago, I lost a good friend and just two weeks ago lost another. And of all things, the two died while home detoxing from alcohol! At least that was the coroner's conclusion.

My advice is that unless you've had some experience detoxing on your own, seek medical advice.  BTW, seizures killed both of my friends but really it was the drug addiction.

As far as what to expect, just read through the many posts here on this forum.  You will not find that anybody that goes through withdrawal brags about the experience.  It's awful to say the least...for a long time both physically and psychologically.

Keep searching and maybe you'll find the answers...


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I'll be going though detox of oxy 60mg per day w/20 lortab 10/500 per day starting Tuesday.  I didn't know what to expect and wondered if anyone could help with their experiences.  

I didn't realize there would be a sleeping issue as well.  I've been on these meds for 10 years.  4 years w/the oxy and have never tried to stop.  I have chronic pain but the drugs are getting too out of control and I just want to stop, check my true level of pain and find another way of coping with. I have ambien at home, I guess I'll use it if I have too.  But I was going to get rid of all my meds.  Is this detox dangerous to try cold turkey alone (hubby will be w/me at night after work).

Any comments of help would soooo be appreciated.  I'm terrified of the un-known.  Should I go to detox or can I do this alone at home w/my spouse.  I'm taking all of next week off work.  So I have 8 days to get it together.

Thanks in advance!
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Thanks for the link. I will look up the horror stories.  I've read plenty of testimonials (on the detox sites, of course) and a few "objective" aritcles in the media, but I suspect it's not as easy and miraculous as it sounds.  

Good luck with the naltrexone.  Since I have been suffering severe depression with no relief yet from the prozac, I have actually be considering electroshock therapy as both a means of getting out of the depression and quite possibly the addiction.  Since it was two severe seizures that "cured" me three and half years ago, I'm starting to think that going through the same process in a controlled environment may be my only hope.  It sounds drastic, I know, but my pasty history indicates that I tend to only respond to drastic measures when it comes to kicking habits.  I think I would gladly trade some memory loss and the risk of brain damage at this point to get out of what has become a suicidal depression and an addiction that I cannot seem to taper down from.

We'll see.  In the meantime, you should be proud of yourself, and I hope all goes well with the naltrexone.  Keep us posted.

I'm off to read the rapid detox horror stories.  You may have saved me five to ten grand, so I owe you one.

Keep the faith.
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I have heard so many horror stories of anesthia-assisted opiate detox -- and I mean from people who have undergone it! People talk about coming home aferwards in agony. I don't know myself, but you can read some personal experiences at:


As for Naltrexone, I'm about to go on it myself in afew days, and what worries me is not the unlikely chance that I may be injured and need opiates, but the possibility that Naltrexone may not only block external opiates but internal endorphins responsible for feeling good as well.

The research seems to be mixed on it, with a slight weight towards those who say it does NOT cause dysphoria.

But you know what, the single greatest threat to my life right now is relapse -- greater than accidental injury, and greater than depression. So I'm going to at least try the Naltrexone, and if it doesn't worsen the funk I'll already be in from detoxing, then I'll use it for a few months to build up some "clean time" and get some distance from my addiction.

I lived clean and sober for 18 years once, so I know if I can just get some distance away from my addiction, I'll be fine.

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