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Tramadol withdrawal

I was a pain managment patient for two years on 200mg a day of Methadone.  I am no rookie at all when it comes to opiate based narcotics.  When my Doctor lost his license in December of last year I had to make a choice, do I want to be handcuffed to Methadone my entire life. Well I took on the task of weaning down. I had 160 40mg wafers left.  I did it. My issue is this and had I have known I would have never done it. I was supplementing the Methadone withdrawel with Ultram. I was not going crazy with it, just a few here and there as I needed them. If you are not used to taking it, it can be deadly in quanity, with me anyways. I never understood ultram but as I have been off the Methadone now since April 13th of 2007 I had to take two to four ultrams a day here and there and now it is an everyday thing. The withdrawal from this Tramadol in my situation is the worse I had ever to deal witth in my life.  I am familiar with Oxycontins, Lorcet 10/650's and a lot of stuff but these ultrams are overwhelming. The pain is absolutely everywhere and I cannot even pick up my television remote without pain in my hand's, and entire arm. Being totally synthetic like Methadone, I find it very similiar in detox, but the pain and fatique is TERRIBLE! I advise anyone that is physically dependant on opiods to NEVER TOUCH ULTRAM, NEVER!!!!!! It is a nightmare and anyone that has suggestions on weaning on this stuff please let me know what to do, please. I might be able to deal with this much better if this was the only thing but I just completely and by myself weaned myself off Methadone so I am not mentally or physically able to deal with round two. And this is a killer. Anyone, please, how long does this last? I have read in this forum people taking up to 15 ultrams a day, and everything negative about it, so it is not just me, everyone say it is horrible. I at my max take four and they are toooooo much! And I am a hard core veteran of opiate withdrawal.And with this stuff I might as well be taking 80mg oxy's. Minus the gastro and flu , muscle soreness and burning calves of Oxy's, these things are by a long shot worse.  And it is more of a brain thing to, Sertonin and stuff. I am in a world of @hit and don't know what to do.
24 Responses
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182493 tn?1348052915
welcome to the site.. there are others here struggling with tramodol as well.. Can you talk to a doc... WD from tramodol is worse for some people due to the stimulation of the serotonin receptors..  your brain has a lot more to heal from..  hopefully some one with more tramdol experience will log on to help you.. if there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to ask..
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Hey just hang in there i'll tell you exactly what i have left, been taking 6 hydro 10's for awhile taking anywhere from 8-12 ballpark range for the last 3 years and now i have 4 , 5mg hydros left to get me through tomorrow.....i'll take them after i get off work oh yeah and i have 2 ultram so i plan on taking them later tomorrow night detoxing is horrible, horrible, horrible, but let's face it , sooner or later you have to sacrifice to get something good outta life right? The hard part for me is working (which i have to do) i can't afford to miss work and i have to detox at work!!!!!!! so just hang in there we care about you on this forum even though i'm new to this i feel like family LOL it's always nice to have someone to talk to in hard times like this as for your question of how long the answer is unpredictable nobody can tell you how long it's gonna take for yourself to get to feeling better but if you want my personal opinion you can bet your life there will be at least 3 days of pure hell after that it depends on how strong you are mentally i think,

good luck and god bless, B
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I used tramadol to get off vicodin/norco..........seemed great and pretty much took away withdrawal symtoms.    Then I quickly tapered off tramadol and got sick, tight feeling in chest, runny nose, sneezing, lethargic.    I was surprised since it doesn't get me high.    I only took tramadol for about ten days or a little less than ten days.  I took two to three hundred mg a day.  Either it just postponed my withdrawals from vicodin or created its own withdrawals.  So frustrating..............
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I know exactly what you are experiencing. I stopped taking tramadol a little over a month ago and I am not completely out of the woods, but much better. It is very very very unpleasant to come off tramadol, but I was taking more than the double amount you are taking, so hopefully the w/d won't be as bad or prolonged. I believe it would be best to taper slowly (but it takes will-power, which I myself didn't have) in order to avoid all the misery, but often it is hard to taper, knowing that the pills are within reach, so cold turkey will be best for some. Since you have already started c/t, I would suggest that you try and continue, hard as it may sound, it must be easier to get off tramadol, when you have only been taking 4 tramadols a day, so hoipefully it wil be much better soon.
Good luck
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Reading your piece i felt relief to have someone finally say how I was feeling, nobody around me truly understands. I was prescribed tramadol for Nueralgia and found myself taking more as time went by, (currently at 400mg a day) or my body just doesnt feel right. I have just discovered I am pregnant and have been told to come off tramadol. Dr says he cant help me, that I will just have to withdraw or chance my baby's health. No option there eh!! So how long does this last?? Who knows!! Everybody is different, some understanding goes a long way though! I understand where you are Sabbath but really it's down to us to get this stuff out of our bodies and start living totall drug free and help others do the same like you have just done with me! I came on the internet desperate to just get some advice and now, after reading your question alot of things made sense and I feel more positive and that bit stronger to deal with tomorrow. Thx!!! Wee Leigh Xx
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502050 tn?1243602535
m day 9 c/t from tramadol 800-1200 mg a day sometimes more. Then I read that going c/t from that much is a seizure risk. Anyway 4 days was HELL but each day seemed to be better than the last. Mainly all the pain is your body lying to you to convince you that you need those pills. It does get better I promise, just don't give up now hot showers/baths help along with otc ibuprofen 200mg. 2-3 every 4-6hrs seems to help with the pain also. Drink lots of fluids and get active as soon as you can as it will help to clear you system. Good luck and God bless.
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199177 tn?1490498534
to be safe for you and the baby you are going to have to taper off of the drug .If you need any help with a taper plan let me know .
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This may seem dumb, but what is tapering?? I only have 20 tramadol left and the Dr will not prescribe any more. Suits me fine because I dont want to take anymore. At the moment I have only had 100mg to my usual 400mg and I am feeling it believe me!! Flippin stopped smoking as well, clever me, great timing!! My calves are on fire, my body is shaking from the bones out and my chest is tight! Is my baby ok though!!!????

Wee Leigh
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454371 tn?1221297385
  Tapering means to take a little less each day. That way you do not feel as bad. and with you, it will be safer for your baby..
If you need help. There are many people here that can help you...
Best of luck to you and your baby..

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199177 tn?1490498534
Lady was right tapering is taking a little less every day . How long have you been on tramadol . PM 1234betterlife she is a nurse she can be very helpful. If you need me to make you a taper plan just let me know.
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Thanku so much for your support thru this. I have been taking tramadol for 4 years prescribed 50mg up to 8 times a day. Dr says im not at addiction level so why is this happening?! I was taking between 8 and 10 everyday until last tue since then i have cut down to 4 a day until today ive have had 2 at 3am and I feel awful, cant sit down!!!! My heart is pounding. How long will I feel like this??? I dont want to take anymore!!!!!
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199177 tn?1490498534
hun, its going to be pretty rough until about a week after you stop taking it . YOU HAVE TO TAPER FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY. Try braking them into halfs .OK try taking one half every two  and a half hours, try that for today then PM me tonight let me know if it helps the WD .
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I will do that, I must keep some, just so they are there because the thot of having none is stressing me out. Im getting alot of cleaning done in the house cos I cant sit still , so not all bad haha. I cant take halves because it is powder capsules but I will have some dinner then take one and see how I go, I will keep signing in when I can and let you know. Thanks again weeleigh Xx
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199177 tn?1490498534
weel Wow I dont think I have ever seen them in capsules and I have taken sooo many LOL Where are you from? OK so the braking them up wont work LOL How about one at dinner then one before bed ? do you think you could do that?
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avis, I didnt know they came in tablet form LOL, I will try just that, just gotta decide what I want to eat just now!!!! I live near Glasgow. Already have a ten year old son and a not so understanding partner LOL! I work fulltime but not been able to face work for last 2 days!! weeleigh
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199177 tn?1490498534
weel, we have mostly tablets here in the US.you can get threw this ,i wish you had a more understanding partner however not only to get threw this,becuase your having a baby.
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2 days with no tramadol after 3 yrs on it not good help
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please help; had no tramadol for 3 days now after taking for 3 years really bad feelings can anyone help me
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Tramadol withdrawal is pure hell.  I did find that the Thomas Recipe was a big help, minus the benzos.  (I didn't want yet another drug to come off of).  I was on tramadol roughly three years, and took as many as 15 - 20   50mg tabs per day.  Let's go with 700 - 1000 mg daily.    I decided to go cold turkey last month.   Tapering was not an option for me.  I would feel like **** and give in, take more pills.  Days 1 - 5 were the hardest.  If you can get emotional support, it will be slightly easier.   If you live with a houseful of people who just don't get it, get support from Narcotics Annon., or somewhere else.  Very important.  Today is day 19 for me.  No tramadol for 19 days.  Still having occasional flu like symtoms, for which I take dayquil tabs.  Still having the nausea, (lots of pepto), still diarreah, but no longer taking immodium.  Still have insomnia.  Simply sleep or Tylenol PM in large doses sometimes works, not always.  Still very very low on energy, but, I feel alive, and am no longer a slave to that awful pill.  I strongly advise anyone considering tramadol as a pain option to reconsider.  It will bring you nothing but misery.
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Immodium helps ease the general withdrawals.  It, itself, is an opiate (don't try to get high.  It doesn't cross the blood/brain barrier.  You will only end up constipated as hell).
I found it very helpful.  Good luck to you.  I know you feel like you are dying, but you will make it.  Hang in.
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Hi, I live in Pakistan, where there is a rather unique situation with pain relievers. The equivalent of Tylenol-2 (15 mg of codeine) is available over the counter, but the only thing stronger than that is Tramadol, even with a prescription. Before I became a Muslim, I was addicted to heroine, and then methadone, but that was a long time (40 years) ago. Now I have spinal stenosis and problems with both knees. Can't take enough codiene without destroying my liver from the 500 mg of tylenol in each tablet, so now I take around 500 or 600 mg of tramadol every day. Recently, Ramadan, our month of fasting began, and I found that after around 10 hours without Tramadol, my whole lower body was in agony.
At first I couldn't believe that something which is advertized as 1/10th the strength of Morphine could cause such severe symptoms, when I could go 3 days without the very high dose of methadone I was on and just get hot and cold sweats with mild anxiety and lower back pain, but after reading some of these posts, I believe it now. Unfortunately, Tramadol is the only drug available here that relieves my pain, so it looks like I'm stuck.
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I am so glad I have found a recent thread on this topic.. I'll try to keep my story as short as possible but would really appreciate any advice anyone can offer..
I have severe neuropathy pain due to long term type1 diabetes.. Was on oxy for a year (7 years ago) and went through w/d from that which was hell and lasted months). I have been on tramadol ever since (about 6 yrs and about 300mg a day) and about 6 months ago tapered town to 1 x 50mg tablet every morning to stop the complete withdrawals which when tapering were just as bad as oxy w/ds but didn't last as long.  I believe that since tapering I have been suffering w/ds ever day in the morning which is severe anxiety restless body every day when I wake up (restless body is the only way I can describe it) and depression (also not aided by coming off duloxetine which I am now back on.  Is it possible to be suffering w/ds even though I take a 50mg tab per day at each time?

Anyway I took my last tramadol yesterday morning and today have eaten well and taken 5mg Valium tonight.  I feel anxious and it is now 1.30am and I'm not tired and scared of going to bed as I'd rather stay awake if I going to go through more w/ds.. Has anyone been in a similar situation who can offer advice on what to expect or guidance on what is best to do?

I have been reading about tramadol w/ds and forums all day but have not found many who have been on it the same length of time as me and not sure how much of a difference this makes.
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And I have some quetiapine tabs but am a little scared of them but understand they may help me sleep if I go too long without sleep (on oxy w/ds I didn't sleep ATALL for 6 days
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I have been on trams for the last 4 years. Taking anywhere from 16-20 a day. I started them to get off Vicodin. Bad idea. I tapered off the trams and am on day 6 of not taking any. I sleep at night just fine. During the day, I feel tired. I can eat, the stomach pain is gone. I take a bi polar med, started in July. Depression is always bad with WD. I no longer have the urge to take anything. I haven't felt like that in over 8 years. I got hooked on pain pills after my second child was born. I had C-sections and were given pain pills like they were candy. So four years ago, I started trams to stop taking Vicodin. I wish I was never prescribed tramadol. It's such a bad drug. If you're quitting and feel like it's never  gonna get better, it will! Everyday it'll get better! I see my old self coming back more and more everyday, and I couldn't be happier!
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